Sapphire: Hey! I'm back! Sorry for the delay!

Ashley: They are either mad or don't care.

Sapphire: Watch it wolf girl! You are already on thin ice with me! Crystal do the disclaimer please?

Crystal: (Nods) Sapphire does NOT own anything, but the plot! Now please enjoy will I beat some sense into those two! (Bows and chase after the two)

Chapter 5 – To Zelda's We Go!

Yami's POV

We finally got back to the ship and Yugi decided to drag me back to his room. And no it not that! Perverted people! He thought I could use a new set of cloth to wear and a shower. Both of which I could really use.

While I was staying at Ganon's, I did get a new outfit, but that was the only thing that they had. So I wore those and my pharaoh's outfit most of my stay and with all my training I barely got a chance to bath. So right now is a good time for a shower.

I was standing in the shower when I hear a knock at the door and the beautiful voice of my tenshi saying, "Yami, I got you some clothes. I'm going to leave them on the counter."

I grin, thinking what I could do to my love when he also adds, "You can stop what you're thinking and wipe that grin off your face as well."

I frown, "Awww, Aibou! I can't help it if my mind goes in to the gutter. But I can understand, we can wait until you are ready. Okay Aibou?" I ask not wanting to upset him. I love him with all my heart and I don't want to mess this up for anything.

I don't hear anything for a while, I assume the worst, but then the door opens. "Yami?" calls my hikari. I stick my head out from behind the curtain, making sure it covers my body. I see a smile on his face as he puts the cloths on the counter before he turns around and says, "Thank you. I love you"

I smile back and say, "Your welcome, Hikari. I love you too. Now go on. I'll be done in a few."

He nods and walks to the door. "Okay, but if you need anything let me know," he said before walking out. I put my head under the flow of water before I put in the shampoo that was available. Mmm! It Yugi's favorite, strawberries and vanilla. He just the sweetest thing, just make you want to hug him before you eat him up.

I eventually finish my shower and put on the clothes. Yugi got me what looks like that outfit I wore on that outing with Tea, and no, it wasn't a date! I only prefer men to girls. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with Yugi. He's a guy, but I love him for him and nothing else. He is so caring and brave. To me, he is perfect. I don't know what I could do without him. He is everything to me.

I walk out and see Yugi going thru his stuff looking for something, "Where is that thing? I know it's in here somewhere."

"What are you looking for, Aibou?"

Yugi jumps a little and turns back to me and I put on a sheepish grin and say, "Sorry."

"That's okay," he said before going back to looking for something. "Can you help me find my I-pod? Can't find it anywhere. I was going to bring it up to the deck so we can listen to some music," he explains as he looks back at me.

"Sure thing Yugi," I said before I turn to the night stand in the room and see the devise on top of a book. "Found it!" and picked up the I-pod.

"Thanks," he said as I hand it over. "I think it's time we go find the others. Shall we?" he ask, holding out his arm. I chuckle a bit and link my arm with his and say, "We shall," and we walk out of the room.

Yugi's POV

I'M SO HAPPY! I got my Yami back and he loves me! Nothing and I mean NOTHING can ruin this for me!

As we walk down the hall we see Navi hanging there, looking out of the window. She is really cute. "Hey Navi!" Yami said as we walk closer to the fairy.

She looks over and flies over towards us, "Hey guys! Yami! Looking good! Yugi, I'm surprise you don't have your hands all over him right now."

I blush and Yami notices. "Now Navi, no teasing my love. That's my department," he says with a sly grin.

"Yami!" I say give him a playful glare. "We're heading up to the big deck to hang out with everybody. Do you want to join us, Navi?"

She nods her tiny head and says, "Sure! I want to see more of this land. It almost reminds me of the time me and Link traveled over the desert of the Gerudo Valley. Man that place was HOT!"

"Was that the name of your partner, Navi?" Yami asks, sounding a little shock. I wonder why?

Navi nods again, "Yep! He was a really great guy. I hope he had a peaceful life without me. I really do miss him," she said sadly.

I stick my hand out and she lands on it. I pull her towards my cheek where she tries to put her small arms around in attempt to hug. I do feel sorry for her; she stuck in a time without her partner and best friend. I hope we can help her through this time and maybe move on a little.

"Don't worry Navi. I'm sure he did and probably missed you a whole lot too," I say to hopefully cheer her up.

I look to Yami who is smiling. He bends down a bit, I'm still a little shorter than him, cough…sucks…cough, and holds out his hand to Navi. She sniffles a bit before moving into Yami's hand. He moves his hand to his cheek and she hugs it too.

"I'm sorry that this has happen to you, Navi. But I promise that things will get better and I…we," he says as puts his other arm around me, "well help you through this. I know you miss him and your other friend. I know what it is like to miss the ones you love the most. But we will help you, okay?"

He pulls his hand away and looks at the tiny girl. "Okay?" he asks again.

Nodding, she says, "Okay. Thank you Yami. Yugi." She sniffles once more and flies into to my hair. It tickles a bit and I giggle. She soon pops her head out and looks down at me while I look up at her. "Your hair is a lot softer than Yami's."

I giggle while Yami just pouts, "Thanks Navi! I try my best! I do have to keep my hair softer than Yami's."

"And why that?" she asks.

"Because this guy likes to put his head on top of mine," I said as Yami move behind me and puts his head on top of mine. "See!"

"Whaaaaaat?!" he said, "I like doing that. Your hair smells really good, Aibou. How can I resist?"

Navi and I just shake our heads and we walk out of the hall. "You are hopeless," I say as we walk out on to the deck, which is quite huge. (A/N: This is not the same boat from the show they took to get to Atem's tomb. Thought I clarify) I should have known that my brother-in-law would send a something bigger than a normal boat. I see all of the guys are up here admiring the deck. It has room for at least twenty I think and a sound system to let people plug up their mp3s or I-pods. I love my brother-in-law to death, but sometime I think he needs to stop it with the big buys.

