Kingdom Come

A/N: Hey ya'll. ;) I had a dream the other night, after a full day of Hunger Games fanatics with my buddies, and when I woke up I just HAD to put that dream into writing! I can't really tell you what the whole dream was about because I can't ruin the surprise! :))))))))))) Well, my dahlings, I hope you enjoy, and please... review, it's the only way I'll ever get better at what I do.


Me: Peeta, do I own the Hunger Games?

Peeta: No, sorry Pie.

Me: Darn it. :( Well, you heard the sexy man. I do NOT own the Hunger Games or any of its characters!

It was a normal day, really. The dust swirled up from the road everytime a beat-up old pickup truck clanked down it, coating the nearby properties with dirt. Katniss Everdeen watched from the balcony of her apartment, trying not to breathe in too much of the filthy air. Behind her, she could hear the soft snores of her sister, Prim. She had always slept late in the day, but Katniss didn't mind. She had taken care of them both ever since a tornado killed her parents, who were visiting a relative out in Oklahoma.

It was noon, she assumed, squinting out at the risen sun, while shielding her eyes with a hand. It was warm enough, somewhere around seventy degrees, and it doesn't get that much warmer around here. Still, she felt the already-sunburnt skin on her face and shoulders starting to sting more, and she cursed the beach that she had taken Prim to the other day after weeks of begging.

She figured then she should probably go inside then. She didn't want to risk getting sunburnt even more. Her boss would kill her. Katniss worked at a Target outside of town, and people there did not really like the sunburnt employees, because it made them 'unattractive'. In truth, she didn't really need the job. The Everdeen parents had been quite wealthy, founding a corporation for some skin product that went viral, and they had left most of their money to their children. Still, Katniss liked to think she could provide for her sister and herself on her own.

Sighing, she stood up straight, stretching out her arms with her fists clenched, and sighed in satisfaction as she felt her back pop. About to turn away, something caught her eye. Down the road a little ways, there was something laying there. She squinted hard to try and make out the object, but it was too far away. She shouldn't have really cared, but her curiosity got the best of her. She turned and walked into the house through the living room and into the kitchen. She grabbed an envelope that had already been ripped open that morning and scribbled a note to Prim just in case she awoke before Katniss had returned. Then she slipped on her boots and walked out the door.

After locking the door behind her and shoving the key in her pocket, she turned to the nearest elevator and pushed the ground floor button. As the elevator traveled down, she wondered why she cared so much. Really, it could be nothing. But something told her that she needed to see what it was.

When she reached the ground floor, she traveled to the front door, lifting a hand in greeting to the manager and her friend, Mr. Stevenson, as she went. She pushed open the door into the humid air, and hopped into her pickup truck in the parking lot. She started the old engine, listening as in growled in anticipation. Then she hit reverse, and sped out of the parking lot and then down the road.

At first, Katniss couldn't see the figure anymore. She saw nothing on the side of the road that was unusual, and she wondered if she had just been tricked by her own eyes. But then she saw shoe tracks, right where she had seen the figure, and she decided to keep searching.

Not so far down the road, she saw a person walking in the other direction. It seemed to be a teenage boy, maybe about her age, with blonde hair and surprisingly in-tact clothing. A flash of recognition shone it Katniss' eyes but she brushed it off, slowing down as she reached the man. He stopped and stared up at her as her suspicions were confirmed.

Peeta Mellark. The baker's kid. To say he wasn't attractive was a lie. He had strong arms and a nice jawline, but his most impressive quality is his eyes. Bright blue and beautifully innocent. She distinctly remembers one time she met him, but she pushes it away as she leaned forward, out the window.

"What are you doing, Mellark?" she asked in disbelief. She had thought he had been living with his parents. He laughed without humor as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Mom kicked me out." his eyes flash with momentary anger as Katniss understands. His mother, the Witch. She had had her fair share of run-ins with her. And she wasn't exactly a pleasant soul.

"You need a ride somewhere?" she found herself asking. She blinked, wondering why she even cared. This was really none of her business, and she should've probably just drove away, but she was surprised with herself that she stayed and listened.

"No," he declined, shaking his head. "I'm ok. I'll find somewhere to go, I suppose." the look in his eyes was almost heartbreaking. Hurt and abandonment were prominent behind the blue and Katniss gritted her teeth, hating herself for what she was about to do.

"Bullcrap. Get in the truck. And I won't take 'no' for an answer." he widened his eyes, and looked as if he might say no and bolt, but he slowly moved towards the truck, careful, as if this might all be a mirage and he didn't want to ruin it. Then he opened the truck door and climbed in, settling down in the seat as Katniss turned around in the road and started back to the apartment complex.

