-Sex Therapy

Summary: Castle and Beckett goes undercover at a marriage counselling retreat to catch the killer... Along the way, they will have to act like a married couple... with sex therapy included. What's the worst could happen, right?

A/N: Forgive me if you are having a bit of a hard time following the story. I have no intention of making it case-heavy because frankly, I am all about the smut... Yes, I'm sorry if that turns you off. So please, do yourself a favor and read something else. And I suck when it comes to describing epic scenarios and all that jazz. Also, I admit that the storyline idea might have been used before but this is a completely different version... but my type of a fun version.

Also, I'd like to make a minor note that I'm hard of hearing in real life, so English isn't particularly my strong suit. Bear with me, thank you, and enjoy. :) Please review if you would like. I do not even know if people will like it. This isn't beta'd.

Rated M for language, sexual content, and smut in later chapters.

Spoilers: Up to season 4, before 47 seconds episode.

Disclaimer:I do not own Castle.

Sensation of pressure centred in the lower abdomen of Kate's body tensed up at the state of release. Waves of intense pleasure exploded through her trembling body, irregular breathing escaped through her swollen parted lips. At loss for words nor could shout this one out. Her voice was silence by the overwhelming orgasm. She was in heaven, and it all happened so fast. Wishing her orgasm would last longer than 15 seconds but she would take whatever she could get. Those few precious seconds of heavy breathing, body flushing and electricity flowing. It seemed enough at the time, but she was always wanting more.

Best part of all were the aftershocks, enjoying the ripples of electricity through her body with an utmost enjoyment and relaxation. Her eyelids fluttering to wake up and gazing into the eyes of the person who gave her a mind blowing orgasm. It wasn't long before the weight on her body lifted to roll off.

There was a silence between the two. Catching their breaths and listening to each other.

Til then a light murmur was heard, "Rick..."

Two weeks earlier

"Good morning, Detective Beckett." Castle in his usual charming self bringing himself over to Beckett's desk with two hot cups of coffee held in his hands. She raised her chin to look at Castle, taking the coffee from his hand and mumbled thanks before taking her first sip of the day. He took his usual spot in his seat next to her desk, taking his drop as well. "Do we have a case?"

"No." She said bluntly, her gaze shifted to the stack of paperwork on her desk. As usual, scribbling away to fill in the blanks. "But we do have some paperwork to fill out. I wouldn't mind an extra set of hands here, Castle."

Oh, I bet you do. After breaking things off with Josh, you must be in a desire need of a -

Beckett noticed she was given a small treatment. Her eyes now looked up with her, shifting her head to meet with his. He was staring. All she had to do was to frown at him and speak up.

"Castle!" Boy, she was annoyed.

Hearing his own name had pulled him out of the gutter. "What?" He questioned her, catching the scowl Beckett was giving him. Oh god, you're cute when you get angry. But not when you're angry with me. Castle thought to himself again. Putting himself back into the gutter and totally ignoring the fact that she was annoyed with him.

"Go home Castle. I don't need you here." Just when she thought he was listening for a second there, he wasn't responding again. His mind had wandered off again, but his stare held on her.


Castle's shoulders jumped up slightly, startled by her scary expression. "Jeez! I was imagining – uh, I was thinking about some stuff."

She rolled her eyes, "Do that at home then. I don't need you to distract me unless you're willing to help me out here."

And back into the woods he goes.

I'd love to help youout, Detective Beckett. A mischievous smirk plastered upon his face. He was imagining things again. Ever since she had broken things off with Josh, he couldn't help but found himself back into the fantasy of themselves in bed. Strapped to the bedpost with handcuffs. In the shower... Her desk, his desk... Gates' desk. Wait, what? Richard, you dog.

"CASTLE!" Beckett was furious, her voice was raised.

"Mom and dad fighting again." Esposito quietly mumbled at his desk. Ryan was at his as well, their backs were facing each other, but Beckett's voice was almost loud enough for the whole precinct to hear. A few detectives nearby couldn't help themselves but to look at the two. Wondering when she's ever going to cut him some slack and shack up for once. The bet has been going on for too long now... No way they're backing out of this one. Who knows? One spur of the moment and they'll be at it.

