Ch 5

"Draco, I missed you. You never returned any of my letters. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get upset, I just-"

"Pansy, it's alright." He pulled the girl off of him. "I just needed time to think. I didn't reply to anyone's letters, except Mother's. She would have panicked if I hadn't."

Pansy's mouth formed a little 'o'.

"So you aren't mad?"


"You've been thinking?"


"Haven't replied to anyone besides your Mother?"


"Are you finally going to listen to me and leave him?"

"You cunning little Slytherin."

"Answer the question."

Draco remained silent and Pansy was almost certain he wasn't going to answer when he finally nodded his head.

"I'm planning to. Can't keep going on like this, right?" he gave a hesitant smile.

The girl flung herself at him again, nearly sending them both to the floor.

"Finally! I wonder what must have happened during break for you to finally see the relationship isn't healthy." She sighed with relief.

"A lion gave me a push."

As Draco let Pansy ponder what he could possibly mean, his mind just hoped that everything would work out as he planned.

"You can't be serious."

"But I am, Adrian." Draco handed the still wrapped box back to the taller boy and made sure to look anywhere but at him.

"You didn't even open my gift." He looked at the box quizzically. "Or answer my letters…you already had this all planned out."

"I didn't."

The blow came expectedly and unexpectedly at the same time. Draco knew Adrian would lash out but he hadn't thought so soon. There hadn't even been the usual pre fight shouting match. He staggered, tripped and ended up with a lapful of angry upperclassman. His back throbbed with a book digging into his spine, not to mention the pounding his temple was feeling where Adrian had punched him.

"You are such a liar. You should rethink your demand, Draco, because last time I checked you belong to me. I'm the only one who will ever love you. No one will ever care about you the way I do."

Draco glared up defiantly.


In return he received a few hard punches to his chest, knocking the breath out of him. He would be feeling that tomorrow. On the last punch he was sure he felt something shatter from within his chest.

"Really? Who else would put up with a spoiled, high maintenance, foul-mouthed, ego-centric, Death Eater?"

Once he was able to breath again, Draco spoke but with a bit less confidence.

"I don't have the Mark."

He didn't deny the other accusations.

"Not yet you don't." With a cruel smile he stroked the pale cheek and continued. "It won't be long before Daddy dearest demands you follow in his footsteps. Neither he nor you can really deny You-Know-Who's wishes."

Draco couldn't help but avert his eyes and it cost him a slap to his face.

"Look at me!"

Grudgingly he did with no choice in the matter.

"Do you see, Draco? No one will ever love you, but me. No one will ever put up with you, but me. Do you get it? All you have is me. Do you really want to throw away the only pathetic chance at a relationship?"

The silence was thick and smothering and the venomous words were settling into Draco's head finding permanent housing in the deepest darkest part of his mind. He was lost to the burning sensation in his chest, barely feeling the strokes to his face.


Time seemed to stand still.

"What was that?"

"No, I…I don't want to be alone."

Adrian leaned down and hovered over Draco's lips.

"Good answer, Love."

He sealed his lips over the blonde's, all the while the smaller boy was crumbling to pieces from the inside.

"Malfoy! Malfoy, wait up!"

Doing just the opposite, Draco picked up the pace even though his ribs were protesting with each step.

"Draco, what the hell!?"

The Slytherin stopped in his tracks with a slight jump as a warm hand wrapped his forearm along with the fact Potter had just called out his name, attracting the attention of most students in the hallway. He remembered demanding the Gryffindor to call him Malfoy.

"Didn't you hear me calling you?" Potter was slightly out of breath.

"Let go of me." Draco ordered.

Potter reluctantly let go but stayed put. He fidgeted with the sleeves of his jumper indicating he was nervous.

"You've been avoiding me the past few days and Pucey is strutting around the school being more of an arse, especially to you. I thought-"

"Potter, not here." He hissed.

A couple of students had begun crowding around trying to listen to the conversation. The Gryffindor noticed the nervous look on the Slytherin and the nosey student body.


Without warning he grabbed the blonde and dragged him along. Draco suppressed a hiss as his tender chest gave a slight burn at the pull.

