I do not own Naruto

"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsus being announced

"Brat" – demon speech

'What an idiot' – thoughts

"Dobe" – speech

"Son of a -" back-round voice

The Bridge/ Standoff

Standing around the Uzu nins and captured missing nins were a group of Uzu nins that were part of the royal guard protecting the Uzukage's. Also in the group were a few jounin here and there. They were currently looking at a group of Kumo nins off to the side lead by the jounin Nii Yugito. In front of both groups were the Konoha nins surrounding the bridge builder Tazuna along with some extra protection including Anbu and a few other noticeable nins like Asuma, Kurenai, Gai, Hayate, Anko, and Mizuki. The last group in the back was Gato and his bandit army.

"So Kumo nins why are you here? Is this another kidnapping attempt on the Uzumaki's like you tried with Kushina-sama?" asked Toushi shocking the Uzumaki's that didn't know that, that had happened.

"It wasn't the Raikage who ordered the kidnapping. It was a council member who is no longer among the living. Even then, that was then when times were much different from now" answered Yugito

"So what is the reason now?" spoke up Soi-fon

"Well we were heading to Uzu to form at least a neutral treaty with them. The Raikage doesn't want his predecessor's actions affecting us now. We are not allying with you but we are not going to start a war with you as long as you don't in return start one with us.

But we noticed your battle and wanted to see what was going on and the strength of Uzu" answered Yugito

"So no kidnapping"

"No kidnapping. While I wouldn't mind kidnapping one for myself. He looks yummy" finished Yugito looking at Naruto with a smirk as he looked away. One of the Uzu royal guards walked up and faced the Konoha nins with his hand on his sword.

"And what would be the reason why you are here Konoha nins. I can think of several reasons and none of them pleasant" he spoke assuming a leadership role as one of the Anbu walked up dressed in anbu gear with a black cloak over showing he was a Anbu Captain.

"By the order of the Konoha Council, you are to hand over the Uzumaki's" he spoke

"Council" muttered Toushi as Yugito spoke up

"So this is not an order of the Hokage but of the council. Similar to what happened with us, but will it end the same I wonder" she smirked

"Shut it Kumo trash. This does not concern you" he bit back

"Oh but it does. You take the Uzumaki's an Uzu starts a war on you. I'm sure Raikage-sama will love to help and wipe out your country to prove we are the strongest" she answered back with glee making the Konoha nins face her.

"So please. Go on and do so. I can't wait for this to blow up in your faces" she finished as the Anbu Captain paused for a minute.

"Captain!" called out a purple hair Anbu

"We should stand down" spoke out Kakashi gaining everyone's attention.

"Kakashi?" spoke out Asuma looking at him.

Rubbing the back of his head he released a sign and continued on.

"I don't know about you but I don't want to go down in history as part of the group who started the next great Shinobi War for following orders of someone that is not my Hokage. All those deaths would be on our hands too"

"Man this is embarrassing. Called out again and forced to give in when it involves Uzu" muttered the Captain

"Captain?" questioned the Saru masked Anbu

"We will stand down" he answered making everyone released their threatening stance as Soi-fon release a deep breathe before pulling out a syringe filled with yellow liquid.

"Well now that we don't have to worry about, I can cure you now" she stated stabbing Zabuza in the chest with it making him jolt in shock

"What the FUCK?!" he shouted in shock as Karin walked up to him to heal his wounds with Soi-fon's nod.

"My attack had poison in it. You wouldn't know you were poisoned until your body started slowing down, coughing up blood, and collapsed on the floor slowly dieing as your major organs shut down one by one. Perfect way for an enemy of Uzu should die" was her answer without remorse.

"Damn she's cold" muttered Yugito in shock

"So you will all leave now right?" questioned a sweating Gato interrupting the group conversation

"Oh no! We all may not get along with each other but we all still hate bandits" spoke the Anbu Captain as they all set their eyes on them. They didn't stand a chance.

It was only after deposing the bodies did the Kumo nin leave to continue on with their mission while the extra group of Uzu and Konoha nins decided to stay with their group until it was time to leave with back to their village.

A few tense days later the bridge was finally finished which allowed the group to finally now part ways with Tayuya and Soi-fon sadly not having enough time to change more of Sakura. But they did leave enough of an impression on her. After all if you couldn't make the man you wanted to fall in love with you, you can just dominate him and force it. The final issue was about the bridge.

"What should we name the bridge?" asked a changed personality wise Inari after the brutal killing of Gato and his thugs.

"The great Tazuna bridge!" shouted Tazuna as everyone shook their heads no

"Well this whole nightmare came to an end because of a conflict involving the Uzu Uzumaki's so we should name it after them" spoke Tsunami as everyone slowly agreed.

