This is a Harry Potter/Inheritance cycle crossover and my first foray into crossovers and writing as a whole. I would greatly appreciate constructive criticism.

The first chapter is from Arya's and Eragon's point of view to facilitate the entry of Harry's character without giving away how he came to be in this world. That will be covered in future chapters. Harry's magic is somewhat different from that which is used by Eragon and company- more will be explained in the fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the inheritance cycle series (I would be very rich otherwise).The characters and worlds are the product of the vivid imaginations of JKR and CP respectively. I am simply playing with the characters and making no profit out of it (except a great degree of enjoyment).

Chapter 1

Arya had been fighting for the better part of the day and while the men of the empire, ill-trained as they were, were not a threat to her or any other elf, fighting them continuously sapped her energy. Her body was aching both from exhaustion and the injuries the soldiers had managed to inflict by getting past her defences through the strength of their numbers. Her forehead was damp with sweat and her throat burned with thirst further heightened by the stench of blood and the impure air of the burning plains.

She brought her focus back onto the battle at hand. A group of five soldiers from the empire charged her. She readied her sword. She batted aside the thrust of the spear of the first man and twirled out of the way of another. Her sword meanwhile was moving and as they were unbalanced she used her superior speed to make quick work out of them, thrusting into the exposed part of their necks. The other soldiers were wary now. She could see it in their eyes; they had expected her to be an easy target, hoping she would be tired due to the prolonged battle and because she was a woman. She smiled grimly at their discomfort and attacked. Within a few moments they were on the ground. There was a brief lull in the battle as there were no enemy soldiers around her. She had learned to appreciate these moments as it gave her a chance to recuperate.

She took stock of the situation. The Varden were pushing the empire back and were winning ground mainly due to the efforts of Eragon and Saphira. It seemed that the arrival of the dwarves had further lowered the hopes of the imperial forces. Many had surrendered and flung their weapons on the ground, others had run but even with that there were still many left fighting. However, if they didn't regroup they would surely lose. It seemed it was only a matter of time before their whole army retreated, waiting only to do as much damage as they could. Even as she was thinking this a flaming javelin flew over her head into the tents of the empire. She could see the soldiers in there trying and failing to contain the blaze. The ship that Trianna had warned her about had decided to play its part in the battle. While she was observing the confusion in the ranks of the empire and calculating where she could help most, a horn rang out from behind their army. Then another, and another and another; she frowned. It did not sound like an order to retreat as it was accompanied by the beating of drums. More like the joining of a new force. Reinforcements at this point would boost the morale of the empire forces and sow despair into the Varden as they had been fighting since morning and the forces of the empire seemed endless.

However, as she looked to the horizon it was something much worse. She could make out the silhouette of a great flying beast and hoped it was one of the lethrbaka. However a ray of sunlight burst from the clouds and illuminated the figure of a sparkling red dragon mounted by a rider clad in red armour. Galbatorix had gotten another egg to hatch. The oath breaker had another rider in his control. Even as despair filled her, she steeled herself and sought out the only one in the battle field who could hopefully take on this new threat. Eragon was fighting with Saphira alongside the dwarf king Hrothgar. He too had paused to take in the new rider. Even from afar Arya could see that his eyes had widened and his shoulders had fallen as he contemplated taking on this new rider. It was only then that Arya had doubts if Eragon could win. Galbatorix had no doubt trained the rider and was satisfied with him to send him into battle. Add to it the fact that Eragon and Saphira were tired and she could not help but be afraid of what might happen.