We walk over and sit down with the others, "Hey guys! Enjoying my brother-in-law's ship?"

I get nods from Joey and Tristan, "Dude, why didn't you tell us your brother-in-law was loaded?" Tristan asked.

I sigh and explain, "He doesn't like to flaunt his money around." I get up and walk to the stereo.

Normal POV

"I you hope you all like LMFAO. That is one of Heba's favorite groups," Yugi said as he plugged up his I-pod and played Party Rock Anthem.

"Who?" Yami asked.

Tea smiled and said, "They are a music group. They are really good. Actually Yugi can do the dance to this. Yugi show him the dance!"

"Yeah Yugi!" "Dance man! Dance!"

Yugi waved his hands in defeat, "Okay, okay! I'll do it! Let's me wait for the right part," he said getting into the middle of the deck since there was more room there. He waited until he heard the "Shake that!" and started to dance.

As he was shuffling, Yami watch in awe. His Little One was dancing. He never seen his Yugi dance before so it was quite the shock. When he got out of his shock he started to clap, "Go Yugi!"

Yugi heard, smiled, and blushed. Yami was cheering him on! It made him really happy.

Soon the song was over and was now playing 'Moves like Jagger' by Maroon 5 featuring Christina Aguilera. Yugi was still dancing but was soon joined by Joey, Tristan, Tea, Ryou, and Malik. He swung his hip in sensual way, making Yami's eye glued to his bottom.

When the Christina's part came up, Yugi stopped dancing and started to sing, Uh! You want to know what how to make me smile, take control, own me just for the night. If I share my secrets, you gonna have to keep it. Nobody else can see this. So watch and learn. I won't show it twice. Head to toe, oh baby, rub me right. If I share my secrets, you gonna have to keep it. Nobody else can see this. A-a-a-ah!

The song soon ended and something else played, but Yugi and the others had enough and sat back down, with Yugi being forced/pulled to sit on Yami's lap. Yami nuzzled him and said, "Aibou, I didn't know you can sing and dance. That was awesome!"

Yugi blushed, "Thanks."

"What? Is this the first time you have ever seen him dance," Joey asked, getting a nodded in return. He smiled, "Well wait until you see him at a club. He is a dancing machine. Oh and don't get me started about his singing. Beautiful! Simple beautiful, I say."

The grouped agree and Yugi blush went twice as red. "Guys, cut it out."

"Yami, maybe you can get him to do a song I want him to sing?" Malik said with an evil grin.

Yami raised a elegant eyebrow, "And what, pray tell, could that be?" he asked and saw more evil smirks growing on Joey's, Tristan's, Ryou's, and Tea's faces.

Malik ran over to Yami and Yugi and whispered into Yami's ear, "Uh-huh…huh…uh-huh…Really?" Yami said with his own sexy, but evil smirk.

"Uh oh!" Yugi said and tried to get out of Yami's embrace, but couldn't. Yami was stronger than him.

"Oh Yugi~!" Yami sang, "Can you pretty please sing David Guetta's 'Turn Me On' featuring Nicki Manji? Please?" he asked with the puppy eyes of doom that he learned from Yugi years ago. He perfected it when he was in the afterlife on Mahad.

"Hey, that's my move!" he pouted and tried to ignore it, but one look back at that face and he broke. "Okay, okay, I sing it."

Yami and Malik smiled, "Yeah!" they both sang and Malik rushed over to Yugi I-pod and search for the song. Once he found it, he pressed play and rushed back to his seat next to Ryou.

Yugi got up and stood back in the middle and faced everyone as the music started.

Docta docta, need you back home, baby
Docta Docta, where you at?
Give me something
I need your love
I need your love
I need your loving
You got that kind of medicine that keeps me comin'

My body needs a hero
Come and save me
Something tells me you know how to save me
I've been feeling weird, oh!
Oh, I need you to come and rescue me

Make me come alive
Come on turn me on
Touch me, save my life
Come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die
Come on and turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on

Make me come alive
Come on turn me on
Touch me, save my life
Come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die
Come on and turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on

Oh, you make it, make it right
My temperature is super high
If I scream, if I cry
It's only 'cause I feel alive

My body needs a hero
Come and save me
Something tells me you know how to save me
I've been feeling weird, oh!
Oh, I need you to come and rescue me

Make me come alive
Come on turn me on
Touch me, save my life
Come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die
Come on and turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on

Make me come alive
Come on turn me on
Touch me, save my life
Come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die
Come on and turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on

You've got my life in the palm of your hands
Come and save me now
I know you can, I know you can

D,D,D,D,Don't let me die young, I just want you to father my young
I just want you to be my docta, we can get it crackin' chiropractor, I, I, I, I

I,I,I I know you can save me
And make me feel alive

Make me come alive
Come on turn me on
Touch me, save my life
Come on and turn me on
I'm too young to die
Come on and turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on
Turn me on

Yugi finished by sliding into Yami's lap and kissed his right cheek. Yami smiled and kissed Yugi on the lips. When they parted they were both panting and getting wolf and cat calls from the others. Yugi blushed and hid in the crook of Yami's neck while Yami sent everyone a playful glare. "Come on guys. Leave my Hakari alone."

The group laughed a bit, before quieting down and listen to the music play. A sang called 'Shadow Games' started to play. (A/N: It's the one from the movie.)

Joey looked over at the two. He was happy for the two, but one thing was still bugging him. "Hey Yami?" The man looked at him. "You said your real name is Yami. How is that?"

Everyone looked at him and Yami sighed. "Like I said back at the tomb, I had a brother who was originally going to be Pharaoh. His name was Atem. He was the best and most caring person I ever meet."

"Did he look anything like you?" Yugi asked.

Yami nodded. "Actually we were twin like. We were born from different mothers. His was the queen and mine was a slave. When I was born my mother did all she could to convince the Pharaoh to not kill me."

"Why's that?" Ryou asked.

