Hello !

Title : Broken Strings

Genre : Drama, Romance.

Disclaimer : I don't own the characters unfortunately. They are the property of HBO and Charlaine Harris ! I only own my OCs, Elizabeth Adams and Alan Cooper.

Chapter 21 : Shadows Of The Night

Godric was in his room, making himself ready to fight. He was wearing his usual white pants and shirt. I had been too harsh towards him tonight while he clearly didn't deserve to be treated that way. He was just trying to protect me the way I was protecting my own progeny.

I refused to see Alan fighting against the witches. It was too dangerous for such a young vampire. He knew how to fight because I had taught him but he was not strong enough. That was perhaps a lie I kept telling myself. Alan was strong, but I just didn't anything to happen to him. Anything could happen at the meeting and witches were vicious. My progeny had never fought against them, he had never met them while I had. I knew how to deal with them. I had learned it during my vampire life and thanks to my maker. Alan could learn it too but not tonight. The reason was simple. The witch who was behind Eric's amnesia was extremely powerful. It was too dangerous for Alan to fight with us.

He was frustrated and angry at me but he would understand if one day he decided to make a child. It was my duty to protect him. I would never ever forgive myself if Alan met the true death. I wasn't sure I could even live knowing that my progeny had died because I hadn't done enough. That was why he would have to stay there until I came back, until it was over.

Godric had tried to do the same tonight for me. We were just back together. He had gotten me back and now he just didn't want to lose me because of a fucking fight against a coven. I understood him, truly and I wished I could stay back while everyone else fought but I couldn't. That was not me. I was a fighter, I was not a coward and I just couldn't leave Godric alone. Yes, he would not be alone but it was the same for me. Bill was not a friend and Eric didn't remember his maker. There was also Pam who could certainly be present but I would be reassured if I was with him.

It wasn't like I didn't trust Godric to take care of himself and come back to me safe and sound. I just wanted to fight side by side. I even believed we could get closer under those circumstances. We had never done something like that. I wouldn't consider our issues with Russell Edgington or even with the Fellowship of the right as a fight so now was the first time.

There was also a part of me which was curious about Godric's behavior. He had always been calm around me and even when he was angry, he had never ever shown me his true vampire face. He had never truly act like a vampire, he had never been bloodthirsty and I didn't believe I had ever seen him drink from a human. He prefered Tru Blood because he was tired of being a monster. That was something I would never understand. That synthetic blood was acceptable but it was not enough for me but I drank it for him.

Tonight however, the two thousand years old vampire would surely have to fight and that meant using his vampire strength and biting people, killing witches. Just imagining him doing all those things was extremely exciting for me even if I should focus on the fight.

"You should get ready, we're leaving in a few minutes." Godric said, emotionlessly. I had clearly hurt him when I snapped at him. I was such a bitch sometimes.

"Don't be that way please. I'm sorry for what I've said and done."

A voice in my head was telling me that I deserved a silence treatment or worst but now was not the time for something like that. We needed to stand by each other and we would have plenty of time to argue with each other, except if something bad happened. If one of us got hurt or worse died, those moments would be the last one. Sure, it was not the time to declare our love because we didn't need to do that. We both knew how the other one felt.

"I know you're only doing this for me and I appreciate your concern and everything but it's just who I am."

The old vampire stared at me but I had no idea about what he had in his mind.

"There are some things that don't change. You're too reckless for you own good, Elizabeth. I just wish you would think before speaking. I know you can't help yourself but every time time you're being a bitch." He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving mine. " Yet, I always forgive you because I love you. I just wish you'd understand that I'm tired of that, of arguing with you for nothing."

"I have changed but I... It's hard to be someone else. When you said that you wanted me to stay here, it made me just so furious. I know it's for my own good but..."

There was nothing else I could say. The way I looked at the vampire I loved was enough to make him understand what I meant. The fact that we had also spent a lot of time together helped us too. He had already dealt with me that way and was wise enough to forget about my shitty attitude.

What would I do without Godric? Who could put up with me? Alan could but it was certainly not the same thing. The two relationships were different. No one else could make me feel the way Godric was making me feel. I knew that I was nothing without him. I was not complete without him and not even my progeny could change that.

"I know, Elizabeth." He was still angry with me but he was dealing with it very well. He was controlling it because he was older than me. "We should probably leave now. King Bill is probably waiting for us."

