LaliHO! Miss me? That's right, I'm back! I'm excited for this story, though its not the comedy I so badly wanted to write. Oh well.

Now this story format might be a little confusing for a little while, but don't worry I'll try to explain it the best I can.

The main story is going to be told through Roxas' journal, the actual journal entries will be bold and italic. EX: "blah, blah blah."

The actual story will come after those.

When it's going back into current time, the sentence will start out bold and will gradually return to normal. EX: "Blah, blah, blah."

If things are still confusing, don't be scared to ask for more information in a review!

NaNoDa, now that all that's done with. I'm so excited to put this story out! I hope you all like it!

Naked Chapter one (don't forget to read the author's note!)

"Freedom!" Axel exclaimed, rushing out of the school building. He stretched his arms above and sighed as his muscles cried in happiness. Six hours of sitting and staring did things to a guy's back.

"Are you coming over today, Ax?" Demyx asked, stopping next to his red headed friend.

Axel hummed looking over at him. "I can't today Dem. I told my mother I'd clean the kitchen last week. And she wasn't too happy that I haven't done it yet."

Demyx rolled his eyes. "Got it Ax, I'll see you tomorrow." He waved as he skipped off.

Axel smiled and headed in the opposite direction towards his own home.

"Man, school is such a bitch. Can't summer just hurry up and come…" He sighed and cracked his neck.

"I hope mom didn't leave a whole bunch of dishes for me." Axel mumbled under his breath. His shoulders slumped in realization that she probably did.

He was too busy sulking that he didn't notice the poor book in his path. It wasn't until he hit an uneven surface that he noticed he had stepped on something. "What…?" He looked bent down to pick up the small blue, leather bound book. "Looks like some kind of journal." He looked around, to see if anybody else was around who could have dropped it. When he couldn't see anybody he sighed and looked back at the book. "Guess you're coming with me." He stashed it under his arm and took off running.

"I'm not cleaning up again mom!" Axel shouted as he rushed up the stairs.

"Make Reno do it!" He yelled before shutting the door to his room.

He dove onto his bed and hugged his pillow to his face. "Oh sweet bed, how I've missed you."

He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was sleep. But he knew he had other things to do like…homework…and other evil things like that.

He let out a long drawn out sigh; "fine homework, you win." He mumbled into the pillow.

He forced himself to sit up and look at the pile of books taunting him on top of his desk; and on top of the pile of books sat the journal.

He picked the journal up off the top of the books and sighed. "You're kind of a sad looking thing…" He dusted his foot print off the top of it.

"I wonder what's inside of it…" He shook his head; "you shouldn't Axel…"

He looked back down at the small blue book. "Well I do need to know who you belong too." He opened the book, hoping that there was a name in the cover. When there wasn't he sighed; "sure make things difficult." He mumbled softly.

"I guess I have no choice." He slowly opened the journal to the first page.

Monday August 21, 2009 7:00 a.m.

"Today I started High School. Mother tried to convince me that High School would be better than middle school, I don't know why, but I started to let myself believe it… Too bad it started out just like every day; just in a new house, in a new city…."

Roxas groaned softly when he was pulled out of his deep sleep by an intrusive beeping. Oh how he hated school time, and waking up a little after six. He slammed his hand down on the off button before forcing his eyes to open.

He had a small freak out when he didn't recognize the room he was in. "That's right…" He mumbled sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "We moved…"

He forced himself to stand up, despite his body begging him to curl back up and sleep more.

"Are you awake, Roxas?" His mother shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah." He shouted back as he grabbed clothes and headed to the bath room.

"Hurry up if you want breakfast!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He responded and started the shower. He stepped in and sat down, ready to soak up the warm water.

He spent a good hour in the shower before pulling himself out.

"Roxas!" His mother yelled, growing impatient.

"I'm coming!" He shouted back, drying and dressing.

He grabbed his backpack and lugged it down the stairs.

"Do you have everything Roxas?" His mother asked, as she hurried to get ready.

"I guess…" He mumbled pulling his back pack on.

"Now Roxas don't mumble, and stand up straight." His mother said giving him a stern look.

Roxas sighed doing as his mother told.

"Hungry?" She asked while grabbing her keys. She didn't wait for him to respond before saying "good" and ushering him out the door.

"Now Roxas, you'll have to walk home." His mother said pulling up to the school.

Roxas sighed; "of course mother."

He opened the car door and quickly scrambled out. He sighed looking up at the tall building. He felt this hope swell up in his chest. He really wanted things to go well here. Gripping his shoulder strap, he slowly made his way into the school.

The hallways were buzzing when he got inside. Old friends catching up, talking about summer, giggling over new crushes…. He sighed; 'looks like I'm already singled out….Come on Roxas, think positively, it's only the first day.' He bit his lip and gripped his strap before heading to first period.

When he got there, there were a group of upperclassmen blocking the door. He sighed standing a few feet away, hoping they would leave quickly. He looked at his phone after a few minutes, he was going to be late and they were still standing there. He let out a long sigh before speaking; "excuse me, can I get through?"

The upperclassmen gave him a dirty look, but parted ways.

"Thanks." He mumbled walking to the door.

He didn't get far before being tripped. "That's what you get for speaking to us like that. Got it freshmeat?"

Roxas sighed pushing himself up off the floor 'of course.' He hurried into the room, trying to ignore the laughter from the upperclassmen.

He looked around the class room and sighed. Groups of students were littered around the room. They were all laughing and chatting away. He chose to sit in the back of class next to the window. He stared outside; 'I miss the charming skies of twilight town...' He let out a long soft sigh.

"Pay attention students!" The teacher slurred/ shouted at the class.

The chatter slowly hushed as students moved to take their seats.

Roxas looked over at the teacher. He sighed; he looked completely hammered.

"Alright class, my name is Luxord; you will address me by such. I'm from England and I love tea. That was my brief introduction, now all of you, starting in the back."

Roxas blushed when all eyes fell on him. He slowly stood up. "My name is Roxas Strife…um I'm from Twilight Town…"

"Loser!" Somebody "coughed" causing everyone to break out into laughter.

Roxas looked in that direction, but it was too hard to tell who had said it. He sighed and sat down; hiding his face in his arms.

"That's when I first saw him...He was perfect in a dysfunctional way. I won't mention his name; he will be addressed as HIM…."

Axel stood up when it got to him. "The name is Axel. A.X.E.L. Got it memorized…?"

"He introduced himself in such a strange way. But it worked; his name is forever burned into my memory."

Axel sighed softly when the entry finished. Whoever this kid was, sure was a good writer. But it didn't help him, he still had no idea who to give the journal back to.

"AXEL, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND CLEAN THE DISHES!" His mother yelled up the stairs.

He sighed placing the journal back down on his desk and stood up.


He looked back at the leather bound book and sighed. He wanted to keep reading; he'd have to keep reading… He tossed the book on his bed and ran out of his room and down the stairs.

Yeah, it isn't the longest of chapters. But as we get into the meat of the story, the chapters will get longer!

Anyway Like it? Review! Hate it? Review it anyway!