"Because I was pale skin and looked like my brother. They kind-of saw that as an bad omen and wanted me dead, but my mother had convince them I wasn't and begged the Pharaoh to treat me as a son instead of a demon.

"My father did care for me, but kept it distant. He didn't want people to know he had a pale son that looked like his son, the crown prince. So he made me a slave like my mother and made me wear clothes that covered my body. I even have to wear a veil to cover my face. The only thing you saw was my eyes, my red demon eyes as many called them.

"I didn't meet my brother until we were eight. It was a big shock to see another him. I already knew about him but he didn't know about me."


I was just walking around. I had finished cleaning the kitchen floors and was allowed to walk around and go into the private gardens because of my father. I enter the garden and looked around to see if any one was around so I could at least take my veil off. I was burning up in the outfit and I was desperate to get out of them. So I took off my veil and walked towards the pond that was in the middle of the garden.

The garden was beautiful. It had all these local and exotic flowers and trees and like I said there was a pond with fish and water lilies. I love to go there when I wanted to be alone. At the time my mother had passed away from an illness when I was five, so I really had no one to play with or whatnot.

I sat down and watch the fish in the water until I heard a gasp and turned around. I saw Atem standing there looking stunned. I was about to run for it but I couldn't. He blinked and asked, "Who are you and why do you look like me?"

I couldn't speak and just bowed in respect. He sighs and pulls me up, "Please don't bow. I hate when people bow to me and don't look at me. Can you talk at all? It's okay I give you permission if that what it takes?"

I nodded my head, "Yes I can talk."

He smiles at me, "Good. Now, can you tell me who you are?"

I sigh, "The Pharaoh told me not to talk or tell you. But my name is Yami."

"Yami?" he said rubbing his chin. "That is a weird name, but I like it!" He grabs my hand and drags me out of the garden.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?" I ask and he slows down.

"I want to talk to my father about you." I paled and figure I was going to be in major trouble. Though I was related to the Pharaoh, that didn't stop people from punishing me if I did some thing wrong.

I started to struggle and he stopped and looked at me funny, "What's wrong Yami?"

"Please, don't. I don't want to be punished!" I hated being punished. I mostly got wiped, but they did other things as well.

Atem looked at me confused, "Punished for what?"

I sighed, "I wasn't supposed to let you see me. I'm consider as a bad omen, because I look like you."

He oh-ed and frowned, "I'm sorry Yami. I don't want to get you into trouble, but I want to get to know more about you." I was shocked. He wanted to know about me.

He takes my hand again and takes me back to his room where we play for a while. I was about to go when his door opens up and our father is standing there. "Atem, I wanted to talk-." He begins but stops when he sees us, mostly me standing in the room.

"What are you doing here?" he asks as he starts to turn red with anger.

I shake and was about to fall to the ground and beg for his forgiveness, but Atem stops me and looks straight at his father. "Father, why does this person look like me? Is he related to me at all?"

Our father sighs and calms down. "I was hoping you two would never meet. But I guess I was wrong." He watches as Atem pulls me closer to him. "He is your half brother Yami. I made him a slave like his mother." He starts to explain more to Atem and Atem nods as his understands what is going on.

Our father finishes and Atem has the biggest smile I have ever seen. "I have a brother~! Yes!" he yells and run over to me and hugs the living day light out of me. I was shocked by the action but hug back as well. "I can't believe I have a brother! I'm so happy."

End of Flashback

"From that day on we were tight. He never really wanted me out of my sight. He even let me stay in his spare room for his personal slave, of which I became. I was still force to wear my cover all outfit, but I could take it off once I was in my brother's room.

"Things were great afterwards. I had my brother looking out for me and became friends with Mana and Mahad. He even gave me a present on my birthday once. It was this beautiful flute made of gold. He called it the Flute of Brotherly Love. It had some magic in it, so I can summon it when I want to."

"You can play the flute?" Yugi asked shocked.

Yami laughed and snapped his fingers three times and a golden flute appeared in his hand. Everyone was amazed and shock, but were more when Yami brought the flute up to his lips and started to play a tune he learn when he was in Hyrule called, Zelda's lullaby. Everyone suddenly felt calm and at peace with in them while Joey and Tristan actually fell asleep in their lover's arms.

Yugi laid his head on Yami's shoulder when Yami finished, "That was beautiful Yami."

Yami kissed the top of Yugi's head, "Thank you love."

"Did you play that well back in ancient time?" Ryou asked.

Yami nodded, "Yeah, I did. I even got to perform in front of visiting people. It was the only time I got to wear something else and show off my looks. Got a lot of women and men begging to sleep with me."

"And you didn't, right?" Yugi asked.

Yami smirked, "Does my angel get jealous?" and chuckled when Yugi blushed and looked the other way. He put an arm around Yugi's shoulder and said, "Don't worry love. I didn't. They only wanted me for my body and the fact I looked like my brother, so I stayed away."

Yugi sheepishly smiled, "Sorry."

Yami waved it off, "Forget about it. I didn't want anything to do with them. Neither did Atem."

"What did you mean?" Ashley asked.

Yami thought for a moment, "Well…Atem really wanted to find someone who loved him for him and not for his power and wealth. Plus, we were gay."


Yami nodded, "Yeah. But he never got a chance to. He died when he was14 summers…err…years old." Yami sighed and frowned.

"How did he die?" Navi asked from Yugi shoulder. Yugi put his hand into Yami's and nuzzled his head under Yami's chin.

"He died from the same illness that my mother had. I don't know what it was, but it caused them some pain for a bit. I hated watching him die before me. He was so strong and proud. He would have made a great ruler."


I was sitting by his bedside as he laid there dying. He coughed and laid back down. Poor Atem. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be me? I ring out a rag that I dipped into some water and wipe it against forehead. Our father order me to stay in his room and watch over him until either he is better or dead.

I started to cry as he close his eyes. I can't believe my brother and best friend is dying. He notices the tears running down my face. "Yami, why are you crying?" he asked as he tries to wipe away the tears.

