Chapter 14: Turning Point Pt. 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Vandread or the Ace Combat series.

Vandread Ace

The Dread pilots continue to fight a fiercely determined Harvest fleet near the gas giant planet that the Nirvana currently resides inside.

Meia destroys a sea urchin with her Dread's laser cannons.

She commanded, "All units, fall back immediately! We'll rendezvous with the Nirvana on the planet's surface!"

Grimm alerted, "Meia! An enemy's closing in from 11 o'clock high!" Fakedread Meia screams toward the Dread leader releasing a blood curling screech but Meia avoids its attack. Nearby, Jura battles her Vandread's demonic counterpart.

She grunted, "You won't defeat me that easily, you fake!" Dita's in the same situation with Fakedread Dita who's shooting its back mounted laser cannons then it gets hit by an AIM-120D from Edge. Whipping its body around, the blue and red machine attaches one of its laser cannons to its arm to use as a melee weapon. Edge changes her F-15E Strike Eagle into its robot form and pulls out its purple beam saber. Fakedread Dita thrusts its laser cannon upward first then down but it's blocked by the Strike Eagle's beam saber. The two combatants simultaneously throw a punch that collides, generating electrical arcing. Hearing Dita scream, Edge looks to her right and sees Fakedread Jura targeting the redhead. Meia distracts the hostile from its primary target but then Fakedread Meia slices off her Dread's wing and she spirals out of control lucky for Meia, Gascogne catches her with the Reg ship. The Dread leader suffers a shrapnel wound in the left shoulder but the wound isn't deep thanks to her chest and shoulder padding absorbing most of the impact.

Gascogne ordered, "All ships, follow me to the planet's surface. We'll lose them in there."

Meia held her shoulder while apologizing, "Gascogne, I'm sorry." After kicking Fakedread Dita in the mid-section, Edge changes the F-15E into jet mode and follows her comrades to the planet's interior, activating her aircraft's shield. The Harvesters give chase but upon witnessing Fakedread Meia and a Seed Ship being crushed, the two other Fakedreads retreat and wait for their prey outside of the gas planet.

Gascogne smirked, "Looks like you fools underestimated the strength of the planet's gravity, which is good because flying into it is what saved us." The Dreads and Razgriz Squadron land in the hanger one at a time. Mechanics jump into action applying repairs on the units.

Jura sits near wall hugging her legs with her arms. She, along with Dita, hear the hovering of a stretcher with the Dread leader on it.

Meia said tiredly, "Don't worry...about me. I'll be fine." Dita turns her head in time to spot Nathan walking up to her location.

He cried, "Hi, Dita. You doing okay?" The bubbly redhead nods.

Jura sobbed, "I can't take it anymore! I can't stand picking fights that we cannot win! It's all useless!" On the bridge, the personnel hear the sound of metal being compressed against the immense atmospheric pressure. Belvedere informed that they're under the threat of being crushed while the Paksis was building internal pressure that will preserve itself but at the cost of the Nirvana exploding.

Magno chuckled bitterly, "It looks like we won't be able to live out our lives unless a miracle happens." In the engine room, the pink flash that the Paksis was emitting increases in frequency from the buildup of power. Parfet happens to find this astonishing.

Duero tries to treat a wound on Barnette's arm but the brunette smacks his hand away.

He said, "Let me treat your injury, please Barnette."

Barnette replied, "I don't need the help of a man! In case you forgot I still don't trust you!"

Duero remained unfazed from the remark, "Back then I was your prisoner but now I'm your doctor and I am telling you that if I don't treat your wounds, you'll wind up suffering from a potentially life threatening infection." Snow stops by to check on the injured pilots and feels an air of gloominess in the infirmary.

Dita comes to the place with urgency.

She said, "Doctor, we need some kind of medicine to help make people feel better."

Duero replied, "I'm sorry, Dita but I think medicine won't help in this situation." Snow looks on with disappointment, it seems the crew is starting to crack under the pressure of their predicament.

Dita's heart sank, "But everyone is saying that it's pointless."