Eragon looked as the red dragon made its way over the armies of the empire towards him. The rider raised an armour covered hand and Eragon tensed anticipating an attack. He strengthened his wards against magical attacks pulling energy from Saphira, the belt and the minds that were close to death near him. They were already dying and he needed the energy because if he died there would be no rider left to support the Varden. He cringed as he felt their terror as they entered the void. Ignoring the prickling in his conscience and the feeling of death, he continued to strengthen his defences, preparing his mind for the battle at hand, no doubt that this would be a tough fight as he was tired and the rider before him was a formidable foe- perhaps the strongest foe he had ever encountered but he would not give in without a fight. He could feel Saphira's acknowledgement of his feelings as she tried to hide her apprehension from him. His attention was drawn back as a crackling bolt of ruby red magic issued forth from the hand of the rider and before he could bring his wards to protect himself he realised with dawning horror that it was not headed towards him but towards the dwarf king. Eragon tried to redirect his magic, words in the ancient language falling fast from his lips but he knew that he would not be in time and anything he conjured in such a short time would not be enough.

So he was surprised when the beam of energy unleashed by the rider was stopped by a glowing golden energy shield just before it hit the dwarf king. Eragon felt no drain on his energy and knew that it was not something he did because even with his extensive knowledge he knew of no spell to create such a barrier in the short time interval he had. He felt no rise in magic in Saphira and knew it was not her doing. The two energies collided in a shower of sparks and fought against each other. It seemed as if the whole battle had stopped. All soldiers nearby had stopped to witness the spectacle. They believed that it was the two riders doing battle, the red seeking to kill the king and Eragon protecting him. The dwarf magicians were looking at him in awe and confusion. He himself kept up a blank face so as not to show his complete ignorance of the situation. He could sense Saphira's confusion over their link and a hint of familiarity..?

Do you know what this is Saphira? he asked though he kept his focus on the battle.

No little one, I don't but I can't shake of the feeling that I should know what magic is protecting the bearded ones king. But, that is a matter for another time. We can but hope that whatever is protecting him is on our side. Be wary little one and prepare yourself. This battle of wills and magic will soon come to an end and we will have to battle the rider. Hopefully he will be drained by this encounter. Look at him.

Just as she said this the rider dropped his hand and stopped the beam of energy. Eragon could see the mounting sense of frustration and disbelief in the rider by his posture. He decided that this would be the opportune moment to attack as his opponent would still be reeling from the after effects of the use of such potent magic and would be unsure due to his failure. He looked at the dwarf king who gave him grateful look and shouted. Eragon could hear him due to the momentary stop in the battle.

''You have saved mine life Eragon. I owe you a debt. The decision to induct you to my clan was the best decision I ever made. Now show this upstart what a real rider can do."

Eragon smiled at him and gave no indication that he had nothing to do with saving the king's life. He could clear up that confusion later. Right now anything that helped boost the morale of the Varden and unbalance his foe was welcome. He raised Zarr'roc above his head and Saphira gave a fearsome roar. This seemed to break the spell as the Varden followed it up by banging on their shields, hollering at the top of their voices as they charged the empire. They were heartened by the show of strength of their rider. Eragon let much of the energy he had accumulated from the people around him drain into the belt of behloth the wise, keeping enough to sooth the weariness in his and Saphira's limbs. Refreshed with energy he jumped atop Saphira and fastened the belts securing him to the saddle. He looked across the field and his eyes met those of Arya and he nearly laughed at the curious mix of expressions on her face – confusion, concern, shock all were there in differing amounts. She must have seen some hint of his thoughts in his visage because her face took on the customary blank mask and she gave him a nod, as she once again moved to engage the enemy.

Meanwhile, the red rider seemed to have regained his bearings as the dragon gave out an earthshaking roar of challenge. Saphira answered with one of her own as rider and dragon flew into battle once more.

-Time skip to the end of the riders' battle atop the plateau-

Eragon watched with bated breath as Roran made his way towards the twins. The fact that Murtagh had chosen not to inform the twins of this danger gave him hope that even though he had been defeated, Murtagh could be talked out of killing him.