I grab his hand and lay it against my cheek. "Because you are dying. I'm losing you like I lost my mother. You are the only family I have left."

"Yami, you know that is not true. You still have father and he loves you too."

"Yeah right! The man hasn't shown me that much. Only when I'm around you does he care!" I take his hand away and place it by his side, but don't take it out of mine. I want to hold on and let him that know he is not alone.

He sighs and squeezes my hand, "I know. But now that I am passing into the Afterlife, you have a chance to prove that you are worthy of his love (cough) and do well as the next Pharaoh."

The tears come back, "I don't want to be the Pharaoh though. I can't be the next Pharaoh. I haven't been taught like you have."

Atem pats the spot next to him and I lay down beside him. He puts his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest. "Yami, sometimes we don't learn from others, we learn from our successes and mistakes. Father and the others have tried to teach me how to be a great Pharaoh, but I think what makes a great pharaoh is how he handles every situation. If he handles it with care and precision and rule with a fair hand he will he great and remembered for all time. I know you can handle it."

"Atem," I whisper and cry while he rubs my back to calm me. Even when dying, my brother tries to comfort me. "Atem. Promise me that we will be together in the afterlife?"

I look up at his face and see he is actually smiling at me and nods. "I promise Yami. We will be together forever in the afterlife. And we have all the fun we did now there." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. He starts to cough again and I immediately grab the rag and wipe his brow.

He takes the rag away and pulls me back into the embrace, but soon asks, "Yami can you play your flute for me? I love it when you play it."

I smile and nod and summon my flute. He smiles and I smile before I bring the instrument up to my lips and play a lullaby that my mother would sing. She claimed it came from her homeland and only those of royalty knew it.

I look back at my brother and see his eyes are close and the smile is still there. I stop playing my flute and rub his cheek. He opens his eyes half way and look towards me, "Thank you my brother. My Yami. I love you." He closes his eyes again and I can tell it's for the last time.

"No. Thank you my brother. My Atem. I love you too." I play my flute again as the tears fall down again. I finish and check to see if he is really dead. He was and I lay next to him and cried my eyes out while holding him close.

End of Flashback

Yami rubbed his eyes and cleared his throat, "I eventually cried myself to sleep. When I woke, his body was gone and my father was sitting at the other side of the bed. He was actually crying. I never saw him do that before. The only other time he did was when Atem's mother died a year after mine did. He was heart broken and I actually tried to comfort him with a hug, which he actually accepted. He was an actual father that moment.

"He spent more time with me as the burial got closer, then it was sparse afterwards and he and the priest started to train and teach me what they taught Atem. A few years later, my father passed away and I became Pharaoh. But I gave up my name and took Atem's right after he passed. I became Pharaoh Atem in honor of my brother and tried to be the ruler he could have been. You all know the rest of my story."

Joey cleared his throat, during Yami's telling of his last moments with his brother everyone started to cry or sobbed. Yami had to hold Yugi as he was crying a lot. "So you were a slave who was the son of the Pharaoh, but your brother found you and gave you a better life, but died at 14 and became him after he passed to honor him and became the Pharaoh?" Yami nodded. "That does sound like hell."

"Actually it made me feel close to him after his death. My father started to pay more attention to me and called me son. That's all I really wanted. I didn't care if they called me Atem. I just wanted to make him proud of me."

"Well was he? Did you see him again in the afterlife?" Crystal asked before blowing her nose in a tissue Ashley handed to her during Atem's death scene.

Yami shook his head, "No I didn't. He was in the afterlife for a while but something happened and he disappeared. When I showed up, everyone assumed I was him, but when I explained it to everyone they were sad and decided to keep calling me Atem until he got back. No one knows what happened to him."

"Maybe he was brought back to have a new life again?" Malik said but was smacked in the head by his sister.

"I don't think so Malik, but if he was, I hope he is enjoying life," Yami said and wiped away the last of his tears. He looked down and saw Yugi eyes were red and puffy. "Oh Aibou. Please don't cry. Everything will be alright and I'll see Atem again someday." He hugged Yugi and rubbed gentle circles into his back.

Everyone eventually cheered up and relaxed. "So can you do anything else other than play the flute?" Joey asked.

"Well there are other things," Yami thought for a moment, "I can sing a bit, but it's not that great."

"You can sing?" Yugi asked and Yami blushed a bit, but nodded anyway. "Can you please sing for us?" He brought out the puppy eyes of doom and Yami accepted. "Yes! Puppy eyes of Doom win again!"

Yami chuckled, "What would you like me to sing?"

Everybody thought but came up with nothing. "How about 'Somewhere' by Within Temptation?" Malik asked.

Yami nodded, "I think I know the words." He got up and stood in the middle while Yugi got the song ready. He pushed the play and nodded to Yami as he waited. Yami stated to hum the beginning before he sang:

Lost in the darkness
Hoping for a sign
Instead there's only silence
Can't you hear my screams?

Never stop hoping
Need to know where you are
But one thing's for sure
You're always in my heart

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying
Until my dying day
I just need to know
Whatever has happened
The truth will free my soul

Lost in the darkness
Tried to find your way home
I want to embrace you
And never let you go

Almost hope you're in heaven
So no one can hurt your soul
Living in agony
Cause I just do not know
Where you are

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying
Until my dying day
I just need to know
Whatever has happened
The truth will free my soul

Wherever you are
I won't stop searching
Whatever it takes me to know

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying
Until my dying day
I just need to know
Whatever has happened
The truth will free my soul

Yami finished and bowed at the applause. Yugi rush over and kiss him on the cheek, "That was good Yami!"

Yami smiled, "Thank you, Hikari."

They enjoyed the rest of the trip in peace, listening to music and singing along and whatnot. They were almost there, maybe a yard or two away, when the ship came to abrupt stop, knocking over everyone. "Hey what the hold up?!" Joey yelled.

