Chapter 7






Thoughts stopped as he whipped her around. Right there on the tracks he turned her to face him and his breathing stopped.

"...Naomi?" He said as he looked the hazel eyed girl in the face.

"S-Seto Kaiba?" She asked, baffled. "What... what are you doing here?" She had no clue he knew who she was. He couldn't blame her for not making the connection. Who would have thought... but that didn't matter. His eyes raced to the bag she held and he ripped it from her. The cheap cell phone, a pen, some paper and some razors sat at the bottom, but he flung the entire thing away.

"You cant do this Naomi. Whatever you're going through, whatever you don't think you can handle... you can. You can do it all. Please don't do this." he said holding her out.

"I... I... wait... you... it was you... it was you all along! You were my counselor. My... my... I cant... I wont. I'm not going to do it anymore." She pulled away but he refused to let her go. He held onto her as if the mere act would make her change her mind.

"Hey! That's no way to look at this. I have you." He said pulling her closer. "that means nothing else can touch you." Her eyes watered and he glanced over his shoulder. He could see the path to the spring clearly and guided her towards it. " What happened?" He asked after seating her in her favorite spot. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut, but he pressed on. "I'm here now and I'm not leaving you like this. Tell me so I can fix it." her eyes met his and he felt his heart break.

"Nothing can fix me... I'm... I'm disgusting." His eyes hardened a bit as he stopped himself from reaching over and stroking her face.

"You... are breathtaking." He said in a whisper. "Naomi, I already know you. Now I know you inside and out. I cant imagine someone thinking that. Not about you." this time he couldn't stop himself. He brushed her hair from her eyes and lightly skirted across her skin with his fingertips. He wasn't expecting her to jerk away so violently, flinching from his touch as if he had struck her. It destroyed him to see it. "Naomi. I will never hurt you. You can trust me. You know you can trust me. I'll help you through this." she sniffled, straightening herself and pulling something out of her pocket. For a moment, he was afraid she had a weapon, but he saw after a moment that it was the bracelet he had had made for her, or at least, it once was.

"I'm not strong enough to overcome anything." She said placing the damaged thing down beside her.

"Maybe not alone." He replied, reaching for something inside his coat. He pulled out another blue box and opened it for her. It was a matching silver necklace to the once beautiful bracelet. It had a single pendant that twisted from the rest of the silver chain into two beautiful sapphires cushioned by tiny diamonds. He flipped the pendant and showed her the inscription he had put there for her.

"You... are loved." She read out loud. Her voice cracked and she trembled as he put it on her. It was a simple phrase. One almost overused in jewelery, but just having it... she felt... she knew it was real.

"You are loved." He repeated for emphasis. She started to slowly rise, and he with her, but her legs buckled and finally gave out on her completely. She fell next to him, but he was there to catch her. He was always there to catch her. He would always be there to catch her. He held on to her tightly and helped her down safely. "what... what did they do to you?" Her hands trembled as the tangled themselves in his famous coat and she pulled him closer.

"he... he...and then she..." they hurt so much. Just the words alone hurt like the worst pain, but he was there for her. He wouldn't let anything hurt her anymore. "He took me... he raped me...he always does it. Every few nights... all my life." She finally managed. His breathing caught short and she closed her eyes tight. Why would anything want to touch her after something so horrible tainted her like that? She was used. Disgusting.

"Where is he?" His voice called calmly. She glanced up at him but his eyes weren't on her. They were closed. She noticed his arms trembled next to her and she followed them down to his hands. They were balled so tightly his knuckles turned white from lack of blood. He was angry, and it was frightening. She wanted to crawl away, go somewhere he couldn't see until he was more even.

"He'll kill you." she warned, but he rose suddenly.

"He can damn well try." He started back to the tracks, but she launched herself at him, her legs only working minimally, but enough.

"Wait! Please... please don't leave me." She begged. He did stop. He turned back to her and pulled her against him and she felt safe again. "I... I don't hate him." She admitted and watched as he looked at her confusedly. "he doesn't hurt me near as much as... my mother." She could feel him tense against her again, but continued. "She hates me. She hates me because he takes me. I thought... I thought she didn't know... but a few months ago, she was there and she didn't stop him. She just watched. Like it was a show... and after... she hit me... she hit me and hurt me. I just wanted her to stop him, but she took it out on me instead."

"You're not going back." He said insistently. He didn't have to press. She didn't ever want to go back. "Come on. Let me show you how a home should feel." He said, urging her on. He walked her back to his car and drove her to her new home.

"Seto, I got a call from the school, they sounded pissed. Something about a violation of conduct?" Mokuba said moving down the stairs as Kaiba entered. "What did you do-" Mokuba finally looked up and saw his brother and the girl he was guiding. She looked up at Kaiba, now wondering what Mokuba had wondered just moments before.