Paiway stated everyone's fear, "That's right! Everyone is saying that it's the end of the road of us! They say we should have ran when we had the chance!"

The redhead started, "Please don't give..."

The nurse cut her off, "Dita, open your eyes! What's the point of fighting for a planet that doesn't even care about us? We're all gonna die!"

Dita turned to Barnette, "Do you feel the same way, Barnette?"

The brunette replied coldly, "Leave me out of it! You know that I never liked your bubbly personality!" They all jump when they hear Snow bang his fist against the wall.

He shot them a chilling glare, "Listen to yourselves, people. Pissing, moaning and bitching about how it's the end of the world for us. Whatever happened to the brave, valorous crew that my squad mates and I came to respect? It ain't over until the fat lady sings! Are you going to accept the inevitable, I sure as hell ain't. You know, Nathan would be very disappointed in you if he was here right now. You whelps can give up if you want but count the Ghosts of Razgriz out of it. We will continue fighting down to our last breath." Dita backs up so that the 34-year old can exit the infirmary, the redhead then looks at them with a sad look on her face before she broke into tears and left.

In the dark hanger, Hibiki's currently thinking up a plan that's never been done before: Transforming a gas planet into a star.

He suddenly sneezes on Pyoro's screen.

The white robot exclaimed, "That's disgusting!"

Hibiki said, "Oh, shut up. Well, do you think it will work, Pyoro?"

Pyoro explained, "I'm afraid not. Although it's true that this planet is about to turn into a star, it's impossible to carry out this mission by yourself."

Hibiki pinched the bridge of his nose, "Okay, next plan then."

Pyoro sighed, "Humans." Somewhere else in the hallway, Nathan sits down against the wall running a hand through his short red hair while sighing, his helmet rested to his left. Hearing footsteps approaching his location, he looks up to Gascogne staring down at him.

She said, "What are you doing here all by yourself, Nathan?"

Nathan replied, "Needed some breathing room so to speak. The Harvesters are getting more and more infuriated over the fact that we are continuing to defy them. I guess the correction would be my home planet being pissed that we're somewhat slowing their harvesting operation."

Gascogne smirked, "Yeah, I heard about that. Quite a shocker."

Back in the hanger, Hibiki reviewed his new plan, "Alright, if we combine the gas masses and the Paksis, we'll be able to ignite the planet so we're fine up to that point. The question now is how we'll be able to escape in time without getting caught in the explosion once nuclear fusion starts in the core?"

Pyoro told him, "It's impossible."

Hibiki rubbed his fist against the little machine in annoyance, "So what? We still gotta try!"

BC came up onto the platform and suggested, "Have you considered using boosters? I'm sure you will be able to build one out of spare parts."

Pyoro said, "We have added it to our calculations but we're still 20 seconds short."

Hibiki sighed, "So that's it, huh?" The young Tarak formulates another plan.

BC said, "You sure have changed since this journey first began. You're a lot more mature, I believe Nathan and Nagase would be proud of you."

Hibiki stated without looking, "Look, if you're saying that just to mock me then it's not working."

The platinum-haired woman smiled honestly, "Not at all, I'm merely giving you a compliment." They hear Dita's voice over intercom system.

She said, "Hello? Can you hear me? I know you're feeling depressed however, you can't let that stop you. I know that we all die someday but that's the point of life, right? Living it to the fullest? So I don't want anyone to be sad and I you need to look into your hearts and find hope! If we gave up then everything we fought up to now will have been for nothing! So please don't give up now! Don't give into fear, please!" Dita starts to cry, hoping they heard her plea.

Hibiki unknowingly smirked, "You idiot."

Dita wiped her tears away and continued, "I won't give into my fear! I want to remain optimistic and see that we pull through! I ask you to please find courage and face your fears!" From his sitting position in the hallway, Nathan and Gascogne both smirk.

Nathan stated, "I give that girl credit for remaining positive even at hard times like right now." With a grunt, he pushes himself to his feet and heads for his aircraft, helmet in hand.

