
Danny was flying through town tonight. Not on patrol, not going home, not even going to his thinking spot. He was just flying, slowly through the sky. He thought about the day. Telling his parents that he was sleeping over tuckers house for the week, going to surprise his girlfriend, Sam, when she was at her favorite place in the park, finding her with someone he didn't know, kissing, listening to Sam telling him why they had to break up, and telling tucker about it. He told tucker that he was going out around town and not to wait for him to come back that night. Tucker told his parents so they wouldn't worry when there guest didn't come home.

He had been flying for hours not paying attention to anything. When he got tired, he landed on a rooftop. He sat with his back against a water tower. And thought some more. Then he heard a voice. "Gotchya now ghost boy!" it was Valerie. He didn't move. "Well. Aren't you going to try to escape, ghost." Danny just sat there. "Answer me!" she said, getting angry. She grabbed his collar and lifted him up. He just stayed limp in her arms. "Answer me god damnit!" she screamed. He lifted his head and what she saw actually scared her. His face had a depression to it that could make the happiest man on earth cry, his eyes once bright green were now a green so dull and lifeless that it made him seem dead(er), even his ghostly glow was dulled to the point that he seemed to not glow at all. She was absolutely stupefied by the sheer depression he gave off. "Holy shit, what the hell happened to you?" she asked while still pointing her gun at him.

He slowly and quietly spoke. "The girl that I have been in love with my entire life-" "afterlife" Val interjected. "Yeah afterlife, cheated on me with someone I don't even know and then dumped me when she realized I was there." Val was surprised. "You're dead why would you need to date someone?" she asked thinking that he was lying to her. "You don't know a thing about ghosts do you?" he asked quietly. "Of course I do! I know that all ghosts are evil, and that's all I need to know!" Danny just shook his head. "Not all ghosts are evil. Some are just misunderstood, others are just remnants, some have unfinished business, and others can't or don't want to move on." Val was now interested. "And which are you?" she asked "I guess I'm someone who can't move on, but I can't be sure." "And why not?" Val asked with a confused tone. "Because I only, just, died a few days before the start of the school year." Val was surprised as he explained. "Lab accident, I was helping a friend of mine fix his parents ghost portal, his parents got the idea from the Fentons, but it was plugged in and his parents put the on switch in the middle of the machine. I stumbled, hit the button, managed to utter half a curse, and poof. The worst pain ever experienced by a human ever, and I died, there wasn't even a body to bury." When I came to I was on a rock floating in the ghost zone, a natural portal to earth next to me and I was in this suit. I found my family mourning me and I decided to protect the town. That is when I met her, she was a Goth; she died in a car accident. We fell in love and I protected her from everything. And then … that happened." Val was impressed by his composure as he told her how he died. But that composure was lost almost the instant he finished talking as he burst into tears. She was unsure as to why but she felt that she had to do something to make him feel better. She just hugged him and tried to make him stop crying but he just phased through her and flew away still crying. Val was at a loss for words, so she went home and even when Danny was miles away she felt like she could still hear his hysterical sobs.