Chapter XXVIII: Occam's Razor

Rehearsals for The Phantom of Opera had begun and Christine had never felt more exhausted in her life.

Christine had been trying very hard to please Erik and she was happy that she did but it was exhausting. She had to perform great everyday for him and made sure that she did not mess up or else he would chastise her in front of the cast. It was embarrassing and very hurtful as she saw the disappointment in his eyes.

And today was their day off; she did not even want to get out of bed. Christine had officially moved back in with Erik and thanked Meg for everything. She moved everything out of Meg's apartment and into Erik's home again. But this time she shared rooms with Erik which she loved very much.

"Christine," Erik called. Christine moaned and rolled over and away from her love. He had woken up early as always and was trying to get to her to start the day. "My dear, it's eleven in the morning."

"Let me sleep!" Christine said as she swatted his presence away with her hand. Erik frowned and sat on the bed.

"Are you ill?" he asked, his tone expressing concern.

"No," she admitted before rising from bed, her curls flying everywhere. "I'm just tired, Erik. Rehearsals have gotten me so exhausted. Can't I just stay in bed today?"

"Being in bed will only cause you to become more tired." Erik stated. "Come, get up."

"No," Christine plopped back into bed and pulled the covers over her head.

"I'm not asking." Erik growled, sending a shiver down Christine's spine from desire. It's been so long since she'd heard him speak to her in such a way! How she missed it! Those growls held a deeper meaning to its tone… one of lust. She recognized it.

"Make me," she tempted. Christine hoped he would understand what she meant and finally give in to what they both been craving. Yes, both of them. Too many moments in that past few weeks they have come close to making love but Erik would never complete it. She understood his reasons and respected it but she missed him so. She missed his touch, his caresses, his skin… he was punishing them both!

"Very well." Erik hissed and yanked the covers off of her. He grabbed her waist before throwing her over his shoulder. Christine cried out and shouted for Erik to put her down but he continued to walk towards the bathroom. He set her down on her feet and watched as she moved the curls from her face and shot him a dirty look. "Go shower and get ready, Christine."

"Never!" she cried and tried to run from the bathroom but Erik was quicker and wrapped one arm around her torso, picked her up before dragging her to the shower. "Erik, what are you doing!" Before she knew it, Erik turned on the water and christine squealed as the warm water began to wet her.

"I assume you're wide awake now," Erik said with a smirk. Christine was looking at him flabbergasted. Had he really just thrown her into the shower? "Will you listen now?"

"Fine," Christine hissed. Two can play at that game!

Erik's eyes widened as Christine took off her nightgown and her panties. She stood bare before him and blew him a kiss before turning and grabbing the bar of soap. She was tempting him! And dear god was it working… his member hardened quickly and almost painfully. He needed her more than anything. Erik knew that he was suffering; having to hold back from so much because his beautiful angel was so alluring. But he couldn't… he loved her so much that he had to hold back. It affected her too, he knew that. He just needed to prove himself and show that he is worthy of her.

"Won't you join me?" Christine asked, her face with a facade of innocence. Erik groaned as his body was begging him to say yes.

"No, I can't."

Christine opened her mouth but was left unheard as Erik rushed out of the bathroom. She sighed and closed the shower door before washing her hair, her mind pondering on everything.

Since that day in which Raoul had confessed his love, she had not heard from him. Neither had Erik, which was strange as he promised he was not going to give up. But she had been enjoying the peace she and Erik had that she didn't think about it. Christine believed that it was simply Raoul wanting to have the last say.

Erik had not been convinced. He had told Christine many times that he knew Raoul was planning something, he just did not know what it was. Christine had told him to not worry as nothing was going to keep her from him but even she was slightly nervous of what Raoul would do.

Christine climbed out of the shower and grabbed a towel that was hanging on the rack before wrapping it around her body.

She walked out of the bathroom and put on a simple blouse with jeans before walking to the music room. She knew he'd be there. Erik was always there.

Christine peered through the door and found him at the piano. He wasn't playing, but simply sitting at the piano bench, staring down at the keys. His fingers softly touched them but he played no sound. Perhaps she had been a little too forward and pushed it far.

She walked over to the piano bench and sat down next to him. Erik's eyes looked at her and Christine bit her lip.

"I'm sorry," Christine sighed. "I shouldn't have done that."

"You did nothing wrong." Erik said simply. "I know it's difficult but I'm trying to be a better man for you, Christine."

"I know," Christine nodded and kissed his exposed cheek. "I'm not being very fair, am I?"

"I cannot say I blame you, my dear." Erik added. "I have been holding back so much." Christine leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "I want to be deserving of you. And as much as I would like to make love to you–"

"You can't." Christine finished for him. "I understand. I suppose I just missed it."

"Soon, Christine." Erik promised. "When all of my mistakes have been reprimanded."

The next day, Christine and Erik were at the opera house bright and early. A little too early but Erik insisted that he had to be the first one to arrive and Christine was forcedly told to arrive along with him.