He watched as Roran hid behind a pile of bodies. The twins stopped and gazed at the mound of bodies, their confusion showing in their faces. It seemed they had noticed something. Eragon prepared to whisk Roran out of danger no matter Murtagh's promise when the magicians dismissed whatever it was they felt and continued hurling bolts of energy at the Varden. Roran jumped from behind the pile of bodies, towards them raising his hammer for a killing blow on one of the brothers when he turned around and sent a bolt directly at Roran. Roran would not be able to avoid the blow and Eragon could do nothing but watch when for the second time that day the golden shield materialised out of nowhere stopping the energy and saving Roran from certain death. However, this time the shield did more than absorb the blow, it turned it on the caster and the unfortunate twin fell to his own magic. Eragon watched as the other twin too fell with the first clutching his head- they must have been connected. Roran taking the opportunity raised his hammer and brought it down on the head of the fallen twin, ending his life. Then, planting his foot on the corpse of his enemy he raised his hammer and bellowed his victory.

Eragon watched Murtagh smiled in satisfaction at the end of the twins' lives. He must have truly hated them to risk incurring Galbatorix's wrath by letting them die.

"What now? Are you going to kill me?" demanded Eragon as Murtagh turned to face him, still not giving any indication that he did not know anything about the golden shield though Murtagh must have figured out that he was not the cause of it anyway.

"Why would I want to kill you? The king wants you alive."

Eragon stiffened. He had hoped he could stop Murtagh from killing him. But if the king wanted him alive, he didn't know whether he could prevent Murtagh from taking him prisoner. Trying to keep the panic out of his voice, he decided to stall hoping he could come up with a way to escape if he could keep Murtagh talking.


"You haven't guessed? Now there is a fine jest if I have ever seen one. Had Galbatorix wanted you dead he could have killed you long ago, he only had to fly out. You are nothing but a nuisance to him. He could crush you like an ant if he so chose, my power is nothing compared to his yet I beat you that should be proof enough. Or did you actually fancy yourself a legitimate threat? One thing I am curious about is the shield which stopped my attacks on Hrothgar and the twins' attacks on who I assume is your cousin."

Eragon refused to answer, focusing instead on the first part of Murtagh's question. He had on occasion thought of what he would do if Galbatorix did decide to fly to battle and had come up with no suitable strategy or plan. Murtagh's taunts about that hit home but he would not give him the satisfaction by letting him know that.

On Eragon's refusal to answer, Murtagh's tone took on a mocking edge.

"Never mind I will find out soon enough about that and your change in appearance. You fancy yourself a hero, don't you Eragon, you with your morals and righteousness. Yet what has it brought you. I entered Galbatorix's service unwillingly even opposed him at every turn when I got the chance. Yet he saw fit to reward me with power when I opened my mind to his visions. And what a vision it is Eragon, one where the dragon riders rule again and bring peace to these lands, which it has been lacking due to your petty resistance. He seeks to build the riders again more glorious than before. That is why he needs Saphira. The last dragon egg is male and Saphira the only female dragon in existence. He needs her and that is why he will not harm either of you for he knows what it is to lose a partner and would like to spare her that fate. But even his patience is not infinite and he will use force when you don't agree and he will win. . Is this evil Eragon, to want to bring peace and eliminate war? We don't have to be on opposite sides. Join me brother, and we can rule together and bring prosperity to these lands."

Eragon's resentment was growing with each passing second that Murtagh spoke. It broke through his determination to remain calm when Murtagh called him a brother.

"You are no brother of mine. I would have accepted you as one before but not now. Do you even listen to yourself? You are spouting the same beliefs that you once professed to hate. Or have you forgotten that it was Galbatorix who slaughtered the riders, that..."

"And they deserved it", Murtagh snarled cutting off Eragon. "They deserved it and more, they were old, fat and corrupt, willing to live in the glories of their past. They had become tools by which the elves subjugated the humans. They needed to be destroyed to start anew. They were..."

"Everything Galbatorix wanted to be but couldn't when he lost his dragon to his foolishness. They had their faults as does everyone but they were just and were loved and revered. " Eragon said proudly. Oromis had taught him to think logically and to take pride in the achievements of the riders of the past even as he taught him about the mistakes they made so that he may not repeat them.