Gascogne nodded, "Amen to that." The redhead's speech re-energizes the crew's morale and at the infirmary, Paiway and Duero notice it as crew member after crew member grab med-kits before heading for their assigned positions.

Paiway said in awe, "Amazing! Everyone's back to being positive all of a sudden!"

Duero informed her, "Well, we better get the infirmary ready because it looks like we're going to be busy real soon."

Pyoro said deadpanned, "Nope, still impossible." Another plan down the tube!

Hibiki growled with a tick mark, "Would you shut up with that? Nothing's impossible!"

Meia offered, "How about using my Dread? That should take care of your little speed problem, I trust that you have figured out the next step?" Hibiki smirks at the proposal.

Jura slid up the hanger door and purred seductively, "Here you are. You are gravely mistaken if you guys think you can hide secrets from me. You should know by now that I have a keen eye for finding things interesting." When Dita walks out of her room, she discovers that her speech had restored the crew's hope and rushes to the hanger to see Hibiki, Jura, Meia, Barnette and Nathan going over the Vanguard pilot's plan.

Jura said, "About you showed up, Dita."

Hibiki added, "Don't just stand there, you're part of the master plan and no slacking off either!" Dita nods happily and with a blush on her face that Hibiki somehow likes.

Nathan advised, "Remember everyone, there will be no room for margin error. One slight mistake will result in us being crushed like soda cans. Once we get out there we need to stay focused on the task at hand! Let's go out there and prove to those stupid fucks that we won't give into their demands." Climbing up the ladder, Nathan puts his helmet on and straps himself in before the canopy starts closing.

Hibiki also straps himself into his seat.

He said eagerly, "Take for some action. Let's go, partner!"

Then Dita contacted him, "Excuse me, Mr. Alien."

Hibiki wondered, "What is it now? I already explained the mission to you, didn't I?"

The red-haired teen shook her head, "It's not that! I just want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that you'll visit my room."

The young Tarak asked, "Can we talk about this later, please?"

Dita demanded, "No! Promise me right now!"

Hibiki sighed, "Fine, I'll visit your room."

Dita smiled, "Thank you, I will be waiting." She ends the communication.

Hibiki shook his head, "Oh, brother." He then formed a smirk on his face, "Alright, time to go kick some ass!" He takes off, followed by the Dreads, Razgriz Squadron and the B-1R strategic bomber.

Dita, Barnette and Meia fly down to the planet's core while Hibiki's Vanguard combines with Jura's Dread to create Vandread Jura.

Belvedere informed, "Vandread Jura's in position."

Magno nodded, "Hm. Begin the operation!" Vandread Jura places its shield around the planet. Dita, Meia and Barnette fire their respective Dread's lasers at the core, causing it to contract and heat up. Hibiki keeps watch over the progress even though the enemy attacks the Vandread.

He said, "All we need to do is increase the temperature and density of the core to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough for nuclear fusion to start!" Not too far from Vandread Jura's location, Blaze combs the area for enemies and soon his radar picks up an enemy signature.

Activating the thermal imagery in his helmet, Blaze sees an F-15S/MTD. Blaze transforms his F-15E Strike Eagle into robot form and watches the enemy fighter close in and fire an AIM-9X Sidewinder that Blaze cuts in half with a beam saber. The enemy F-15S/MTD changes into robot form and draws its beam lance, twin red-orange blades emerge from both ends of the hilt. Blaze pulls his machine's other beam saber out.

The young Osean said sarcastically, "Ashley, how pleasant to see you."

Ashley snarled, "Shut up, you Demon of Razgriz!" He speeds toward Blaze swinging his beam lance but Blaze blocks it with his beam sabers, he thrusts Ashley back and attempts to counterattack however, the F-15S/MTD dodges the deadly weapons. The enemy tries stabbing its opponent but Blaze moves his F-15E Strike Eagle back each time.

'Something's not right here. Ashley wouldn't be so straight forward when attacking.' The Osean pilot thought as he analyzed his opponent.