His smirk was wiped off by the sound of her voice. Now he was anxious, seeing that he may have pushed Beckett a little over the edge. He had the urge to slap himself out of this one, and get his head back in the game but decided to charm his way out of this. Figured it might be safer. "I'm sorry, Detective. I can't help myself when I'm distracted by a hot cop."

She wanted to smack him on the arm. No, wait. Take that back. She wanted to kiss him... No, smack him and then passionately kiss the shit out of him. Beckett had thought of so many ways to kiss him again ever since their little decoy mission back then. She was with Josh at the time, but now he's no longer around. During the 47 seconds after being shot, she had finally heard him say those three little words she longed for. Even though the timing sucked, but she pulled through in the end.

Months had gone by since she heard him. Not even once she could bring herself to admit to Castle that she had remembered everything. She lied to his face but how could he have asked her when she was tired and fighting in the damn hospital bed. Maybe another time, it would have been a better scenario.

"...Beckett?" Castle quietly whispered her name, catching her gaze swaying slightly to the side. By then he knew her mind had wandered off. Giving him the right to put on a small grin, now it was his turn to fuck with her. He carefully leaned in close to her without any sudden movement that would snap her out of it and whispered, "I want to kiss you all over, Kate."

Just like that, Beckett snapped her glance back at Castle's.

"Uh," His eyes widened. "I-I..." Clearing his throat. Safe word, now. "Apples... Apples?"

She couldn't help but scowl again. Oh, she heard him alright. Her lips curved into a grin, "Oh Castle..." Using her feet to push her department chair towards Castle, just close enough for her to lean in, face to face. Not a word out of her mouth on the way over. Placing a hand on his stubble cheek, caressing it for a moment with her thumb before trailing her fingers off to his earlobe. Gently rubbing the earlobe.

Castle was stunned and silenced. Beckett was so close to his face. Cherries... Cherries all over. Yousmell so goddamn good, Beckett. Come on, Richard. Do something. She'sgiving youan opportunity!

Then comes jerking his earlobe hard, causing Castle to shriek a little. She eased the pressure on his earlobe and brought her lips close by. Her eyes wandered around to the left side of the room, making sure nobody was watching her. Esposito and Ryan were on the right side of the room, trying to sneak a peek to see what she was doing to his ear. Luckily for Beckett, his side profile was in the way. Beckett's fingers were released from his earlobe and replaced it with her hot breathing, with a soft moan. "The only thing you're going to kiss is my gun, Castle."

He groaned. Come on, Kate. Why youdo this to me?

Beckett retreated herself away from Castle, trying to hide her grin, and pushing herself back towards the desk. Just in time, her phone chimed. She reached over to pick it up and held it to her ear, "Beckett."

Castle watched her scurry away in her damn pride, letting out a deep exhale as he needed to take his eyes off Beckett for the time being. Catching Esposito and Ryan staring. They were smirking their asses off, Ryan was giving Castle a nod. Of course, the damn bet's still going around.

"We got two bodies." Beckett rose from her seat, "Guys, let's go." She glanced over to the boys as she quickly threw her leather jacket over her shoulders.

Two black Crown Victoria Fords pulled up to the curb in front of a tall apartment building. Esposito and Ryan were following Beckett the whole trip over. Castle and Beckett sat in silence, neither of them had anything to say... For now.

Ryan and Esposito slipped out after arriving, they were the first to lead inside.

"I've got a funny feeling about this one." Castle spoke just before Beckett managed to leave the car. She had the door opened wide and a foot out. She twisted her torso to Castle's direction, "Since when murder's a good thing?"

Castle opened his passenger door, letting himself out. "We rarely get two bodies at once... I do hope it's the whole robbery gone wrong this time."

Beckett was out of the car after Castle finished his sentence, slamming the door lightly. "Come on, Ricky-boy. Don't you want the weird cases?" She had to put on a small grin, hoping it would spice up the atmosphere.

He shrugged his shoulders, "We've had enough of those. Remember the cryogenics case? Red riding hood? Hell... The ghost was a nice touch." He wiggled his eyebrows, remembering the exact moment he may have accidentally slipped his hand to her crotch when she asked him to push her up towards the hatch on the ceiling.

"And here I was thinking your favourite case would have been the aliens." She rolled her eyes.

He just had to smirk. "Is it because we had matching hickeys?"

Beckett couldn't help but laugh, shook her head as they walked side by side into the building. "They weren't hickeys, Castle."

