Sorry for the hold-up I know I said I wanted to get this story finished but then my laptop caught a virus and when I got it back I completely forgot all about this and went on with others, so sorry again and I've decided this is the last chapter-it jumps a few months on….enjoy and thanks for reading- and to those who stuck with me, really means al lot.

Eight months later

Charlie stood and looked at herself in her official uniform and chuckled she'd only worn it a handful of times she looked weird in it-the hat looked like the ones the airhostess's wore. Smiling at the gurgling noise she turned away from the mirror and walked over to the cot "hey buddy," she cooed and picked up her two month old son. Walking to the mirror again she looked at herself "doesn't mummy look funny," she chuckled.

She glanced in the mirror as the door opened and smiled when Brax walked in "well hello Sergeant," he said and looked her up and down. Closing the door he walked over to her and slipped his arms around her waist, he kissed her neck and pulled her back into him "Heath and the kids are ready," he said and looked down at the baby.

"Yeah I'll just feed Connor then we can go," she replied and stepped away from him.

Brax shook his head "what if he spews on you, you gotta look good up there-I'll feed him," he said and took him from her "you go eat something," he said and walked to the door "you look hot by the way," he said and slipped out of the room.

Charlie shook her head and followed him down the stairs "hey guys," she greeted everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey," they all replied.

"Charlie doesn't Heath look cool?" Maddy asked looking up at her.

"He does sweetie very handsome," she said and poured herself some coffee.

"So we're all still meeting for drinks after this?" Lee asked.

"Yeah….everyone except mum and dad," Ruby replied "then we're going home and you're gonna scrub that apartment like I asked you to two days ago."

Lee groaned and looked over at Casey "hey don't look at me you were warned she was a neat freak before you two got the idea to move in together."

"Like her mum," Brax muttered and smiled when Charlie shot him a glare.

"But you live there too," Lee said.

"And I've done my cleaning I know my girlfriend and that temper of hers," Casey replied and stood up "I'm gonna go pick up Hammer be back soon!" he called on his way out.

Charlie turned to Heath who was being very quiet "you all set for today?" she asked.

"Yeah I think…just a little nervous," he replied and stood up "do I look like a fool?"

Charlie scoffed "look at me," she said waving her hand up and down "you got off lightly."

"Nah mate you look very smart," Brax replied he was proud of his brother, after everything had settled down Heath had gone and enrolled in the academy surprising everyone when he stuck to it "you'll be fine mate," Brax said and clapped him on the back "we're all proud of ya," he smiled and sat beside Charlie while he fed Connor.

"Yeah Heath you've done well- top of your class I heard, don't worry about it this is nothing compared to the academy," Charlie replied hoping to calm his nerves.

"Hello!" Bianca called from the front door.

"In here babe!" Heath called back.

Bianca walked into the kitchen and gasped "oh my," she said and bit her lip looking him up and down.

"I look stupid don't I? Man I wish I could leave this off," Heath moaned and tugged at his jacket.

"No no you look very smart, I like it," Bianca smiled and walked over to him "my baby is about to become a copper," she said and kissed him.

"Yeah and just in time too," Brax said Heath raised an eyebrow he had no clue what he was talking about, Brax rolled his eyes "have you forgotten you're being my best man tomorrow?"

"Oh that no hadn't forgotten…just forgot it was tomorrow," he replied.

Brax smiled over at Charlie "this time tomorrow I'll be at the church waiting for you."

Charlie chuckled "this time tomorrow I'll only be getting up," she shook her head when he frowned seems forgetfulness ran in the family "we're not getting married till one Brax," she giggled

"Aw yeah forgot we'd switched times," he replied and handed Connor to Bianca "I better go grab mum," he said and kissed Charlie quickly.

"And make sure she's not in a skimpy dress like my birthday!" Heath called after him.

Half an hour later they had pulled up at the academy Charlie groaned she hated doing this- good thing it only happened once a year. Each year her and the other sergeants in the bay area would take turns at the graduation ceremonies and this year just happened to be her turn-it didn't matter she was on maternity leave she still had to do it. Climbing out of the car she looked down and smiled as a small hand slipped into hers.

"Are you graduating too Charlie?" Maddy asked.

"No sweetie," she chuckled "I graduated a long time ago today I'm the one that's going to help all the new cops graduate."

"Yeah Mads, she hands them their diplomas," Lee said coming up beside them.

Brax chuckled "I won't be paying attention I'll be too busy staring at my sexy wife to be."

"Uh dad that is gross we're all here and can hear you," Ruby groaned.

Charlie blushed "take your seats and you behave," she said slapping Brax "gotta go…I'll see ya in a bit! Don't worry Heath you'll be just fine!" she called as she hurried over to her inspector.

