Well, everyone this is the last chapter of this story, I hope you like it. It takes a big time jump. I'm not to happy with the ending, I've been reading it over and over, just couldn't decided how I wanted it to end. But like I always say, I believe it's a good ending, as long as Leyton is together in the end...That's all that matters, Anyways, please let me know what you think.

I have worked on this chapter for a few weeks now, It's a long chapter, sorry about that, but I had a lot I wanted to get out. Anyways, I have posted the last chapter of Wanting What You Can't Have. so if you were a fan of that story at one time Check it out and let me know what you think.

Thanks for the reviews and for reading this, I was really surprise to get some many reviews, My story Age Is Just A Number, is like the only story I ever got so many reviews on, So I didn't see this one getting so many, But I'm happy that it did..

So thanks, Cookielover96, RJMoonspell4, Rachel, Dirtynikki, michy35, OTH6969, leytonlover69, PeytonScott, breyton davis- sawyer, Renee, HappyLeyton4ever, Lucas n Peyton Scott TLA, baby, KMAD17, Leyton fan 4 life and guest. For your reviews on the last chapter.

I'm working on new chapters For Perfect Match and Moving On & Holding On...

Thanks for your support... Happy Reading to all.

Cindy : )

He Didn't Have To Be

Chapter 20 Seventeen years later...

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. And a miracle is what Peyton Scott feels her life is. Life, she realize, was much like a song. In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there is confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to everything she did in her life worthwhile,

She smiled, as she stood on her balcony looking down into her back yard. All her family and friends are here, laughing, talking, chatting, gossiping, having a good time, all just being happy. celebrating her son's graduation, That's right little Andrew Davis Scott, graduated today. Her eyes look over at her son and his girlfriend (Destiny Peyton Baker) who were posing for picture with their friends. Yes, Andrew and Destiny who happens to be Julian's and Brooke's oldest daughter, our dating, He's eighteen and she is about to turn seventeen. The two were always close, and maybe it was because Destiny spent a lot time at Lucas's and Peyton's, since their oldest daughter, Anna Brooke Scott was Destiny best friend. Lucas told her a few years ago, that Andrew and Destiny had a connection, but Peyton kept telling him he was crazy, she thought, that they thought of each other as cousins, Till one day nine months ago, Peyton came home early to find them kissing in his room. And the rest is history.

A tear escaped her eye as she remembers the day he was born. How she kissed him all over promising him, that she was going to give him a good life. The best life that a single mother could give. Luckily enough, she didn't have to raise him alone, coming back to Tree Hill was the best decision of her life and his.

She looked at her friends, Brooke and Julian, got married two months before Destiny was born, Then three years later, welcomed twins Avery Lucas Baker, and Aaron Nathan Baker. The twins are now, fourteen, just starting Tree Hill High where they are Ravens now, and Destiny, will be entering her senior year this fall as head cheerleader again just like her mom. She is a picture of her mom, at seventeen, the twins got Julian's looks and Brooke's attitude, Brooke said that three kids was enough for her, but five years ago they welcomed, another little girl, Rachael Haley Baker, Rachel was a mixes of both Julian and Brooke, she is a future diva, even at five, she loves to sing and dance, she is always the center of attention. Peyton laughs as she watches the little brown hair girl, dances around the yard for everyone.

She then looks over at Nathan and Haley, who was talking to their oldest son James Lucas Scott, and his wife, yes, Jamie, got married last year to his high school sweetheart. He was twenty in so was Ashley, Haley was so upset when they announces their engagement, but Lucas was quick to point out, how she married Nathan while they were still in high school. At least Jamie waited till his junior year of college. After days of crying, Haley finally accepted it. Jamie and Ashley were both getting ready to enter their senior year at Duke, Jamie was the number one player on the team, and scouts where already calling him. Ashley is studying to be a lawyer. Jamie wasn't the only child the couple had, they had two more, when Jamie was about six, they welcome, Carly Peyton Scott, who was now fifteen, she was just like Haley, she loved school and loved to tutor people. Five years after Carly, the couple had, another little girl, Megan Brooke Scott, who is now ten, and she is unlike her older sister, she is all about basketball. Nathan and Luke talk about her being a future WNBA star. She told them it was her goal and she was determined to make it come true, Which Peyton believes that one day her dream will come true.

