DUN-DUN-DA-DUN-DA-DA! and after many long days, I have finnaly came up with a new story! OH, and I ow this to Zatsune Miku. Since she requested a I do a LilyLuka fic a while back, and I never got to it. Ufufufu-I've had such a bad case of writers block lately. ; u ; I'M BACK, THOUGH, BITCHES. 8D... will shut up, so you can read, nao. Enjoy and review!

The blonde never was okay with the fact that her best friend was dating Gakupo. Gakupo. Of all the dudes in the apartment, Luka just had to go after Gakupo? Lily didn't understand. The two were completely different. Luka was a proper, well organized, neat, mature and responsible young woman, as delicate as a flower. She was like a mother, of sorts, to the younger children in the apartment type building. So caring, and calm. But of course, she did have a bit of a temper, which was quite frightening. Frightening, like 20 nights of thunder storms and rain. Frightening, like a gun being put to your head. Frightening, as if a knife was being sliced through your wrist. And she was also a sensitive one.

Gakupo, however, oh boy… Lily had so many hurtful words to describe that man. That horrible man. For starters, he was a playboy. Seriously. Everyone wanted him, and he wanted everyone. He was a huge flirt. Trust me, Lily had seen him flirting with others behind Luka's back. In fact, Gakupo had even tried flirting with Lily, herself! She had to resist the urge to knock him out! Why she didn't? She didn't have the heart to, knowing that Luka would worry about Gakupo, and the chances her friendship with Luka would be destroyed, because of what she did to her boyfriend. Gakupo was nothing but trouble. He seemed kind and caring, but he was actually quite rude, and ungrateful. One time, Lily had over heard Gakupo talking with Kaito. What about? Luka, of course. And her body. Oh, that body of hers. With her "big titties, and nice ass" and the likes. It disgusted Lily.

Lily wanted to tell Luka everything, that she had witnessed, and learned about Gakupo. Heck, Lily had even asked Luka why she was even together with Gakupo! Luka claimed that Gakupo was a gentleman, despite always wanting to feel her up. Lily had told Luka on many occasions, that Gakupo wasn't good for her health, that she deserved someone better, but Luka would only shake her head, her cheeks painted red with embarrassment. And usually the two wouldn't talk for the rest of the day.

Then again, Lily wasn't the very best example of someone proper like Luka. Quite the opposite, really. So she shouldn't really be talking. Lily spoke her mind, had a loud mouth, and didn't even really seem to care about a lot of things, unless it involved her. She was quite lazy, unlike Luka, who always seemed to have her hands full. Lily couldn't be bothered to do anything around the house. Meanwhile Luka never failed to volunteer, always wearing a smile on her face. Lily was impatient, while Luka seemed to have all the time in the world.

It was a wonder how the two were such good friends. And it was a wonder how Luka and Gakupo were a couple. And it was a wonder-okay, well, no, not really. It wasn't a wonder how Lily and Gakupo hated each other. Did Gakupo know Lily hated him? Probably not. But Lily did. Oh, she did. She did, indeed.

It was another not so ordinary day in the apartment complex. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and Lily couldn't even hear her own thoughts. The blonde was currently sitting in a chair-or rather, laying in a chair, her feet kicked over the chairs arms, her head resting on the back, just barely paying attention to the tv, which was playing some sort of engrish romantic comedy. Luka and Gakupo were curled up together on the couch, laughing together, occasionally pressing they're lips together. Gakupo's arm was around Luka's waist. They kept mumbling something Lily didn't understand. Probably something in engrish. Grr, that was one thing Lily envied about Gakupo and Luka. They understood engrish perfectly, and could speak it perfectly. And they sounded amazing when they spoke it. Meanwhile, Lily over here was an ubber fail at even understanding the damn language.

Gakupo kept glaring over at Lily, smirking when Luka wasn't watching him. Which made Lily's anger swirl inside of her. Her eye only twitched in response, and she crossed her arms, before turning away with a look of disgust written all over her face.

Neru was sitting across from Lily, texting as usual, while Haku was at her feet, struggling to keep her eyes open. Beer cans, and sake bottles littered the floor around her. In the far corner of the room, Yuki, Ryuto and Lui was playing some board game. Lui kept yelling whenever he felt as if someone was cheating, or he wasn't winning, while Yuki giggled and giggled, and giggled, until she fell to the floor, clutching her sides, tears coming to her eyes. The Kagamine twins were running all around the house, chasing each other. Apparently Rin had stolen one of Len's bananas, so Len stole one of Rin's oranges for revenge.

