AN:This is my first story so constructive criticism is encouraged. I will be updating this story at least once a week or so, depending if I write ahead in my story. If you have any questions or suggestions, PM me.

Disclaimer:I do not own My Little Pony or any of it's characters except for my own. All of that belongs to Lauren Faust and Co.


I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears and groaned. 'Another Monday,' I thought to myself.

Sighing, I groggily got out of my bed and got myself dressed. I put on a pair of light blue jeans, my shiny black watch, my black hoodie and my "20% cooler" Rainbow Dash shirt.

I walked into the bathroom to get fixed up for school. I looked into the mirror and looked at the mess that is my face. My shaggy, dirty blond hair almost covered up my blue eyes. I took off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. Now, I'm quite tall for my age, standing at 5'7". You'd think I would be pretty skinny...nope. I'm packing on a couple more pounds than I should, but not enough to be classified as "fat".

"I really need to do something about this." I grumbled.

I put my shirt back on and after fixing up my hair, I walked into the living room. I saw both of my parents, almost in a comatose state of sleep on the couch. They were probably out drinking again. Ever since my sisters died in a freak car accident, they've never been the same. Both of my parents used to be sweet and kind, always leading me down the right path.

They were so sad that they didn't know where to turn, so they turned to alcohol. The alcohol led to them being abusive drunks, which didn't help, considering I was still devastated about my only two sisters dying.

I sighed and walked right past the kitchen, not even bothering to eat. I almost never had an appetite in the mornings so I skipped breakfast...again. I grabbed my over-sized and heavy backpack and headed out the door, trekking a mile to school, since my parents were in no condition to drive.

Every day of my life is the same. I get up from a nice sleep, only to be thrown into school with my obnoxious classmates. The majority of them are either ghetto snobs, or troublemakers. I had almost perfect grades in school, and I wasn't going to let it get tarnished by a couple bad friends. I always end with a massive headache by the end of the day, which has driven me to the edge of insanity.

After school, I walk home, only to get hollered at by my parents for not getting home soon enough. I chug down some aspirin and lock myself in my room until I go to bed, only to start it all over in the morning.


When I arrived at school, I was greeted by a couple of acquaintances and friends. I didn't have any really close friends for two reasons: I am quite shy and I don't really like humans.

Alright, that was really pessimistic, but it's true. I've grown tired of the human race and it's many destructive ways. The poverty, war, and greed is really depressing and I wish I could just get away from it all. If I don't, civilization will collapse on itself anyways and civil war will break out.

I went through my school day as normal. I went to my boring classes, dealt with a headache I received from my barbaric classmates, and contemplated buying a rocket to blow everyone to the moon.


I arrived home a little later than usual because I had after-school activities, but my dad didn't seem to care.

"You're late!" he yelled form the living room. "What use is a son that can't even get home on time?" I looked over and saw my mom with a pissy look on her face while sipping a beer.

I ignored them and walked to my room. I locked my door to avoid any unwanted intrusions and started up my computer. I couldn't help but smile as I saw my Pinkie Pie desktop. My Little Pony has always been the one thing that's kept me smiling. The characters, the scenery, the color, everything just screams joy and happiness. Sadly, I knew that could never be a reality. People working together in harmony? I just can't see that happening in the near future.

I sat on my computer for a good four hours, considering how I had no homework and didn't even want to lookat my parents. As I sat there bored out of my mind, I noticed a weird, high-pitched ringing noise. It got louder until I couldn't stand it and was on the ground, writhing in pain. It sounded like the feedback from a microphone, only more intense. But just as fast as it came, it ended.

"What the hell was that?" I said to no one in particular. "Damn headaches." I was just about to get back to my deep state of boredom when suddenly, a tiny ball of dark, spinning light appeared in the middle of my room. All I could do was stare at it in utter shock until it grew to about the size of a human. I grabbed my metallic bat that was leaning in the corner and cautiously poked it. The bat was engulfed in the dark energy and I quickly pulled it back.

After I retracted the bat, a voice spoke up out of nowhere. "This portal leads to Equestria," it boomed, "A land that I know all too well you want to escape to. You have five minutes to decide to stay or go or else this portal will close. Make your decision, Earthling!"

'That voice. It sounds so familiar...' I thought. I stood there for a moment contemplating who the voice could belong to before I remembered the giant ball of dark in front of me. "If I go, I have to make sure I'm not walking into some godforsaken death trap."

I grabbed the bat and moved towards the portal. I approached the portal, hoping something wouldn't jump out and maul me. I poked my head inside the portal feeling a cool breeze hit my face. I immediately noticed the vibrantly colored Ponyville off in the distance. I fell back onto my butt in shock, "I always thought about the possibility of the multi-verse, but it was just a theory! This is amazing!" I screamed. I'm kind of nerdy when it comes to quantum theories, so this utterly surprised me.

My dad banged on my door and yelled, "What's going on in there? Open this door Aaron, right now!"

I made my decision. Fuck this world and all the people in it. I had to leave before civilization collapsed. I frantically ran around my room, grabbing all of the essentials I would need for my stay including spare clothing, my music player, to prevent boredom, and my bowie knife. Who knows what I'll encounter, especially if I ever have to go to the Everfree Forest.

"If you don't open this door right now, I'm busting in there and beating your disobedient ass!" My dad screeched from the other side of my door.

I inhaled deeply and hoped for the best. I walked through the portal and it closed just as I heard the sound of my door being busted open.


AN:WOO! First chapter done! It's a little more lengthy than I expected it to be but whatever. I have to thank DuchessDerp my beta-reader for editing this chapter to be reader friendly. Message me if you have any questions regarding me or the future of this story and I would be glad to reply. Until next time.