"I wish they were."

"Of course... What of the tiger then? Wasn't that one g-g-g-great?" She mimicked Ryan's comment back then after they were rescued. You got to admit it, it was a fun humour.

"I'm not sure about that one, Detective Beckett. It almost ate my beautiful, beautiful face. The handcuffs were a nice touch though." She laughed at his remark.

Eventually they both arrived at the scene of crime, into a decent-sized loft belonged to a married couple. Castle and Beckett had to watch their steps. The husband was shot close-ranged into the forehead right at the door, and the wife was found on the floor nearby. She spilled more blood than the husband did. Lanie was inspecting the wife as the crime scene unit worked around her.

"Talk to me, Lanie." Beckett spoke, keeping her distance from the pool of blood. Castle couldn't help himself but stare at the body and sniffed at the reek of smell in the room. His eyes wandering all around the room. Why does it smell like sex in here? He thought.

Beckett catches him sniffing, and raising her eyebrow. Just what the hell is he doing? Lanie distracted her back into cop-mode. Her gaze meeting Lanie's.

"Meet Alicia Rose and Robert Adagio. She's in her late twenties and the husband in his early 30s." Lanie resumed jotting her notes down onto her clipboard, "From the looks of it, she was finished off last." Laine squatted down next to the body, the clipboard resting on top of her thighs. Reaching over with her latex covered hands. Carefully lifting the body to roll her over a bit, "She was trying to flee from the killer but only to be shot in the back, turned over to get a good look on the killer's face before he shot her in the chest to finish her off."

"Robbery?" Beckett asked, taking a fresh look around. A lot of these times, it was never a robbery, but you can never know.

"Nope, nothing was stolen. The killer definitely knew the victims. As for the husband, he was shot close-ranged as soon as he opened the door. Poor guy didn't have the time to do anything." Lanie spoke.

"Time of death?"

"Judging by the decomposition of the body, somewhere between the hours of 9 to 11 PM last night."

"Thanks Lanie." She shot a glance over to Castle. Castle was sniffing around like a dog, he was certainly up to something. "Castle, you okay?"

"Why does it smell like sex in here?" Castle spoke.

"Seriously, Castle? You can smell that with a dead body nearby? Lanie, any chance the killer might have gotten himself off over the bodies?" It was a silly accusation, but she had to be safe, after all, it's her career here.

"There isn't any body fluids around here. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if you find some in bed. Nothing like releasing a quick one before bed." Lanie hummed to herself quietly.

Beckett pouted her lips into a tiny grin, "Right. Have the forensic check out the bed and match the fluids."

Castle gasped. "Do you think they might have had sex with the killer, only when he was done and realized he might have been at risk... Comes back and tie up the loose end?"

And there's his absurd theory. Beckett rolled her eyes, "Great. Now let's take a moment and hope that the killer was stupid enough to leave his sperm behind."

"D-did she just say sperm?" Castle asked Lanie. He had never heard her say the word before.

"Not touching that one, writer-boy." Lanie resumed to her clipboard.

Beckett scoffed, "Real mature, Castle." Leaving Lanie alone. Castle followed Beckett out of the crime scene, Ryan and Esposito were outside in the hallway, questioning the neighbours and the landlord. "Esposito, what do you have?"

Ryan looked to Javi and nodded his head towards Beckett, gesturing him to talk to her and resume talking to the witnesses.

"Yo, nothing so far." Esposito spoke as he stepped away from his partner. "Got two witnesses here who found the bodies. She was pretty horrified. Nobody heard a gunshot of some sort, the killer may have used a silencer." He gave his notes a quick look over, "Witness here says she usually go for a run in the mornings with the wife, she knocked, and there wasn't any answer except for the reek of smell she noticed. Called the landlord and they found the bodies."

"Right. Any cameras in this building?" Beckett asked.

The landlord stepped in to interrupt the two, "Sorry, I don't mean to pry but no, we don't have any camera except for the dummy one in the lobby. These things are expensive."

Esposito jerked his head over to the landlord once, "This is Adam Hill, he's the landlord." He held his pen towards Beckett and Castle, "Detective Beckett and her partner, Castle."

Adam didn't care much for the introduction, but it was a need to know basis in case something comes up and needs to call her up. "I can't believe they're gone..." Adam frowned slightly.

