Prompt 22:

All of the words in all of my life
that could never explain and never describe

all of my love which is nothing to hide
So I lift up my hands and I worship you

May 2013

"I'm not sure I even believe in God," Reid said, uncomfortable at this ritual.

"Well I do," Emily told him, before looking down at the baby that he was holding in his arms. "Look at us- the three of us can't be an accident. There has to be a big guy in the sky making this all work out right."

"In the sky? Even if there is an afterlife it would make no sense to refer to it as 'the sky' because it would be a different dimension entirely."

"I'll teach our baby about religion."

"Why would you do that when I know every major religious work of the last twenty centuries by heart?"

"But you don't feel them in your heart. I do. I feel God every second of every day when I know I have you and our daughter to love me."

Reid smiled at Emily, content with her explanation. There had been a time when they were both desperately in need of a person to share their life with, to have and hold, to love and fight with and someone to want to be the parent of their offspring.

And for so long that person was right there at the desk next to them in the BAU, but they had both been unable to admit it. Now it was the day they were christening their daughter, surrounded by their family and friends, and there was no longer any secrets left between them.

No more desperate aching left in their souls. They had each other and their newborn girl. That was everything to both of them. Now they both felt lucky in love.