Brax chuckled again and ushered them all into their seats as Heath and hammer took their seats up front….yes hammer had joined the police force too, he had decided he wanted to make something out of himself and had followed Heath a week later.

Over an hour later Charlie stood at the podium and looked down at the next name she has to call a smile crossed her face and looked over towards the new recruits "Officer Heath Braxton," she called and picked up his diploma.

Heath nervously walked up on stage glancing at Brax as he went who winked at him. He walked over to Charlie and stopped in front of her "congratulations Officer Heath Braxton of Yabbie creek police station," she smiled and held out his diploma.

Heath's eyes went wide "I get to work with you?" he asked he was sure he'd be sent the furthest away.

Charlie nodded "only the best on my team," she smiled and shook his hand. She burst out laughing when Heath gave her a sloppy kiss and lifted her of the ground- and at Brax yelling.

Brax's eyes went wide "Oi!" he yelled "that's my wife!" but he couldn't help but laugh.

Heath let her down "thank you so much Sergeant," he said and took it from her, as he walked by Brax he had to doge a punch that was sent his way "hey, have to get in with the boss," he chuckled and walked back to stand with the others.

Hammer was called next and the Braxton's and co clapped just as hard for him as they did Heath-he too getting to work out of Yabbie creek police station.

After it was finished they all rounded up at the cars "man am I glad that's over," Heath said happily.

"Enjoy your time there without me, in four months' time I'll be showing you what real police work is," Charlie giggled as she settled Connor in his seat.

"Now now Sergeant, start with the threats and I'll make sure Brax can't stand tomorrow never mind make the wedding," Heath chuckled.

"You wouldn't dare," Leah laughed "you know Charlie would kill you."

"Yeah and I would too," Bianca added.

"Yeah I think I would too," Jack chuckled.

"Hey I am standing here you know," Brax scoffed "I can make my own decisions I'll drink if I want to."

Charlie raised an eyebrow "is that so?" she said and closed the back door.

Brax nodded with a smirk on his face he knew she was trying to be serious "you never know, it is my bucks night might get a stripper or two in."

Charlie's eyes went wide "do and you'll be marrying someone else tomorrow," she said and walked to the front of the car.

"Ouch," Brax chuckled when Ruby slapped him on the head "I was kidding," he said and followed Charlie "hey, babe," he said and pulled her back he pinned her to the car and kissed her deeply. Pulling back he stroked her cheek "you know I only got eyes for you," he mumbled and kissed her again "I promise a few beers and bed early sure I'll have the little man and VJ with me anyway."

"He's not old enough to rat you out yet," she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck "I was kidding too-do what you want I don't care-just be there tomorrow."

"Hey we're not parting ways yet I still got a few hours with ya," he said and walked her to her door "and it's just gonna be me and you," he said and walked to his side of the car "Rubes mind your brother and Maddy we'll meet you at Bianca's in a few hours!" he called and climbed in.

Back at the house they walked in after dropped Connor and Maddy over to Bianca's, Charlie picked up the mail and flicked through it "here," she said handing Brax a letter for him while she opened one for her.

Brax opened it and scanned it "at last," he said and sat down.

"What is it?" Charlie asked.

"The legal papers for us to be Maddy's legal guardians," Brax replied reading it properly.

Charlie nodded "do you want to talk to them about this before or after the wedding tomorrow?" she asked.

Brax put it on the counter and walked to her "they already know what's going on and they're happy with it, Lee knows we're gonna look after her and he knows I'll look out for him too," he said slipping his hands onto her waist "now we've finally got this place to ourselves and I know I've been waiting a long time to get you into my bed again."

Charlie gigged and wrapped her arms around his neck "I sleep in your bed every night."

"Yeah but we haven't… you know," he chuckled "since before Connor was born," he said and kissed the side of her mouth "and that is a very- very long time for me to keep my hands off you," he said and trailed kisses along her neck.

Charlie giggled "well Sid did say six weeks and it's been nine," sliding her hand down to his zipper she tugged at it "wanna help me get this off?" she asked and started to walk him backwards towards the stairs.

Brax looked down at her official police uniform "only if you leave the hat on," he said and threw her over his shoulder and ran up the stairs.


Afterwards they both lay breathing heavily on the bedroom floor…the bed being too far away from them "I swear Brax if I have any marks on me you're dead," she giggled and rolled onto his chest.

"Hey you caught me off guard with that move you pulled there you were just asking for me to do it," he chuckled and pulled her into him "I love you," he said and kissed her deeply.

Charlie pulled back and turned her head to look at the clock "you have to go soon," she sighed and lay back on him.

"You know I could sneak over when everyone is asleep," he said pulling her closer.

