Other characters: Jack Harkness- Ianto Jones- Gwen Cooper, other characters.

Earth is no more and a new Gallifrey is in the heavens...but the fight isn't over yet...

'That winter so many died, not just because of the cold but through starvation and lack of resources.

Crops that usually grew in winter died as did livestock.

A virulent form of influenza has swept through the southern hemisphere, but there was no medicine to treat it...so people died in droves.

But the worse was the war, taking the fittest as it always did. The first offensive was a mistake and it was a bloody slaughter; but we learnt and now we attack and run, destroying what we can, raiding the food stores of the collaborators who have grown fat and rich on the back of their fellow humans

We will win...we have to. To lose means enslavement and maybe extinction.'

General Ianto Jones- Commander 3rd Resistance- April 7th 2030 (New Gallifrey- Year 18)

The horse's hoof beats were muffled by the snow; a good thing as they were close to the Capital.

The group of riders halted and the leader looked up at the sky, the orange had a tinge of black to it...more snow.

The leader smiled, funny how you got used to things...like the colour of the sky and the grass that showed through the snow.

More hoof beats made him look down and four riders emerged from the trees and stopped.

Only the two leaders dismounted and moved forward.

"General," one said.

"General," the other replied and then they hugged each other.

"It's been too long Gwen," he said.

"Yeah, welcome back, Ianto."

The group rode on in silence through the forest until they came to the edge of a slope.

Beneath them lay the Capitol, lights blazing in the increasing dark.

"Have you heard from Jack?" Ianto said.

"He's coming in from the south, possibly tomorrow. He says to wait and watch."

"And the Master?"

"Still in the East, the 4th are giving him a hard time, or so we heard last time a communiqué came through."

"Which means the Doctor is on his own."

"Yeah but he's been busy. We've lost a hundred men to his...toys," Gwen said. "Speaking of which."

She looked up at the darkening sky and in the distance small specks were approaching.

The group broke into a canter and disappeared into the mouth of a cave.

Outside in the darkening skies an unfortunate rabbit chanced a final meal and paid the price as a laser bolt incinerated it.

Its killer swooped down, infra-red sensors searching for another heat source. It recorded the death of the rabbit and continued on its way, searching for its main target...humans.