UPDATE! Year 1 is currently being edited and one chapter has been posted. The first is Pranks, Letters and History which is currently labeled as chapter 9. It isn't, it is the new chapter 1. We encourage that you don't read this and read the new first chapter instead because it is a lot better. We will be adding the new updated chapters every other week so we hope you just read the new first chapter, follow us for updates on this story and wait till we post more of the new chapters. You can read this, we won't stop you but it's not as good. A reminder that the new chapter one does not match of with the old chapter two which means you can't read the new one then read the old. Yet again we won't stop you if you want to do that but it won't make sense. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hello readers! Thanks for choosing to read our first story Hogwarts School Years: Year 1! Please don't mind the title...we couldn't think of anything LOL. This story is written by 4 co-authoress! We are michi-pandax3, AquamarineCloverx3, angel-knightx3, SweetCupcakex3 We all share this account to upload this story for other's and our's enjoyment.

This is our first story so please go easy on us! We welcome all comments. We will also take flames as a way to improve our writing. Anyways this story is based on our dreams. Since we thought it was entertaining enough to share it with other people, we decided to post it on here. So the main characters aren't the Golden Trio or their children...sorry...even though they may have an appearance ;). BUT some of the characters from the original story is here, like Professor McGonagall.

Hope you enjoy the story! And please subscribe and comment!:D

Warning! OCs


Jennifer's POV

I wake up to the sound of my ever so annoying alarm clock one day. I reach my arm sleepily over to hit the snooze button when I was attacked by a feathered monster. No wait. That was my dream, not the feather part though. I look over to see a brown owl resting on my alarm clock. The window was completely shattered. I jump out of my bed so high, I almost hit the ceiling. I look at the time. 8:15. AHHH! I'm going to be late. I scramble to get ready. Then a nail was drilled into my head, no I mean a beak, I think. The owl on my alarm clock was sitting on the top of my head now killing all my brain cells. It wouldn't leave me alone. I stopped going and it jumped on the table with it leg out. It had a letter in its claws. I took the letter and it read:



Dear Ms Jennifer Wu,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I flip to the next page that was also enclosed in the letter.



First-year students will require:

Three sets of plain work robes (black)

One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



I blinked owlishly. Hogwarts...? Was this sent by my evil cousin Michael? I'm so sick and tired with taking how he treats me. I was just about to crumple it up and throw it out the shattered window when suddenly with a crack this lady popped out of nowhere. Am I dreaming? I rubbed my eyes. Nope, she's still there...I pinched myself and still saw that old lady in the middle of my room.

"Hello, you must be Jennifer. My name is Professor Moore. There's no need to be afraid. I will not harm you. I'm here to explain," the old lady said with an amused smile.

Wow...Michael is really trying to get me this time I thought.

"Tell Michael that I'm not falling for one of his dirty tricks and just give up. I'm not that gullible. There's no such thing as witches and wizards. That's insane. Tell him he's losing his touch."

"This is no joke . Witches and wizards are real. There's a magical world hidden beneath your eyes." The old lady said with sympathy. Does she think I'm insane or just pitiful just because I'm denying a fairytale like a witch is not real?

"Yeah, right. I doubt it. If there's such thing as magic. Prove it."

Then the old lady pointed at the glass shard on the floor with this long brown stick. She did this funny movement and said, "Reparo". All the glass pieces flew up and stuck itself back in the window. I stood there with my mouth open. What just happened? I pinched myself again. Still awake. What's wrong with me? I think I am going insane...

"As you can see Ms. Wu, this is no joke. You're not going insane my dear. Magic is real and you are a witch. You're not a pure-blood, seeing that you're living in the muggle world. These days pure-bloods are rare. It is kind of sad really. It is one of the reasons why most pure-bloods really dislike half-bloods, Muggle-borns or Squibs. According to the magic quill, you're a Muggle-born, a witch or wizard that has muggle blood fully running through their veins."

I thought. Muggle-born? Pure-bloods? Squibs? Magic Quill? Aren't quills like 200 years old? Even stranger, half-bloods? Is she from a mental institution? But then the window...How could that just be a joke. I sighed. My head is hurting from all this stuff. The old lady chuckled. She once again had an amused look on her face.