"Were you close to the two of them?" She asked.

"Oh, god, yeah I guess you could say that in a way. They were newlyweds when they first moved in here and have been living here for the past... Uhhh, 7 or 8 years? They were tight as a knot and very friendly." The landlord answered, hand itching in his hair. "I don't know who would want to kill them. They weren't rich either."

"Would you happen to know that maybe, they had some sort of a problem with family? Neighbour? Any unusual run ins?"

He shook is head slowly but stopped for a moment, "...Actually, they did have a visitor last night. A woman. She didn't saw who she was, but she mentioned she was a friend of the couple. She met them at some kind of a marriage counselling retreat. Said she was one of the staffs."

Castle spoke up, "That's unusual. Usually, staffs aren't allowed to be interfering with couples outside of the retreat. It's strictly against the policy."

Beckett shot a glance over to Castle, raised an eyebrow.

He caught Beckett's stare, "Oh... Uh, Gina and I went to a retreat one time. Didn't work out too well." Clearing his throat, "Anyway. Do you know the name of the place they went?"

Adam shook his head, "Sorry... Hell, I never knew they went. Guess they put on a hell of a show to hide their problems."

"Esposito, run their finances. See if the name pops out."

"Got it." Esposito spoke, jotting down in his little notepad to remind himself. Turning away from the group.

Beckett shifted her gaze back to Adam, "Would you be able to remember her face and work with a sketch artist?"

"Erm... I can try." He looked worried, not giving her a reason not to try.

"Okay, thanks Adam. Esposito will take you back to the station, and there you'll work with an artist. Excuse me," Beckett walked over to Ryan and the witness, leaving Castle alone with the landlord for a quick chat. She knew Castle would do a bit of a detective work, asking some questions, and he would fill her in later. Worth the effort. "Ryan." She greeted him.

"Hey Becks," Ryan looked over to the female, she was in tears. "This is Marcy, Alicia's good friend and neighbour."

"Marcy. I'm sorry for your loss."

Marcy let out a short sob, "I-I'm sorry, detective. I'm a mess. I knew Alicia for so long, I wasn't expecting this at all."

"I understand. The two of you were close?"

"Yes..." Marcy nodded, "Whenever Rob wasn't around, she would invite me over and we would have a glass of wine. Share our days and gossip. Sounds a little cliche, I know, but we were close. I look forward to seeing her every time I would come home from work. Things would get too stressful, and she always helped me take the edge off. Why would someone want to kill her? She's a sweet woman."

Beckett hated the stories. It was part of her job to deal with them, but curiosity always got to her when it comes to solving murders. The question pops up in her head every time a new case comes up, why? Why did they kill them? What was the motive? Most of these stories turned out to be compelling or just a regular ol' classic motive in the book. She could feel their pain in a way. Her mom was killed, and she never got to find out. The worst part of all in this job, she was able to give people the closure they needed to hear, and she never got hers. "Marcy, I understand but you must know that I do need to ask for your alibi. Where were you last night between 9 and 11 AM?"

"How could you ask me that? I would never, ever harm my best friend. I can't even watch horror movies and not feel sick." Marcy exclaimed, "God, I was in my apartment last night, watching TV."

Beckett saw it coming. No matter what, even politely asking, it was a normal reaction. People would always feel offended in a way. "And you didn't hear anything next door? Anything unusual?"

Marcy wrapped her slender arms around her upper torso, rubbing her bicep softly. "Aside from the moaning next door? That wasn't news to me. I got used to it... except..." She squinted her eyes, "I did hear a different tone of voice. Like, a third person. A woman...? I'm fairly certain I never heard her before."

Beckett's forehead wrinkled as she rose her eyebrows, "Threesome? They were having a threesome?" Oh, Castle would love to hear this. This is undoubtedly his type of a case.

Marcy shook her head, "That's just silly. They're married for gods sake."

"Marcy, every couple is different. Some do have an open relationship. You'd be surprised."

"But Alicia never told me about having an open relationship. She wasn't into that kind of stuff. We had a couple of a dirty talk but never once, ever mentioned anything about having an open relationship. That's not likely of her."

"Do you know if they went to a marriage counselling retreat? The landlord mentioned the woman he saw last night came in here, said she was a staff."