He severs one end of the beam lance so that left the opponent with only the other half still functional. However, that doesn't affect the Belkan's aggressive attacks like when Ashley thrusts the beam saber down and forcing Blaze to form an X shape with his beam sabers to block the attack. He kicks the F-15S/MTD in the mid-section and aims to behead his opponent but Ashley backs up. The enemy unit transforms into jet mode to escape and Blaze changes the F-15E Strike Eagle into jet mode as well to pursue his prey.

The B-1R targets a group of MiG-21s with AIM-120Ds and fires. The missiles turn the targets into scrap metal and the strategic bomber chases after more hostiles.

Swordsman stalks an Su-37 Terminator when the enemy fighter suddenly pulls a hard right turn that brings it behind him and fires a QAAM, Swordsman automatically takes evasive action but the missile remains on his 6 o'clock and chaff can't divert the missile. He changes the MiG-29 into robot mode real quick to shoot the QAAM down before switching back to jet form. The Su-37 fires its single, 30mm GSh-30 cannon at him and Swordsman breaks hard left then retaliates with his Fulcrum's GSh-30-1 cannon. The rounds tear through the Terminator's airframe and the fighter disintegrates.

Bartlett diverts some of the cube-types away from Vandread Jura but there's just too many.

On the Nirvana's bridge, Belvedere stated, "3 minutes until the pressure crushes us. Please proceed with the procedure."

Meia said, "Roger that. Parfet, it's time."

In the engine room, Parfet told her fellow engineers, "Alright, we're going for it! Energy reverse!" They throw a few switches that open hidden hatches on the Nirvana's wings to eject excess Paksis crystals into the gas planet's atmosphere. The flashing pink light emitted by the Paksis gradually subsides and then returns to its normal blue color.

Belvedere smiled, "The Paksis' power level is returning normal!" However, the Harvesters refuse to let up their bombardment on Vandread Jura.

Hibiki asked, "Are you done yet?" Meia, Dita and Barnette continue to fire their respective Dread's lasers at the planet's core until it ignites.

Amarone announced, "They did it! Nuclear fusion has started in the core!" That was their cue to evacuate.

Magno barked, "We gotta get out of here! Bart, turn the ship around quickly!" The helmsman follows her order and turns the Nirvana around to escape, the Dreads follow him.

Meia screamed, "Dita, from here on out, speed is everything! Don't slow down for one second!" A flare was quickly catching up to them and Vandread Jura defuses and Hibiki's Vanguard begins to dive.

Archer watches the sight out of the corner of his eye.

Meia said, "You are out of position!"

Hibiki retorted, "Yeah, because you took so damn long!" Meia changed her Dread's trajectory and combined with his machine to form Vandread Meia and he exhaled, "That was close."

Meia joked, "If we hadn't combined, I wouldn't be able to hear any of your wise cracks again."

Hibiki smirked, "Same here. Let's go." Meia nods in agreement and the Vandread grabs Dita's Dread with its talons, doubling their speed and keeping them a few inches ahead of the flare. The star's color changes from green to yellow as its surface expands and increases in temperature from the ignition of hydrogen fusion, the Nirvana's shields weaken considerably for some reason. One possible reason was that they were overcome by the immense energy of the flare. The ship, its fighters and Kestrel II enter an asteroid field.

Magno asked Bart, "What the hell have you gotten us into?"

The blonde helmsman replied, "I'm a little busy at the moment!" BC hops into an empty bridge control console and orders the bridge bunnies to switch thrusters to manual control and synchronize them with Bart's movements. A chasing Seed Ship crashes into a nearby asteroid, turning it bright orange. It starts getting dangerously close to the Nirvana resulting in Bart panicking and before they collided with the space rock, Celtic presses a button that makes the ship do a barrel roll, saving them in the process. The others look at her.

'About time.' They thought.

They see both Ashley's F-15S/MTD and Blaze's F-15E Strike Eagle fly past the observation window as Blaze fires his aircraft's M61 Vulcan Gatling cannon at the target.

Vandread Meia closes in on the Harvest flagship then Hibiki feels Meia place a hand on his shoulder.

She said, "I leave the rest to you. Make sure you come back."

Hibiki answered, "Got it."