"Potter, slow down a bit." The boy was walking far too quickly, but his wish was granted as Potter slowed and eventually stopped when they were far from prying ears and eyes.

"Are you alright?"

Potter was looking at him worriedly. He was probably a sight as he clutched his sides, slightly out breath.

"I'm fine." He waved it off but it didn't stop those green eyes to continue looking at him with worry.

"Draco, really, what's going on? I thought we were getting along fine and just as the term starts up again it's like nothing happened."

"Maybe I regretted every moment and want nothing to change, did you think of that, Potter?"

He hoped if he was nasty enough that the Gryffindor would get angry enough and realize he was wasting his time. They could go back to hating each other. It was much more simpler that way. The false friendship they had created could never work.

"That's a load of crap, especially coming from you."

Draco rolled his eyes as Potter crossed his arms. How much more stubborn could the boy be?

"It's Pucey, isn't it?"

The Slytherin's body tensed and his jaw hardened. Potter was completely correct in his assumption. Adrian had made it very clear that he should cut off all ties with everyone. He forced his hands to un-fist themselves and finally found himself breathing normally again. He hadn't noticed he had been holding his breath.

"I have somewhere to be. So, excuse me while I try to make up for the time you have carelessly wasted."

Trying to get out of Potter's reach, he side stepped the boy but he wasn't quick enough. Potter pinned him between both of his arms and bent down so he was at eye level with him. That damned prat.

"That was rude."

"Shut up. Everything was fine the last couple of weeks. Suddenly it's like I don't exist. Pucey's behind it. I thought you were ending it with him. He's not good enough for you."

Draco gave a hard shove.

"He's all I have!"

Potter always managed to get him riled up. He noticed to late when the green eyes flashed with anger. His shoulders were gripped and he was pushed completely against the wall. Grey eyes watered and he let out a cry. The grip on him lessened.

"Hey, I didn't slam you that hard."

And he was right. Potter hadn't handled him rough enough to cause harm but his tender body stated otherwise. To any who said the Gryffindor was stupid and couldn't put two and two together, Draco wanted to throttle them now. Potter's eyes narrowed and in a blink of an eye the Slytherin's jumper and shirt were shoved up.

"Potter, what are you doing!?"

Panic settled in his bones as he pushed the other off and hastily covered himself but the look the Gryffindor had was enough to know he had seen the dark bruising all around his chest and stomach. The chilling eyes were enough to make shiver.

"So THIS is all that you have left?" Potter hissed.

"You don't understand-"

"Do you enjoy letting him do as he pleases? Hitting you? Using you? He walks around acting like he owns you. It's abuse Draco!"

"And why do you bloody care what he does!? It doesn't concern you! I'm getting exactly what I deserve!" the blonde yelled. He stood close enough that their chests touched, his breath left him in angry puffs, but it was the distraught look the face in front of him had that had him release a loud sigh as he deflated into a defeated stance.

"What I have is the best I'll ever get. Everyone should be happy that bloody Draco Malfoy is getting a taste of his own medicine, especially you. Merlin knows you've been the target of my cruelty on countless occasions." He managed mumbled out with eyes averted.

"I didn't think anyone could be so thick but you take the cake." Potter gently grabbed Draco's arms. "I care what happens to you and I know you don't deserve any of this."

"Potter please, why do you insist on making your life more difficult by adding me into the mix?" Draco was getting desperate. He wanted out of the relationship but if he did what did he have left? A lonely future was all.

"Just come with me. We'll go to Dumbledore and he'll expel the bastard and he'll be out of your life."

The words sounded to good to be true. To simple. Reassuring. They had to be a lie. And it showed that he didn't believe them in his quavering voice.

"Just leave me alone. You-"

Warmth. That's what Draco felt suddenly when Potter' lips melded over his. It was a completely different feeling, very unlike what it felt like with Adrian. The touch was caring, loving, warm, not mocking, scornful, cold. His whole body relaxed and found himself returning the kiss. The kiss. Grey eyes snapped open as he pulled away. When had his eyes closed? He shook his head, that wasn't what was important. Potter had kissed him and he had kissed Potter back.