"Ok the bridge will now be called the Great Uzumaki Bridge" spoke Tazuna as the people from Nami cheered.

With Naruto

Naruto was getting ready to leave when he came across Mizuki. The female he got along with to some degree and had a fling with on the side. Yes he was no virgin thanks to her but they never made anything more happen of it.

"Naruto-kun" she muttered as he started as her.

"Mizuki-chan. It has been a while hasn't it" he spoke as she nodded her head.

"Ever since you left, it hasn't been the same. My life. I felt an emptiness in my heart that only one person could full which is you. I'm even thinking of leaving the force just to go to Uzu and be with you" she finished as Naruto released a sign scratching his head.

"Don't" he stated shocking her a bit. "But Naruto-kun-!"

"If you do so it will be considered as treason since you are leaving for a rival nation so soon after leaving the force. Wait until Konoha and Uzu are on better terms before doing something. I know it will be hard but I'm sure you can pull through. But until then I will find a way to send messages to you. I'm sure Kaa-san knows of some methods" he answered as Mizuki smiled at him before placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I guess I will place my trust in you knowing what to do. I'll see if I can visit you some time on a vacation or something. I'm sure we can have some fun when we do" she teased before walking off and waving as she did making him smirk

"All right everyone. It's time to head back home to the village. Let's avoid any more trouble as I'm sure Kushina-sama is already planning to have my ass on a platter" spoke Toushi making some people smirk at him knowing Kushina habits.

A few hours later Uzukage office main entrance

The group with an added Zabuza and Haku were staring at the door in dread. The jounin knew the two devils inside could sense them but it didn't make it anymore easier to open the door.

"Even I know opening that door means certain doom" spoke up Arashi with sweat coming down his brow

"Someone needs to go first, so who is most likely to withstand the brunt of it?" asked Toushi as everyone looked at Soi-fon who has a will made of steel but currently having a face that looked ready to crack as well.

"Soi-fon" they all said together pushing her forward startling her a bit. Before she could react and chain of charka snapped at her wrapping around her neck and dragging her forward. The group could only stare in horror as the doors closed behind and the screams came out.

"They made Soi-fon scream" said Tayuya shocked as the doors slowly opened again with more chains coming out.

"Their hungry for more!" – Arashi

"Get back demon!" – Torune

"Maybe Konoha wasn't that bad" -Naruto

"Oh hell no!" – Ashi which was heard before the chains wrapped around them and dragged them in. Once they were in front of the desk wrapped in chains they saw a glaring Kushina look at them while Mito had tick marks over her face. Of to the side was a changed up bruised Soi-fon who glared at them. Mito clearing her throat started off first.

"So tell me why or even how on your first mission out of our lands did you run into the mess you got into and don't leave ANYTHING out" she stated as the team started explaining everything before Kushina picked off from were Mito left off.

"Well I was going to let you all of with a mild punishment since you got us an alliance with Nami and proved yourself to Kumo" she started as they signed in relief

"But then you made us wait for a few minutes while you stood out there like bakas!" she shouted enraged

"I will give each and every one of your punishments later. You won't even know it was coming, so sleep with one eye open" she warned as she dismissed her chains and everyone realized they screwed themselves.

"Now as for you Zabuza and Haku. I will put you on a 3 month monitor and probation period before fully allowing you two to join our forces" confusing the two

"We never even said we wanted to join your forces" said a confused Zabuza

"Yes you did" stated Kushina without a care in the world

"We didn't"

"Yes you did, now report to the front desk outside and the lady in front will set you up with lodging. You can take a few missions after the paperwork is finished later on in the week" finished Kushina stunning Zabuza as she just forced him into the job

"Just let it happen" spoke out Mito. "She doesn't take no for a answer"

"Well it can't be bad to work here Zabuza-sama. It looks like a nice place with friendly people" added Haku as Zabuza slumped his shoulders and just accepted his fate. After all Haku will be safe here.

"Alright, your all dismissed. Go clean yourselves off" finished Mito waving her hand off allowing them to leave.

With Naruto

Finally home and cleaned up he could looked into a way to contact Mizuki back in Konoha. After all there had to be some scrolls in the Uzumaki library that shows how. With a few clones looking around and reading he finally came across something that might work. A seal that Uzumaki's had used to send messages at a fast rate during war times. Well it should work for his purposes as well. Now he just needed to give her the seal so she could talk to him but how was the thought running through his mind as Arashi burst through the doors.

"Nii-san! Sensei said can enter the Chuunin exams in Konoha if we prove that we are up to the task. It would be awesome to see everyone again and show how strong we gotten" he smiled making Naruto confused at why they were even allowed anywhere on fire country grounds before smirking right back at him