"Maybe I should take you to Diagon Alley, and on the way there, I will explain everything that you need to know," the old lady said with a smile that reminded me of a mom's smile. What's Diagon Alley, I thought. As if she read my mind, she said, "Diagon Alley is basically a shopping district for all witches and wizards. Now let's go shall we, Ms. Wu?"

"Ok, but first let me change out of my pajamas."

Tamara's POV

I was sitting there on the dining table eating breakfast when a brown owl flies in and lands on my head sinking its beak into my head. OWW! I covered my head in pain. I glared at the stupid owl. It was staring back at me with an innocent look, tilting its head. Then I noticed at the claws, there was a letter. My eyes widened in surprise. I take the letter gently from the owl.


They both came rushing down. They saw the letter in my hand and told me to open it. It said that I got accepted for Hogwarts. Yay! It's finally here. I've been waiting for this, since I was first told that I'm a witch. My mom is completely human, in other words, she's a Muggle. A Muggle is a person that has no magic whatsoever. But my dad is a pure-blood wizard. A pure-blood wizard or witch is someone who is completely a wizard/witch and their ancestors are pure-blood. The child of a Muggle-born witch/wizard and pure-blood witch/wizard would be called a half-blood. That is exactly what I am. Half muggle and half witch/wizard. My parents smiled at me proudly, after reading the letter.

"Well, I guess it's time for a trip to Diagon Alley" my dad says.

Natalie's POV

I was just sitting there on my bed playing Tiny Tower on my iPod touch when a Long-eared Owl landed on the table in front of me. I know a lot about birds. My dad is a photographer. He takes pictures of birds all the time. I would say almost in any weather. I've went along with him many times before. I'm in charge of posting them online so I learn all the names. The scientific name is Asio otus. It reminds me of the spell accio I read in the Standard Book of Spells so I remember it. I noticed there was a letter in its claws. I took the letter from its leg It said I had been accepted to Hogwarts. I ran to my parents and told them. They said they would take be to Diagon Alley later. Finally! I have been waiting for a while. I even have one of the books on the list already.

So while I waited I picked up Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. He's a Muggle but he has such a good imagination. I sometimes wish I was in the book. It would be so cool to be a demigod. Sometimes I do wonder if it's real. I continue reading. Soon I finish it. This is so similar to the wizarding world. There was this big war, there was a school /camp, even the descriptions match the two main heros. Messy black hair and green eyes. You can't tell who I could be describing even if you have heard of these people.

I hear a light knock on my door, I look up to see my Mom. Time to go to Diagon Alley.

Michelle's POV

I sighed as I put down my pumpkin juice on my desk in the manor library. Ever since we had breakfast, my sisters have been going on nonstop about Hogwarts. At breakfast, my parents told my sisters and I, that today is around the time we get the invitation to Hogwarts. But they're being TOO peppy and hyper about it. Of course I was interested. Learning more about our culture and etc.

There is a couple of things that I am totally not looking forward to. One, my sisters will embarrass themselves in public and people will think I'm them. This is one of the disadvantages of being a identical triplet. Two, there's going to be a lot of homework to do. Three, there's bound to be annoying people too.

"Oh yeah Melanie, what house do you want to be?" the youngest, Milly, asked.

"Oh, Milly you should know. I want to be in Gryffindor of course," the oldest out of the three of us, Melanie answered happily. She said that when I was drinking my pumpkin juice. I spitted out the pumpkin juice..My jaw dropped. GRYFFINDOR! They said they would come to Slytherin with me...those ditchers...I swear, I heard them say they don't want to go to Gryffindor for the life of them.

"I thought you guys wanted to go to Slytherin with me," I said with a disappointed look on my face.

"Well...we changed our minds," both of them said at the same time. I glared at them. Out of the three of us, I'm always the odd one out. I don't understand why they always stick together and leave me out of the loop most of the time. Since my sisters like to be their girly selves together, and I can't do anything to stop it. So, since I don't want to bother them, I would be alone playing by myself or with the house elves.

"Miss, we have letters addressed to all of you," Ellie said. Ellie is one of the house elves we have at our manor. My sisters jumped out of their seats and basically charged for poor Ellie. They snatched the letters out of the elf's hands, ripping open the envelope. I walked over to get my invite. When my sisters opened their letters and squealed.

"EEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" My sisters were jumping up and down with joy. I rolled my eyes and began to open my letter. After I read my letter, my parents came home. Both of my sisters rushed to them and I quietly followed. They kept on rambling about how awesome Hogwarts is gonna be while my parents were looking at them with an amused look on their face.

My dad silenced them with a look. He smiled along with my mom. Then he said, "Let's go to Diagon Alley, shall we?"

Jennifer's POV

After I've changed, the old lady, told me to grasp her arm(?). I look over at her hesitantly, and grip her arm. Then I hear a snap. What I felt next was fun but nauseating. It felt like I was on a messed up roller coaster, that kept on turning and twisting. I hit solid ground, I shake the dizziness out of my head. Man, what just happened? Oh god, I'm gonna hurl...right on the old lady's shiny stilettos. After I finished puking, I looked at the old lady. She had a look of pure disgust on her face.

Who wouldn't after someone puked on their shoes...with a wave of her wand, she cleans up her shoes. I nervously chuckled and said timidly, "uhh...I'm sorry for puking on your shoes Ms...?" She answered, "It's Professor Moore, my dear." Professor Moore looked exasperated. I take the time to scan my surroundings, everyone was wearing long robes, mainly black. It looks like we're in a bar. I looked around and then I saw the sign "The Leaky Cauldron". Professor Moore indicates me to follow her and I did. We weave through the crowd and sat on a empty table spot. She ordered the barkeeper Tom for one pumpkin juice and one butter beer. I dazed off a little, thinking about how my life would be now since I just found that I'm a kind of person, I thought that didn't exist.

"What would you like to know, Ms. Wu," Professor Moore asked me. I thought for a bit.

"How do you know that I'm a witch?"

"The reason is, that at Hogwarts, we have this tool called the Magical Quill. Each and every time a magical child is born, it will write down the name of the child in a large book of parchment. Then when you turn old enough to go to the school, it will tell us who we should send the invitations to. The person who is in charge of it, is Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts. Her name is signed in your letter."

I nodded in understanding. After that I asked her a few questions like what is a Muggle, and a Squib. She told me about the different blood statuses of wizards and some of the circumstances of the blood statuses. Then I asked her how does Hogwarts work. I was pretty much killing her with my curiosity about the world I never knew I was part of.

"At Hogwarts, you're expected to attend the school for 7 years. It's quite short compared to Muggle schools, if I am not mistaken. You take different courses and the way we mark are different from what you're probably used to at Muggle schools. Like Muggle schools, you have to take exams at the end of year. In Year 5, every student is required to take O.-"

"O.?" I ask in confusion, completely cutting her off.

"O.W.L stands for Ordinary Wizarding Level. It's an exam that all students take in their 5th year. Around that year, students must also decide what courses to take for their desired career. For example if you want to be a Auror. An Auror is a witch or a wizard that tracks down Dark witches and wizards. In order to be one, you need to take Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and etc. At exam time, you must pass N.E. which stands for Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, to be qualified to get your dream can't get a mark lower than an E, which means Exceeds Expectations.."

I nodded. My head is starting to hurt again from all this information. "Is that all your questions, Ms. Wu? If you have more, you can either ask me, teachers or your fellow classmates." A waiter gave us our orders. I looked at my drink in curiousity. I wonder what pumpkin juice tastes like. I lifted my cup to my lips. I drank one sip. It tasted so good, why don't "Muggles" juice pumpkins? It's genius! Since I was too busy freaking out how good this tastes, I didn't notice that Professor Moore was already finished drinking her butterbeer. She checks her watch,"About time we should head to Diagon Alley".

After we reached outside from using the back door, I looked around to see that we're in a back alley. What are we doing here? I thought we're going to Diagonal Alley or whatever it was called.

"Uhh where's Diagonal Alley," I asked. Professor Moore chuckled. "It's DIAGON Alley. Not Diagonal Alley, Ms. Wu," Professor Moore corrected. I nodded. The professor signaled for me to follow her. We kept on walking deeper into the back alley. After a while we reached a brick wall. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. Professor Moore raises her wand and taps a few bricks on the wall. The bricks immediately react, moving to form an arch to walk through.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," Professor Moore exclaimed. My jaw dropped to the ground. Professor Moore chuckled,"Come on, Ms. Wu. You need to buy the things that you need for Hogwarts."

"But I don't have any money," I said worriedly.