Meia nodded, "Dita, begin phase 4!"

The bubbly redhead smiled, "Roger!" Hibiki next combined with Dita's Dread to create Vandread Dita. A bunch of Seed Ships and cube-types form a wall in front of the enemy flagship.

Hibiki gritted his teeth, "Blast, those scrap heaps are blocking the way!"

Dave told him, "Leave them to us, kid."

Hibiki wondered, "How are you going to do that? There's no way your 14"/50 caliber guns can take all of them out!"

Dave smiled, "Whoever said that the guns were the only weapons available to us?" He orders a bridge operator to push a red button on his console and the Nirvana crew gape in awe to what happens next.

The Kestrel II's flight deck separates into two pieces forming arms and the front ends turn over, revealing robotic hands that flex. The bridge on the transforming ship's chest turns around, sliding toward the middle and up until the observation window rests in the center of the supercarrier, allowing the personnel to get a clear view of the battlefield. The bottom half turns into a pair of bipedal legs and the engines open up to form the feet. A robotic head slides up above the observation window, its eyes glow an azure blue once it's fully secured. Finally, a hatch on the left shoulder opens and a giant beam cannon emerges then points horizontally.

The barrel begins to glow an ominous neon blue as multiple lock-on symbols appear on the bridge monitor, the cannon soon reaches full power.

Dave ordered, "Fire the Proton Cannon on that defense line in front of the Harvest flagship!" The weapons operator pulls the trigger and with a loud bang, the weapon fires its destructive beam that splits into a series of lasers and score home on the enemy vessels acting as a shield illuminating the battlefield with big explosions. The Proton Cannon's barrel smokes afterward.

A bridge operator said, "The enemy defense line has been completely wiped out!"

Dave nodded, "Very good. Hibiki, Dita, the path is clear! Take that flagship out!" The laser cannons that normally rest against Vandread Dita's back come off and combine to form a javelin. It charges up and then Vandread Dita throws it like a pro. The weapon enters the Harvest flagship destroying its internal structure and emerges from the other end then the behemoth explodes, taking any surviving enemy units with it. But the crew's victory is short lived when the Harvest flagship rises from behind the giant smoke cloud badly damaged but functional.

Ezra gasped, "No way!"

Magno asked irritably, "They're certainly stubborn bastards, aren't they?" The flare engulfs Vandread Dita and all contact is briefly lost before it emerges, glowing red-hot from the intense heat.

Dita declared, "I'm never gonna give up! I promised!" The Vandread deals the killing blow, plowing through the enemy vessel with one of its bladed gauntlets. This final act is all that's needed to trigger the final explosion, signifying the star's birth.

The pirate captain admired the sight and said, "Ah, this makes a long life worthwhile. I never dreamed that I'd be here to see the exact moment a new star is born!" The newly fledged star's color settles at blue-white and with a surface temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It enters the main sequence phase as it begins to fuse hydrogen into helium inside the core, releasing enormous amounts of energy.

Vandread Dita hovers above it. Inside the cockpit, Dita's swaying arms hit Hibiki in the face repeatedly as she lets out happy cheers.

Not too far from them, Blaze follows the smoke trail of a damaged F-15S/MTD and brings his F-15E Strike Eagle into gun range then pulls the trigger, firing the M61 Vulcan Gatling cannon that finishes the enemy fighter. He pulls up by the enemy cockpit to see that no one's inside it.

'It's unmanned. It must have been a UAV version of Ashley's fighter jet.' Blaze thought.

He directs his Strike Eagle away before the F-15S/MTD explodes. The Osean starts heading back to the Nirvana and retrieves Vandread Dita along the way.

The Kestrel II switches back to its ship form.

As Hibiki comes out of the cockpit of his Vanguard, he sees Dita, Jura, Razgriz Squadron and the rest of the crew welcoming him back. He slips and falls onto the platform only to be picked up by Jura. The young lad is so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open.

Jura hugged him, "You were amazing out there! I almost doubted you but you proved me wrong!" She starts kissing him, much to Dita's jealousy.