"No!" she shrieked "Brax I am serious here, do not come over here later the dresses will be all laid out you can't see it," she said tilting her head up to him "I mean in it."

Brax chuckled and kissed her "babe you could turn up in a garbage bag and I'd still think you were beautiful."

Charlie giggled "wait till you see the dress cost me a bomb," she said.

Brax chuckled "cost me a bomb you mean."

Charlie rolled onto her stomach and rested her elbows on his chest "I paid for it myself."

"What?" Brax frowned "I gave you money to buy it."

Charlie nodded "I know you did."

"So why didn't you use it?" he asked.

Charlie smiled sweetly "I put it in the fund for Connor."

"Why?" he asked sitting up "babe that money was for you to buy your dress, Bianca said you had your heart set on it," he sighed.

Charlie sat up "and I got it I just paid for it myself, trust me you've had a lucky escape it was two grand dearer than what I…" she trailed off as his eyes widened "uh never mind," she said and stood up.

"Charlie," Brax said seriously "exactly just how much did you spend on the dress?" he asked and stood up.

"Five," she said quickly as she pulled on clothes.

"Five grand!" he yelled "are you serious!"

Charlie turned to him and bit her lip she knew he'd flip over her spending that much of her own money "yes Brax it's my wedding dress I can pay what I want for it."

"Where did you pull five grand from if you didn't use the three I gave you?" he asked walking to her

"Well since you never let me pay for anything it all built up in my bank," she replied and slipped her arms around his neck "baby please don't get upset about it," she said and looked up at him "it'll be well worth it you'll see."

Brax sighed he didn't want his last few minutes with her arguing "fine but you better look so damn sexy or I'm calling the whole thing off," he shook his head and chuckled "never mind you look that way already," he said and kissed her softly.

Charlie giggled "I may be up for a midnight visit but you're not to come in," she said seriously.

Brax chuckled "I'll throw stones at the window and you can sneak out to me," he said and kissed her again "do you want me to drop you off at Bianca's?" he asked.

Charlie nodded "that way I get to spend a bit more time with you," she smiled and stepped away from him "have you got all your stuff ready?" she asked.

"Yeah Bianca took it in her car this morning, all the suits and that are over at Heath's already."

"And he has the rings?" Charlie asked.

Brax scoffed "no, he won't be getting them until we're standing at the altar."

Charlie giggled "have a little faith Brax," she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Brax chuckled "I don't need faith I know my brother he'll forget them or put them down somewhere….I gave him his chance already, he put them somewhere then couldn't remember, we spent hours tearing the place apart and guess where they were?"

Charlie giggled "in his drawer?" she asked.

Brax shook his head "on the dam window sill," he said and kissed her "we better get moving," he said and stepped back.

A few minutes later Brax had pulled up at Bianca's and both climbed out. "Hello!" Charlie called letting themselves in.

Bianca walked in winding Connor on her shoulder "ah finally managed to drag yourselves away from one another?" she chuckled.

Charlie giggled and walked to her "where's everyone?" she asked taking Connor from her.

"April Rubes Maddy and Darcy are in April's room watching a movie, Jack had to head home for a bit he said he'd meet them at Heath's later. Heath Casey Lee and Hammer are gone to get their drink for later," Bianca replied and walked into the living room.

"Guess I should go give them a hand then," Brax said and walked to Charlie "I'll be back in a bit," he said and kissed her quickly and dropped a kiss on Connor's forehead "love ya! Bye Bianca!" he called on his way out the door.

"Do you need me to help you clean up here?" Charlie asked looking at the bottles and glasses around.

"Yeah I suppose, I think April and Ruby are enjoying that movie more than Maddy and Darcy," Bianca chuckled "I asked them a half hour ago to clean it up while I fed him," she replied and walked into the kitchen with a handful of bottles.

"Where are Leah and Cheryl?" Charlie asked placing Connor in his buggy and grabbing a few glasses.

"Leah went home to get VJ sorted for the night she'll meet us at your place after she drops him off with the boys. Cheryl asked them to drop her off on the way she wanted to get her stuff for your house and what she's wearing to the wedding."

Charlie chuckled "please sleep in with me tonight," she groaned "last time Cheryl stayed was when Brax had to go to a meeting in the city, I was due Connor that day he didn't want me alone- man that woman can talk, it was nearly five in the morning when she stopped…I'd rather Heath beside me," she giggled.

"Trust me he's as bad," Bianca giggled "so are ya nervous?" she asked.

Charlie thought for a moment "no, I'm not," she smiled "I can't wait to marry him," she said and picked up the towel "this is it," she smiled again and began to dry a glass "tomorrow is gonna be the happiest day of my life."