Green eyes were half lidded as they watched Draco with a hint of worry.


When the hands that had held him gently not moments ago reached for him again he ran. He didn't dare look back once as he rushed toward the Slytherin's common room. He skipped the rest of classes and dinner, the whole time replaying the kiss. Even though he wanted to hate it and hate Potter too, he just couldn't. He was overwhelmed in self-loathing and confused in general. For the first time since having his friendship refused he wanted to cry.

Everything seemed to be just getting worse with Adrian. The older boy was more hurtful and rough with both words and actions. After each episode he would spout useless words of love and regret but all the blonde felt was fear and despair. Adrian would make sure to shower Draco with gifts and loving gestures in front of everyone, especially Potter. Sometime he could feel the Gryffindor's stare burning into him. It was unnerving.

It was also getting harder to hide the bruising and cuts with the warmer weather and more noticeable marks on his face, neck and arms. All he could do was blame it on accidents he would supposedly have during solo Quidditch practice.

The sound of books being put down had Draco turning his head. He frowned as he watched Granger sit next to him. She had disturbed his depressing train of thought without permission. How dare she.

"What are you doing?"

Granger turned her bushy haired head towards him.

"I'm sitting. I thought that would be obvious."

Draco had to refrain from hexing her and decided on just staring at her disdainfully.

"I mean why are you sitting next to me? There are plenty of empty seats." He noticed how Professor Snape was watching them carefully, they were after all the only two in the room waiting for Potion's to start.

"Today's assignment will be difficult and I need someone who is good in Potions for my partner." She stated simply.

"Doesn't that mean you should help Weasel and Potty instead? They might blow up the castle." He tried to ignore the compliment she had paid him.

"I'm mad at them both so they can suffer together." Granger's eyes seemed to travel along the line of the new cut that marked Draco's right temple. There was no sense in using a glamor since his came out poorly and it angered Adrian more.

"Nasty cut there, Malfoy."

"Mmmmm, bloody broom handles are dangerous." He had already perfected his excuse for the new mark and had just repeated it to the Potion's professor earlier today.

The good thing about having a Godfather who was a professor was they couldn't dig for more information past their professional position. Merlin knew the man was fuming if his verbal onslaught that he gave Draco was anything to go by, yet the professor could do nothing as long as Draco remained quiet.

"Why don't you have it healed?" she asked as she read her notes from last class.

"Haven't had time to see the nurse." He fiddled with his quill. It was getting weirder and more uncomfortable by the second.

"Honestly Granger, what are you doing?"

She must be planning some evil plot, one to either humiliate of kill him. Most likely the latter. Were Gryffindors even capable of evil deeds? Her critical gaze was unnerving as well. Just as he thought he saw her lips move to answer, a body loomed over him and slammed heavy texts for a class on his fingers that were splayed across the desk. Draco held back a yelp but his body flinched from the pain. He managed to yank them back towards him and cradle them in his lap.

"What is the mudblood doing here?" Adrian asked with a sneer.

Before Draco could answer, Granger snapped her notebook shut which caught Adrian's attention.

"Professor Snape paired us up. If you have a problem then go speak with him about it."

They stared at each other in challenge until Adrian turned away with a huff towards the professor's desk.

"Let me see your hands, Malfoy."

Draco was sure he had heard wrong and continued to stare in confusion.

"Your hands, Malfoy!" she snapped. "Before he turns around, doesn't like what he sees, and decides on what to use next to hit you with."

Dumbly, Draco held out his hands. It must have been the shock that had him complying to Granger's command. It also could have been that he was tired of arguing and defending the older Slytherin along with his fingers that throbbed and screamed for relief. As soon as the tingle of coolness coursed through his fingers he took his hands back, happy for momentary relief.

More students filed in and Draco noticed Adrian storm out, not before bumping into Potter. The two glared at each other until the throng of students made them move. Adrian gave one last glare towards Draco's table and left. Potter on the other hand sat in front of Granger and him along with Weasley and turned around to give him a hesitant smile.