Dita exclaimed, "Hey! Stop that!" She snatches Hibiki away.

Jura glared at her, "What's your problem, Dita? I was only thanking him!"

Dita pulled Hibiki further away, "Mr. Alien still has a promise to fulfill." The crew looks on with amusement over the little squabble then the alarm goes off.

Pyoro shouted, "We got a problem!"

Jura snapped back, "Go away! Can't you see we are busy here?"

The white robot said, "There's no time for that. Take a look at this." His face changed to a projection screen, "Earth has already discovered that we have destroyed one of their flagships. In an apparent reaction, they have diverted other flagships from different solar systems and are preparing to strike Mejale and Tarak!"

Jura groaned, "There's five more?"

Barnette asked, "What are we going to do now? We were barely able to get rid of just one."

Hibiki declared, "What is wrong with you? Are you going to shrivel up in fear? This mean we'll have to fight harder and ensure that Earth doesn't win this war! Right?"

Dita nodded with a big smile, "Right!" They suddenly hear sarcastic applauding and Hamilton's face appears on Pyoro's face.

He said, "You guys certainly are a force to be reckoned with."

Nathan seethed, "Hamilton. So you're the one who gave the Black Star Pirates our location and sent that F-15S/MTD drone after us just now!"

Hamilton chuckled darkly, "Just my way of seeing if you were still alive after last encounter. It would suck if you were killed and deprived me the pleasure of doing it myself and it seems you have gained some new allies as well. Even Bartlett is there. Good, it'll make your deaths much sweeter at our next meeting."

Nathan promised, "Oh, believe me, Hamilton at our next encounter you, Ofnir and Grabacr Squadron will die as one big family! I won't show you any mercy!"

The South Belkan smirked, "That is if you survive that long."

Nathan replied, "We will, count on it." The response he gets is a maniacal laugh from Hamilton before his face vanishes. Nathan's fist shakes in anger just from that laughter.

Snow placed a hand on his shoulder and advised, "Nathan, please calm down. Don't let his laughter get to you, that is what he wants." Nathan takes a few deep breaths to calm himself and relaxes his fist. Turning around, he sees the Nirvana crew and the rest of his squad saluting him out of respect and with a smile. Chuckling, he returns the salute. He sees Hibiki walking up to him and holds out a hand, gesturing for a shake. He shakes it with a smile.

He said proudly, "Your plan worked, Hibiki even though it was crazy. You certainly know how to think outside of the box when the need arises. You've earned my respect, kid. But don't let it go to your head, okay?" Freeing his hand, Nathan leaves the hanger for a shower and change out of his g-suit.

That night, everyone retires to their quarters for a much deserved sleep.

Grimm rests on his bed staring at the ceiling in a white T-shirt and gray baggy pants.

'I wonder how long our luck will last? We narrowly dodge a bullet with each battle with Earth.' He thought.

The panel to his door beeps making Grimm wonder who could be visiting him at this hour. Getting off the bed, the young Osean presses a button that opens the door and reveals it to be Meia in her flight suit but lacking the chest and shoulder padding.

Grimm blinked in surprise, "Oh, Meia! This is an unexpected surprise. What can I do for you?"

Meia replied, "There's something I would like to discuss with you in private. May I come in?" Grimm steps aside to allow the Dread leader to enter looking at the neatly organized interior as she did. She stands a few feet away from the bed and stares at him with her aqua blue eyes that Grimm finds himself lost in. He regains his composure a moment later and clears his throat.

He asked, "So what is it you wanted to speak to me about, Meia?"

The Dread leader answered, "It's about what Nathan said after my near death experience. Is it true that you love me, Grimm?" She notices his cheeks turn red.

Grimm replied, "Well, initially I was worried because if you died then the crew's morale would have suffered greatly. You are their pillar of strength. But as time passed, I came to realize that I have feelings for you so yes, I do love you."

She whispered, "I see."

Grimm asked, "Why do you wear that circlet on your face, Meia? It is for symbolizing your leadership of the Dreads or something to remember your mother by?" He places a hand over his mouth fearing that he may have crossed a line. Meia was one who never talked about her past. She removes her circlet and looks at it.