She smiled, as she watched Megan who was sitting on Skillz lap, yep, after a year of them tip toeing around each other, the two got together. Married a few years later, with two sons. Lebrun Michael Taylor who is twelve now, and Jordan Kobe Taylor who is four.

Her eyes landed on her husband, who was talking to Andrew, Destiny and Anna. She bit her lip as she thought about how her life could have been if she didn't comeback to Tree Hill. or if Justin got custody of Andrew all those years ago.

Flash Back, seventeen years ago...

After talking to Julian and Brooke that night, Peyton text Justin in told him the deal was off. She then turned off her phone and torn up the contract. She was still nervous and scared, but she had faith in Julian's little plan. And three days after she send him that text he show up at her label. Just like they thought he would.

He walks in without knocking and smiles at her, he sits in the chair right in front of her desk" You shouldn't be here working, you should be spending sometime with your son, making some memories, cause after next month you won't get to see him anymore."

She looks up from the laptop, and looks at him as he talks, she clicks on the record button on her laptop, making sure the camera is on him. " What are you're doing here?" she asked, as she leans back in her chair.

" Well. I thought I would be nice, and give you a second chance" He said with a huge smile

" A second chance at what?" She said, giving him a confused look. pretending she didn't know what he was talking about. She had to get him to say everything, from wanting her to sign her label over to him, to he doesn't want Justin, for this plan to work.

He looked at her with a furrow brow, " You know what I'm talking about?"

" I'm afraid I don't"

" I want your label"

" Well, you're not getting it"

" Are you that dumb? seriously, you know I always get what I want, and here I was trying to make it easy on you. " He stood up, " See all you have to do is sign this" he said, as he pulled the contract from his side jacket pocket." And then I will drop the custody suit, and sign my rights away, which I already did," He opened up the briefcase he brought with him. He pulled out more papers. " See" he said, as he turned the page, showing her the he did sign the paper already. " All you got to do is sign the other one, and I'll hand this to you today."

Peyton's eyes widen, as she looked at his signature, and then back out the contract that he laid in front of her. She thought for a moment, all she had to do was sign on the dotted line, and then he'll hand her the papers she's been wanting. It seemed so simple. She closed her eyes, as she remembered her little talk with Lucas last night. " I'm not signing my label over to you. I'll see you in court next month."

His smile dropped, "Did this hick town knock some brain cells out or something, cause you can't be that dumb. you do understand what I'm offering you, right?"

" Yes, I do, but I worked hard for this label, I made this label what it is today. And I'll be damned if I let you take it away from me."

" You must love this label more than you love your bastard of a son"

She knew he only added the bastard part to get a rise out of her, " Well, I hate to break it to, but you aren't getting either one."

He smiled, " Oh Honey, you know that's wrong, You see I will get your son next month, and once I'm done with that, I will fight you for your label. see I already have some ideas floating around. And I always get what I want, you should know that by now babe."

" Oh believe me, I'm know that, I've witness it first hand." She said, with a grin, " But you see, my dear there is always a first time for anything. And you aren't going to get what you want from me. " She stood in walked over to the window, " Your not getting my label, and you are not getting mine and Lucas's son" she said, as she turned to face him. She wanted to see the look on his face. as she spoke those words.

His eye brows shot up annoyances written over his face, he holds her gaze for a moment. He presses his lips together, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a long cigarette and a pack of matches. She smiles to herself, as she watches him, she remember him telling her when they started dating, that he wasn't a real smoker he just smoked when he was nervous. "Are you sure you know what your up against?" He asked, and raises his cigarette to his lip.

" Yes, I'm very aware of what I'm up against. but I know with, my husband and my friends, and my lawyer, I will be just fine."