"Galbatorix is feared and he seeks to rebuild the riders so that he can give a semblance of justice. He seeks to use the glories of the riders to cover his tyranny, to hide his illegitimate hold over the throne to prevent future rebellions. You know this Murtagh. You yourself told me how he manipulates those around him. We can help you. I have learned much with the elves. Arya and I can look up ways to neutralise your bonds. Fortunately, we were able to foil your attack on Hrothgar. You have not done anything yet that can't be forgiven, that you may later regret. You want to leave the Galbatorix's service. Join me Murtagh, we don't have to fight on opposite sides," Eragon said gently, echoing Murtagh's words from moments ago.

"You can't free me, Eragon. None but Galbatorix can release us from our oaths...he knows our true names. We are bound to his will until either our deaths or his."

Eragon felt pity at Murtagh's situation. A proud man bound against his will. But then a thought struck him, Brom's words that all wards, all magic had loopholes echoed in his mind. Surely that held true for oaths also.

"Then allow us to kill you. While Galbatorix may have your oaths to not harm yourselves, I doubt he said anything about dying in a fight."

"And why would I allow that?" Murtagh asked.

Eragon chose his words carefully to best make his point.

"It would free you from a life of servitude. Under Galbatorix you will be forced to commit unmentionably horrible acts, to kill innocents- hundreds thousands even. Surely that is enough cause to give your life for. Your sacrifice will be remembered, I promise you that. Under Galbatorix you will be reviled and feared."

Murtagh looked thoughtful and for a moment Eragon thought he would accept but his hopes were dashed.

"No. Had it been only me I would have given my life but nothing in this world is worth Thorn's. These past few months have been the best of my life; where before living was a burden now it is a gift that I am loath to part with. I still have to enjoy much of it and with Thorn by my side I may just be able to do so. With you I found friendship but with Thorn I found something more- a partner. You are a rider Eragon. You must understand the depth of the bond we share."

Eragon had no answer. There was precious little in this world that he would not trade in return for Saphirs's life. In fact he was unsure at what he would do if he was in Murtagh's place. This more than anything made him abandon his sense and vent his feelings without thought.

"But surely you don't want to serve him. He has committed numerous crimes and will have you do the same. Did you forget how he asked you to slaughter a village full of innocents or that it was he who is responsible for the death of Tornac?"

Eragon had stood up while he was making his point and at the end of his tirade he realised that he phrased the last part of it wrongly. He was looking to guilt Murtagh, remind him of his past self but it seemed he had made a mistake. At the mention of Tornac Murtagh lost his cool and Eragon was thrown backwards as he muttered something.

"Don't you dare accuse me of forgetting him?"

Murtagh looked livid, his eyes held a maniacal glint and for the first time that day Eragon was truly afraid that he had crossed some line.

Murtagh mumbled something and Eragon felt unimaginable pain course through him. His muscles spasmed and he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming. He could hear Saphira roaring as the pain passed to her through their link. Eragon tried to shut it off but could not marshal his thoughts enough to do it. He could feel blood trickling from his nose. He heard a scream and realised it was his own voice. He did not remember when he lost control; he could feel nothing but the pain in his body and the soreness in his throat. This was worse than the pain from his scar, worse than when Durza'a consciousness was within him. He wanted it to end and surprisingly it did. He could hear Thorn roaring in the background but couldn't fathom the reason. The pain was gone as suddenly as it started and only now did Eragon realise that though it felt like eternity it had been only a scant few seconds under the spell. Eragon gasped for breath as he looked at Murtagh. His vision was blurred.

"How did you break the spell?"

Eragon simply looked on in confusion. What is he talking about he wondered. His thoughts were still muddled. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw something barrel towards Murtagh. Saphira, he realised belatedly. He heard Murtagh say something.