"Aww," Bianca smiled "I'm glad things worked out for ya Charlz at the start we were all worried about what he wanted from you and now look we all love him-and the other's," she giggled.

Charlie smiled "I hope you and Heath are taking notes?"

Bianca scoffed "please we've only been together five minutes."

Charlie giggled "when you know you know it doesn't matter how long or not so long you've been together, I see the way he looks at you."

"What like he wants to jump me?" Bianca giggled.

"No," Charlie giggled "it's the way Brax looks at me he's totally in love with you.""

Bianca looked over at her "keep a secret?" Charlie nodded "I think I'm in love with him."

Charlie darted her eyes behind Bianca as Heath passed the window "we'll talk later," she said and picked up another glass.

By now it was night time and Charlie and the other girls had arrived back at her house while Brax and the boys went to Heath's house. Charlie walked into her room and smiled at the dresses hanging on her wardrobe door "thanks Leah!" she called and ran her fingers over the plastic containing her dress- it was perfect. Smiling again she walked in to join the other girls and sat down beside Cheryl.

"You all set for tomorrow love?" she asked.

Charlie nodded "I am so excited I really can't wait for it to be morning," she said happily.

"So why don't you take a glass of wine have a hot bath and have an early night," Bianca suggested.

"You know what," Charlie said and stood up "I might just do that," she said and walked to the kitchen. Grabbing the bottle she walked back to them "but I might take the bottle with me," she giggled "there's another one in the fridge!" she called as she took the stairs.

As she got to the top she passed Ruby's room and saw her trying on her dress "you look beautiful baby," she smiled.

Ruby smiled back "nothing compared to what you'll look like," she said and looked at herself in the mirror.

Charlie sat on her bed "you don't mind that I asked Jack to walk me down the aisle?"

Ruby smiled and sat beside her "no mum I'm glad you and Uncle Jack have made up, I'm glad he's gonna be there."

Charlie sighed happily "so I'm getting married."

Ruby nodded "my mummy is getting married," she giggled and wrapped her arm around Charlie "you nervous?"

Charlie smiled again "no I'm too excited…but I'll be a bag of nerves in the morning," she giggled.

Ruby giggled and nodded to the bottle "don't drink all of that by yourself," she said and stood up again "better get this dress back into the plastic before the maid of honour has a meltdown."

Charlie chuckled and stood up "I won't I'm going for a bath, I'll see ya in a bit," she said and walked out of the room.

As she passed Maddy's room she smiled at April trying to get her and Darcy to stand still while she closed their dresses-Maddy had been chosen to be flower girl alongside Darcy. Smiling again she walked on to the bathroom and closed the door with a happy sigh.


Over at Brax's he sat on the back step with a beer and Connor in his seat beside him "so this is it little man," he said and stroked his cheek "tomorrow your mummy is mine for the rest of her life," he chuckled. Sighing happily he looked out across the garden and thought back to all they'd been through, he still couldn't believe they'd come this far and made it out on top. After his dad had taken Ruby Charlie backed off a bit-kept he distance from the lot of them, he was sure he was gonna lose her. After they talked about what had happened-got everything out they slowly got back on track and finally arranged their wedding.

Brax stood up and chuckled as he thought about Charlie's words to him before he left that night 'I love you dummy nothing in this world will keep me from you, you should have known that' he chuckled again and went inside. Walking to the living room he placed Connor down in front of Heath and Hammer "where are Case Lee and VJ?" he asked.

"In Case's room watching a movie," Heath replied without taking his eyes off the tv

"And Jack? Brax asked.

"Called, he'll be here soon," Hammer answered.

"Right," Brax nodded "I'm gonna go get a shower keep an eye on him," he said walking towards the bathroom.

As he walked he heard VJ asking Casey a question, he stopped and listened.

"Case?" VJ asked "mum and Bianca gave out to Charlie when she started seeing Brax…what's so different now?"

Casey chuckled "because Brax used to be a troublemaker he only did it to get Charlie's attention, but that's all behind him now and they're in love mate they belong together."

VJ nodded "I always thought Brax was cool I asked mum why she was going mad and she said Charlie was gonna get hurt and she didn't want to see that happen."

"Nah mate, Brax wouldn't hurt her and he'd sure as hell kill anyone that did," Lee chuckled.

Brax sighed and walked on Leah was right he did hurt her he did use her but that was before he fell in love with her. And Lee was right anyone hurt her and he'd sure as hell make sure they never saw the light of day again. Closing the bathroom door he smiled to himself he couldn't wait to see her later.