I nodded and took Godric's hand, intertwining our fingers. We would go to the cemetery together.

"Alan is staying here right?" Godric asked, as we got out of his room. Our pace was slow for now, but soon and once we would be out of the house, it would be faster.

"He is and he's not happy about my command."

Godric smiled bitterly, knowing that he unfortunately hadn't the same power over me. If he was my maker, he could have ordered me to stay out of that. I was sure that Godric still wished he could have been my maker. It was supposed to be that way but he wasn't quick enough. He had no power over me now but perhaps it was for the best. The older vampire still saw me as a weak vampire, as a new born and that was quite frustrating sometimes. If I was his child, it would be worst.

"It's understandable. He's young, he wants some action and you refuse to give him what he wants."

I didn't know how to take that comment. Was Godric siding with my progeny? It would be very surprising and to be honest very unlikely.

"That's the problem. He's young, he has no experience and tonight is not the right time to learn. Don't you agree with me?" I eyed the vampire suspiciously. I definitely wanted to know if for the very first time Godric was defending my progeny. He was not very fond of Alan but I still hoped they could get closer and even become friends. It would just be wonderful.

"Oh I do, Elizabeth. It's just that he can't understand, just like I can't understand why you keep pushing me away when I only want your safety. You know it will be very dangerous tonight, you know what they are capable of."

He gave a gentle squeeze to my hand as we walked through the door. In a flash, I found myself protectively held in his arms. He was going to fly towards the King's house so that it would be quicker. Unfortunately I didn't know how to fly like the older vampire did. I remembered asking my maker how it was possible for him to fly while I couldn't. His answer was very simple, flying came with the age and I was too young.

"I'm not a newborn anymore... I know it's for my safety but you treat me like a child and it's annoying you know? I wish you'd just trust me more, Godric. You've never seen my fight, I can take care of myself."

"I'm sure you can... It's just that I'd feel less anxious if you were at home."

I sighed. It was amazing to see how much he cared for me even after being parted for one year, even after I had hurt him.

"What about Eric? You know he's going to be a part of that mess and yet you agree. What's different with him?"

"He's older than you and even if I'm worried, it's different. I don't love you more than I love him... He's my child but it's just different. I can't explain."

Godric landed on the ground near Bill's house. He put me gently on my feet but didn't move towards the house, he just stood there, staring at me. I loved his eyes and I loved to see how much he cared for me in them. No words were needed and it was nice. We might not have a bond but there was no need to. What we had was just enough.

"Promise me you'll be careful, Elizabeth."

I grabbed his face with both of my hands and kissed his lips. There was no better way to make a promise, or at least I didn't see one. I was a vampire but that didn't mean I couldn't behave that way and be ridiculously romantic. Soon, Godric's hands made their way around me pulling me closer to him. Our kiss ended softly, none of us wanted it to end but Bill was probably waiting for us.

"I love you, Godric." I whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, Elizabeth."

The fight had begun a few minutes ago. Mist was everywhere because of that witch, Marnie. It was made to weaken us, so that it was hard to see the other witches. They were very well prepared for the fight. They had guns with wooden and perhaps also silver bullet. We all needed to be very careful. We might have been faster than them but one single wrong move and the true death was there. I didn't plan on meeting the true death tonight, that was why I was being extremely careful. I was worried for Godric but I knew he was fine.

The vampire could take care of himself and especially in those circumstances. He had surely been in worst situations. Eric was surely also fine since he was the one who started the fight by tearing out someone's heart..Pam was also surely fine. She was not the kind of vampire who could die tonight . Bill could be murdered, I could care less, the world would be so much better without our dear Louisiania King. The only person I was extremely worried for was Sookie.

She was a fairy but she wasn't as strong as we were and she could not defend herself perfectly. It would be so easy for her to get shot. The only thing that reassured me was the fact that I still had a very light bond with her. I would not it if someone was wrong with her. I would help her but now I should just concentrate on my own task instead of letting myself being distracted.

I had already dealt with one stupid witch who believed she was strong enough to take me down all by herself. It was just pathetic and that girl couldn't have been more than twenty five. It was such a waste but I didn't care. She deserved her fate. She shouldn't have been a part of that fight. She shouldn't have let Marnie brainwash her because I believed that was what the stronger witch was doing. She hated vampires with passion and if I had to admit that I hated witches with the same passion, we could coexist, if no one tried to kill each other.