Saphira was held off the ground struggling, she was not able to get back on it or to fly any higher. How can he do that and still remain human Eragon thought. These thoughts were pushed aside as ignoring his screaming muscles he tried to stand and charge Murtagh while he was busy dealing with Saphira.


And he was unable to move. He had similar experiences with Oromis to draw upon. Recalling them he formed the words needed to free himself from the invisible binds.

He drew upon his strength and raged it against his bonds. A few seconds passed and Eragon felt his strength flagging. Without asking Saphira added her strength to his and together they fought against Murtagh.

Five seconds passed. Then ten; then a minute; even with Saphira's support Eragon could start to feel the effects of channelling so much energy as involuntary tremors passed through his body.

Murtagh did not appear to be even the least bit tired and was simply staring at him. Eragon tried to free himself with a last bit of effort throwing everything he had behind his spell, but to no avail and he was forces to admit defeat as he let go of the magic.

He was terrified now as he did not know what Murtagh was capable of.

"You can't hope to defeat me, Eragon," said Murtagh. "Only Galbatorix can. No one else has the strength or the hearts". Murtagh walked up to Eragon picking up zar'roc on his way. He unbuckled Zar'roc's sheath from Eragon's belt and attached it to his own after sheathing the sword he previously wielded and discarding it.

"Zar'roc belongs to me. Inheritance goes to the eldest son not the youngest."

Eragon reeled as he took in the meaning of his words. Surely, it couldn't be what he thought it meant. Someone would have told him. Brom or Oromis. He could hear Saphira growling at Murtagh helpless to do anything to sooth him. Thorn growled back in challenge.

Murtagh continued with a cruel smirk, this time in the ancient language to leave no doubt.

"I never told you my mother's name did I. It was Selena. The twins figured out the connection when they looked into your head. It amused Galbatorix greatly when he first found out. Two sons of Morzan, fighting on opposite sides; you and I are more alike than you would care to admit Eragon."

Eragon struggled against the spell, even as his emotions raged within him. Looking to hurt Murtagh as he had hurt him, he lashed out.

"We are nothing alike. I don't have a scar on my back anymore."

The effect of the words was instantaneous. Murtagh's face settled into a blank mask and any hint of humour left his eyes as they became cold.

"Now you must agree to come with me to Uru'baen. Just give me your word as a rider and I will not have to use force, though I will relish it if you disagree. Saphira, I know will follow wherever you go."

Saphira growled in response but did nothing else as she knew that at the moment they were helpless. Eragon recognized the futility of trying to fight but he couldn't just give up.

"I will not go easily if that is what you are looking for. Your threats are meaningless as you can't kill me. Do what you will Murtagh, I pity what you have become."

Thorn growled at the insult to his rider and made his way forward to punish Eragon until he stopped presumably having a conversation with Murtagh.

"You will resent those words when you reach Uru'baen Eragon. Give up any hope you may have of escaping, there is none who can help you now."

Eragon struggles more against his bonds but they held. He was on the verge of giving up hope when a voice seemingly coming out of nowhere addressed Murtagh.

"Now that is a tad bit arrogant isn't it. You shouldn't presume such things."

There was a flash of red light which raised the hairs on Eragon's neck as it passed him and blasted Murtagh off his feet. Thorn roared and searched for the culprit. At the same time Eragon felt the web of magic keeping him and Saphira immobile being wrenched apart and he regained the use of his limbs as Saphira fell to the ground releasing a cloud of dust. Eragon looked to see the caster of the spell but could discern no source.

Murtagh, meanwhile had regained his bearings and stood beside Thorn holding zar'roc sunlight glinting of the sword and his armour.

"Show yourself," he thundered and Eragon could tell that he was angry.

The reply was another beam of energy being sent his way. Instead of using a ward or dodging Murtagh brought up zar'roc to deflect the energy simultaneously speaking a few words in the ancient language to reinforce the wards on it. More beams of magic made it to his position from different directions and he deflected or stopped them all. He seemed to know of the indestructible properties of the sword along with its ability to cut through most wards and magic.