Lily could have sworn that they had broken at least 10 items around the house.

Meiko was cooking something in the kitchen, occasionally yelling. Beer bottles falling to the floor could be heard, along with another voice. Meito's. Lily hoped they didn't burn the kitchen down.

Yup. Just an ordinary day, all right.

Lily's blue eyes, filled with boredom would flicker over to the tv once and a while, though her real focus were the two love birds sitting together on the couch. Gakupo had just stroked her cheek, before kissing her lips, and getting up from his seat. Lily heard him say he'd be back, and Luka just smiled. A smile that could go for miles. Luka always seemed to be all the more happy with Gakupo around. They had been together for at least a year now. Lily found it funny, because only just a year ago, Luka hated Gakupo with a passion. And somehow he had managed to capture her heart, all in one year. Oh god, why.

Lily used this opportunity, to take a seat next to Luka, putting on a smile. "Hey, Lily." Luka greeted. "Sup, Luka?"

Luka sighed dreamily. "Oh…. I'm soo in love. It's been a year, and we're still going strong. It feels like we've only just gotten together, and we're still getting to know each other. Oh Lily, it feels so great to be in love."

Lily's eye twitched. There she goes again. Babbling on and on about Mr. Playboy. This was ridiculous. Lily was tired of it. Oh how she wanted to tell Luka everything. But she couldn't. She didn't have the heart to do so. Not if it would destroy Luka's happiness. Lily did want Luka to be happy, but…. Just not with Gakupo.

Now it's not what you're thinking. Lily was in no way, jealous. She just thought that Luka deserved so much better. Lily was in no way, a lesbian. She liked the dudes. The fella's.

"Yeah, that's great Luka. Say, have you ever gotten the feeling you're being… Oh, I dunno…. Cheated on?" That came out a little bluntly. Luka's dazing blue eyes widened in shock. "No! W-why would you ask something like that? Do you know something I don't know….?" Questions poured and poured out of her mouth, her cheeks growing redder and redder by the minute. A thin coat of sweat was beginning to form on her forehead.

Lily felt her heart sink. Oh god… she hadn't meant to be so blunt. She had to remember, she needed to be careful with Luka. She was a very sensitive young lady. One wrong move, and, BOOM! Happiness destroyed! The blonde swallowed nervously. She did know something Luka didn't know. But she just couldn't tell her. "…No. Sorry about that, I was only asking."

Luka seemed to brighten up. Her once reddened cheeks faded, her blue eyes, once full of worry, the joyous light came back. She whipped the sweat off her forehead and smiled gently. Though she still seemed slightly panicked, as if she had just had a heart attack, and the aftermath was just wearing off. "Ah, Lily! Please don't do that to me!" She laughed heartily. Lily laughed along with her, although her laugh was more of a nervous chuckle.

"Heh, yeah, sorry. Just a question." Luka seemed to pick up on her nervous chuckle. "Lily? Is something wrong? I mean, I know you can be a little blunt sometimes… but it seems as if you're hiding something from me."

Lily's cheeks flared. "Uh, uh, NOPE! NOPE! OF COURSE NOT!" She was yelling now. A bad personality trait, when it came to being nervous. Which, of course earned stares from the people assembled in the room.

"You worry me sometimes, Lily." Luka sighed, before delicately crossing her legs. That was when Gakupo sauntered back into the living room. Luka's eyes immediately darted to his eyes. His know-it-all eyes. Gakupo flashed Luka smile, before smoothly walking over to her. His eyes met with Lily's, for a moment, and he smirked once again. Lily felt like the room was on fire, her anger burning inside of her. "Excuse me, Lily. I would like to sit beside m'lady, if you don't so terribly mind." Luka was swooning over his choice of words.

Lily, once again, had to resist the urge to knock him out, right here, and right now. Instead, she clenched her teeth, and stood up. Once again, her eyes locked with Gakupo's, a burning hatred showing brightly in her eyes, before stepping out of his way, purposely bumping her shoulder against his, with all the force she could muster. He stumbled slightly, loosing his balance, but smoothly caught himself. He smirked at Lily, mouthing, "feisty, are we?" and taking a seat before his girlfriend.

That Gakupo better watch his back, if he knew what was best for him.