Anderson Boys

"Hey, babe, what do you want to watch?"

Blaine stuck his head into the living room. "Just pick whatever you want. I'll be out in a sec." He returned to the kitchen, where he put the finishing touches on two ice cream sundaes. He put the supplies away and carried both bowls to his boyfriend. "Here you are, my love, one mint chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with extra cherries and sprinkles."

"You're the best." Kurt kissed Blaine's nose and collapsed on the couch. The junior settled next to him, propping his feet up on the Hudson-Hummels' coffee table. "Aren't we getting comfy?"

Blaine grinned up at Kurt. "Tu casa es mi casa." He yelped when Kurt smacked his arm.

The older boy pointed a remote at the television and pressed play. After a few previews, the main menu of a DVD appeared on screen. Blaine's heart sank into his stomach. "I chose 'East Side Story,' that TV musical show that came out last year? I know you said you didn't watch it—I swear, Anderson, your least gay moment ever—so I thought I'd show you the first episode, see if you like it. Sound good?"

It took Blaine a minute to realize Kurt was talking to him. How was he supposed to sit through this? When...he was on the screen? He felt Kurt's eyes on him, so he nodded once. "Sure thing," he squeaked.

If Kurt noticed something off about his reaction, he didn't say anything. He simply pressed play and let the show begin. The scene opened up to a New York skyline, and already Blaine was internally gagging. How cliché could this be? A few street shots, some broad, sweeping music, and there he was.


In the middle of the Hudson-Hummel living room.

Blaine watched as Neal Caffrey, a disheartened Broadway wannabe—at least they got that part true to life—accidentally saved the life of a young, gorgeous actress, whom he then moves in with. Blaine sees where this show is going: the girl helps him get auditions, lots of behind-the-scenes sex, drama, blah blah blah. Blaine just can't watch Cooper's smug face on Kurt's television screen.

Finally, the episode comes to an end, and Kurt pauses it right as Cooper's name is in the middle of the screen. "So...what'd you think?"

What do I say what do I say what do I say? "It was good."

Kurt frowned. "Good? Blaine, were you watching that show? I mean, the star—Cooper Anderson, funnily enough—good God, he is gorgeous. And so talented! Did you hear him sing? His vibrato nearly killed me. He would offset my countertenor so well. Maybe I just have a thing for Anderson boys, huh?"

Blaine was so lucky he kept his ice cream down.

"Yeah. Anderson boys."

"You sound tired, babe. Wanna snuggle?" Blaine nodded gratefully, sliding horizontally into Kurt's arms. One thing's for sure: Kurt will not find out about my brother until he absolutely has to. God, I hope that day never comes...

Short drabble is short! I wrote this based off of spoiler fills for 3x15, which you should have been warned of in the description. We know that Cooper is a Hollywood actor, and that Blaine is not happy about his triumphant return to Ohio. So, I wrote this. Nothing much to say.


No, really, I'm done.

TUMBLR IS klainebowsandquirrelmort.