Professor Moore says, "Oh, it's ok, dear. You can pay for the supplies with funds from the school." I smiled gratefully. It scared me there, because I'm certain the orphanage wouldn't lend me money for something like this. I'm not even sure if the shop owners would accept it either. As if she read my mind, "Don't worry dear, if you have enough muggle money, they would accept. Even if you don't, Hogwarts will pay for your things." Then she put her hand in her pocket and took out a pouch,"Let's get started shall we?"

Professor Moore and I walk to many different shops. Diagon Alley is no typical place to be in. Diagon Alley has a long road and tall buildings. It would have been what I would picture an Old England shopping district would look like. After we bought my robes for school, our next stop is a place called "Ollivanders"

A bell sounded as Professor Moore opened the door, the place was a complete wreck. The owner came from the back, he is an old man with pale skin and flowy white hair.

"Difficult one, who knew she will end up walking home with the wand that's brothers with the one who gave her that scar, phoenix core ", Ollivander says, apparently explaining the mess, which didn't clear anything up whatsoever. Then he noticed the both of us at the counter. " Welcome to Ollivanders. This is the best Wandmaker shop you could find here in the United Kingdom! Now let's find you a wand" He says, looking at me with his silver eyes.

It didn't take long for me to get paired up with a wand. It blows my mind what happened to that other girl, it was like a tornado struck the store. The wand that chose me, as Professor Moore said, is a unicorn hair core and pine, and is 10.7 inches long.

"Well then, now you're all set for Hogwarts. Remember, don't use your wand outside of school, not even in Diagon Alley," She explains,"Better get you back now, it's getting late"

She indicates me to follow her, but then soon swallowed up in the crowd of people. I spot a woman with a black robe and hat. Oh that must be her! I follow, ending up into a dark alley. Dang, where the heck is she taking me. After a few minutes, Professor Moore turns, just enough for me to see her face. Except, it isn't Professor Moore. I froze. Oh shoot, I'm lost. In a place I've never been to in my entire life until now! I start walking, hoping to find where I came from. I see a sign, "Knockturn Alley"it said. I continue walking, when I suddenly crashed into someone, literally.

The man turns around. He has a stern look glued on his face, jet black hair that matches his equally dark eyes. He studied me from head to toe, with a look of disgust. I hear him mutter "Mudblood" under his breath, mudblood? "Excuse me? Mudblood?"

"What do you expect me, a pure-blood, to call someone who's born from two muggles," he said in disdain. I glared at him. How could he insult my parents like that! He never knew them. "At least I don't look like a git wearing a coat with frills," I shot back at him. Ok, wrong mistake...I can see him pulling out his wand from his coat inside pocket. A boy around my age stood next to him, I'm guessing he's his son, I can tell by the family resemblance. Unlike his father, he eyes me with amusement. Oh god, help.

"Patrick!" Someone cries, all of us turn to the direction. There stood a family of five. They all have brown hair. The father starts walking toward Patrick. They share a long hug. Awkward. His three daughters stood there, triplets I confirm. They have dark brown eyes. One of them gives me a small smile and resumes fidgeting with her wand. They all look to be around my age. The dads have their arms around each other, deep in conversation. I stayed glued to my spot, not moving.

Suddenly, a light flashes from the girl's wand, right into Patrick's hair. He immediately brings both hands onto his head of hair, which started to turn pink. Within seconds, his hair was neon pink. Everyone bursts into laughter. Patrick remains confused until his wife gave him her compact mirror. His eyes grew wide.

I took this time to escape, just hearing a scream as I leave the alley. I release a breath I didn't seem to know I held. I skimmed the crowd. Eventually, finding Professor Moore, or more rather her finding me. She gave me this entire rant I half listened to, something about staying in her sight at all times and blah blah. After bringing me back, she hands me a ticket for tomorrow.

"Everything you need to know for tomorrow will be on that ticket" She explained. I sigh, wondering where tomorrow will bring me.

