A/N: I'm straying away from my strictly anime fanfiction to attempt a Danny Phantom fic. I really enjoyed watching this show on nickelodeon (mostly because Vlad Plasmius is the best villain ever!) and I really wish it wasn't a children's show because it had so much potential and it was so well-written but its intended audience probably doesn't even notice. Vlad/Danny is an awesome pairing to me because of how wrong it is. They are enemies and they are waaaay too far apart in age, but I think this just makes the pairing even hotter.

Warnings for this story include sex, blood and language. It starts off a few years after the events of Phantom Planet. I apologize ahead of time for any mistakes. It's been a while since I've watched the show.

Chapter 1


Clockwork stood before the council of Observers, his patience wearing thin. These fools. They knew of nothing beyond the preservation of self. They were frightened, decrepit animals that couldn't accept that their existence was nothing but a flame that would eventually burn out. The reason they'd called him here could only be that they'd discovered his final secret.

Born with the gift of Sight, Clockwork hailed from a long line of Time Keepers tasked with overseeing the space-time continuum. It was his only purpose in life, if his 'life' could even be called so. 'Life' implied a semi-predictable sequence of events over a given period of time. Clockwork was a being that had already lived a life, and at the same time he had not. He was a child, an adult, and a elderly man all at the same time. All Time Keepers were born this way and all died this way.

"You know why you are here, Clockwork. Upon taking the position of Master of Time, you swore an oath."

"Indeed I have."

"Your transgression is punishable by death! You answer to us! It is your duty to inform us of events that will lead to the end of life as we know it. It is our job to develop a solution."

"Arrogant fools. Time is not a clay to be molded and manipulated by insignificant beings just so your future might be slightly more ideal. The Observers have become corrupt. I will not be subject to your selfish laws any longer."

"Your people were hiding a grave secret from us. You've known all along the exact day that the world would end and you did not inform us."

"Why would I do such a thing? Beings like yourselves have minds that cannot comprehend the end of time. We only thought to spare you the burden of knowing and in turn, eliminate the mass panic and hysteria that follows when creatures are faced with their inevitable doom. Ignorance is indeed bliss."

"Clockwork, it is the unanimous decision of the Observers that you are to be stripped of your title of Master of Time and executed for your crime."

"The time and cause of my death has already been decided. It is something that I've known from the day I came into existence. I know many things, councilmen, and I can tell you right now that my life will not be forfeit to the likes of you."

"You have no means of opposing us, Clockwork. You are a Seer, not a warrior."

"Perhaps, but that does not mean I am incapable of bending one to my will," Clockwork answered, the beginnings of a smile upon his face. He continued in a louder voice, "Please reveal yourself..." and then quieter, "...my friend."

Laughter, contained at first, grew to a frightening decibel, echoing in the large chamber. The Observers would recognize this laugh, it would be among the voices that they feared the most. He finally appeared, floating above their heads with energy rays charged in his palms.

"And I may not be a Seer," he began in a low voice, addressing the hoard of frightened ghosts below that called themselves a 'council', "But I don't have to be to know that your deaths are about to be long and painful."


Sitting alphabetically meant that there were several people seated between him and his friends. The hours sitting in that chair might have been lonely, even sleep-inducing, had not Tucker lent him his PSP for the occasion. Casper High's graduating class was large. Nearly a thousand of his peers were gathered upon the football field, eagerly awaiting their moment to take the stage and be handed a scroll of paper that was more or less the key to their futures.

He'd been forced to come to the mandatory rehearsals, so by the time Fedjulum and Fekely's names had been called, he knew it would soon be his turn. Yet the ceremony just wasn't moving fast enough. The sun was hot for this time of spring and the time spent getting from A to F had caused him to sweat through his long black gown and fan himself with his cap.

Danny Fenton's name finally echoed over the speakers and his school let out wild applause (even though it had been expressly forbidden). It seemed that when you've saved the planet, anonymity was something that could be kissed good-bye.

Danny ascended the steps to the podium, taking the offered diploma from Mr. Lancer.

"I'd had my doubts, Fenton, but you pulled it off in the end. Congratulations."

"Thanks," Danny mumbled in reply, all emotion drained by the long hours in the heat. For a moment, his eyes scanned the massive crowd, lingering for a moment on his parents seats. He was shocked to find himself looking, not at his father's goofy smile or his mother's proud one, but at an all too familiar smirk upon the sleek face of Vlad Masters. Danny scrunched up his face in disgust. He gone more than three years without seeing the man and his presence still sent a chill down his spine.

The millionaire stood, clapping lightly for the achievements of his "Little Badger" before turning and disappearing with a swish of his coattails.

It had been a taunting gesture, meant to goad Danny, making him wonder where his parents had gone and why Vlad was taking their seats. Danny was loathe to return to his chair and sit through the rest of the alphabet. Why not indulge Vlad just this once?

