A/N: Sooooooo...here is my first time in multi-chap stories. I hope u wil like it and pls pls pls pls... review and tell me if I should continue. I'm open to flames *deep scary voice* but I shall warn you if ur not nice u'll c that i could be ugly. *back to hyper and nice* okay now discliamer pls.

I do NOT own Soul Eater. *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwaaaaaa*

Chapter 1: Intro

The first morning sun rays foung their way through the palace, of The Kingdom of Light, to Prince Soul's room. Although he is a pure prince, people find him very weird because he does not like being called by such title. When he was asked he said it was because it doesn't feel comfortable to be sitting home and everyone is using formalities. All of the maids and butlers at the palace's household are strictly forbidden to call him 'Prince' unless there is an occasion with guests. Even though it took a while for eveyone to get used to it the maids and butlers find it comfortable to call him by his name.

Now, now we don't need to go into anymore detail for we will need him later. Let's first explain how the kingdom came to be.

It was really like just any fairytale, the good people lived happily until some bad guys came and they both fought until the good ones won. Although it was like most fairytales, here the bad guys were not completely annihilated so the good guys can live happily ever after no, it was just a truce those people have nothing to do with those and vice versa.

They did not live on the same ground though, underground lied the Realm of Shadows. Don't get the wrong idea because of the name, there are many good people who live there, some were cast out of the Kingdom, but it's just that the bad guys are more.

The Realm of Shadows was a place where only fear, sadness, depression, dullness even and other similar emotions could be felt. Then actually the Kingdom of Light it always bright, happy, cheerful, fun and so on. You see, they are the opposite of each other, completey, in the Kingdom the sun is as bright as a golden ring in light and the sky is always lit up, people are always similing and the birds chirped happily, on the other hand the Realm is dark and the sun is grey! How? Nobody knows. It is always boring there and nobody meaning nobody dared to smile or laugh. They felt like it was forbidden even though it's not. It is like prison, but what could they do? Some baby children smile and laugh, but it was rare.

Now in that Realm, which seemed more like prison every passing minute, there was a normal girl.

She was born after the place was built. Around the time she was 3, barely walking, her mother left home. Two years later, her dad told her that he had to do something and left. She waited and waited, but he never came back. Now she's 7 , two years of living alone, how she managed no one knows but even after witnessing both of her parents leave she smiles. She smiles! One of the sweetest smiles you could ever see, even sweeter than the ones in the Kingdom of Light. Some of her nieghbours thought that she lost her mind because of everything that happened and one of them tricked her into coming with him to the king and queen's palace. There he explianed her story and the king and queen, not having any children of their own, took her in. The first question they asked was what is her name.

She gave them one of her famous smiles and said,"Maka."

A/N: Whew finally...now if u want chappy number 2 review pls.