Over at Charlie's she Bianca and Leah were laying in her bed watching a movie Maddy Darcy Ruby and April had fallen asleep and so had Cheryl. She looked over at Leah and Bianca and saw they had fallen asleep, gently pulling back the covers she slid out and picked up her hoodie, as she pulled it over her head she heard a tap on her window. Frowning she walked to it and jumped when something hit it again, pulling back the blind a smile crossed her face at Brax standing looking back up. Opening the window she stuck her head out "what are you doing?" she whispered loudly.

Brax chuckled "couldn't wait any longer, come down," he said and walked to the side of the house.

Charlie bit her lip to hold back a giggle she closed the window and hurried across the room. Hurrying down the stairs she pulled the back door open and closed it behind her. Walking to the side of the house she giggled as she was pulled back.

"Hey baby," Brax chuckled and kissed her quickly.

Charlie leaned back into him "you know you're lucky the others fell asleep early."

"So why isn't the bride asleep?" Brax asked turning her to face him.

Charlie slid her arms up his chest "can't sleep without my guy beside me I've gotten used to him."

Brax chuckled "me too I need to be holding you, we can sleep in the car if you want and sneak in early," he suggested.

Charlie laughed "no way the last time we did that my back was killing me and you couldn't move your neck. We have a long busy day ahead of us we need to be ready for it."

"So a quickie is out of the question?" Brax chuckled "I'm kidding babe," he added and kissed her deeply.

Charlie deepened the kiss and pulled him closer, she groaned as he pulled back "I hate nights away from you," she pouted.

Brax kissed her quickly "a few more hours babe then you won't be away from me again."

Charlie leaned into him "how's Connor and VJ getting on?"

"Yeah good they were asleep before I snuck out."

"Where was everyone else?" she asked.

"Casey and Lee were on the computer and the others were watching a game so I wasn't noticed slipping out."

"So you think," came a voice behind them.

"Shit," Brax groaned and turned to face his brother "get lost Heath," he said.

"No can do mate best man means keeping an eye on the groom and to make sure he doesn't come near his bride, so I'm sorry bro in the car or Buckton is gonna lend me her cuffs," Heath chuckled.

Charlie giggled "use your own-oh that's right, you haven't got them yet," she smirked and leaned up to kiss Brax "you should go," she said and stepped back.

Brax pulled her back and kissed her deeply letting her go he sighed heavily "I'll see you in the morning, love ya," he said and kissed her again.

"Night guys and I love you too!" she called watching them walk away.

"Love you too Buckton!" Heath chuckled "ow!" he hissed when Brax slapped him.

Charlie giggled as his reply "that's for turning up at all, geez you never notice what I'm doing and now you suddenly start," he huffed and climbed into the car.

Charlie giggled again and slipped in the back door-jumping at the voice behind her "and where have you been?" Bianca asked with a smirk.

"Oh I thought I heard someone at my car," she lied and walked by her.

Bianca scoffed "I heard Brax before you even left the room," she said and followed her.

Charlie turned back to her "fine, we wanted to see each other…why didn't you follow me then?"

Bianca shrugged "I knew he would turn up and I already said I wouldn't stop you-but if you tried to move off the drive I would have been chasing you with a rolling pin," she giggled and followed her into the bedroom.

They sat on the floor "can you believe that I'm actually marrying him?" Charlie asked.

"Yes I can, I know we gave you hard time when you first told us about him but he's changed-he changed for you and every time I saw him I could see the change in him, he's so in love with you Charlie," she smiled and squeezed her hand.

"You guys have come so far you took everything that was thrown at you and still came out of it together," Leah said joining them on the floor.

"We almost didn't," Charlie replied and looked down "after his dad took Ruby and what had happened before that-what he said to me I wasn't sure. When we got home we had Maddy and Lee so I left him to it," she sighed and stood up "I was gonna end it I was gonna walk away from him."

"We know you couldn't do that," Bianca said softly they had been there for all that they knew she was lost and didn't know what to do.

"Yeah you love him Charlie and you guys worked through it and now you're getting your happy ending," Leah added.

"I know," she nodded "but I can't help wonder what would have happened if I had walked away from him."

"Nothing because he wouldn't rest until he got you back…he loves you so much Charlie he'd never just let you walk away," Bianca said.

"Yeah he did kill a guy for you…not that that's a good thing," Leah said quickly.

Charlie smiled, over two years ago when no one knew about them Hammer's older brother worked it out and had kidnapped her and called Brax to meet him. When he turned up Hammer's brother was planning to kill them both and tied Brax up, but as soon as the gun went Charlie's way Brax exploded-broke the ties and all, getting his own gun he shot him just as he pulled the trigger at her. She turned back to them "nothing says I love you more than saving your life," she said and climbed into the bed "come on you two we have a busy day tomorrow," she giggled and lay down.