It was easy to call upon his ghost powers and slip away. No one but perhaps Thomas Fekely and Jessica Fuentez would notice his absence. Mr. Lancer continued the reading of names in a robotic voice.

Danny found his arch-nemesis standing alone in the school's trophy hall, admiring the list of Dash's football records. Danny gave away his arrival with a tired sigh. The air conditioning sure felt good on his skin.

"Magnificent sport, football. I suppose you were never one to play, what with your rather...scrawny...build. I was the same. But what I truly love about football, Daniel, is not the beefy goons that lumber about on the field, but the strategy behind the game."

"Figures," Danny said with a yawn, "What did you do with my parents?"

"Me? Dear Boy..." here Vlad chuckled, "Living in the same household as Jack Fenton must have taught you that the man can barely sit through his food being microwaved, much less an entire high school graduation ceremony."

Danny's brow twitched in annoyance but he couldn't exactly argue with that one. Vlad smiled at Danny's silence, "But then if there had been an anonymous tip that there was a ghost haunting the school's cafeteria, neither Jack nor Maddie would stay to watch something so trivial."

"Ugh! What do you want, Vlad?" Danny spat. The older man tisked and wagged a finger.

"You mustn't call me by that name anymore, Daniel. It's Dalv Sretsam now."

"Oooo no one's gonna figure that one out."

"You didn't," Vlad reminded him, "Neither did your mother, or even your sister. The general public is just as stupid." Danny pinkened with rage and embarrassment, remembering the letter from Dalv corp. And the private plane. And the fake convention in Florida.

Looking over the other man again, Danny had to admit the he'd done a good job turning himself into a new person. With all his money and resources, taking up a new identity would have been a piece of cake for Vlad. He'd kept the formal attire, a striking suit hugging his frame nicely, shoes polished to perfection, expensive rings upon his long fingers; but he'd ditched the beard and ponytail. His nose looked like it had been treated with some plastic surgery and he seemed to be missing some of his wrinkles. Danny was unsure if it was intentional or not, but this new Vlad looked much younger, and Danny couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with a new evil plot to seduce his mother. He voiced his suspicions to Vlad. He was answered with a hearty laugh.

"I'm afraid, My dear boy, that there is no going back after that asteroid debacle, though I am glad that you approve of 'Dalv'. He is rather handsome, isn't he?"

"Gross...Handsome is not a word for men over 50." said Danny, though he quite disagreed with himself. Vlad did not look amused.

"Forty six, you little brat." he replied, momentarily dropping his cool. He sighed, "As for my so-called 'evil plotting'? I'm sorry, Daniel, but I really don't have much time to play with you these days. I've become something of a business man and, while it's not nearly as thrilling as politics, it also provides me with less free time for things like...plotting evil." His tone was mocking.

"Don't patronize me. I'm not a kid anymore, Vlad," Danny spat. When Vlad did not immediately respond to his outburst, Danny felt the smallest bit of discomfort creep up.

"No," said the older man slowly, "No...you are not." Again, Danny blushed, now feeling as if he were being judged. "However, Daniel, if continue to see the world in such a black and white way, I have no choice but to treat you as a child."

"Black and white?" began Danny, his temper rising.

"Yes, black and white. Do you really think me an evil man, Daniel? And by contrast, does that make you righteous?"


"Don't fall into the mold, dear boy. Throughout history, it has been those who have called themselves righteous who've destroyed their countries. Only those who have accepted sin, who can embrace the 'evil' within can truly become saviors."

"That doesn't make any sense, Vlad," Danny said, "Just get to the point, would you?"

"...You really are a Fenton sometimes, Daniel."

"Does it bother you?"

"Immensely," finished Vlad, walking away from the trophies until he was mere feet from Danny. It always made Danny uneasy when Vlad got too close. They were bitter enemies in ghost form, and in human form they had a strange sort of 'you are my best friend's son/ you are my dad's creepy friend' relationship. He preferred not to be in range of some of Vlad's more lethal attacks.

"What will you do now?" Vlad asked quietly, making Danny's skin crawl. Danny's heart sped up considerably. Do now? A vague question like that made Danny momentarily wonder if he had walked into some sort of trap. He gulped.

His future. Vlad was asking him about his future. What was he going to do now that he was through with high school. He scolded himself for being so stupid.

"Go to college of course," Danny answered with a snort.

"Really? You haven't applied to a single school. I heard that your girlfriend got into Harvard, no doubt due to those parents of hers. Are you afraid that you won't be accepted?"

"Hell no. Any university on earth would be lucky to have Danny Phantom grace its campus." Danny retorted, crossing his arms. Vlad burst out laughing. At first, Danny was confused. Then he found himself regretting those words. He was ashamed to have said something so...Vladish.

"I daresay I am rubbing off on you! Don't make that face, Daniel. As despicable as I am, I do have a few admirable traits. Confidence-"

"Arrogance," corrected Danny.