He nods, taking a another puff. He does not exhale, but simply opens his mouth, the smoke swirling above his head and quickly vanishing. Then he glances around, mumbling something. Then he spoke " Let me get this straight, you rather go to court and put your son through hell, then to just sign this dump over to me?" He doesn't wait for her to answer. " I don't get you, See a caring mom, where do whatever it takes to keep her child. "

" I am a caring mother, and I'm fighting for my dreams. Which is to keep my label and my family together ,and to get you out of our lives."

" Well, how about you just sign the damn contract then, I'll call my lawyer and drop this stupid custody case, and you can keep your damn son, and your damn dream of being the prefect family with your prefect husband. I'll never bother you again, it's that simple. I would really hate to see you get hurt, Cause sweetheart you know that's what's going to happen. I will get your son, and your label, and let me tell you something, I will take really good care of your label, your son not too much, cause I honestly don't give a rats ass what happens to him"

She shakes her head, but held her emotions, "Yes, I knew since the day you found out I was pregnant that you didn't want anything to do with my son. But you're not getting him, and I'm not worried about losing him or him growing up with a father, cause he has a wonderful man who stepped up and who loves him like a father should. " She walked over to the door and opened it " Look I'll say it again, you are not getting my son or my label, I will not allow you to use me or threaten me, I'm in charge of this situation now. So I suggest you take your ass back to LA or New York, or wherever the hell your new fun tart is, in stay there, I will see you next month on the tenth at two-thirty with my husband and my lawyer. Now leave my office"

He shook his head as he walked towards her, " You are making a big mistake Peyton" he said as he stepped outside the door. " Mark my words sweetheart, you are going to regret your decision. "

" I guess we will have to see huh? " She said, in sweet calm voice. "Have a great life Justin" She said with a smile, then slams the door in his face. After standing there for a few seconds, she bust out crying. As she falls to the floor crying. Haley and Lucas walk in a few minutes later.

Lucas immediately ran to her, " What happen" he ask as he wrapped his arms around her. " Is it the baby, are you having pains, we need to go to the doctor"

She shook her head, " No...no...I'm okay" she said, as she looks at her husband. " We are okay" she wipes her eyes. " Justin was here"

Lucas eyes widen, "Did he hurt you?"

"No, I...I actually did it" she said, as she stands up. " I stood up to him, Lucas, I told him he wasn't getting our son or my label, and then I kicked him out in slammed the door in his face."

Lucas smiled brightly at her, " That's my girl, I told you, you could do it," He hugged her tightly. " Did you recorded it?"

"Yes, " she said, as she walked over to her laptop in stopped the recording then pressed play. The three watched the disc, all smiling and praying that Julian's idea works.

"I'm so proud of you," He said, as he kissed her forehead, "Everything is going to be okay now, We send this to our lawyer, and she will take care of the rest. He's not going to get our boy Peyton."

" You promise" she ask in a unsure voice. She believes Julian's little plan could work, but she was still scared of what could happen, she knows Justin to well.

"Yes, I promise," He said, as he kissed her, " Now let's get you home, cause you are to worked up to be here right now, and we got to keep your calm, I don't want anything to happen to you or our baby."

Five days after, Justin's visit. Peyton was at home fixing dinner, with Brooke and Haley, Lucas, Julian, Nathan and the kids were at the rivercourt. They girls were joking around and talking about their pregnancy. When there was a knock at the door, Peyton excused herself, she looked out the peep-hole " Hey Brenda" she said, as she open the door, "Come in"

"Thanks,... is Lucas home?" she ask

Peyton looked at her, "No, is something wrong" she asked, her lawyer, as she try to read the look in her eyes.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you and Lucas together, but since he..." She stopped as the door opens.

" Dinner better be done ladies, you got some staved men here" Nathan said, as he stepped inside the house first holding Andrew,

" Well, the men are going to have to wait another twenty minutes or so" Haley said, as she in Brooke walked in. "Sorry" she said, noticing the red hair women standing in the living room.

