Well shake your maracas and call me Nickole because I haven't been on here in about thirteen years. Give or take.

First thing's first: I am so, so, so very sorry for abandoning you. You are all beautiful, splendid people, especially if you're still here and you're reading this, and you deserve to be treated better. Which brings me to my next point.

I am going to resume writing BTBIB! I've been feeling all nostalgic-y and whatnot, and I watched The Lorax the other day and I just...I re-fell in love with it. So I want to keep writing. My updates may be a bit slower than they used to be, but I will update. As a matter'o'fact, I'll start writing right now.

I hope that I still have some people that are interested in reading this. I was rereading old reviews the other day and I got all happy and flustered. You guys are just...you guys are just great. I thank you, and I love you.

I promise tot talk to you soon!
