Title: Night Time Fear

Word Count: ~450

Fandom: DC Comics/The Hunger Games

Pairing: Jason Todd, Donna Troy

Description: Jason finds Donna injured and alone in the forest, and decides to help.

Jason could see her fire from his perch in the tree. Obviously this girl wasn't the best at staying quiet and unseen. It was that girl from 4, Donna whatever. He remembered her from training; she seemed as good with a bow as with a blade. But apparently she didn't know how to stay alive. Jason pulled himself from tree to tree through the branches, trying to remain as silent as possible until he was in the tree right above her.

She was sitting next to the fire, bow knocked and ready, but Jason could see her wounds from above. It wasn't hard to see what she was going to do.

"So, how many do you think you're gonna take out with you?" Jason called down to her before pressing himself into the tree to avoid the arrow that she had loosed. "All the Careers are still out there, and I doubt you'll be able to take out one, let alone more." He could see her unsteadily lean against the log she was sitting on and aim up into the trees.

"Yeah?" her voice was shaky. "So you're just gonna wait me out?"

"Maybe." Jason shimmied around to the back of the tree and then started to ease his way down. "Or I could just help you."

He heard her still below.

"Why?" The distrust in her voice was obvious. "I'm dead anyway."

"Obviously they don't teach you survival instincts in District 4. You're not going to die." Jason pulled out a pack of leaves and threw them down to her. "Put these on your wound, it'll help it close up."

He heard her bend down to pick it up, and chose that time to drop down out of the trees, scaring the girl so she fell backwards.

"I don't trust you." She was looking at the leaves suspiciously.

"Yeah, well, you don't have much of a choice. Come on, put out you're fire and I'll help you up into the trees."

At least the girl was a good tree climber, Jason could have never carried her up into the branches. They ended up about ¾ of the way up the tree, Jason in the branch above the girl.

"Just put the leaves on your worst wounds and go to sleep. By the time you wake up, they should be better." Jason settled himself in and tried not to think of the knob of bark that was digging into his lower back.

"So we just…wait?"

"Pretty much." Jason stretched out. "Just go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning."

He could hear her sigh. "I'm Donna."


It was silent for a long while, but Jason had not fallen asleep yet when Donna spoke again, so softly it might have been a whisper.

"Thank you."