A/N: Okay, so I think this is gonna be a new series! Don't worry, there will be action later. And also, it won't be all mushy crap... Hopefully... After this- Please review and tell me which one of their POV's you all liked better! :)

"What are you eating?" Wally whispered. Artemis leaned in so she could hear him.


"I said, what are you eating?" She smiled.

"Chewy Sweet-Tarts. Why?" Wally fixed his gaze on the screen of the television, trying to focus on the plot of the movie.

"Well, every time the team gets together and watches a film, you run to your room and come back with that paper bag. I was just curious what was in it." The blonde shrugged, watching the movie. "So why Sweet-Tarts?" She blushed.

"Well... Have you ever noticed I lick my lips when I'm thinking hard?" Of course he had.

"No, not really." He lied.

"Oh, well they leave a sweet taste on my lips... Heh, I know it's a little weird..." KF shook his head.

"Nah, I've seen people who have a habit of clapping when they're nervous." Artemis chuckled.



"Sh!" Robin hissed, causing both heroes to blush and face the television. Though he tried his hardest, Wally couldn't help but keep stealing glances at Arty every once in a while. She had her hair down for a change, and she was in a loose T-Shirt, and really short and tight black shorts. she was sitting cross legged, and on her lap was her paper bag of sweets. The speedster became embarrassed when he realized he had been counting the number of times she breathed in. Trying unsuccessfully to return his gaze to the TV, he sighed.

Artemis shifted her hand slightly. It was resting close to Wally's, and it was causing her to blush. It took every ounce of energy she had not to just clutch his fingers in hers. Finally mustering up the courage to move away, she reached into her bag and pulled out three small spheres. The archer placed them between her lips to sit and coat them in the familiar bitter-sweet she was constantly tasting. It almost made her sad that Wally didn't notice something trivial like the way she licked her lips constantly. "Oh well..." She thought. "I guess it's better than fighting him... Being this close to him makes me want to- STOP IT! Cut it out, Artemis!" She scolded herself.

"That was great!" M'gann announced, clasping her hands together. Superboy rolled his eyes, and Robin snored slightly. "Well, let's go Artemis and Zatanna!" The blonde had agreed to have a slumber-party with the martian and somehow convinced the boys to hang out as well.

"What? No games?" Wally asked, getting up and stretching. Artemis turned red and looked away as his shirt came up about three inches from the waist of his blue-jeans. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice.

M'gann was puzzled. "Games? Like what?"

"Wally, don't-" Artemis warned.

"Like, 'Are You Nervous?' or maybe 'Spin the Bottle.' How about 'Seven Minutes in Heaven?'"

"NO!" Everyone shouted. M'gann was still confused.

"Why not?" Artemis sighed.

"Well, I guess we could play 'Are You Nervous...' It's the least inappropriate." Robin shook his head.

"It's a good thing Kaldur isn't here." They all chuckled a little.

"So, how do you play the game?" Miss M asked innocently.

"Oh, boy."

"Are you nervous yet?"

"N-no..." Robin stuttered as Zatanna ran her fingers lightly up and down his arms. She moved from behind him to in front, and traced the outlines of his face. Wally blushed, wondering what it would be like for Artemis to do that to him.

"Are you nervous yet?"

"Yes!" The thirteen year-old shot up from his seat in the circle of chairs. The rest of the team started laughing. Robin was blushing to the extremes as Zatanna rolled on the floor. "Ha, ha. So freaking funny."

"Okay, okay. Leave the kid alone. Now let him take his turn." Artemis said, chuckling.

"No! I don't want to go. This is sick! Make Wally do it. It's right up his alley!" KF rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Figures Birdy over here is too chicken."

"Terrible pun." Artemis said as Wally realized who he had to play with. By the look on her face, she had realized it, too. She narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare." Wally grinned evilly. "Challenge accepted." He thought. He walked over and kneeled behind her chair. Placing his hands on her knees, he asked, "Are you nervous yet?"

"Psh, no." She said. He slowly ran his hands along her bare thighs.

"Nervous yet?"

"Not even close." He wrapped his arms around her waist lightly.


"Nothing." Moving up her back, Wally's hands ghosted over her shoulders, neck, and arms.


