Author's note: I got the idea to work on the this Finnick story that takes place before we meet him in Catching Fire. I don't know how long it will be. There will be a lot of smut as this. None in this chapter, but a lot of them will be smutty. I'm going to be weaving in his story with Annie as I envision it. Some of this first chapter comes from one of my Burnt Around the Edges drabbles called Cross the Oceans in My Mind.

The title comes from a song by Fools for Rowan called Light Me Up. The line is actually "sweet dance." My bestie, Lacey (aka actresswithoutastage), suggested it when I mentioned needing a good title. I wanted something kind of sexy, but that also spoke to the love story with Annie that we all know exists.

Feel free to review and let me know what you think. I also suggest you look at my other Hunger Games fics, Promise I'm Worthy (complete) and Shattered Pieces (WIP) and also, my drabbles connected with Promise I'm Worthy, Burnt Around the Edges. It is still technically a WIP as I am always asking for requests if anyone has any.

Anyway, Happy reading!

Bittersweet Dance

A Hunger Games Fanfiction

By Danielle Cheri

Chapter One

Finnick climbed into the hovercraft. They would get Annie out. She was the only tribute that knew how to swim. And when the arena flooded, she was the only one who was able to survive it.

He stood by the door, waiting. There was a screen that showed her floating on the water. What would they do if there were no Victors? Had that ever happened?

They pulled her on board. She opened her eyes suddenly as her body landed on a hard surface. She let out a breath. She started thrashing around and screaming, "No!"

Finnick wrapped his arms around her. "Sh, Annie. It's all right. It's okay. You're alive. You're the Victor. For what it's worth."

She looked around wildly. "Finnick?"

Relief flooded him when he heard her say his name. He smoothed the wet hair from her face. "Yeah." He said softly. His heart pounded as he held her.

She wrapped her arms around him. She sighed, "Oh, god, Finnick."

"It's okay, Annie. It's okay." He said over and over. But would it be? What would Snow force her to do? She was pretty, but could she live the life of jumping from one bed to another for money. And so little of it in the end.

They sat on the floor of a hovercraft. Annie clung to him, breathing hard. She was still so much in shock. She spoke softly, "There isn't another challenge?"

"No there isn't. It's done." Finnick said.

"Did I say that out loud?"

He smiled kindly and nodded. "After so much time spent on your own, it's understandable. I talked to myself a lot after I came out of the arena."

She blinked. "My father must be so relieved."

"He must be. If he's not too far into his cups."

She buried her face in the front of his shirt. She let out a sob.

Maybe he should have been more concerned with his clothes getting ruined, but he couldn't pull himself away. Annie was more beautiful than he remembered from before. The camera didn't do her sea-green eyes justice. He almost lost it every time those eyes looked into his.

And now they were again.

"What happens now?" She asked softly.

"We'll get you fixed up." He brushed more hair out of her face. He whispered, "I hope they don't change much." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips fleetingly.

Those eyes blinked at him in shock.

He quickly pulled her face back to his shoulder. "You'll be all right, Annie. I'll see to it." He pressed his mouth close to her ear and whispered quickly, "I'm not supposed to do that."

"Because you're my mentor?" she whispered back.

"It's a very long story and once we're back in Four where there's fewer eyes on me, I'll tell you everything." He dropped his voice even more and pressed his mouth closer, "Can you keep secrets, Annie? Big ones?"

He felt her nod against him.

He whispered desperately, "I think I could fall in love with you."

Her arms tightened around him. "I already am." She said softly. "I have been for a while."

Someone called, "We're landing."

Finnick pulled back and looked at the young woman in his arms. "You'll be home soon. And everything will be okay."

"You promise to tell me your secrets?" She quickly asked as they landed.

"I promise." He kissed her forehead. "I want to tell you everything."

And he did. There was never anyone he wanted to tell his secrets to than Annie Cresta. He'd known her almost all her life. When he had really started falling for her, he didn't know. But he'd always felt protective. Every Reaping he prayed that her name would stay in the bowl. But when it had been pulled out this time, he died a little. And he'd worked his ass off to get her sponsors. He even promised favors to a few, under Snow's nose. It was a small pittance to pay to keep Annie safe.

"Don't overdo it." He warned her style team. "She doesn't need anything major done. Just fix the wounds she has from the arena. There's a scar on her knee from a swimming accident as a child. Keep it. It gives her character." He smiled at her and squeezed her arm. "I'll see you soon, Annie." He kissed her hand—he couldn't help it—and turned away. He had some favors to cash in while they fixed Annie up.

A few nights later, Finnick walked back onto the fourth floor of the training center housing. Annie sat with her knees pulled up to her chest. She stared unseeing at the far wall. Her lips moved, but she didn't say anything.

He walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and looked up at him. She blinked a few times.

