A/N: Look! Homestuck! Cool. This is just a cute little drabble for Rose and her mother / Roxy and her mother. Complicated, but I like it. Awws.

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There is an idea in a certain Eastern religion that has to do with reincarnation - the belief that the spirit does not cease at the death of the body, but goes on to inhabit another shell.

This idea states that when you are born, you are born to the one meant to be your mother in that life. When you die, you are reincarnated. When your mother dies, she too is reincarnated. But, though you may go on to lead new existences totally independent of one another, she is still your mother.

Thus, after enough time, everyone is your mother. And you are the mother of everyone else.

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One way or another, you will always be my mother.

You can be petty. You can be spiteful. You can be passive-aggressive.

You can subtly mock everything I do. You can fill the house with wizards and place my sarcastic notes to you on pillows of lush crushed velvet.

You can drink yourself into oblivion and make me rue the day you ever called me your child.

But you will always be my mother. Always.

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oYu can b smuch a bltch. You can lock yoruself in your roaom ajd spend ell day writing wbout wizards.

You cab correct mzy spelling and cofnisacte my btoze.

Buuuumt jou cnow wha6? You're always gnona be ma mtoher. Always agd a,wxys. So therhe.

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You can run around with your silly internet friends. You can ignore my suggestions and give your "unique" cats "unique' names.

You can yell and cry, and throw as many temper tantrums as you please. You can be a little brat and resent me until the mutant cats come home.

But I will always be your mother. Always.

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You can spend lla yad locked ain oyur ropm with your weird books and yoyour computer games. You can have your little therzapyp session withf youar kityy cat.

You can youp the antge ard play oyur mimd games and then trfy oo giagmose me winth 'a drinking probleem.

You can lokk yuorslef awnay, you know, emotionally, and be izcy and distant and spilv lt all do youar jourjald instead of mee.

Btu I'z still your mother. I'lml always eb oyur mother. flways wnd always and alwauys. And stuffe.