Christine was sitting on the stage, reading her score before she popped open the cap of her bottled water. Erik had gone backstage to make sure the costumes that were ordered had arrived and left her in the front.

She was nervous for opening day! It wasn't for another three weeks but it was still the fear was getting to her. Finally her dream of performing was coming true, but not that. She was performing in one of Erik's operas! That was what she feared most of all… disappointing him. What if she made a mistake during the show? What if she forgot the words? It was all truly nerve-wrecking.

"You don't need to keep studying it, you've already perfected the music."

Christine let out a yelp of surprise and turned her head to find Raoul standing on the stage behind her. He was studying her with his eyes, almost as if he was trying to take in the sight of her. Christine stood up on stand but kept her distance.
"I tend to study a lot more when I'm nervous." Christine explained. "What are you doing here, Raoul?"

"I came to see you,"

"Why?" Christine looked at him suspiciously. "I have nothing to say to you."

"But I have much to tell you." Raoul argued. Christine rubbed her temples in frustration and turned as if to walk away. "He's not the man you think he is."

"What?" Christine halted and turned to look at the blonde man. He had his hands in his pockets and Christine felt odd at how comfortable his posture was.

"He's a murderer." he said almost a little too casually.

"Stop it, Raoul." Christine snapped. "That's not going to work. You're not going to turn me against him."

"You don't know who he is!" This time, his annoyance came out. Raoul's hand had become fists in his pocket.

"And you do?" Christine taunted back, her anger rising. "No, I won't give you that satisfaction of twisting my thoughts."

"Listen to me, Christine." Raoul walked towards her, grabbing her shoulders tightly. "Give me one hour! I can show you who he truly is."

"Even if he had secrets, who are you to judge?" Christine barked but deep inside, her fear was rising. She was afraid to know what Raoul had discovered about Erik.

"I love you, Christine. He is not worthy of you."

"And what makes you think that you are?"

"Occam's razor." Raoul stated simply. In trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation. And in this situation, he was the simplest answer to the solution. That monster was nothing but complications and he was a man who had a horrible past. Raoul was clean and he had never done anything wrong in his life therefore he had to be the better solution for Christine… right?

"What?" Christine questioned. She thought it odd as she believed that theory was that the simplest or most obvious explanation of several competing ones is the one that should be preferred.

"Nevermind." Raoul said, shaking his head. "Meet me at the cafe on 42nd and Broadway. I will be awaiting you at six pm." Before Christine could say anything, he turned on his heel and left her standing there alone. Erik couldn't have more secrets, could he? The last thing she needed was another reason to doubt–

Wait, what was she thinking?! Raoul only wanted to doubt Erik… that's why he's doing all of that. He wants her to not have confidence in Erik and she wasn't going to run away anymore. She had to trust her love and she had to talk to him. Christine needed the reassurance that Erik was not a murderer as Raoul claimed him to be.

But what was she to do? She was curious to know what Raoul had to say. In a sense, Christine felt terrible for treating him so harshly when before he was always so kind to her. But now he's become more aggressive. Not towards her, but in the whole situation. He's determined to win her once more… like Erik had been. Maybe she should go speak to him, but because she deserved to hear him out. Then again, he would only try to turn her against Erik.

"Why is everything so complicated?" Christine muttered to herself in frustration.

"What's complicated?"

Christine gasped and turned to see Erik standing across the stage. He walked over to her with a emotionless expression.

"Oh, um…" Christine bit her lip. Did she dare tell him that Raoul was there? He would certainly go crazy but maybe he deserved to know. Or maybe this was her chance to see if Erik was hiding anything. "Erik, will you be honest with me?"

"Of course," Erik said, with confusion and suspicion in his tone.

"Are you hiding any secrets from me?"

Erik narrowed his eyes at Christine and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why do you ask?"

"Answer me," Christine frowned at his demeanor. "Is there anything that you haven't told me about your past?"

"There are many things that I haven't told you about my past." Erik said as he walked past her. "I intend to keep it that way."

"Why?" Christine asked angrily. She followed behind him as he he began to walk to his office.

"It is not a topic to press further, Christine!" Erik snapped and Christine jumped at his tone. Erik opened the door and walked into the office, moving towards his desk. He grabbed some a score from his drawer and looked up to see Christine looking at him with a disappointed expression. "There are things that I am attempting to redeem from. Those things don't involve you."

Christine felt tears begin to water her eyes. "I love you, Erik. Let me know who you are and who you were."

"That's the thing, Christine." Erik said as he walked to stand in front of her. "Once you know who I was, you won't love me anymore."

A/N: Hey kiddies! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Seems like Erik and Christine's relationship is still far from fixed… rocky situations! Also Raoul seems a little too determined to win Christine back. What shall happen next? :o

I published a new story and would greatly appreciate it if you let me know what you think of it! It's called The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. Please R&R .3. Xoxo