"I had to do something." He said glancing down at Naomi.

"Is... is this your mystery caller?" He asked, now excited. The boy still seemed to have unlimited energy.

"Wait... when you said your little... Mokuba got a girl pregnant?" She asked. Kaiba's head spun. He was used to the questions from Mokuba but the double interrogation was a little much.

"Yeah... I'm gonna have a baby... a baby boy." Kaiba's head snapped over to his little brother.

"A boy?" He asked, a smile spreading on his face. Naomi looked up at him and saw the joy he couldn't hold back. This was what family should be like. This is what a home was. Her eyes watered as she watched the two embrace. Kaiba seemed so happy and Mokuba so proud. There was no yelling. No frustrated silence. No coldness. There was love and warmth and a kind of bond that she had only dreamed of.

"So, you're the girl Seto's been all caught up on?" Mokuba asked and she glanced up at the taller Kaiba, who immediately turned away and coughed uncomfortably. He hadn't had an issue telling her how he felt at the tracks, but now, in front of his brother... Seto Kaiba wasn't exactly known for his openness.

"Caught up on?" She asked, wondering exactly what he was saying about her.

"Yeah, I don't know what you say to him but for some reason whenever he talks to you, he cant stop smiling. He actually laughed the other day. I thought he was sick or something."

"That's enough Mokuba." Kaiba commanded, still uncomfortable. Mokuba snickered and turned to his brother.

"Well, if you don't want to hear it, go away." His brother's attitude showed again as he reached for Naomi. "Come on, I'll tell you all about it." He pulled at her arm, but Kaiba moved between the two.

"You, go bother your own girl. Naomi needs rest."

"Oh, so this one's yours?" He giggled jogging away. He knew where his brother's line was, and he could practically dance on it without crossing it. Sometimes that was worse. Now that his brother was gone, he had some things to work out.

"Naomi. We need to talk." His tone scared her, but not in a threatening way. He led her to his office and sat her in a comfortable chair. He didn't sit opposite of her, on the other side of his desk. He pulled up a seat and sat in front of her, taking her hands in his. "We need to report them." He said, cutting to the point. Her eyes widened and her hands trembled.

"Wh-what do I have to do?" She was scared. Scared and panicked, but he seemed so calm. He looked down at her and smiled. He was actually smiling.

"I'll help you through it. I'm not going to leave you. I'm here for you. Always."

Kaiba paced in his office worriedly. How could they have prevented him from going? Who did they think he was? After all he had done for her... everything he had given to her, she didn't want him there? This was a life changing event and he was already worried about the outcome. He knew he shouldn't be, but, for gods sake, life hadn't exactly been kind to her.

Suddenly his phone rang and he answered it almost too quickly.

"Hey big brother... there were some... problems." His brother said sounding a mix of depressed and tired. Kaiba's heart stopped.

"...The baby?" He pressed.

"It's... It's... a healthy baby boy!" He cried into the phone happily.

"God damn it Mokuba! You cant do that to me!" Kaiba said slamming something down. He looked over the stack of paperwork he had just tossed and sighed. "What are you naming him?"

"Kenji." Mokuba said fondly.

"After dad... How's Chelsea?" Mokuba was silent for a little, and Kaiba's anxiety returned.

"She... there actually were some problems. She wouldn't stop bleeding. They rushed her into surgery. Naomi's with her now." Kaiba waited for a moment, but Mokuba had nothing to add.

"Do you want me to come down there?" He asked, hoping the answer was yes.

"...I... yea... I need you here big brother." Mokuba said, giving him the answer he wanted. He grabbed his briefcase and left without another word. He was going to see his brother. His brother and his nephew.

The car ride passed quickly, but not quite quickly enough for him. He didn't wait for the driver to open the door for him, and rushed into the hospital. Mokuba wasn't in the lobby so Kaiba asked around until he found them. The nurse led him to the room and once he was inside the first thing he saw was Naomi.

"Seto." She greeted him, hugging him. They had grown so close now that she was free and living with him. She was still flinchy with other people, but with him she was completely at ease and he loved it. "Chelsea's fine. She had some clotting issues, but we were able to stop the bleeding. Here." She said , moving aside so he could enter fully. There he saw them. Mokuba standing over her, and Chelsea with the little blue bundle in her arms. For the first time in a long time, he felt his family was complete.






I enjoyed writing this story. I am getting used to making OCs, this being my second in a story that's been put up. I hope you all enjoyed this fic. Let me know what you think. don't forget to review with final comments.

Read, Review, Enjoy~Love ya!