"Now she wants to sleep," Bianca scoffed as she pulled herself up.

"She's gonna be up at the crack of dawn," Leah groaned and climbed in beside them.

Charlie giggled and snuggled into the covers "I promise not to wake you before nine."


Over at Brax he had just climbed into his bed for the night, he had just checked on Connor when the door opened and Heath walked in and sat on the end of his bed "you ready for this mate?" he asked.

Brax nodded "I am- she's the one, I knew that the minute I met her."

Heath chuckled "glad it all worked out for ya mate, I know I wasn't the easiest when it came to you two but I see how much you love her so I'm happy for you."

Brax chuckled "thanks that means a lot," he said and lay back "and maybe the next wedding will be yours," he said looking over at him.

Heath chuckled "I think we got a few years before that happens," he said and lay across the bottom of the bed "Brax," he said slowly "how long exactly were you two together before anyone knew?"

Brax looked up at the ceiling and smiled "over two years but I'm pretty sure people knew and just weren't saying anything."

"Wow," Heath said wide eyes "that long?" Brax nodded "maybe I am dumb," he chuckled "I never would have guessed-until I walked in on you two kissing I had no idea."

Brax sat up "really?" he asked "you had no clue you never thought anything at all?"

Heath shrugged "I knew you had a woman but never in a million years would I ever have guessed it was Charlie," he chuckled.

"So you knew I was seeing someone?"

Heath nodded "you'd go missing for hours at a time then when you did come home you'd go around with that stupid dopey grin on your face."

Brax chuckled thinking about all their secret hook ups "yeah that's when we were starting to get serious."

"How did you do it- how did you see her day after day without being able to kiss her or whatever?" Heath asked amazed they kept it secret so long.

Brax chuckled "she'd get pulled into my office if she came in, we'd meet there after close sometimes too or hook ups when no one was home. I don't know how we did it but we did-we made time for each other-even had a few nights just sitting in Angelo's while it was open-but it did kill me not to touch her," he chuckled "she made every excuse to come see me and I did the same, if Leah or Ruby was there I would pretend I was looking for Casey or I needed to speak to Charlie about something."

"And they didn't twig it- was Casey ever there when you turned up?"

Brax chuckled "yeah once or twice and the only thing I could think of was I needed him for a shift, and yes Leah and Ruby knew."

Heath chuckled and stood up "you going to bed?" Brax asked.

"Nah mate what you just told me is bonus material I'm going to change my speech," he chuckled "night," he said and slipped out of the room.

"And keep it clean!" Brax called after him chuckling he pulled down the covers and rolled under them, closing his eyes he let out a happy sigh this time tomorrow it'll be all over and Charlie will be his wife.

The next morning Charlie yawned and opened her eyes rolling like she did every morning to face Brax she almost jumped out of the bed when she was faced with Leah. Remembering what day it was she practically jumped over them and out the bedroom door, running down the stairs she stopped "what am I doing?" she laughed, sitting on the stairs she bit her lip as the excitement bubbled.

"You know Charlz you're like a kid waiting for mum and dad to wake up so they can open their presents," Bianca said and sat beside her.

"Sorry," she giggled "it's just it's here, it's today, I'm getting married today, I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" she yelled all over the house.

"Yes we know mum, but some of us are not so will you pipe down please it's only seven!" Ruby called from her room.

"Sorry," Charlie giggled and stood up "coffee?" she asked as Bianca followed her.

"Sure," she replied and sat at the bench she couldn't help smile at the permanent smile that was on Charlie's face, she was happy her best friend had finally something to smile about. She watched her until she sat beside her "how about breakfast at the diner when everyone wakes up?" she asked.

"Oh no I couldn't eat a thing I'm too excited," Charlie squealed.

"Tough," Leah yawned "you're eating we can't have you passing out on us," she said as she got herself some coffee.

"Fine I think I could manage a pancake," she giggled an stood up "we'll just go Ruby and April won't want to get up yet and pretty sure Maddy and Darcy will follow their lead," she said and walked out of the kitchen to get dressed.

"Since when did you want a pancake?" Bianca called after her.

"Since I'm afraid I'll puke on Brax at my wedding!" she called back.

As Charlie walked to her room she stopped when Ruby's bedroom door opened "did hear pancakes?" she asked.

Charlie giggled "yes you did get dressed if you're coming."

"I miss living here," Ruby giggled and closed her door again.

Charlie chuckled and walked into her own room sitting on her bed she looked around and thought back to the day Brax had brought her to this house. She remembered her face when he told her she'd bought it and only she him Maddy and the baby were going to be living here. After questioning him she'd learned he'd given Ruby Casey and Leah money for their apartment just so they could be alone without a bunch of teenagers walking in and out all day-his words. She giggled and stood up, how her life had changed, she'd still made them choose rooms and did them up for them for when they stayed-they'd always have a place here, sighing happily she went to get dressed.


