Just a quick one-shot I decided to do on my fav pair in Durarara! Hope you like it and please review :)

"IIZZAAAYYYAAAAA!" The blond-haired man in a bartender suit said, as he stomped down Ikebukuro's park. He carried a street light in one hand, dragging it on the ground causing a loud screeching noise while sparks flew out from the contact with the concreted path.

Not far away, sitting on the park bench, Izaya Orihara heard the shouting for him. The same shout as usual, however it didn't really scare him, he knew what was coming. Suddenly the street light had landed right next to where the raven haired man sat, not flinching at the crash it made. The light of it flickered as it died.

Now not standing too far away, the puffing bartender made his way over to the man sitting on the park bench.

"Finally! I've…got...you..." He stood in front of the Izaya, who didn't even look up at Shizuo.

"Listen Shizu-chan…I'm gonna die soon."

A bit confused at what he was saying Shizuo blinked twice and slouched his body.


Izaya got up and started to walk away, still not making any eye contact with Shizuo and keeping his hands in his furry jacket pockets.

"Hey! Get bac-" Shizuo said, stomping after him but was interrupted by Izaya.

"If we keep at this cat and mouse game, I'll be dead soon."

Shizuo laughed at what Izaya was saying.

"Isn't that the point?"

Izaya turned into an alleyway.

"Laugh all you want Shizu-chan, but do you really want me off the face of this earth?"

After hearing Shizuo stop, he turned around, taking his hand out of his pocket while holding onto his pocket knife, pointing it out at the bartender.

"If you really do, then kill me, now." Saying that, he let the knife fall to the ground and dropped his arm to his side. He tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, giving Shizuo the opportunity. Shizuo charged towards Izaya, grabbing his neck and pinning him against the wall, making a dent.

"Arrg! You piss me off!" His large hands squeezed around Izaya's slender neck. Izaya slowely opened his eyes, smirking at the blond haired man. His arm reached out and grabbed onto the bartenders sleeve.

Shizuo was gritting his teeth in anger as his grip tightened. Izaya's grip loosened on his sleeve, his mind started going fuzzy ,and his sight started blacking out until the hand on his neck let go completely. Izaya gasped for breath, while still holding onto Shizuo's sleeve.

"I can't do it…" He sighed.

"You…wanna know why, Shizu-chan?" Izaya spoke while he finished catching his breath. Izaya lifted his hand from Shizuo's sleeve to the back of his neck, pulling him down slightly closer to Izaya's face.

"It's because Shizu-chan likes me." Izaya pulled Shizuo into a kiss, he could here muffled sounds coming from Shizuo but he didn't really care. Izaya licked Shizuo's bottom lip, then snuck his tongue into his mouth. The raven haired man wrapped both his arms around the blond haired man, Shizuo moved closer towards Izaya and grabbed onto his black top. His tongue played around with Izaya's but quickly separated as Shizuo pulled back while pushing Izaya away. Izaya had a quick glance at the bartenders red face as he turned around and began walking out of the alleyway.

"I never said I liked you Izaya Orihara…"

He heard a snicker from Izaya who still stood against the wall, Shizuo left the alleyway and began walking back on the street.

"I love you…" He whispered.