"Yeah, what with the abrupt stop?" Yugi asked. "Captain?"

The captain looked down and shook his head. "I haven't the slightest idea? There should be no problem with the engine and there was enough fuel for days. I go and cheek down below." The captain walked out, but with an evil grin no one notice, expect for Yami.


'What is it Yami?' Navi asked in their mind link.

'Something was not right with that captain of ours. I just can't put what though.'

"Yugi? Where did your brother find that captain?" Yami asked to Yugi who shrugged.

"Didn't say. Why?"

"It's just I'm getting this bad vibe from him, but it's probably just me," Yami said. "I'm probably- (bang, shake). What the?!"

Everyone felt the bang and shaking and ran over towards the sides. "What was that?" Joey and Tristan asked.

They looked but saw nothing. "I don't know but it can't be good." Yugi looked around but saw nothing. Something banged against the ship and Yami looked closer at the water. A shadow under the water swam past at fast speeds and Yami growled, 'Navi, did you see that?'

Navi nodded, 'Yeah I did. I think that was a monster. What can we do?'

'Just let me do the grunt work. Can you help in anyway?'

'Of course I can! I can help you with targeting and if you want to know something about it, I can tell all about it.'

Yami nodded, "Alright then, let's do this." Yami ran to the front of the ship and look back down just as the monster hit the ship again.

"Yami! What are you doing?!" Yugi yelled as he fell to the floor with the others.

"Trying to stop that thing! Be right back!" he yelled before going over the side and yelled, "WARRIOR!"

"Yami!" everyone rushed over and looked for the ex-pharaoh "YAMI!" Yugi yelled. They looked up when the heard a slash and saw Yami riding a big, weird fish thing that was brown and had a horn on the front.

"YE HAW!" Yami said as he rode the fish thing.

"Is he riding it?" Joey asked stumped. The others nodded but said nothing else and watched as Yami continue to rid the fish.

"Are you serious!" Navi yelled as she tried to hang on to Yami's hair as the fish jump back up before diving down. The fish started to swim faster and jump back up into the air. "Yami! Get me off this crazy fish!"

Yami jumped of and quickly switched to his hover boots, making him float just a few inches above the water. (A/N: I know that the hover boots in the game does not do that, but I want to so be happy!) The fish splashed back into the water and disappeared. "Where did it go? Navi, can you sense it?"

Navi focused and sent a magical energy field out, "IT'S BEHIND YOU!" and rushed over to the water behind him. Yami turned and moved just as the fish came ramming towards him. "Yami! I just sense that it is really sensitive to fire and it's underbelly is it's weak spot!"

"How do I get at it is weak spot when it's underwater unless-," and Yami watched as it jumped really high in the air, before falling back down. "It's jumping! That should help!" and Yami brought out his bow and flame arrows and waited for the fish to jump up. "Come on you ugly ass fish! Show yourself!"

The fish surfaced and charged towards Yami. He crouched down and waited for it. Yugi and the other watched and worried, "Yami! Move!" Yugi yelled, "I can't believe he can do this? What did that guy do to him and what is going on?"

The fish thing rushed up and Yami jumped high into the air, dodging the attack completely. Yugi released the breath he didn't know he was holding and thanked every god that Yami was safe. He looked back and saw the captain staring at him, "Captain is everything alright?"

The captain shook his head, "No it's not. The engines have been damaged by something. You might want to call your brother. I don't have the number," he said, but something was off about him.

Yugi kept a close eye on him as he tried to make the call, but he couldn't get a signal. "Damn!"

"I think you might get a better signal near the back," the captain said. Yugi nodded and was about to head back there when he heard the sound of a creature in pain. He turned back around and saw the fish fall back into the water. "What happened?"

"He just hit the fish with a fire arrow on its underbelly! That was so cool!" Joey said, his and everyone else's eyes never leaving the fight.

Yami looked around and saw Navi still hover over where the fish was swimming, but going really fast. "Navi are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah! Just a little dizzy, but good!" she yelled.

Hmm? We need to find a way that I can attack it underwater, but how? He thought back to the training and remembered that along with the powers, Ganon gave him three masks, each containing a spirit of a creature that lived long ago in Hyrule. A Deku scrub, a Goron, and a Zora. The masks when put on would change you into that creature.

The fish charged at him and he started to run as he looked for the mask in his fairy pouch. "Where is that mask?"

The others saw him running. "What is he doing?" Tristan asked.

"Looks like he is searching for something in that pouch thing around his belt," Duke said.

"And what could he have that can beat that thing?" Joey asked, but the others shrugged.

Yami was still looking in that pouch that he didn't notice the fish had jumped up and was about to land on him. "Yami! Watch out!" Navi yelled.

Yami looked and quickly jumped to the right and went back to searching, "Damn that was to close! Where is it – here it is!" He pulled out the Zora mask and slipped in on.

"Did he just pulled out a fish mask from that small pouch and slipped it on?" Tristan asked dumbfounded and the others nodded.

As soon as the mask was on he felt meld into his face and he screamed as he changed. The mask didn't allow him to use his hover boot and he fell into the water. "Yami!" Yugi yelled and looked for Yami. "Where is he?!"

"I don't know? I can't see under the water," Ashley said as she scanned the water. She saw a weird light under the water and pointed to it. "What is that over there?"

The others looked as the thing swam and jumped out of the water. It was a fish man that was white with a tricolor tailfin on its head and yellow bangs and piercing red eyes and two large disk like fins attached to his arm that were black and red. It jumped back into the water and Yugi gasped as he recognized who it was. (A/N: If you don't know what is looks like, look for google for Zora link! He was one of my favorite from MM)

He pointed and said, "That was Yami!"

The other gasped, Joey looked back out and saw the thing jump out of the water, "You sure Yug?" and Yugi nodded.

"He's right!" both Seto and Crystal yelled.

"And how can you all tell?" Tristan asked.

