Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, was the shinobi center of the Land of Fire. This was a village run by ninja with the intent of providing a base of operations and a place to live for the few hundred shinobi, and their familes, that served the Fire Daimyo. The shinobi were ruled by the strongest, the Hokage and among the ninja of the leaf, his word was law. There was a council formed to take care of the many civilians who had made their home inside the hidden village. There was no law in Konoha that was not wanted by the hokage and his council. But, as is human nature the two did not always agree and there were ofter power struggles for new laws or rulings. One such struggle was the ever occurring push form the council to get rid of one Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto was a common target for the council for one very important reason, he was the container for the Kyuubi no Kitsune, a massive demon with unmatched powers. Naruto was unaware of this fact for a long time but a attack by one of the Yamanaka clan, a family of mindwalker ninja, force the yound boy into his own mind, it aqppeared as a dark, dank, sewer with a large set of bars holding back a massive swirling entity of chakra that radiated more hate and killing intent than Naruto had ever felt in his short life. Then, for lack of a better term this entity examined the boy. Then a burst of rage blasted at him, and Naruto was pushed out and into the real world. Naruto 'heard'


There were no actual word, it was more of an impression pulled from the images and feelings in the rage that flooded Naruto's mind.

Then the boy opened his eyes and looked upon the deserted alleyway he had been left in. He hurt all over his brain hurt, the tee shirt he wore, while not soaked with blood was not a spotty rust color, his shorts were ragged.

With a grunt of pain, Naruto pushed himself up and unto his hands and knees before standing up on shaky legs. Naruto walked to the apartment he had been living in for almost two years by that point. As he walked Naruto thought about what he learned:

Inside of him was the Kyuubi no Kitsune.

This was the reason for his pain, his loneliness and the hatred. Naruto just gritted his teeth and kept walking.

The next day Naruto would confront the Hokage, who was like family to the young orphaned boy. The Hokage would convince Naruto that there were many reasons he was not told and the boy accepted then without too much hesitation and was soon back to his happy self.

Uzumaki Naruto was seven years old at the time. It had been his birthday.

Three weeks later the council had somehow learned that the Uzumaki was aware of his condition and were out for his blood. The arguments of 'now that he knows of the demon, it will influence him' and ' we must kill him before it is too late'. The Hokage was less than amused and there was nothing done. But a few members of the council formed together a mob.

The mob grew quickly as their intent was spread. They were going to kill the demon. The burned down the apartment building and forced Naruto to flee as fast as he could. The mob was unable to catch the small agile boy before he was able to escape the village.

Naruto would not return to Konoha for five long years. When he returned he was not the same boy who left.