"Nuh-uh." He placed his cheek against hers and whispered quietly,


"Yes!" Artemis slid out of her chair and ran over to sit with Z. Wally and the rest of the team laughed as she stuck her tongue out stubbornly. He hoped his face wasn't red from the nervousness their proximity had caused him. "You know what? I think I'm gonna sit the rest of this stupid game out."

"Aw, come on, Artemis! It's not that bad!" Zatanna tried to convince her.

"Nope. I'm gonna go get a snack."

"Not cool." She said to herself. Artemis grabbed her paper bag and sat down on her bed, slipping the delicious candies into her mouth. She was ashamed to say she enjoyed him holding her around the waist, and having his face that close to hers. "Ugh!" She growled, slamming her face into the pillow next to her.

"Artemis?" Z called through the door. "We wanted you to play 'would you rather' with us!"


"I'll tell Wally you liked playing 'Are you Nervous!'" Artemis shot up and bolted to the door.

"You would't!"

"Watch me!" Z said, running down the hall.

"No! Fine, I'm coming!" She chased after the sorceress and followed her into the den. When she finally got there, both girls were panting. Artemis collapsed on the couch.

"I'm not even gonna ask." She froze when she realized she was pressed up against Wally.

"Erm- Sorry..." She sat up and moved away from the speedster. Before he could respond, Z spoke.

"Okay, so Connor, would you rather hold Megan's hand for the rest of the game or... Hm... Get a swirly?"

"Wow, real mature, Z."

"What? I couldn't think of anything!"

"Whatever." Connor grabbed M'gann's hand and the martian blushed, but obliged. "My turn. Zatanna, would you rather kiss Robin, or spend the night in his room?"

"Aw, why not?" The black-haired girl reached over, grabbed the Boy Wonder's face, and smashed her lips onto his. When she pulled back, she giggled at his red face. "Haha! Well, my turn again... Hm... I know! Wally, would you rather walk around Gotham with Robin and pretend to be dating, or kiss Artemis?" He was taken aback.

"Hm, be gay with Rob in public, or kiss Artemis in the cave... Tough choice..."

"Dude! Just kiss her!" Robin pleaded.

"Yes! Please do!" Megan said.

"No! Shut up, Megs!" Artemis growled at her.

"Yeah, seriously. Just do it!"

"Wait! Not till I get my camera!"

"Don't worry. Surveillance cameras."

"Oh yeah!"

"Ugh, fine. Let's just get this over with." Wally shrugged. Artemis was stunned and froze when he grabbed her face with super-speed, and planted a lightning quick kiss on her lips.

"Aw, man! No fair! That won't even show up if we play the security cams in slow motion!" Robin complained. Supey leaned back and chuckled. Artemis was still facing Wally with wide eyes, mouth open, and not really registering what just happened. Wally laughed at her, which caused her to simmer.

"Not. Funny. Z." She muttered, turning away from the red-head.

"Okay, okay. My turn." Everyone froze. "Hm... Let's see which victim I should inflict embarrassment upon..." Artemis grinned cruelly at Zatanna. The sorceress shook her head slightly, causing the blonde to grin even more. Leaning over, she whispered something in Wally's ear. He grinned and nodded slowly. The rest of their team began to look around nervously. Pulling away, Artemis crossed her arms over her chest, smirking. "Zatanna, would you come here?" Wally asked. She got up hesitantly and walked over, kneeling so Wally could whisper what he and Artemis had decided on in her ear. After a few seconds, her face grew bright red and she began to sweat.

"Uh- erh... I'd rather not do either..."

"You have to pick one, Z. It's how this game goes." Artemis taunted. She sighed.

"Okay... I'll be back soon..." Wally and Artemis watched proudly as she walked away. The whole team sat in silence, trying to figure out what it was the two devils said to her.

"Great idea." Wally said. Artemis nodded.

"Although we practically forced it on her, it's gonna be worth it."

Wally immediately laughed when Zatanna came down the hallway in an extremely tight dress and sat on Robin's lap. "Wha-" The Boy Wonder stammered as Wally and Artemis cracked up.

"Aw, shut up." Zatanna crossed her arms and looked away, which was quite the achievement in that thing. Wally couldn't stop laughing. Who knew the archer had that in her. To do something that cruel, it made him pause, wondering what she could do to him. He shrugged it off, replacing it with the fact that he liked Artemis whispering to him. Oh, well. A guy can dream.

Review Please!