Yugi sighed and looked to them all, "Because of the coloring. His colors match Yami's hair!" Seto and Crystal duh-ed while the others oh-ed and look back to the water.

Yami swam fast and surrounded him himself with a magical energy field. He went under the fish and the magic hit the fish making it scream, even under water. He swam back up and watch as the fish came to the surface and sat there, confusing Yami and the gang. "Navi, what is it doing?"

Navi shook her head, 'I don't Yami? But it can't be good.'

"What is that fish waiting for?" Yugi asked. Was about to yell out to Yami when a hand came out and cover his mouth. "Umm!" he said and was pulled back. The others looked and saw the captain holding Yugi.

"If you must know, its waiting for its master," the captain said in a dark voice.

"Hey! Let him go!" Joey yelled, but the captain laughed.

"Sorry kiddies, but I must go now. I guess I'll use him to get out of here." He ran to the side and fell over before whistling to the fish. The fish swam over just in time to for the captain to land on him. He swam back out and changed before them, turning into a weirder fish man than Yami. He had blue and black scales, a grayish beard, looked more fish than man. He hang Yugi out and above him. "Defeat me and you can save your little lover. Can't and he will die as well."

Yami growled, "I'll fight you! Just leave him alone!"

"Fine! Came at me!" he summoned a cage made of water and tossed Yugi into it before charging at Yami.

Yami dived down and summoned his magic and tried to create the field again but ended up with fire covering in his hand. The fire didn't extinguish under the water, 'Navi do you see this?'

'Yeah I do, but now is not the time to study! Yugi need our help!'

Yami nodded and released a ball of fire under the fish as he came close. It hit and knock the fish and fish man out of the water and into the air. Yami resurface and used his fins to attack the underbelly before sending another ball of fire at it. Both attacks hit their marks and the master was knocked off. Both hit the water hard and the master skunk. The fish landed on his back and laid there as it was stunned.

Yami took his chance; he changed back into his human form got back into his hover boots and slide to the fish. He pulled out his sword and slashed it against the belly a few times before raising the blade up and down onto the fish, stabbing it. He pulled out and rush as the creature screamed and exploded into shadows and dust.

Yugi watched the whole thing and notice some of the bars disappeared as the fish died. "Yami! Some of the bars are gone! Keep it up!" Yugi yelled. Fortunately the gaps between the bars were enough for him to slip out, which he did. He got into the water and started to swim towards the ship.

The fish captain surfaced and looked back at the cage and saw Yugi escaping. "Oh no you don't!" and summoned his magic. He waved his hand and a giant water tentacle grabbed him.

"YUGI!" Yami yelled and started to slide towards him but was stop by a water tentacle. "Let! Him! Go!" and Yami swung his sword at the tentacle. But with each hit the tentacle would regenerate and keep Yami away. "Navi? What is he?"

Navi looked at him and said, "He is called Fisher's Captain. The fish was his pet called Bala-Bala, together they are powerful, but once Bala-Bala was gone Captain can turned into a giant Octopus, which he is turning right now!"

Yami looked as the fish man changed into a giant white and blue Octopus with fifteen eyes that surrounded his body and one big one in the middle that was closed, and two tentacles above the surface. "Now behold your doom as I crush you and your lover with my tentacles!" he said and started to squeeze Yugi.

Yugi screamed as he felt the pressure wrapped around him, "Yami! Help!"

The other tentacle headed straight for Yami, but he dodged. 'Navi what is he now? Does he have a weakness?"

Navi scanned him and said, 'He is called King Octo! His weakest points are-.'

Yami looked around, 'Navi! NAVI!'

"Ah! Yami! Help!" Yami looked up and saw Navi trapped in a magical bubble and went up to where Yugi was. The bubble grew and surrounded him as Navi joined him and both went up, above the creature's head.

"Yugi! Navi!" Yami yelled.

"Ha ha ha! You have to defeat me if you want to save them, but without your fairy friend you will not be able to stop me!" King Octo said and laughed some more.

"Great. Now what?" Yami huffed and dodge a tentacle.


'Navi is that you?' Yami asked and felt Navi nodded, but it was weak.

'Yes…connection…weak. Can't…help. Sorry."

'It's okay Navi. Can you still tell me the weekness?'

'Yes…eyes…big…last,' and that was it as the connection died.

Damn! What did she mean big and last? He looked back at the monster and saw the one big eye. Maybe she was talking about the big eye has to be the last one to take out. Alright, here we go! He rushed forward and pulled out his bow and arrows and shot at one of the eyes, successfully hitting it.

The creature screamed as the others cheered. Yami ran around the monster and fired more arrows at each eye. The monster screamed each and every time the arrow hit his eye. "How dare you! I'll make you pay for blinding me! I still have one eye left and it is my most deadliest one yet!"

He opened his last eye and beam of black shot out of it. Yami dodge it just barely and rolled over to the side before he fired another arrow. The King saw it and shot it down with his beam and fired another one at Yami. Yami dodged and keep firing at the eye only to have it shot down and another beam shot at him.

King laughed, "Give up you pathetic human! You can not win against me!"

Yami landed back on the water, he was panting hard but didn't let that stopped him, "Will see about that! I still have a few tricks up my sleeves!" and he concentrated on his Millennium Puzzle. Please help me fight once again to save my friends and my lover. The puzzle started to glow.

Yami smirked and yelled, "I call forth the Dark Magician! Arise and serve your master!" The shadow appeared and formed into the Dark Magician. "Dark Magician, my old friend, please help me save my lover from this creature."

The Dark Magician nodded and summoned his 'Dark Magic Attack' and send it at the monster. The King sent a beam of his magic at it, but when both attack hit the beam evaporated and the ball continued straight for the eye, hitting directly. The monster screamed and Dark Magician sent two more balls, back to back, at the creature. Both hit and caused the creature to crash his tentacles into the water to try and hit Yami who dodged each hit.

"Damn you! I can't see anymore!" All of his eyes were now closed, except the big one for it was now blacken from the repeat attacks.