Draco quickly ducked his head as he felt his cheeks heat. It was the first time in weeks that they had locked eyes. He had made sure to avoid looking anywhere near Potter's face because how his heart was doing a little dance, which was what he was afraid it would do. He slumped on the desk in annoyance and caught Granger looking at him.

"You are such a fool." Her eyes were filled with pity and all Draco could do was look away.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was more confusing than Potion's had been a few days before. Sixth and seventh years were put together for a day to practice higher level defense spells and before he had a chance to choose his partner, Weasley walked up to him and took his stance next to him. He nearly choked on air.

"You're not going to die by being my partner, Malfoy, so wipe that horror ridden look off your face."

"With the way you throw spells around I have a right to be worried."

Draco tried to compose himself but it proved to be hard when he spotted Potter partnered with Adrian.

"He's going to murder him." He mumbled as he stared at the two. Weasley followed his line of sight and shrugged.

"Harry can handle himself."

Draco glared.

"It's not Potter I'm worried about. Adrian doesn't stand a chance against Golden Boy over there."

Weasley stared at Draco curiously.

"Seems like you have a lot of faith in Harry's abilities, Ferret."

"Shut up, Weasel." Draco stomped off to an empty area, not noticing the redhead following him with a cheeky grin.

Draco limped out towards the Black Lake where he was suppose to have met Pansy an hour ago. He sighed in relief when he caught sight of her lounging on the grass.

"Sorry I'm late."

"You better be sor-Draco Malfoy! What happened to you?"

The annoyed look she had as she turned to greet him had warped into a frown.

"It's just my ankle, Pansy."

"Just your- Sit your bloody arse down right now." She ordered as she brought out her wand.

There was no sense in arguing so he found himself on the grass, shoes off, one inflammation spell directed at his ankle and a current foot rub. It was simply heavenly.

"How were you even able to walk? Your ankle was about the size of my thigh!"

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Stop exaggerating." He sighed in content. If only he could get someone to massage every part of his body.

"Oh, look. It's Potter and his entourage."

Draco cracked an eye open but rather than looking towards where Pansy stared he stared at her.

"If I'm not mistaken, I did not hear an ounce of malice in your voice. Something must be wrong." He received a nasty pinch in turn.

"They can't be that bad if they're giving Adrian hell." Her dark eyes softened. "Potter must really like you."

It didn't take long for Draco to recoil from the girl.

"You must be mad." What was she talking about? Potter didn't like him. All the nice gestures and shy looks thrown his way were part of some plot. Draco frowned as he crushed what little hope he had gathered at Pansy's words. It would be something truly remarkable to have the Golden Boy love him. But it was out of the question. Impossible. Unfathomable. How could such a perfect person even think twice about a piece of trash like him?

"I'll admit him being a Gryffindor doesn't thrill me but he makes up in every other aspect. He's certainly way better than the trash you call a boyfriend."

Draco couldn't help but smile at Pansy.

"Where have you been these past six years, dear? Or did you think our fights were due to sexual tension?" He enjoyed the way she scowled and smacked him on the arm. Not so much the smacking but riling Pansy up was a good pass time.

"Of course not, but people change Draco."

"It's pity, Pansy."

"Why can't you give it a try. If the last few weeks are anything to go by, Granger and Weasley are okay with it."

Draco narrowed his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be agreeing with me, not trying to set me up?"

"Because of what you told me with what happened over the holidays, how can I not think he's interested in you or that he cares about you? Honestly I thought this was crazy at first but sometimes the craziest thing is the better option. Now stop living in the past, both of you were immature children and now you two are grown up. This could possibly be the best thing to happen to you if you just-"


Pansy flinched at the harsh tone. She watched as Draco rubbed his forehead.

"Just no, Pansy. I'm not going to jump at a chance to be happy and end up being miserable when it doesn't work out. It's what landed me in my current situation in the first place." Tiredly he sighed and got to his feet.

"Sorry, I just need time to myself. I'll see you back at the common room." He didn't wait for a response as he began to walk away.

"Draco!" Pansy called out. "I'll be waiting when you're ready."

He didn't give any acknowledgment that he heard, but he did.