Of course he knows. We discussed it with him.

Saphira had reopened their connection in order to converse as Murtagh was engaged in battle and was in no position to attack them. Conversely, Eragon was disarmed and fatigued and could not take advantage of the situation and even Saphira though in a better condition that him could not take on Thorn who was relatively fresh.

It seemed that Murtagh had had enough of his invisible opponent and was taking steps to negate that advantage. He spoke a few words in the ancient language which roughly translated to reveal the invisible and Eragon felt a wave of magic pass by him. And there a dozen feet away a man was revealed. From farther off Eragon could have mistaken him for an elf or a shade. However, his eyes held none of the malevolence like those of a shade nor did he have the beauty of an elf though he felt unique in a way Eragon couldn't describe. He had black hair and green eyes which were fixed on Murtagh and was dressed in a long tunic that went to just below his knees and had a scabbard attached to the belt at his waist. Eragon never had seen anyone dress like that. He held a stick in his hands which was pointed at Murtagh who seemed to have recognized the person.

"You. I have been searching for you since you escaped."

For a moment Eragon feared that the person was against him but he brushed them away when he realised that Murtagh was none too happy at his appearance.

"Why? Did you miss me?" the stranger asked as if it was perfectly normal for him.

Murtagh said nothing in response but charged him. The stranger said nothing but gestured with his stick and the ground in front of Murtagh rose sending him falling backwards, however that wasn't enough as when Murtagh fell the ground around him rose up to cover his body. Eragon was amazed that the stranger was able to perform such magic without words but he believed the stick must have something to do with it. For a moment he believed that they had won but then he heard Thorn roar and set off towards the stranger.

For his part the stranger appeared calm as if an enraged dragon was nothing to worry about. He merely waved his stick and a translucent barrier appeared in front of Thorn who was unable to stop as he crashed into it. The barrier strained and then broke and Thorn resumed his charge though he appeared slightly hurt and disoriented. The stranger it seems was not expecting this and he bent his knees and jumped far higher than any human could jump and landed about fifteen feet away from the rampaging dragon.

However, it seemed that in his haste to escape the dragon the stranger had forgotten Murtagh who had taken the time afforded by Thorn's attack to free himself. The stranger's (for there was no other name for him at the moment) jump had taken him close to Murtagh, who took the opportunity to use magic.


Eragon felt the magic make its way towards the stranger and knew the battle was over. There was no way a single person no matter how strong could resist the magic of a rider and its dragon. However, he was in for a surprise when the stranger muttered a few words under his breath and raised his stick and he was covered in a golden shield of energy not unlike the other two Eragon had seen today. Murtagh's spell crashed against the barrier trying to find a way through.

So this is the person who saved Hrothgar and Roran.

He heard saphira's voice in his head and gave a mental nod of agreement. His attention however, was drawn as Thorn tried to take this opportunity to attack the stranger. However, Saphira had other ideas as she threw herself at Thorn blocking his path. The two dragons battled on the ground and Eragon watched in horror as Thorn used his strength to topple Saphira and after planting his forelegs on her brought his maw to her neck. Saphira simply gave up with little struggle.

Saphira, what are you doing. Fight.

Eragon frantically said in her mind as he could not take on a dragon in his state especially since Thorn could kill Saphira at any movement from him. However, he was surprised to hear Saphira answer with a smug tone which seemed out of sorts with the situation.

Little one. I never wanted to defeat Thorn, I am too weakened anyway to succeed. However, Thorn will not harm me and in this way he can't interfere with the fight between Murtagh and the Stick waver.

Eragon was stumped by her logic.

Just..just don't do that again. It seems however, that it was all in vain though.

They looked over at the battle of magic between Murtagh and the stranger and sure enough, the stranger seemed to be in trouble as his bows were drawn and his forehead beaded with sweat though Murtagh didn't look much better either. It seemed sometime in between the battle of magic had transformed into that of the mind and magic. However, suddenly Murtagh's assault stopped.