"Yami! You might want to end this now! I'll go and save Yugi and the fairy," Dark Magician said and Yami nodded. He pulled out his sword and ran/slide toward the creature as fast as he could and jumped as high as he could. He landed right next to the giant eye and began to stab and swing at it.

"No! I can't be beat by a human! It's impossible!" the monster roared.

"I say it is, but it doesn't hurt to have some magic as well," Yami said he gave the final stab to the creature, but fall into the monsters now bleeding eye.

Dark Magician rose up to Yugi and Navi and used his staff to bust open the bubble. Yugi and Navi looked down and Yugi fell, but was caught by Dark Magician. "Thanks Dark Magician."

Dark Magician nodded and flew back to the ship and landed with the others. "You really should thank Yami too. If he didn't weaken that monster then I couldn't destroyed it so easily," Dark Magician said.

"I will, but were is my lover boy?" Yugi asked and they looked around and saw no Yami.

Ryou looked out to where the monster was, "Well last time I saw him was stabbing the monster's big eye. I looked up to see if you were okay." Everyone said the same and Yugi started to worry. A roar caused everyone to look back at the monster.

He started move and jerk in many ways until he stopped and screamed as he exploded into dark matter and dust. "Yami did it!" Joey yelled and jumped for joy with Tristan.

"Yeah but where is Yami?" Yugi asked and looked out. He looked back to where the monster was and there was Yami falling to the water. "YAMI!"

Yami heard the scream and opened his eyes. He saw the water and quickly pulled out the Zora mask and put it on as he dived into the water.

'Yami? Yami? Are you okay?' Navi asked through the mind link, but got no response.

"YAMI! YAMI! Navi did you get through to him?" Yugi asked and Navi shook her head. "Yami! Yami, where are you?"

"HEY! I'M OVER HERE!" The gang looked out and saw Yami in his fish form floating on the water and waving at them. He dived back in and swam toward the ship. Yugi ran over to a rope and ran over to the side, where he tossed one end over for Yami and secured the other on a bolted down chair.

Yami resurfaced and climbed up the rope to the deck where Yugi and Joey helped him up. "Thanks guys. I hope you all are okay everyone, especially you Little One." Yami bent down and gave Yugi a quick, but wet kiss.

Joey looked him up and down before asking, "So what are you Yami?"

Yami looked down and saw he was still a zora. "Oh I forgot to take it off," and he took off the mask. He focus and changed back into his normal outfit, though he was still a little wet. "Oh man!" everyone chuckled.

"That was a Zora. They were the one who took care of the water way in Hyrule along with the water sprit Lord Juba-Juba. The are like fish and can breath in water and such, but can talk like humans and stuff. I remember one who was a friend of Link's and Zelda's. She was the princess of the Zora Domain," Navi explained, but a thought of something that made her chuckle.

"What so funny, Navi?" Yami asked as he rung out his hair.

"Oh nothing. Just remembering that princess. She was determine to make Link her husband since she gave her most cherish item, the Zora Sapphire. It helped us in the fight against a evil man from the dessert named Ganondorf who was determine to get an ancient power that the goddess of Hyrule left behind. He also went by Ganon as well. He was a mean and horrible man. But Princess Ruto wasn't like that. She was kind of crazy, but a good person."

Everyone was sitting and listening to the fairy talk, but Yami, as soon as he heard Ganon's name, paled and walked to the back, claiming he need to use the restroom. Navi had notice the paleness and followed behind him.

The others looked at each other and shrugged. "Um, guys?" Ryou asked. "Who is going to drive the boat the rest of the way?" Everyone thought before looking to Odion, who got up and walked to the wheel and tried to start the ship.

Yami sighed, I really made a deal with the devil. Great!

"Yami?" He turned around and saw Navi floating over to him, "Are you okay? I saw you pale when I mentioned Ganon. Why is that?"

He sighed again and said, through the mind link, 'I made a terrible mistake, Navi.'

'And what would that be?' she asked and Yami told her everything. She blinked a couple of time before, "WHAAAATTTTTT!" She was pissed and actually turned red as she hit him over and over on the head. 'How could you be so stupid?!'

Yami sighed and grabbed the fairy. He checked to see if anyone was coming or listening before he said, 'Did you not here me when I said he said that Yugi was in danger! I have to save my love. I know it was stupid to trust someone with that evil aura, but I had to protect my Little One from him.'

Navi took a couple deep breaths and cool down enough to asks, 'So what is your plan then?'

Yami was shocked, 'You're not mad anymore?'

She shook her head, 'We all do stupid stuff for the ones we love. I'll help you protect Yugi and help take that jackass down.'

Yami smiled, 'Thank you Navi. I'm sorry I lied earlier. I just want to cheer you up and hope to get enough info about all of this.'

She waved off the apology, 'It's nothing, but if you want to know all about Ganon and what he is after I can tell you.'

Yami nodded, "I would like that, but later. Let's go back to the others and see if everything is okay." Navi nodded and landed onto Yami's shoulder before he walked back to the deck.

"So how are we going to get there. We can't swim there!" Joey yelled.

"Aren't there supposed to be life boats on this thing?" Ashley asked and Yugi sighed.

"There supposed to be but Link forgot to get them."

"So there is no way to get to your sister's then?" Yami asked as he walked up to the group who all nodded.

"Were stuck here until Odion can fix the engine. The captain or King Octo must have just stopped us normally and destroyed the engine when he claim to fixing it." Yugi pulled out his cell and looked to see there were bars. He smiled, "Well at least I can call Heba and see if he and his boyfriend can get here."

Yugi pushed speed dial and press Heba and waited for him to pick up. Yami walked up behind him and laid his head on top of Yugi's shoulder. He looked over gave him a quick kiss. "Are you okay?" he asked and Yami shook his head. "Why don't you sit down? You must be tired after that." Yami shook his head and took a seat near Yugi. Yugi grabbed his hand and sat down as well, making Yami lay his head in his lap as a voice that sounded almost like his answered, "Hey Yugi! Where are you guys? You all should have been here a hour ago!"