"Finnick." She said softly.

He smiled, "Annie." He sat on the couch. "You okay?"

She shook her head. "I haven't slept since I was pulled out."

"I know how that is." He said.

She turned her big, green eyes on him. They were his weakness. "You said you'd tell me your secrets."

"I did." He looked around. The windows were open. And he knew the other members of the District Four team were nearby. "There are too many eyes here." He stood and held out his hand. "Do you trust me?"

She stared at his hand for a moment before she slipped her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet.

He walked with her toward his room. They stopped outside the door. "My intentions are very honorable. I'm not going to try anything with you. But I know I'm not watched in here." He put a hand on the knob and looked at her questioningly.

She nodded and followed him inside.

He closed the door and led her further in. "Sit wherever you like." He said, pulling out the desk chair.

She sat at the desk and he sat on the bed across from her. He still held her hand.

"I'm sorry you're not sleeping. It gets a little easier. Not much, but enough that you're not exhausted."

"That's good to know." She rubbed a thumb across the back of his hand. "Is that the secret?"

He stared at her hands. His voice was lost at the tender touch.


He looked up at her eyes. "Sorry. No one ever touches me like this without wanting something."

"Wanting something?"

"My secret, Annie…It's that Snow…I'm a prostitute. Snow is forcing me to sleep with people for money. But mostly for him. I'm very attractive and people want me; women and men both."

"So you have sex with them?"

"Yes." He looked down at their joined hands again. Her thumbs were still moving. "I know it's disgusting. I don't want to do it, but if I tell him no, people in Four and my friends could be hurt. It's why I try not to get too close. I don't have a lot of friends. And all the public lovers I've had…well, they pay for my time. They pay big." His eyes flicked back to hers. "And now you can think all you want about me and my cavalier ways. And you can hate me and think me disgusting."

"Why would I think you were disgusting?" She asked softly. "Because you're being forced to do something you don't want to? That's not disgusting."

"I sleep with men?"

"That's slavery. It's not because you like it, right? But because they pay Snow for it. Do you get a cut?"

"A very, very small one." He sat back and dropped her hands. What he was going to say next, he didn't want to. But he knew he had to get it off his chest. "I offered up favors to sponsors, under the table, to keep you alive."

She swallowed. "To keep me alive?"

"As a mentor, you use whatever resources you can to get sponsors for your tributes. And I couldn't lose you. I had to do everything I could for you."

She watched him for a long time. She moved to sit beside him. "I'm sorry you have this life."

"I am too." He slipped his arm around her back. "And I'm afraid to say that it might get worse if Snow ever finds out about how I feel for you."

He saw her swallow. "How you feel for me?"

"You remember in the hovercraft? When I kissed you and said I could fall in love with you?"

"And I said I already was?" She nodded. "I remember."

"Well, I do love you, Annie. We can't be together, ever. But I love you."

"Why couldn't we be together?"

"He would use you against me."

The realization dawned in her eyes. "Oh." She said softly.

Finnick kissed her softly. "I'm in Four so little anyway."

Annie nodded again, as she moved to kiss him once more.

"Annie, are you a virgin?" he whispered against her lips.

"Yes." Her voice shook. "Would you like to be the one to change that?"

He smiled. "Not tonight. But maybe one day. When the time is right. If you want me to."

"Maybe." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm so tired."

"I know." He kissed the top of her head. "If you think it would make a difference, you can try to sleep in here. Or not sleep. We could talk all night. I like the sound of your voice."

"Yes. Thank you. Every time I try to sleep, I just go back to the arena. I see all the blood at the cornucopia." She kicked off her shoes and then stood. She pushed her pants down her legs and climbed into his bed.

He undressed down to his underwear and climbed in with her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he didn't. He was shocked at himself because he didn't have any desire to make love to her. It could be partly because he'd just come from someone else's bed. But he knew it was because Annie was far more important than the meaningless sex he had with virtual strangers for their money.

She moved close to him. "Will you hold me?" She asked softly.

He smiled kindly. "Of course." He reached behind him and turned out the light before he pulled her into his arms. "This okay?"

She nodded, wrapping her arms around him and then rested her forehead against his.

"You're small." He whispered.

"Not that small." She said around a yawn.

He smiled. "No, not too small. And you're tough. You couldn't have made it out of the arena if you weren't." He kissed her softly.

He loved the feel of her against him. She was soft and familiar, but still so foreign. He didn't want to love her, but it was bubbling just under the surface. He sighed and closed his eyes. He'd never felt this way. He thought he was incapable of it.

She rolled over in his arms. Her breathing was steady. She was relaxed against him. He was sure she was asleep, so he started relaxing himself. This felt right. This felt good. This was how he wanted his life to be.

He just had to sleep with other people to keep them both safe and secure.