Over at Brax's he sat up and yawned turning to the travel cot beside the bed he leaned over and looked down on his son wide awake "hey buddy," he said and lifted him out "you were the best boy last night weren't you?" he said and placed him on the bed. He looked up when the door opened and Lee walked in "what?" he asked.

"I want my nephew," Lee said and picked up Connor "Heath and Casey want you outside."

"Where's VJ and Jack?" he asked.

"Jack took him for a surf with Hammer before we have to start getting ready," Lee replied as he walked to the door with Connor.

Brax frowned "it's only after eight now we've loads of time."

"Yeah but we have a few things to do!" Lee called on his way out.

Brax lay back what did he mean by that? Shrugging he rolled out of his bed and pulled on jeans and a shirt.

Walking to the living room he dropped down beside his brother "what do you want me for?" he asked.

Heath stood up and slapped him on the back "last family surf as a single man come on mate," he said and walked into the kitchen.

Brax turned to look after him "pretty sure I haven't been single for about three years now!" he called after him.

Casey slapped him "you know what he meant, come on, Lee is gonna dress and feed Connor and come to watch us," he said and followed Heath out back.

Brax sighed and pulled himself up he was itching to get to that church-double itching to see Charlie, grabbing his keys he followed his brothers and grabbed his board.


As Charlie and the other walked to the diner she stopped and looked out at the water, smiling she moved closer to the fence.

"What are you looking at Charlz?" Bianca called as Maddy pulled her along.

"My husband," she smiled watching him out on the water with the boys-Lee sat on shore with Connor on his lap.

"Well you're not allowed see him and he's not allowed see you so move it missy," Ruby giggled as she and April took either side of her and dragged her inside.

After breakfast they came out of the diner Bianca and Cheryl pushing Charlie back in as the boys approached "hey boys," Cheryl said loudly so all the girls would keep Charlie hidden from Brax.

Brax smiled as he saw Leah pull Charlie behind her as they all chatted, he walked around to the other door. Sticking his head in he chuckled as Charlie walked towards him looking back to see if anyone was watching her. Reaching his arm out he pulled her out "hey baby," he said and kissed her.

"Hey," she giggled and wrapped her arms around him "we only have a few seconds before the cop we're gone."

Brax nodded "just wanted to see my baby," he said and kissed her "love ya see ya at the church," he said and kissed her a few times before he went back the other way.

"Love ya too!" she called after him and walked back in to see no one had notice "hey can we go I am getting married in a few hours," she said from behind them.

"You boys get Brax away from here so we can sneak her out," Cheryl said ushering them away.

"It's not mission impossible mum," Heath chuckled "it's a wedding but," he added as both Bianca and his mum shot him the death glare "we'll walk around the other door."

"You know mum I can see Charlie from here," Brax chuckled as all the girls scattered to hide her "just kidding, but great job guys I know who to call if I ever need bodyguards in Angelo's," he chuckled and walked off.

Charlie stood looking at herself in the mirror she blew out a shaky breath all the nerves she should have had yesterday had now joined the bag of nerves that was already in her stomach. She didn't even move as the door opened and closed again.

"Oh my god mum!" Ruby shrieked and threw her hand over her mouth "you look so beautiful," she sniffed and walked to her "Brax is gonna die," she giggled.

Charlie turned to Ruby "you look beautiful too sweetie, is Maddy and the others ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," she nodded "I just came to give you this," she said and held out a box "uh uncle Jack gave it to me yesterday…it was your mum's," she said holding it out.

Charlie opened the box and her eyes filled with tears "dad gave that to her for her birthday the year she died," she said fingering the white pearl necklace.

"Jack wanted you to wear it," Ruby said softly and placed the box on the dresser "he's here by the way," she said and backed out of the room "car will be here in half an hour," she said and slipped out of the room.


Over at Brax's he held Connor in his arms and looked at them both in the mirror "looking sharp buddy," he chuckled looking at him in his little tux. He looked back as the door opened and Casey walked in "you scrub up well," he said looking at Casey in his tux.

"You too, I don't think I've ever seen you wear something that covered your whole arm," Casey said and stopped beside them.

Brax chuckled "I know I'm dying to take it off already."

"Car is here!" Heath yelled in.

"You ready?" Casey asked.

Brax smiled looking at himself in the mirror "never been more ready in my life," he said

Casey smiled too "let's go get you married," he said and walked to the door.


"Mum car is here!" Ruby yelled up the stairs.