"No..." Shaking her head, hand gripping on her bicep tightly. "Marriage troubles...? But they were fine when I saw them. They went on a vacation last week, they were heading to Mexico for a week. A romantic getaway, she said."

Kate nodded her head once, "Thank you for your time. Call me if anything pops up." She said as she handed Marcy her card, "Ask for Detective Beckett." She left Marcy alone with Ryan to finish up a bit more. She walked over to Castle, the landlord had just left him alone by the time Beckett was finished. "Let's head back to the precinct, Castle. Ryan and Esposito will take over from here."

On the way back in the crown vic, Beckett driving as usual with Castle in the passenger seat. It was time to share any new information they collected from the landlord and the neighbour. "Anything useful from the landlord, Castle?"

"Not much from the guy. He mentioned the woman was a blonde, in her 30s and gorgeous looking. She flirted with him to have her way inside the apartment. Said she was a real piece of work... Of course, the landlord gave in. Poor guy, single and a hot woman comes out of nowhere, hitting on him. He must have felt like heaven."

"Castle." She scoffed, "So, did he say anything of her outfit? Slutty? Prostitute clothing?"

Castle turned his head to look at Beckett, a small grin, "Why Beckett, you interested?"

"No, Castle!" The only thing I'm interested is you... Whether it'spaid or free. Oh god, Beckett.You'regoing way off topic here. Get your shit together."The neighbour, Marcy, she heard a third suspect in the bedroom next door... along with sexual moans. It might have been a threesome encounter."

His eyes widened, "...Threesome? Why you tell me now? I could have asked Marcy a couple of questions of that! I mean, in a professional way. I happen to know a great deal of experiences..." He saw Beckett's signature eyebrow raised up, "...I mean, I had my fair share of... uh. Hearing things next door when I'm in a hotel on a book signing tour. You know. It's easy to sort out the voices."

"Uh-huh." Beckett nodded, "Back to the topic, Castle. She said it's unlikely of the couple to be having a threesome encounter. They shared a few nights of dirty talking, sharing the intimacy details of their sex life and never once mentioned anything of a threesome of some sort. I'm thinking it's connected to the marriage counselling retreat... Somehow."

"The landlord did say she was a staff. That's our connection."

"But people lie."

"I don't know, Beckett. This is all fishy to me. Did Marcy know anything of the retreat?"

"Nope. So far, nobody knew they even went. Marcy said they were on a vacation for a week in Mexico. I'm guessing Alicia lied about their stay. We won't know for sure until we get back to the precinct."

Back at the precinct, Beckett's eyes glued to the computer screen, researching for marriage counselling retreats in the area. The place has got to be close by, otherwise how else would a staff travel from afar to meet the victims outside of the retreat. A few came up in the search results, nothing out of ordinary.

Castle came around to her desk with a mug, setting it down for her. He had always been the typical coffee go-to guy for Beckett. It was his minor way of showing how much he appreciates her... and well, of course. His love for her.

Beckett thanked him in a mumble, eyes still focused. "Castle, when you went to the retreat, were you in the city?"

"No, we went to the one close to the Hampton's. It's better to be someplace nice and relaxing rather than having to deal with all the city surroundings. I don't understand why they would even have retreats around here."

"I'm thinking it's the budget, Castle. Most couples wouldn't be able to afford some good help. Unlike you, Mr. Millionaire, got one of the best help you could get and your marriage didn't work out?" She put on a small smirk.

"Ouch, Detective. That hurt." He sneered his eyes, "That was long before I found out she cheated on me. Why are you so interested in my failed marriage all of sudden?"

"Sorry Castle. I didn't mean it. Some relationships just didn't work out." She shifted her gaze to meet with his, letting him know that she did mean it when she apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I'm over it." He smiled, "Now that everybody's back here." He looked over to Ryan and Esposito who just came in through the elevators and settling in on their computers, getting to work. "Should I grab some lunch for everyone?"

"That would be great." Beckett looked to the two detectives, "Hey boys, Castle's buying lunch. You want some?"

"Hell yeah, bro." Esposito spoke as he turned in his chair and leaning back.

Ryan turned to Castle as well, "Thanks Castle, I'm starving."