"Thank you," Peeta said, and Katniss nodded to him. Then it was silent in the truck as they made the short drive back to Katniss's apartment. When they pulled in to the parking lot, Katniss hopped out of the truck and motioned for her passenger to do the same. Then she led him into the building, and into the nearest elevator, ignoring Mr. Stevenson's questioning glance.

Peeta fidgeted beside her as she pressed the button for floor four. Still, they were awkwardly silent as the elevator rose higher. Then the doors opened and Katniss stepped out, and Peeta did behind her. She led the way to the Everdeen door, and pulled out the key from her pocket. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, feeling the cool air conditioning and she smiled, slipping off her boots as Peeta trailed behind her.

She noticed that Prim wasn't up yet. She snorted affectionately. Lazy bum. She then turned to Peeta, who was just standing there, waiting for some sort of instruction. Katniss looked him up and down, then nodded slowly.

"You need a shower first. Your filthy. Then I'll show you around," she decided, but he didn't move. She raised her eyebrow, and he cleared his throat.

"Well... These are the only clothes I have..." he said awkwardly. She let out an unexpected laugh and he squinted his eyes in confusion.

"You can have some of my father's. You look to be about his size. It just surprises me that your so... modest." she didn't give him time to speak before she walked into the abandoned room where her parents used to reside and picked up a collared shirt and shorts. Then she came back out of the room and shoved the clothes in Peeta's hands. Then she pointed over to a closed door beside Prim and her's room.

"That's the bathroom. There's a shower and towels in there. Make sure to lock the door, though. I don't want Prim to wake up and go in there by mistake." he nodded obediently and he went into the bathroom and shut the door. She heard the 'click' of the lock and moments later she heard the shower start.

Then she turned and walked into the kitchen, figuring it was time to make lunch even though the clock only read eleven-thirty. She had been wrong about the time, but her stomach still growled in hunger, and she assumed Prim would be hungry when she awoke and that Peeta needed some food because he didn't exactly look well-fed.

She pulled out a box of Kraft Mac-n-Cheese and a pot. She turned on the oven-top and while she waited for the water to boil, she retrieved the gallon of milk from the fridge and the butter from the cabinet. She made a mental note to go to the grocery store and get some more food the next day as they had been running low for awhile.

As she started to pour in the noodles, she heard the door behind her open. She smiled as she heard tiny footsteps travel to the kitchen and sit down on a chair at the counter.

"Morning, little duck," Katniss said to her sister as she continued to work. Prim giggled and said good morning back.

"Why are you making lunch so early?" Katniss nodded to the clock and Prim let out an "oh" in embarrassment. Katniss smiled again. Then Prim sat up straighter, confused as she heard the bathroom shower running. She stared at Katniss in confusion.

"Why's the shower running?" she asked her sister, and Katniss turned around in surprise. She stuttered over her words as she tried to explain as normally as she could.

"Well... we have a... guest, I suppose," she told her sister, but she wanted a further explanation.

"Who?" the blonde girl asked, cocking her head to the side. Katniss sighed and turned to put the rest of the ingredients in the now-boiling water.

"The baker's son," she told her sister as she stirred the pot. Recognition registered in Prim's mind and she grinned.

"Peeta Mellark? He's really nice, Katniss! He always gives me these free cupcakes and cookies and he never lets me pay for them! Why is he here, though?" she paused for a second. "Is he your boyfriend?"

Katniss whipped around so fast she got dizzy. "No!" she cried. Prim raised a teasing eyebrow. "He's just staying here for awhile. He got kicked out," she explained softly. Prim opened her mouth in a silent O, and nodded.

Suddenly the shower turned off and the two Everdeen girls fell silent. Katniss removed the pot from the oven-top and got out three bowls as she heard the door open.

"Hi, Peeta," she heard Prim greet him. She poured the noodles equally into three bowls and placed two on the counter. She looked up an saw Peeta, hair wet and clothes a big baggy but fitting, smiling at her sister.

"Hi, Primrose," he grinned and she giggled for a second. Peers sat down next to the girl, in front of one of the bowls of the mac-n-cheese and looked at Katniss as she sat down with her bowl.

"This looks great, thanks," he said and after grabbing a spoon, dug in. She rolled her eyes and started eating as well. It was only mac-n-cheese. Geez.

The meal was pretty quiet except for the occasional comment or scrape of a spoon on a bowl. When they all finished, Peeta made a show of licking the bowl, making Prim giggle and Katniss crack a small smile.

The rest of the day was spent showing Peeta around, where he was staying, listening to Peeta thank them an insane amount of times, watching television, and eating again. The day had actually gone pretty well. But Katniss was wary. Nothing ever worked out for her. This arrangement probably wouldn't, either.

Hello... so, how did you like it? Pleasssseee tell me! Review, it'll bring more chapters! (If you want them) Pie out, PEACE!