**** The Next Day****

I looked down at my ticket and saw that it said Platform 9 3/4, Where would that be? All I saw was an ordinary train platform in London. All around me was, people rushing to get on their train, I see all the platforms clearly. But I don't see a platform 9 3/4 Did they make a mistake or something...? I look around to see if I can ask someone. Then I see a girl pushing a big cart with a snowy owl on it, running straight into a brick wall column. I scoffed, is that girl stupid or something? Trying to run into a wall. I mean like seriously, who does that? Right when I thought she was going to have a collision with the wall, she just went through it. I blinked. What just happened? Am I imagining things? She just dissapeared! AHHH I'm getting crazy! Or am I hallucinating? If that happens to her, when she does that... Without thinking I charge towards the wall, holding my breath the entire time.

Within a second, I was on solid ground, unharmed, with no collision with the brick wall. I realized that around me was people. There were kids rolling carts like that girl with animals on it and adults rushing kids to go on a big red express train. I came to the conclusion that I made it,
and most importantly, I know I'm not going psycho. At least, I don't think so. I scan the crowd and spotted the same girl. I run towards her. It was starting to feel like she was my new GPS system or something. Shaking the thought out of my head, I boarded the train.

The aisles were crowded with parents and children of all ages. By the time I had my luggage put away, most of the, I guess what you would call cubicles were taken. I spot the girl again, in her cubicle (great it sounds like she's in a restroom) sitting with a girl around our age. I walk as casually as I can towards her. Trying to hide how nervous and lost I am. The train starts to move forward, I take a mighty stumble into the cubicle(not restrooms), landing in a face plant. Great, what a way to give a good first impression.

Tamara's POV

I just met this girl named Natalie, she has long flowy black hair with highlights of brown, matching her brown eyes. We were just getting to know each other when this girl falls flat on her face at the door. Probably from tripping on the edge of the door. Natalie and I go up to her and help her up. The girl has her curly black hair in a side ponytail, hazel-brown eyes and is in Muggle clothes.

Natalie asks, "Are you okay?" as she offers the girl her hand.

The girl takes her hand and stands up. "Yeah, I'm fine. I do that all the time. I'm Jennifer by the way."


"Tamara", I say,"Would you like to sit here?"


The 3 of us sit down and we get to know each other. Jennifer is a Muggle-born and her parents died just a few years ago. She lived in an orphanage now. Natalie is a half-blood. Her dad's a Muggle and her mom's a witch. Soon another girl walks in.

The girl asks "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

I nod. I learn that her name is Michelle. She's a pure-blood. Soon yet another person walks in. This time it's a boy. Michelle seems to recognize him.

Michelle says,"Hey Keith" Is it just me or are her cheeks turning red? Hmm, I wonder what's going on between those two.

He says, "Hi Michelle, can I sit here?"

"Of course you can. "

I decide to move to the opposite seat from me so Keith can have my spot. Now me, Jennifer and Natalie are sitting on one side and Michelle and Keith are on the other.

Keith asks us,"What house do you want to be in?

"Gryffindor", I say. Keith and Michelle both wanted to be in Slytherin, Natalie wasn't sure and Jennifer didn't even know what we were talking about. After we explained she said Gryffindor.

Soon the sweets trolley rolls in and we all buy a bit of food. After that, we all start doing separate things. Keith and Michelle seemed to be having a great time judging by how much they're smiling and laughing, Natalie took out a book and her iPod touch and listened to music and read at the same time, Jennifer took out her iPod as well trying to figure out why it wouldn't turn on while I took out a book as well.

Soon after the long journey we arrive at our stop and get off. Michelle, Jennifer, Natalie and I share a boat and Keith joined our boat at the last minute. He joined because the only person he seemed to only know was Michelle. The boats start to move and we go off to Hogwarts.

Michelle's POV

We got off the boats and walked into the massive castle. Dad wasn't kidding when he said it's more than twice as tall as our house. Professor McGonagall lead us to this waiting area and told us to wait. She said she would come get us when the sorting would begin. I just stood there along with everyone else. Everyone was probably thinking about what house they would be in. I was nervous. What if I didn't get Slytherin? What would I do? And besides Keith said he wants to be in Slytherin...so I must be in there no matter what!

Is it just me or he looks more cute than the other times I've seen him...

"What are you looking at," Jennifer asked me curiously. I blushed with embarrassment. I stuttered out, "O-oh nothing. Just looking around."

"Then why are your cheeks red? Are you feeling sick," Natalie asked. Oh shoot. Calm down, think of something quick...Then Professor McGonagall came back and lead us in. I sighed silently in relief. Oh thank Merlin! That saved me from looking ridiculous...The great hall was huge. The sky was deep blue with many twinkling stars.