All the girls gathered at the end of the stairs as Charlie appeared at the top she blushed as they all gasped "okay you can all stop staring now," she giggled as she started to come down.

"You look beautiful love," Cheryl smiled "I better get moving gotta make it to the church before you!" she called on her way out.

"Charlie you look amazing," Leah said looking her up and down.

"Yeah wouldn't even recognize you," April said.

"Oh Charlie," Bianca sniffed "you're the hottest bride I have ever seen," she said and hugged her.

"Charlie you look very pretty," Maddy said.

"Like a princess," Darcy giggled.

"Thank you girls so do you," Charlie said twirling them around.

"We better head soon or…wow," Jack said from the doorway.

"And that's our que," Bianca giggled and ushered Darcy and Maddy out to the car while Leah April and Ruby followed.

Jack walked over to Charlie and looked her up and down "I am speechless," he smiled "you look absolutely stunning Charlie."

Charlie smiled and slipped her arm into his "glad you're here today…now let's go get me married," she giggled and pulled him towards the door.


Brax stood at the alter his nerves were eating at him he turned and smiled at Heath beside him he too scrubbed up well, moving onto Casey his smile widened he was looking around trying not to show he was bored, moving onto Hammer and Lee he smiled at how things had turned out. His head moved to the door as the music started and the doors opened.

His smile widened as Ruby nudged Maddy and Darcy to go, he watched his sister and niece make their way to them before his mum took them to their seats, then VJ followed with the rings and sat beside the girls. He looked back as his daughter started her walk down the aisle, when she got to him he winked at her and mouthed 'beautiful' before looking back to the door.

Leah made her way down next, followed by April then finally Bianca. As white appeared Brax's breath hitched she was so beautiful, as she walked he could not take his eyes off her he didn't even blink when Jack stopped in front of him and shook his hand before placing Charlie's into his.

Lacing his fingers with hers he pulled her closer to him "you look absolutely gorgeous babe," he said.

Charlie smiled "you too…is it wrong that I wanna rip that tux off you?"

Brax chuckled "nah I was thinking the same thing," he said as they turned to face Elijah.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr and Mrs Daryl Braxton!" Elijah yelled as they kissed.

Charlie giggled and pulled back "so was my dress worth the money?"

"Oh yes," Brax chuckled and pulled her back to him.

"Oi," Heath chuckled and slapped him "one kiss mate one."

Brax chuckled "let's get outta here, this place is kinda creeping me out."

Charlie giggled and started to walk with him-walking out to her new life.


After the meal and speeches were out of the way Brax went looking for Charlie who had slipped away unnoticed. Finding her outside looking up at the sky he slipped his arms around her and pulled her back to him "what are you doing out here babe?" he asked.

Charlie leaned into him "just having a bit of breathing space," she replied. Sliding her hand onto his she looked down at his ring "does it feel weird?" she asked.

Brax kissed her shoulder "no coz when I look at it all I see is how lucky I am to have you, you're my wife now and I am the happiest I have ever been and that is all down to you."

Charlie turned in his arms and slid her hands up his chest "I'm pretty happy too," she smiled you're mine forever," she said and leaned up to kiss him "best day of my life," she said and kissed him again.

"Wasn't that when you met me?" he chuckled.

Charlie giggled "no but that's up there along with having our son, moving in together, getting to wake up with you every morning, seeing the kids happy, seeing Heath and Bianca get together at last."

Brax chuckled and kissed her again "I love you Mrs Braxton," he said and pulled her closer "and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life showing you just how much."

Charlie leaned up again and kissed him softly "you don't have to prove it to me coz I think I love you just as much you love me-more if that's possible."

"Nu-uh," Brax said shaking his head "I love you more, I'd move heaven and earth for you."

"Hey you love me…that's enough," she said and hugged him tight-this was her life now-he was her life now and she couldn't wait to share it all with him.

Pulling back she looked up at him "we better get back in there or they'll think we snuck off to- well, you know," she giggled.

Brax chuckled "we could do that," he said and started to walk her backwards "they're all wasted they won't notice," he said and started to kiss her neck "I hear weddings sex is the best," he mumbled against her.

"Oh really?" Charlie giggled "so that's why you married me?"

Brax pulled back and nodded "that and you're so hot, sexy, beautiful, irresistible, cute, funny, caring…and I just plain love you with all my heart, I couldn't live without you," he said seriously.

Charlie smiled "well I only married you coz you're an amazing kisser and even better in bed," she said and pulled him to her kissing him hard.

Brax chuckled into the kiss and started to lead her towards the lift that would bring them to the honeymoon suite.

"Oh and I love you too," she giggled as he pushed her into the lift.

A/N Sorry if it all seemed a bit rushed and jumped back and forth I just wanted to get this story finished.