Disclaimer: Since someone bitched I didn't have a disclaimer in every chapter here it is. I don't own nor am I making money from this. Don't like it shove it.

Chapter 9


A new day dawned and the students of the Xavier Institute looked out over the wilderness.

"Can we make a fire now?" Morph whined.

Naruto sighed. "Fine, a small one. And make sure…"

He frowned as the blaze started up and smoke billowed up. "Not to let it smoke too much." He muttered the last as he saw Morph feed leaves into the fire while Nate passed him some of the meat they salvaged.

Paige and Janet were using water that Naruto had brought over from the nearby river to wash up. Ororo was atop the boulder formation Naruto had used to look over the wilderness.

"Hey 'Ro if you're going to jump let us know so I can be down there to catch you."

She looked down at Naruto and smiled. "I do not have the urge to leap from high places. That right is reserved for you and Banshee."

Naruto chuckled. "I did it only once." He said. "No one lets you live it down."

Ororo climbed down from the perch. "I think the Professor still has pictures."

Naruto grumbled.

"Dude, when did you do that?" Morph asked.

Naruto shook his head. "A couple of years ago."

"It must have been something to see if they still bring it up." Paige said returning from washing up.

"Oh it was. Naruto here…" Ororo was saying but the whisker marked blond cut her off with "Stories can wait for later. We need to get a plan in motion."


Underground Facility


Colonel Mustang looked over at the approaching soldier.

"What is it?"

"The men are wondering about the enhancements."

"I underwent the same procedures. I want them to be ready for the job."

"But sir…the risks!"

Mustang growled and grabbed the man by his throat. "Listen to me you little piss ant. They are my men and they are aware of the risks. Now go back to your cubicle and jerk off to that magazine you hide in the top left drawer."

Mustang watched the man scamper off and turned back to the wall monitors showing the members of the Suicide Squad. Once my Reavers are ready we'll be working with you next. This operation will work. He thought as he tightened his hand, the sound of knuckles cracking filled the room.



:::This is a bad idea.::: Nate sent. He had created a link with the others and while it was a strain he had agreed to try.

:::If you have a better idea you should have said so.::: Naruto's mental voice came back.

It was nearing late afternoon and there was no sign of what had attacked the camp and taken the adults or Scott or Alison.

:::Naruto, perhaps we should head back to camp and come up with something else.::: Ororo suggested.

:::Dudes there's something coming from the west. The other animals have gone quiet.::: Morph's voice broke in. The younger mutant was in the air as a albino hawk.

:::Everyone, this is it.::: Naruto sent and he watched the direction Morph indicated.

It was several minutes before they heard the growl and the snapping of branches.

Naruto turned as the thing leapt out of the woods. "You take ugly to a whole new level." Naruto said before just managing to dodge out of the way of a swipe that left deep gouges in the tree where he'd been standing before.

He was shocked at how quick the thing moved as it was already turned towards him.

This might have been a bad idea. The blond thought as he was forced to concentrate on dodging.

The creature was huge. Naruto ducked another swipe that obliterated the tree behind him.

"Fuck this!" He said aloud. "HIT IT NOW!" he shouted as he leapt to the side.

The sky overhead darkened and thunder rolled before lightening started flashing. Ororo standing atop a rock formation raised her arms as her eyes bled to totally white as she concentrated. A tornado formed and spun towards the monster and it struggled in the mini tornado and with a roar broke it and Ororo went to a knee at the backlash.

"NATE!" Naruto yelled.

"I'm…TRYING!" the telekinetic yelled and for a moment the creature was stopped but then it roared and shrugged off the invisible hold.

Nate staggered trying to recover when the monster was on him and sent him flying with a backhand.

Above Morph in his bird form screeched and dove, halfway there he shifted and instead of a bird of prey a white elephant landed on the attacking creature. Morph gave a trumpet of triumph and transformed back to himself.

"Oh yeah!" he cheered. "I kicked its ass!" he started doing a dance not hearing the low growl as the creature rose to its feet.

"MORPH!" Naruto yelled, cursing that the plan hadn't been followed. Janet and Paige threw rocks at it trying to get it away from the young shape shifter.

Just as the creature was about to strike a blue shape gave a roar and Hank slammed into the creature.

Beast versus beast and as the two circled around, the creature roared and was going to lunge when the sound of singing filled the air. The creature cocked its head to the side and took off, not sparing the group of teens or Beast a second glance.

"Are you all okay?" Hank asked. Janet and Paige went to help Morph who while he hadn't been hit was now curled up shivering. Naruto looked at Ororo who nodded she was okay as he went to check on Nate.

"Agh!" the other teen hissed.

Hank came over and was checking on him. "A couple of cracked ribs. I'll need to wrap them."

"Its fine." Nate hissed. "We didn't even affect it. What the hell was that thing? Another mutant?"

"It could be." Hank said pulling his pack off his back.

"Its strong. 'Ro hit it with a tornado and it shrugged it off as a breeze." Naruto said. "And it was wickedly quick. I barely was able to stay ahead of it."

"My TK held it for about thirty seconds." Nate admitted.

Paige and Janet had Morph and looked at the elder mutant. "We couldn't really do much."

"You all did fine. Now we need to get the others back." Hank said.

"Yeah, but from where?" Naruto asked. "That thing is who knows where and it took out Domino and Alex as well as Scott and Alison then dragged them off to its lair."

Beast smirked as he continued to wrap Nathan's ribs. "Ororo, be a dear and pull out the device in the right side pocket." She did and turned it on and found it had an aerial view.

"Domino had me release those too keep an eye on you all after we spread you out." Beast said as he finished wrapping and turned to take it from her. "I set them to record so we could review your progress back at the Institute." He touched several buttons and smiled. "Forge really outdid himself with these."

After several moments he paused the footage. "It seems our furry adversary has its lair in a shack north of here." He turned so the others could see the paused image of the creature dragging Scott and Alison.

"What do we do?" Naruto asked the blue furred mutant.



Emma sipped her champagne as she watched her Hellions relaxing around the hotels pool.

"Ms. Frost."

The blond turned and saw her assistant. "Yes Tessa?"

"I just got this report. The young mutant you were thinking of adding committed suicide. The autopsy says he took his life after his ability killed nearly all of his classmates."

Emma sighed. "It looks like we won't be going to Japan then. Ah well, there are other students out there. Now tell me about the young woman in Scotland."

Tessa pulled out the file and presented it to her boss. "Autumn Rolfson. Originally from somewhere in Europe, her files are sketchy. Her power is rather gruesome."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "She can disintegrate organic matter? A walking famine."

Tessa nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Emma closed the file. "Very well. Inform the students we'll stay an extra couple of days, then we'll see to gathering Ms. Rolfson."

Tessa made a note and nodded to carry out her duties. Emma put her glass down and frowned. I had such plans for him. Emma mentally made a list of others who she could use for when she took down Xavier's and showed Magneto why she was the White Queen.


AN: Sorry for the long delay. Real life and health issues were kicking my ass, left right and center. For those that don't know I write my stories out first in a notebook then type it up and post. What I work on is up to the voices in my head and sometimes my girlfriend. For those that gave up because the chapters aren't long enough or I've changed known characters and left insulting and rude comments…but amazingly no names or ways to reply. So here it is…don't like it, there's a back button. Spew your vile elsewhere.

I've got a story called Serenity Effect that I have been plugging away on. TTFN = ESM