"Hey Brenda" Lucas said, as he noticed her to. "What's going on?"

All the eyes fell on her, she smiled, " I was hoping to talk to you and your wife, alone"

"Okay" Lucas said, as he got ready to ask all off their friends to leave the room.

" Look, no disrespect here, I get that Lawyers are supposed to keep things just between clients but they are our family, and I would like for them to hear what you got to say, rather it's bad news or good news. " Lucas walked over to his wife in grabbed her hand.

" I'm okay with that, if Lucas is" she said, as Lucas nods, " Okay, well, I wanted to come in person to tell you guys that..." she looked at the couple who were looking at her with eyes full of fear. She looked around the room, noticing their eyes to. Not a person was smiling, they were to worried about what she was about to say. " Justin's lawyer call me today. " she took a breath, " Your plan worked " she said, as Julian and Brooke smiled, " I send the disc, and the lawyer told him it would be best if he just dropped the full custody suit, and try for joint."

Everyone smiled, expect Peyton, " Joint" she said, as she looks down at the floor. " He wants joint custody now?" this was not how she wanted things to go, she didn't want him anywhere around her son. She didn't want to share him.

" Well, that's what his lawyer told me, but as I was leaving the office tonight, I received this" she said, handing Peyton a brown envelope

Peyton opened it, her eyes widen and a huge smile appeared. "Oh my god, does this mean what I think it means" she asked, as Lucas took the paper from her.

"Yes, Peyton, Justin signed over his rights, he doesn't want joint custody. Andrew is officially yours in Lucas's now, "

"Really " Lucas asked, as he looked over the paper.

" Yes Lucas, you can make that dream come true now, you can legally adopted Andrew, make him an official Scott" Brenda said, as Peyton hugged her.

" Thank you so much" She said to the red hair women.

" Let's celebrate" Haley said, as she grabbed a bottle of wine. Nathan grabbed the glasses, and Julian grabbed Apple juice for Peyton and Brooke.

" I am so ready to have this baby already I miss my wine" Brooke said sadly, as Julian fills her glass with apple juice. Everyone laughed at her, and hugged the happy couple.

Six and a half months later, two hours after Anna Brooke Scott was born, Andrew officially became a Scott. Peyton laid in the hospital bed holding a sleeping Andrew, as Lucas feed their new born.

"She looks like you" he whispered, she was born with a light blond hair and one little curly, that made her stand out from all the other babies,

" Yeah, and she's going to have her daddy wrapped around her little finger"

" Well, that's what you Sawyer women do, you know, I just can't say no to a Sawyer girl." he said, as he lean down in kissed her. " We got our family huh, you happy?"

" I got everything I've ever wanted, in this room Luke, I'm more than happy. "

"Me to sweetheart."

End of Flashback...

A kiss upon her neck brings her back to reality. She closes her eyes in leans back into the arms that are around her. She doesn't have to look up to know who's holding her, she knows her husbands arms, the feeling of safety, want and love that goes through her when she's in his arms. " you okay?" he asks as he kisses the side of her head.

" yeah, just thinking."

" happy thoughts?"

" yeah, all my thoughts are happy now a days."

" that's good, I was worried you were up here crying again."

" no, I'm fine, I know I got to let him grow up. He's not my little boy anymore. " she watches as Andrew and Destiny dance together. " he really loves her."

" I know, I think we are going to be attending a wedding soon."

" No, he's not ready for marriage, he's only eighteen and Destiny is only "

"I'm kidding babe," he said as he interrupted her. " they both just told me school comes first, they both have some dreams to chase and things to do before they get married."

" that's good." she smiled, " I can't believe how the time flew by. Our oldest son is off to college this fall, Anna is starting her senior year this fall. We will have to go through this again next year, I'm having trouble letting one child go, I'm not sure if I can let two go."