She answered neutrally, "Serves as both." Grimm cautiously walks over to her, he gently takes it out of her hands and places it on his nightstand. He brushes a strand of her light blue hair away from her face and affectionately rubs her cheek feeling the silky softness of her pale skin and in turn causing Meia's cheeks to light up.

He smiled, "I think you look beautiful even without it." A gasp escapes the Dread leader's lips upon hearing that and makes her bring her face closer to Grimm's, kissing him fully on the lips. Breaking from their lip lock, Meia's eyes shine with love.

She admitted, "Over the past week, I have been feeling the desire to feel what it was like when men and women expressed their love for each other intimately. Can you show me? Please?" Hearing her say those words with such innocence made Grimm not want to say no.

Grimm nodded, "Sure. That is if you want."

Meia nodded, "Yes, I do. Please, show me."

(Lemon time. You folks know the drill, if you are not of the right age or don't like this kind of stuff go read a different story. Those who are 18 or older or aren't bothered by this, read on.)

They kiss each other again but it's more intense this time, it had a sense of need behind it. Grimm is able to smell Meia's hair and it smelled nice, making him wonder what kind of shampoo she uses. Meia opens her mouth, allowing Grimm to enter and play with their tongues while she wraps her arms around his neck deepening the kiss. She feels Grimm's hands roam her body, starting at her back then move lower until he cups them on her butt, pressing her body against his. She starts grinding her hips against his and Grimm returns the pressure. They sadly have to break due to the lack of oxygen but Meia and Grimm have a deep blush on their cheeks. Grimm reaches for the zipper on her flight suit and slowly pulls it down, revealing more and more pale skin to his eyes. The sound of her flight suit being unzipped made the Dread leader become more aroused, Meia pulls her arms out of the sleeves and pulls the attire to her waist. Her breasts were just right for her height and build, they look firm and soft. Meia grabs Grimm's hands and places them on her breasts, the young man understands what the Dread leader wants him to do. Grimm gently rubs them and Meia throws her head back moaning in pleasure while running a hand through his hair. She never imagined that a woman having her breasts being rubbed by the man they cared about can be such a turn on. Her moaning increases when she feels him tease one nipple with his tongue and rubbing the other between his thumb and index finger. Grimm momentarily stops his actions to allow Meia remove his T-shirt, allowing her to take in the sight of his athletic upper body including an outline of his abs. A woman of Mejale with muscles tend to be found unattractive though Gascogne was an exception, given her position as leader of Reg Central. But seeing them on Grimm made him more attractive to the blue-haired Dread pilot, she feels his soft skin against her hands and they kiss each other again. Grimm kisses her neck, earning him a moan from Meia. Meia's leg hits the bed and they fall onto it with Grimm on top of her. The Dread leader looks down to see a bulge in Grimm's pants with a sultry smile, she flips them over and discards his pants leaving the young Osean only in his underwear. The Dread leader grinds her sex against his with more friction, eliciting a groan from him. Feeling confident, Meia gets off the bed and after making sure that his green eyes are on her she slowly and sensually removes her flight suit revealing her body in all of its glory. Grimm stares at her like she's the most beautiful thing in the universe.

Her form was athletic, firm and strong, a toned waist lead to a pair of perfectly formed, curvy hips, nicely toned legs and a patch of light blue hair above her clitoris. All in all, Meia was a great example of feminine beauty.

She walks to him again swaying her hips seductively as she did and leans over, giving Grimm a nice view of her breasts but he focuses more on her beautiful face.

Meia purred, "Like what you see?"

Grimm nodded, "Yes, I do. You are absolutely beautiful, Meia." Those words intensify the blush on her cheeks but also makes Meia feel proud of herself.

She smiled warmly, "Thank you. You look handsome yourself, Grimm." She playfully pushes him onto his back again and pulls off his underwear, leaving him completely nude like she is. Her eyes widen when she sees his fully erected member.

'So this is the tube between a man's legs.' She thought.