"Ambition-" Vlad continued.


"Good people skills-"


"And of course, my dashing good looks," Vlad purred. Danny did not have a ready comeback for this one and had to resort to a sniggering laugh. Vlad only narrowed his eyes, annoyed. Then he sighed.

"Do you have any plans for continuing you education?"

Danny averted his eyes. Why was every single adult in his life asking him that question? He'd thought for sure that Vlad would be the one person who didn't care about something like that.

"I know what it's like, Daniel."

"No you don't." He'd already said too much to Vlad. The creeper was already dropping his voice into that low, sickly sweet tone that he used to talk his way into your head.

"Save the world and nothing can ever go back to the way it was. I understand. I am the only one on earth who can, dear boy. You feel a rift growing between you and them. They aren't like you, after all, you are part ghost. You can't see yourself living a normal life. It all seems so shallow and petty in comparison. You hunger...for something more." Vlad's hand was on his shoulder now and Danny began to wonder how it got there without his knowing.

The old bastard had hit the nail on the head, and what was worse was that he knew it. It worried Danny slightly that Vlad could read him like an open book. He didn't like his emotions being displayed for the world to see. He removed Vlad's fingers from his collar.

"I don't need a therapist, Vladdie. Can't we mix it up a little and you just come out and tell me what you want?"

"Is it so hard to believe that I genuinely care about you? I'm hurt, Daniel," the man said, putting on his false pout. Danny didn't even bother to respond to that one. "Fine," Vlad conceded, dropping all pretenses, "My proposition to you is much the same as my first one. Become my son and you'll want for nothing. If my money cannot persuade you then think of all the things I can still teach you about your other half."

"Forget it, Vlad."

"I know many secrets, Daniel. I have answers that no human or ghost will be able to give you. Answers..." he stepped forward so that he was speaking directly into Danny's ear, "to every burning question that haunts you."

Danny shied away, putting a good amount of distance between him and the older man. Vlad couldn't possibly know, could he?

"Give it up!" Danny growled, "I'm not interested, V-man. And if you want me to change my last name so bad, you'd have better luck marrying me than adopting me. I don't understand why you have to showcase how utterly pathetic you are. Can't you be miserable and lonely on your own time?"

"Does it frighten you, Daniel? Knowing that you will end up just like me?"

Now Danny was irritated. He was through dealing with Vlad and his mind games and he didn't want to hear anymore of what the old fart had to say...be it lies or the ugly truth. The boy turned to leave.

"You can refuse me all you want but it will all be yours someday. Since the day I met you, every single thing I've ever owned has been willed to you, child."

Danny stopped in his tracks, completely caught off guard. Was Vlad really that desperate? Was Danny really all that he had? Just out of curiosity...

"You owned the entire world once. Was that to be mine as well?" Danny asked.

"No one else has ever been worthy." It was said with sincerity, but when Danny turned and looked deep into those eyes...those cold, deceitful eyes...he knew he could not trust a word out of vile man's mouth.

"You're so full of shit," Danny dismissed angrily. How could he even let Vlad tempt him? Why did he come here, knowing Vlad would spoon-feed him a load of bull-shit? He turned away again.

"When you get bored, come and find me. Anywhere- my manor in Wisconsin, my cabin in the Rockies, my apartment in New York...and I'll be waiting most...eagerly," Vlad said in his sultry voice.

"You might be waiting forever."

"I'm a patient man, Little Badger."


As he watched the slaughter, Clockwork could not help but admire the magnificent beast before him. So eerily human, yet possibly the most powerful being in existence. What a contradiction. He'd wondered if he had made the right choice in sparing him from his fate, but it seemed now that his deviation from the expected time line had been well worth it. The council was finished and the bonds holding Clockwork in place had been broken. Sadly, he had no further use for his handsome friend.

The ghost-man stepped over the bodies, making his way slowly back to Clockwork.

"Allow me to thank you, Mr. Phantom, for your aid on this occasion."

"You're most welcome. It's always a pleasure doing business with those who wish death and destruction upon their enemies. Will you be requiring further assistance, or was this the favor that will finally gain me my freedom?" the man asked, a smile playing upon his pale lips.

"Your freedom has been earned, but leaving my care will also bring about your demise. Keep in mind that you are part of an alternate reality," Clockwork warned, "The moment I start your clock once again you will begin to fade away. You see, Mr. Phantom, in reality you do not and will not ever exist." This only caused the man to laugh. His red eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Such little faith! I suppose being all-knowing does that to you. I will exist. I will find a way and once my future is assured, I will rule this dimension as I was once destined to."

Clockwork could only chuckle at the man's stupidity. What he was proposing was nearly impossible without the power to travel through time, but it would certainly make for an interesting show. And if he should succeed...

...well they would cross that bridge when they got there.