" yes, it's going to be hard, but we will be fine, we got each other and three other ones who will need us. "

" not for long." she said as she though about their other children. " Elizabeth starts high school this year." Three years after Anna was born Peyton gave birth to Elizabeth Haley Scott. She was a picture of Anna, curly blond hair, beautiful green eyes, adorable smile. Anna looked like Peyton but acted like Brooke. She was loud and gossipy, boy crazy, loved to throw party's hung with the popular crowd. Elizabeth was Peyton all over. She had the looks and was a loner, loved music and drawing become her passion. Sometimes Peyton and Elizabeth would go to the river court in draw, while Lucas and the boys played ball.

" yeah I know," Lucas said sadly. As he thought about his baby girl starting high school. " you know it's going to be awhile before our nest is complete empty. "

" I know." she said with a small smile.

" it's going to be a few years before our boys enter high school. " The couple decided after Elizabeth that three kids was enough, but when Elizabeth was ten Peyton found out she was pregnant. Nine months later the family welcome twin boys Keith Nathan Scott and Nicholas Julian Scott. The boys were Lucas all over blonde hair crystal blue eyes, cute little smirk. They looked up to their big brother Andrew, and thanks to Andrew and the Scott genes basketball was becoming their passion even at four and a half years old. " we could always have another." he whispered in her ear. She raises her eye brow, as she turned in his arms.

" I think five is enough " she said, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. " even thou, I'm sad that my oldest son is moving out and I probably won't see him again."

" Peyton, he's going to UNC he's not moving out-of-state he's only going to be a few hours away. And baby, he will be here ever holiday and summer break. He already promised you that."

" I know," she whispered sadly, " it's just hard, Andrew in college, Anna a senior in high school, Elizabeth starting high school. Keith and Nicholas entering kindergarten. I just don't know if I can do it, Elizabeth is going to start dating, and Anna is just too much like Brooke I can't keep up with all her boyfriends"

" I know, I still think we should ground her from dating" Lucas said, in his serious tone.

" Why, cause she's your favorite" She said, as she smiled, at her husband.

" Baby, I do not have favorites."

" Oh please Luke, she stubborn, passion and...

" So is Andrew and Elizabeth" he said cutting her off,

" Yes, true,, but Anna is a daddy's girl to the core, You loved the fact that she couldn't go to sleep at night without a big bear hug from her daddy. "

Lucas smiled, as he remember those nights. " I do not have a favorite, the love for my children is without condition or end. I would most certainly save them or do whatever I can do to protect them. It's what a father does, I admit, that Anna holds a special place in my heart, maybe it's because she's my first-born, just like Andrew does you."

" True that, Andrew will always hold a special place with me to. "

" But I do have a favorite wife," he smirks

" Oh really, which one" She teased...

" You, it is a different kind of love, of course, " He said, as he picks her up and carries her to their bed. He lays her down and looks at her with those deep soulful eyes,

" I love the way you still look at me" She said, as she runs her fingers through his hair. " Even after eighteen years of marriage, you still make me feel like that nervous sixteen year old when we first locked eyes."

" And even after eighteen years of marriage and five adorable kids, you are still breathtakingly beautiful, you still make my heart skip a beat every time you touch me. "

She smiled, then pulled him down to her, His lips found hers. she sighed into his mouth, as his tongue slid across hers, soft, tender. Their tongues dueled, as his hand slowly slides up the blue dress she was wearing, "MMM" she moaned into his mouth. As his fingers brush against her thigh. " Let's make love, "

"Lucas, " she said, as he kisses down her neck, " Honey, we can't, we got a house full of people" she runs her hands up and down his back.

" I'll lock the door, then no one will miss us. " He said, as he started to kiss her collarbone

" You know this is how Keith and Nick got here" Anna said, from the door way, Without even looking the couple knows she's got a big smile on her face.

Lucas rolled off Peyton and sighed, " We know sweetheart" she said, as she shook her head, Anna is always the one walking in on them.

" So are you guys trying to make us a new brother or sister, since one of us is leaving the house." Anna asked with a smile that Peyton swears she got from Brooke somehow.