I was becoming such a peaceful vampire wasn't I? I guessed that was because I was tired of drama. Honestly, I didn't care if we had to fight but I just wished we could have a moment of peace. The year I spent with my child had been perfect, no issue with the Fellowship of the Sun, no problem with Russell Edgington because he was buried in cement but when I came back there, the problems started.

"Fucking vampire..." I heard and immediately turned around. There was a man with a silver chain in his hand. There was no fear in his eyes, just a burning hate. He only wanted to kill me because of what I was and I would do the same because of who he was. Wasn't it just so pathetic? The poor guy was going to die for nothing, or rather for Marnie's madness.

"Seriously, you don't think you can kill me with that. Run if you value your life."

I was surprised by my own attitude. I should just end his life and drink from him instead of trying to convince him to run away.

"I will kill you with my gun you disgusting piece of shit." He said and pointed his gun at me.

Oh please, that was getting ridiculous. Before he knew what was happening, I had my hand around the man's throat, lifting him off the ground. His gun and silver chain were long forgotten on the ground while he tried to fight against my grip.

"You should have listened to me. Now, I'll have to kill you and taste your disgusting blood or perhaps I should just tightened my grip on your throat and watch your life leaving your eyes. What do you prefer?"

He couldn't answer of course, he could only groan and moan in pain. I guessed I would have to choose. I was ready to bite in his neck when something stopped me. I was frozen to the spot when I felt Sookie's pain. It was faint but it was still there. Someone had hurt her.


I immediately released the man and he fell to the ground, catching his breath but I was not paying attention to him. All I knew was that the telepath was hurt and she needed help. I was ready to run to her when a burning sensation stopped me dead in my tracks. I should have been more careful when I left that man in the floor. I should have made sure that he was unconscious or unable to do anything. I should have been careful and now I had perhaps made the worst mistake of my life.

"Now, who's going to destroy who?" He strengthened the chains on my neck, leaving me unable to do anything. He dragged me towards the nearest grave and tied the chains on it. "You're going to die, bitch!"

He raised his gun, ready to shoot me and end my life when someone appeared behind him. I watched as that person or rather vampire ripped the man's heart out of his body. The now dead guy fell on the ground and my savior could be seen. It was Godric.

His face was covered in blood, his fangs were extended and he looked just murderous, like a wild animal. He was exactly how I had always pictured him. He was far from being the calm vampire who I knew. He had also saved me from the true death.

In a blur, the two thousand years old vampire had removed the silver chains from my body and he was kneeling in front of me.

"I thought you promised to be careful." He said and I could see the anger on his face. "He could have fucking killed you, Elizabeth!"

Oh I knew and I had nothing to say for my defense.

"I know. I got distracted because of Sookie, she's hurt. I wasn't on my guard anymore. If you hadn't been there, I would be dead."

He remained silent as he studied my face. One of his hand went on my throat, touching the wounds as they started to close. The pain would soon be forgotten when the wounds would disappeared. It would only be a bad memory.

"I don't care about the fairy. You shouldn't have been so easily distracted..." He stared at me and suddenly, Godric crashed his lips against mine.

The kiss was urgent and needy. It was also full of lust because I soon found myself pressed against the ground with Godric straddling me. The fear of losing me and all the blood around us were making Godric do unexpected things such as kissing me in the middle of fight but I could care less. If I was being honest, as the seconds passed I could feel myself getting aroused and I was not the only one. When the old vampire grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, I had lost all control of myself.

That wasn't supposed to happen, we were in the middle of a cemetery surrounded by witches who wanted to kill and fighting against them but we could care less. Using his vampire speed, the ancient vampire brought us away from the mess that was happening there.

Soon, enough the fight was forgotten and it was only Godric and I, alone in the woods.

I'm deeply sorry for not updating this story very much. I hope you'll forgive me and that you liked this new chpater. I don't know when the next chapter will be posted, I don't even know if I'll be able to finish this story. If there's anyone who wants to help me, I'll gladly accept.

A huge thanks to SARAHBABE215, sophia1691 and Angelhaggis for their reviews.

Please write me a little comment here. So please review.