She touches it and both hears and sees Grimm moan from the touch. An idea quickly forms in Meia's mind. She wraps her breasts around him and moves them up and down, Grimm moans in desire at the feeling of their softness against his member. Meia speeds up her thrusts until her lover cums on her breasts, she wipes his seed off them and licks the stuff off her fingers.

It was Grimm's turn now! He rolls them over and parts her legs to lick at her pussy Meia screams in desire as she holds his head, urging him on. To further add to the pleasure, he gently rubs her clit driving the blue-haired woman crazy with desire and bliss. Meia replaces her hands with her legs, keeping Grimm in place when she feels her climax approaching. A few minutes later, it hits. Meia arches her back as her juices explode onto her lover's face then her legs go limp, releasing the young Osean's head. Wiping the stuff off, he stares at Meia's breathtaking form. Her face flushed, her breasts rising and falling with each breath she takes. Opening her eyes again, the Dread leader feels Grimm kiss her allowing her to taste her own juices on his lips. Meia rolls them over so that she's on top again. Grabbing his member she aligns them and smiles at him before lowering herself on his shaft in one thrust. She releases a gasp of pain when she feels her barrier give way.

Grimm asked in concern, "You okay?"

Meia said, "It's my first time. It hurts but also feels so good!" The pain soon passes and replaced by an indescribable feeling. Meia places her hands on Grimm's shoulders while he places his on her butt then Meia starts rocking her hips. The Dread leader moans out her pleasure and desire, feeling Grimm's cock rub against her walls.

'It's so right and natural.' She thought over the sensations flooding her nerves.

Grimm looks up to see Meia moaning in lust and euphoric bliss and her breasts bouncing up and down as she rode him. Meia thrusts faster, driving him deeper into her womanhood. The Dread leader discards her planet's belief about men. Grimm switches to holding her shapely hips, adding more fuel to their passion.

She threw her head back and moaned, "Oh, Grimm! It's so good! More! More!" Meia rubs her breasts while increasing her speed even more. Her skin was covered in sweat and the starlight from outside the window bathes the Dread leader in it, making her body glow. Grimm sits up and Meia grins when she feels him grab her butt, she wraps her arms around his neck and feeling his member hitting the blue-haired woman's G-spot repeatedly. Eventually the pair feel the end coming fast.

Grimm said, "Meia, I can't...hold it...much longer!"

Meia replied, "Do it, Grimm! Cum inside me! Don't stop!" Grimm buries his face in the Dread leader's chest and one final thrust sets Grimm off. He shoots his seed into Meia's vagina, filling her to the brim and her womanhood milks him for all its worth. She feels Grimm release 2 more loads into her before Meia collapses onto him, squashing her breasts against his chest and she embraces him. Recovering from her orgasmic high, Meia kisses him passionately that Grimm eagerly returns.

Grimm cried, "That was incredible, Meia."

The blue-haired woman asked, "So is this how men and women on Earth showed their love for each other?"

He nodded, "Yes. Some do and some wait until the moment is right." The grogginess of sleep begins to descend upon them and Grimm pulls the covers over them. Meia rests her head against Grimm's chest and falls asleep to his heartbeat, she can also feel his member still inside her womanhood but doesn't she care. Meia hears Grimm saying he loves her before he too succumbs to slumber.

A/N: Chapter 14 done. And with this, concludes the first stage of Vandread Ace.

Hamilton sent them an F-15S/MTD drone to see if the Nirvana crew was still alive.

The crew also got to see the Kestrel II's robot form. It's based on one of my favorite Transformers characters, Tidal Wave.

Grimm revealed his feelings for Meia and showed her how men and women expressed their love for each other intimately.

Also, I'm dealing with issues currently. Let's just say my older brother did some things he shouldn't have and could face 5 or more years in prison. My parents are hurt as a result but he gave them no other choice. I'm also concerned about my two nephews, a 2-year old and 4-year old that's turning 5 next month because my older brother is their father. I am trying to be strong for them and my parents but it's hard.

Read and review.

Stay tuned for Vandread Ace: The Second Stage.

Vader 23A