"Anna what do you want"

" Sorry to interrupted you, but aunt Haley is making Andrew do a toast, and he wants you guys now there, but if you want I could tell everyone that aunt Brooke is right, that you guys are working on the next member of our family.

Peyton glared at her daughter, as she stood up, and fixed her dress, " Please go down stairs and tell your brother your father in I will be right down, and let aunt Brooke know I will be talking to her later" Anna just smiled, as she turned to walk away. " I swear, she is somehow related to Brooke" Peyton said, as she checked her make up and her hair.

" She sure gets her cheerfulness from someone, cause we all know she didn't get from her mom. " Lucas smirked, as he stood up fixing his tie.

" Funny" She said., as she walked over to him, she fixed his clothes and his hair, they shared a few more kisses, " To be continued?" she said, as she grabbed his hand.

" Always," he said, as they walk out of their room hand in hand. The couple walked out into their back yard and was handed a glass of wine, Peyton raised her eye brow, at Andrew and Anna who also had a glass.

" It's apple juice, I swear" Anna said, as Haley agreed with her.

" It's nice that you to, could join us," Brooke said, with a knowing look. Which meant Anna came back down and told everyone what they were doing. but before Lucas or Peyton could respond, Andrew began to speak.

" I'm not exactly, sure what my aunt Haley wanted me to said, she knows I'm not a public speaker." he said, as he looks around at all the people. " I guess I could say thank you to all my family and the wonderful support they have given me over the years. For coming in cheering me on at every game. For helping me stay focus, on my dream, which I got. Now that I'm going to UNC. I thank my aunts for all their advice throughout the years, about love and stuff" he looks at Haley and Brooke, " I thank my grandma Karen, and my grandpa Andy, and grandpa Larry" he said, as he looks at the three, "For loving me and for giving me anything I wanted even when mom was dead set against it" he said as he winked at his mom.

" My Uncle Nathan for his amazing tips in basketball, making me the best ever raven at Tree Hill." He joked looking at his uncle Nathan.

" I doubt that" Nathan said,

" Yeah, I doubt that to, cause I broke his status when I was there." Jamie said, with a smile towards his dad. Everyone laughed, Nathan glare at his big headed son. Nathan's was dropped to second Jamie's senior year, when he over shot his dad in points, Becoming the top Raven player of all time, no one has yet to beat him.

" And Coach Skillz, for pushing me to be the best on the court and off." Skillz nods his head, " My uncle Julian for letting have his BMW, and for telling me how to calm a women down when they are angry with you"

" Oh he did, did he. " Brooke said, as she turn towards her husband, " How is that Baby"

Julian sighed, " I love you" he said, hoping to change the subject. Brooke rolled her eyes, then turn her attention back on Andrew.

" My cousins, and my sisters and brothers, I love you all, and I'm very thankful for you guys. And you guys can now stop pretending to be Duke fans and cheer for a real team." everyone laughed.

" Yeah we will see who the real team will be, when we face each other" Jamie said.." Then you can go crying to mommy and daddy when we beat your sorry ass's

"Whatever you say man, Andrew said," And to my amazing girlfriend, I love you Destiny, and I hope that our love story, is as strong and powerful as my parents. Without the heartbreak cause I don't want any of that." He smirked, as Destiny blew him a kiss. " I own everyone here, a big thank you for everything you have done or said over the years to me, helping me be the man who I am today." He scanned the yard, his eyes fell upon his parents, He smiles, at them he loved how in love they were still after all these years. His dad stood behind his mom with his arms wrapped around her, and his chin resting on her shoulder. " My mom for being an amazing, wonderful, strong woman. She is the reason I'm surrounded by all this love today. I love you mom."

" I love you to baby," Peyton said, as she try to hold her tears in.

When Andrew was fourteen Peyton and Lucas decided to tell him about his biological father, Peyton didn't want to keep no secrets, yes she could have let him continue to believe that Lucas was his dad, but she wanted to be up in honest with him. He was mad at first, but after a few weeks, he started to come around. Saying he always thought he was different, since his sisters had blonde hair, and he was the only one with brown hair. Peyton told him everything about his father even played the disc for him with he was seventeen.