Yugi sighed, "Sorry Heba. We had trouble and the captain fled us and now we are stuck and the engine is broken. We do have someone here on the ship that is looking at it, but we could use some more help."

Heba giggled, "Well it is a good thing me and Zelda are good at that stuff. We actually see the ship and should be there in a few. Just have something to pull us up okay?"

Yugi was confused, "What are you-?" he started but the sound of a boat's horn caused him to look up and see two people heading there way. "Oh okay. There should be a rope on the side you two could use that."

"Okay, see ya!" and he hung up.

The others looked over and saw the boat pull up beside them and a girl with auburn blond hair and purple eyes and a boy that looked like Yugi with a tan tied their boat with the rope before climbing up. The girl was the first up and said, "Hey Yugi! Long time no see brother!" She jumped over the railing and landed in front Seto and Joey. "Hi! I'm Zelda Knight, Yugi's half sister."

The boy jumped over and ran over to Yugi. He pulled Yugi up and into a hug while Yami hit the floor. "Yugi! I missed you!" Yugi giggled and hugged his twin back. "I missed you too, Heba."

Yami picked himself up and looked at the two. "Wow! Either I hit my head during that and seeing double or there is really two of you."

Yugi giggled, "Heba this is Yami, my boyfriend. Everyone this is Heba, my twin brother, and Zelda, our older half sister."

The two bowed and said their hellos, and the others did the same for the two. "It's great to meet you all. Wow! Yami, you look like a pale version of my finance, Atem."

Yugi gasped, "Finance! He finally proposed?"

Heba nodded and showed off a 4 karat diamond ring with two heart shape stone on the sides; one was a ruby while the other was amethyst. "He proposed to me three days ago."

Yugi hugged his brother again, "Heba, I'm so happy for you. I can't believe he finally proposed!"

"I know, but when they finally passed the law saying gays could get married, he didn't wasted a moment and bought the ring as soon as he could."

"Well that is great Heba, but how about getting us to that house of yours?" Ishizu asked.

"Say no more!" Zelda said as she grabbed Heba by the back of his shirt, "We should have it fixed up really soon and on our way! Come Heba!" and she dragged the boy away.

Everyone looked to Yugi who laughed sheepishly, "Yep that's my crazy siblings. I love 'em to death, but sometime I wish they would be more…um…calm?"

Yami gave Yugi a quick kiss, "I think they are fine. I can't wait to meet the rest, especially this Atem person." Yugi nodded and talked more about his family as Zelda, Heba, and Odion worked on the engine.

Soon the ship finally made it to the dock at Zelda's and everyone walked out. "Man it is good to be back on dry land!" Tristan said as he stretched.

"Well you are almost on dry land, but I can understand the feeling," said a man in his late twenties with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing shorts and a green shirt. "Hey everybody, welcome to our humble home! I'm Link Knight, Zelda's husband and Yugi's brother-in-law."

Link walked forward and kissed Zelda before hugging Yugi, "How is it going brother?" he asked as he pulled away and noticed Yami. "And who is Atem's look a like?"

Yugi giggled, "Link this is my boyfriend Yami and I'm fine now that I'm here with everyone."

Link smiled, "Well that is good. I do have to tell you we do have two more people living with us here. They are trying to make a clean start and I like it if you all could help while you all are here."

The group nodded and Yugi asked, "And who are this people, Link?"

Link looked at Ryou and Malik, "They look like those two, but one has white hair and tan skin with a scar over his right eye while the other one has hair that spikes and goes in different directions, but mostly up. He is somewhat crazy, but tamed."

Everyone paled, except Ashley and Crystal, at that description. "And what are their names?" Yami asked.

"Bakura and Marik. Why? Do you know someone like that?" and the group nodded while Malik tried to calm Ryou down.

Link was about to say something when footsteps were heard, "Hey Link! We got the stuff you wanted for the club!"

Everyone looked behind Link and saw two people they never hoped to see. "Bakura! Marik! About time? Where is Atem?"

They shrugged, "Have no idea. Last time I saw him he was at the oasis. Something wasn't right with him," Bakura said, before walking closer to the group.

Yami growled and charged forward, "What the hell are you two doing back here! You two should be suffering for the stuff you have caused us!"

Bakura and Marik frowned and bowed, "We are sorry for all that we have done to you."

Everyone was shocked and dumfounded, Bakura and Marik had just apologized. Yugi was the first to get out of his stupor and walked up to the two. "How do we know you are serious?" Malik yelled from behind. Yugi looked at them carefully before bowing to them as well.

"I forgive you," was all Yugi said, shocking everyone again.

"And to answer your question, it was because of what happened to them a while ago," Link said.

"And what happened to them to cause them to change?" Yami asked.

"One was what a man who brought them back did and two was him," Link pointed to a man who was walking towards them. He a gravity defining hair that was spiked into a star shape and was black with red outline and yellow bangs that hanged over his face and up into the black. He had tan skin and crimson eyes and a face that was defined as well. He looked like Yami with tan skin.

Everyone in the gang was shocked and looked between the man and Yami. "Atem?"

Sapphire: Okay I'm going to stop there and let you all sit and suffer!

Atem: I can't believe you did a cliff hanger!

Yami: Yeah! I want to see if this is my brother or not!

Sapphire: Yami, you already know!

Yami: (pouts) Yeah, well I still want to know!

Sapphire: Well my time to be evil must continue!

Ashley: And why that?

Sapphire: (Demonic chuckle) Because Yami Sapphire is out and about, bitches!

Crystal: But Sapphire, Ashley is your Yami and you don't really have a bad side.

Sapphire: Fine! Ruin it for me why don't cha! Well anyway please review and keep Yami Sapphire away! She not really nice and like to kill rude bitch name Tea! So see you later!