Professor McGonagall took out a stool and placed the sorting hat on it. It now looked old and tattered since it was burned during the Battle of Hogwarts. Luckily a few charms kept it from being completely destroyed.

I am a old hat

I've lived a long life

You may think that I cannot sort

but you are wrong about that

I will place you

and then you'll see that I'm not

just an old hat

Gryffindors, they're brave and strong

They're daring and have nerve

They're chivalry is what will always

Save the day

Ravenclaws, they're wise and smart

They have wit and intelligence

They'll solve all our problems

And provide all the solutions

Slytherins, they're the cunning kind

When they've set their mind

They'll do whatever it takes

to achieve their plans

Hufflepuff, they're a friendly bunch

they're true, patient and loyal

they're the best of friends

And will save you from trouble

A enemy will rise

One like and not like before

So don't let down your guard

or you'll be in a big amount of trouble

Put me on

I'll sort you

Don't be afraid of me

After all I'm just a hat

but a smart one indeed

What did the hat mean by a enemy like and not like before? This puzzled me. The hat usually doesn't do more then say the traits of each house.

After the hat finished singing, Professor McGonagall took out a large piece of parchment. She began to read out the parchment. My name was then called.

"Chang, Michelle" My turn. I walked up slowly and the professor gently placed the hat on my head.

"Hmm. Interesting indeed. Brave, cunning, a leader. You could fit into Gryffindor quite well."

Please be Slytherin! I begged in my head.

"You want Slytherin eh, then Slytherin it is!" The Slytherin table clapped and I went to sit at my new table. Both my sisters got sorted into Gryffindor, sigh. I feel so betrayed.

"Lynn, Tamara"

"Gryffindor!" Hmmm...who knew I would be friends with a Gryffindor. But oh well, I prefer her than my sisters anyday. She's not...girly and peppy like they are. So I'm fine. But I do worry about how my house will react how I'm friends with her.

"Tan, Keith"...PLEASE LET HIM BE IN SLYTHERIN! It would be so much easier to get to know him...

"Slytherin!" OH MY MERLIN YES! He's in Slytherin! Thank you Merlin!

"Wu, Jennifer"


"Xiang, Natalie"

"Ravenclaw!" Hmmm...all the friends I made so far except Keith are in different houses. I hope that isn't a problem. From what I heard from my parents during their time at Hogwarts, that Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor the most, dislikes Slytherins. Slytherin the same, with the other houses but respects Ravenclaw the most because of their intelligence. But still...

Professor McGonagall shook me out of my thoughts by putting the stool and hat away and Professor Dumbledore began to speak. By Professor Dumbledore I don't mean the one who got Order of Merlin, First Class and defeated Grindelwald. Not the one who's dead. I mean his brother. The old owner of the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you've all had a great summer. A reminder to first-years to not enter the forbidden forest unless you wish to be seriously injured. Also Mr. Filch has retired and there will be a new caretaker, Arnold Baker.

Everything remains the same as last year. Now dig in!

Natalie's POV

"I am a creature who you should fear it's kiss. What am I?" said the portrait to the Ravenclaw common room.

"A Dementor" said a Prefect.

We all entered and we went to our own dormitories. Everything was already there. I sat on my bed and began to unpack. After the girl on the bed beside me introduced herself. She had light brown hair matching her eyes, with freckles across her nose. Her name is Zoey Jenkins.

Then she glanced at my bed and saw my book.

"You're reading The Son of Neptune? How are you liking it so far? Isn't it good?"

"Yeah, but it's kind of sad he lost his memories", I can tell I was going to become good friends with her. We fall into a deep conversation about the book.

A prefect came up then and said "Lights out!"

After she left Zoey turns to me, "Talk more tomorrow?"


I lay on my bed trying to sleep but I couldn't help but wonder what the sorting hat meant by an enemy rising that is the same as before but not the same. Wouldn't that mean that there's someone like Voldemort but different? But that's impossible. That couldn't happen again. Could it? I still felt my worries as I fall into the dream world.

Well you reached the end of the chapter! We hope we did a good on our first chapter. If not, then please tell us on how we can improve :)

Please comment and subscribe!

Cya next time!

~michi-pandax3, AquamarineCloverx3, angel-knightx3, SweetCupcakex3