" I'm glad you made the decision to come back to your home town, to your best friend. And to your first love. I couldn't even think about the life I would have if you stay in New York, yes, I would have been happy, cause I have you as a mom, but I wouldn't have gotten the chance to have a father, a real father." he said, as he locked eyes with his dad.

" My dad has been one of the most amazing influences in my life. He taught me so much, not just how to throw a ball in a hoop, but how to be a good man, how to love with my whole heart, how to admit when I'm wrong. He told me to dream big, and to keep my worries small. you never need to carry more than you can hold. And no matter where life takes you, I hope you know somebody loves you. And I will always have your back. I hope you always forgiven and you never regret, and you help somebody ever chance you get. He said, never walk away from someone who you love, the biggest mistake of his life was walking away from my mom, all those years ago, It's a mistake that will stay with him forever even thou, and the end he got her back, he said, not everyone is as lucky as he was. He said my mom is not a one in a million kinda of girl, she is a once in a lifetime kind of woman."

Peyton looked back at her husband, who was crying, she kissed his cheek, " I love you " she whispered,

" I love you to" he said, as he kissed her, " We did a pretty good job with him huh?'

" Yeah, " Peyton said, as she looked at her son, " We sure did"

" You guys are doing an amazing job with us all" Elizabeth said, as he stood beside them, holding Keith.

" Yeah, you guys might make us sick with all your inmate moments, but it's great to see the love you two have for each other, it makes me want a love like yours" Anna said, as she stood on the other side of her parents holding Nicholas. " We are all really lucky to have parents like you"

Peyton hugged her, and then kissed Nicholas, then hugged Elizabeth and kissed Keith, " We are luckier to have amazing kids like you all" Lucas agreed with her, The family then turned back to Andrew who was finishing up his toasted.

" A dad isn't defined as the man who makes the child, but rather a man who extends his hands, and time to help with the child's raising, and his heart to love the child through anything. Blood doesn't always make you a dad, Being a dad comes from the heart, any fool can make a baby, it takes a man to raise a child." The group all agree with him, " As aunt Haley, pointed out to me years ago, I own a big thank you to a man I have never met, A man who raised my dad into the amazing good-hearted man he is today. I know that uncle Keith is very proud of the man you are today Dad, I love you, and I could never thank you enough. Looking back all I can say, about all the things he did for me. Is I hope I'm at least half the dad, that he didn't have to be to me."

Everyone clapped, as Lucas walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. " I'm very proud of the man you are becoming, I love you Andrew"

" I love you to dad"

Peyton and Brooke walked over to them, " When you said that last line, you know you hope you're at least half the dad. You meant that in the future, right" Peyton asked...

" Are was that your way to tell us were going to be grandma's" Brooke asked nervously,

" I meant it in the future long in the future. We aren't ready for kids yet." Andrew told them, as both women left out aloud breathe..

" Thank God" Peyton said, as she hugged him.

" Yes, thank God, I'm so not ready to be a grandma" Brooke said. As she hugged him to.

" I don't think any of us are ready to be a grandma yet." Haley said, as she walked over to the little group

" Hmm, funny you should say that aunt Haley" Andrew said,as the adults looked at him. " I take it Jamie chicken out again"

Haley's smile dropped, " No!" she yelled, " James Lucas Scott, Ashley Jean Scott, house now" she yelled, then walked over and grabbed a very confused Nathan, then walked to the house.

" Well, that's my cue." Andrew said, as he grabbed Destiny's hand. " I think we should go, "

"Go where" Lucas asked,

" Well, I have a few graduation party's to stop by and I should be out of here, before aunt Haley realizes I was joking"

Lucas and Brooke bust out laughing, " Andrew Davis Scott" Peyton yelled, "That wasn't funny"

" Sorry mom, I love when aunt Haley gets all fired up" He said, as Peyton slapped his arm.