Eragon looked at the Murtagh and saw the reason. It was a snake which had attacked Murtagh. It seemed that it had snuck up on him when everyone else was fixated on the stranger's battle. Murtagh had beheaded it but it had already bitten him.

"It seems that you have lost Murtagh. Even now the poison moves in your veins and soon it will claim you,"the stranger proclaimed.

Thorn roared and opened his jaw to let a torrent of flames wash upon the stranger. Eragon tried to shout a warning for him to get out of the way, do something but it was too late as the flames had already reached him. Thorn let the flames go for some time before closing his jaw and making his way towards Murtagh. Eragon watched in despair as the flames did not diminish presumably burning the corpse of their helper. He looked at Murtagh.

Murtagh had countered most of the poison though he still appeared weakened. Instead of the happiness he expected to see, Murtagh looked forlorn at the death of the stranger. Eragon was sad but couldn't help but be satisfied that at least today Murtagh would not be able to capture them. He looked back at the raging flames as they died down and couldn't help the exclamation that left him when the stranger was standing in them, apparently unharmed. In fact, he looked better than before though his face was a mask of concentration as the flames were seemingly sucked into him. He could feel Saphira's amazement and see the same expression on Murtagh's face.

"You should try harder next time" he paused," if you get one that is," he said as he brought his stick to his lips and blew towards Murtagh. Flames hotter than Thorn's issued from his lips, or was it from the stick, Eragon mused and made its way towards Thorn and Murtagh.

Murtagh regained his senses enough to mutter a few words but he wasn't fast enough as some flames seemed to reach them as Thorn recoiled. Murtagh was protected by Thorn from most of the heat though some seemed to reach him.

It looked as if Murtagh had finally decided that he had had enough for the day. He jumped onto Thorn's back and they flew away just out of reach of the flames.

"It seems the king's interest in you was warranted, Harry. Next time I will be better prepared and you will be captured and then you will find Uru'baen not as hospitable as before. You have given up victory in siding against the king, hope you find something worth the loss."

Thorn turned and made his towards the Empire's encampment where the soldiers of the empire were retreating. It seemed that on the twins' deaths the Varden had regrouped and pushed them back routing their army. Eragon turned to talk to this Harry when he found him gone.

Where did he go Saphira?

I don't know little one. One moment he was here and just as we looked a the battle below it seems he vanished. He will come back, for some reason I can feel it. But, how are you?

I am fine.

Though they both knew he was far from it. His loss coupled with the relevations about his ancestry had left him feeling hollow. It terrified him now thinking how close he had come to being captured. He could feel people trying to contact him with his mind. He dropped his barriers and let Arya in.

Eragon, how are you? What happened? He could feel a note of panic in her voice coupled with concern.

I am fine Arya. The red rider escaped and I think we have a new ally. I will talk when I come back. Just inform Nasuada that it may take some time.

She paused taking in his answer and probably discussing it with Nasuada.

Nasuada says it is fine. We will be meeting in an hour to discuss the outcome of the battle and would like you to be present.

I will be there. Saying this Eragon closed off the connection. He needed time before he talked with others to come to terms with everything that had happened. Meanwhile there were people to be healed after the battle. That should help him think and take his mind off the more unpleasant things.

He checked the plateau once more this time with his magic and his mind to see for the presence of anybody. Finding nothing, he thought for a moment and picked up the sword Murtahgh had discarded. He didn't know why since he definitely wouldn't be using it but he didn't wish to leave it here either. Murtagh had worn this sword when he had first met Eragon and helped him. And today he had discarded it to take up Morzan's blade…he couldn't think of him as his father. It wasn't a good portent for things to come and Saphira agreed with him. Thinking such thoughts he mounted Saphira and they made their way towards the battle field.

A/N: Hope you like the chapter. Would greatly appreciate if you review, gives motivation you know. Next chapter is mostly Harry POV with Eragon and Arya POV thrown in.