About 30 minutes later or so, Castle walked through the bullpen from the elevators, some white plastic bags in his hands. He had gotten Chinese takeouts, called ahead to have the grub prepared as soon as he picked them up. After all, everyone's hungry. He noticed people weren't in their usual seats but one quick glance over to the large rectangular window with blinds in the way, they were in the meeting room. Several paperwork lying around on the table. Castle walked through the door and set the bags onto the corner of the table, carefully taking the containers out.

Everyone thanked him as they scurry over to grab a container, opening them up and grabbing whatever they liked to see. Soon they were back in their seats, eating. Castle joined them, sitting close to Beckett. "What do we got so far?" He asked.

Esposito decides to be the one to fill him in, "The third suspect wasn't lying about the retreat. There's one just a little outside of New York. Called the Loving at your Best retreat. We checked the financial records, there's a payment of approximately 1.2 grand for the hotel stay and about $500 for the sessions."

"How many sessions did they provide?" Castle asked, he was interested. Beckett rose her eyebrows at him, wondering why the hell he was asking that.

"...Uh," Esposito flipped through a page or two, "Six sessions here. Sex therapy sessions, to be more specific."

"Sex therapy?" Both Castle and Beckett said in unison and caught each others gaze then

Ryan watched the two and secretly grinned. Look at how cute these guys are. They don'teven know it... Maybe Jenny and I could make them go out on a double date with us. That just might work, and I'll win the bet for once.

Then they looked away in silence, back to Esposito who was grinning like an idiot. "Anyway," He licked his lips, "They spent a week there. We'll need to go there for questioning."

"Castle and I can take care of that." Beckett wasn't sure whether Esposito or Ryan would crack a joke of some sort at this one, but neither of them spoke when she scowled her face at the two. They were still afraid of their own boss.

"Road trip... yes!" Castle pumped his fist on his side.

After a few minutes looking into paperwork, Beckett decided to wait for Lanie to come up with something before they would go on a trip since the drive would be about an hour away. Her phone chimed, it was about time Lanie found something. She rose from her seat, "Lanie's got something." Just when Castle was about to get up, she placed a hand on his shoulder and shoved him back into his own seat. "Stay put and eat." Soon leaving the room.

"Man, you're whipped." Esposito spoke to Castle across from the table, taking the chow mien into his mouth, "You're like a dog. Drooling all over Beckett."

Ryan continues to eat, but talks with his mouth full anyway, "I'm beginning to wonder if that playboy image of yours was a lie."

"Yeah bro, I used to look up to you, but you suck as a role model."

"Seriously?" Castle said in a low tone, he was agitated by the two. "Seriously? That woman scares me sometimes..." Mumbling to himself, "...working on it."

Beckett walked through the large metal sliding doors, entering the morgue. "Hey Lanie, what you got?" She asked as Lanie turned to face Beckett.

"Hey girl. These bodies are clean, aside from the gunshot wounds. The killer didn't leave a single trace of evidence behind... Remember when you asked the forensics to check the bed? Turns out there were traces of body fluids. They matched the two victims here, but there were also some that didn't match. Meaning there's a third suspect."

"They had a threesome then. Great. Even the landlord's sketch artist wasn't much of a help. Turns out he was drinking and didn't remember clearly on what she looked like. The only connection we have is the marriage counselling retreat." She took a quick sigh before carrying on the discussion. "Castle and I are going over there and check it out. See if we can find out which one of the staff had an encounter with the victims. Thanks Lanie." Beckett turned to walk out, but Lanie called out her name, stopping dead in her tracks to look at her.

"You... said marriage counselling retreat? Girl... are you sure you want to step into that territory?" Lanie asked, clipboard resting in her hands.

Beckett wasn't sure where she was going with this one. "What are you talking about?"

Then Lanie laughed a bit, "Beckett. You two act like a couple. Aren't you worried that someone would recognize the two of you and ask all sorts of questions? After all... You are Nikki Heat with the famous Richard Castle. It's not a secret around here."

"Oh come on, Lanie. That's ridiculous. Everybody knows that there's nothing going on between the two of us. You know that. Nobody's going to ask us anything, not when I'm flashing my badge around." She smirked. Although, thanks to Lanie. It did cross her mind that some people MIGHT see something between the two of them. She would play with the idea for fun, see who would say what and how Castle responds to them. Finally, leaving Lanie alone.

Lanie hummed to herself and whispers, "Ricky, I hope you're stupid enough to do something for good this time."