" Run before she gets out here" Andrew kissed her cheek then he and Destiny took off. Peyton turned around " He probably won't make it to UNC, once Haley gets hold of him. " they all laughed...

" Probably not" Brooke agreed. The three stood there laughing, as they watched inside the house at Haley who was yelling, Nathan had a blank expression, and Jamie and Ashley were as pale as a ghost. " I think I'm going to go let Haley know it's a joke, before she ends up giving those kids a heart attack or something" Brooke said, as she walked away.

Lucas wrapped his arms around his wife's waisted. " You know Andrew was right" she said, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"About what?"

" You didn't have to be his dad, I never asked you to, but you understood that I was a package deal. You been there for him and me through every up and down, every drama, every craziness. You never backed down, you never shrank from responsibility. It kind of made me love you more. "

Lucas pecked her lips, " Peyton, I love you, plain in simple. I didn't even have to think about what I was getting into because I love you. I know if the shoe was on the other foot, and I was the one, who had a child, and you came back to me, You would have stepped up to the plate to. Because you love me. I don't look a Andrew any different, then I do the rest of the kids. I love all my children the same, I love that you two entered my life. I'm not sure where I would be today if you didn't come back to me."

" Me either, I am so happy with the life we created."

" Yeah, it's been one great life, with you and our children. " Lucas said, as he lean down kissing her sweetly, " I love you Mrs. Scott"

" Love you to Mr. Scott" .. Peyton whispered, as a slow song started to play. " Can I have this dance?"

" For the rest of my life." He said. taking her hand. Their eyes locked, he pulled her close, and he let the music be their guide.

Anna watched as her parents dances, smiling, laughing sharing sweet simple little kisses. " You okay honey" Brooke asked, as she noticed her sad gaze.

" I readied the book. I heard the stories, I know how much they both hurt each other, but look at them, they are so happy. And so in love., " Brooke agreed with her. " I want a love like that."

" Have faith," Brooke said, as she wrapped an arm around her. " I wanted a love like theirs to, and I got it. love finds you, don't go looking for it. Just let it happen. And honey, when you do find it, don't let it go, cause love doesn't knock that often. Especially, A love like your parents." The two looked back at the couple still dancing. " Their love is unbreakable"

" Excuse me" A blonde hair boy said, as he walked over to them. Anna and Brooke looked at him. " I was wondering if you would dance with me?"

Anna smiled, " Well, I would love to but, I married, and I'm pretty sure my husband wouldn't like it" Brooke said, joking, As she watched Anna's face redden.

" Aunt Brooke, he was talking to me" She said, in an a low voice, as she looks down at the ground trying to hide her red face.

" I know" Brooke said, as she pushed her towards him. " Go dance, go have fun,"

Anna smiled, as she took his hand, and he led her to the middle of the yard. Brooke stood there watching the couple dance. " Wow, he got the courage up to asks her to dance." Skillz said, as she stands beside Brooke.

" You know him?"

" Yeah, that's Brandon, he's on the basketball team, he has had a crush on her, since freshman year. " Brooke looked at him with a how do you know look. " I'm a coach I over hear things, she is the only beautiful, long-legged, blonde, green girl on the cheerleading squad. So I put two and two together." Brooke nods, as she continues to watch the young couple. " You know what so funny"

"What's that?"

" Brandon reminds me of Luke, you know when we were younger, how he would watch Peyton from a far, to scared to talk to her, And Anna is like Peyton, she knows he's there, but she pretends that she doesn't know he's looking. I catch them staring at each other, they got a connection, Like Lucas and Peyton. "

Brooke smiled, as she thought about the little chat she just had with the young girl. Love has been right in front of her all this time. She watches as two dance closely, their eyes connected, as if they were having their own conversation. " Yep, I see history repeating itself."

Well, there it is, I'm not to sure how I feel about the ending, I might actually do a sequel.. Guess it just depends, let me know what you think. Sorry it was such a long chapter.

Review please i love you guys feed back.