Another story I'm transferring over from one of my quizilla accounts. This one can be found on my shadowdragon23 account.

" What rubbish. I have half the mind to move to Upper Egypt" a man in brown robes complains to a woman in a cream colored cloak.

"If you feel that strongly about it then you should know that I'd follow you anywhere. Whatever you decide" the woman soothed as the man shook his head.

"As of now I am unsure. The only thing I am sure of is that I cannot be led by such a man. The pharaoh's a fool" the man continue while the woman rubbed the man's shoulder to farther soothe him. The woman and man suddenly jumped as thunder roared across the sky.

"Maybe the temple of Ra is not the best place to be speaking of the pharaoh in such ways" the woman informs as the man scoffs. The wind began to blow strongly into the temple of the Sun god causing the woman to gasp. "We better leave this place" the man suggest standing quickly.

It seem that each step the man and woman took toward the exit the worst it got. "We should go back" the woman yelled over the roaring winds. "No, let's keep going. The exit is just a head" the man orders as him and woman found themselves in the middle of the huge temple. The middle of the temple was empty. Small stone paths went against the marble walls leaving beautiful golden sand covering the rest of the floor. The part of the temple covered in sand was not sheltered with an ceiling. A circular area was left open so that Ra's rays could brighten the temple.

The man pull the woman across the sand so that they could reach the exit sooner. Once they were a quarter across the sandy floor lightning struck the middle of the area causing the couple to jump back. The pair's eyes widen in surprise as the light did not fade.

A beam of light shined down from the sky hitting the center of the sandy floor. The man and woman stared in disbelief as a beautifully woven basket drifted down gently landing on the temple floor. As soon as the basket touch the temple floor the storm and light vanished and the night was once again calm. The woman was the first to get a hold of herself. Carefully she took a step toward the basket only to have her husband grab her wrist. "Leave it be" he commanded as the woman pulled her hand free and shook her head. Much to the man dismay the woman went to the basket curious to know what the gods have sent to the temple.

The woman gasp in surprise as she looked inside. "Come, look and see what the gods have sent" she waved the man over while bending down to get a closer look. The man's eyes widen as he stood behind his wife. Within the basket laid the strangest looking baby. The baby girl was beautiful to say the least. She laid wrap in a white linen blanket with golden hem. The only thing strange about this child was her skin. The baby's skin was a creamy white color. Never before had the man seen such skin on a human.

" Look, papyrus" the woman pointed out handing the man the letter. "The god message, what does it say?" the woman awaited to hear the answer but the man merely scoffed. The woman's eyes grew as the man ripped up the letter. "It matters not what that letter said. Best to forget it" the man spoke in a way to make it clear that she should forget she ever see it.

"What of the child" the woman questioned as the man simply smile. " Had you not said that you wanted a child" the woman beamed happily at his words and scooped up the baby from the basket. " I shall name her Emi for she truly is a beautiful blessing"

(Five Years Later)

" You won't be there long. So please try and control yourself" the woman soothed as the man sighed.

"We should leave and move to Upper Egypt" the woman smiled at the man. He had been saying that for the past five years. The couple decided to move away from the capital yet they still live within Lower Egypt which meant they still had to pay taxes to the Pharaoh. They lived in a small town right on the border of Upper and Lower Egypt. Because the town was so small and far away from the capital the people have to go to Thebes to pay their taxes. The men of the town switch off going to the capital to pay and this time was the man's turn.

"I suppose I should hurry and get this over with" the man suggest while the woman nod. "I packed enough to last four days but it should only take two" the woman informed and the man smiled. "Thank you Layla" the man leaned forward and kissed his wife on the cheek. Little footsteps were heard running toward them. Small hands suddenly grabbed the man's right hand. "Do you have to leave papa" a soft voice sounded behind him and the man grinned.

"Unfortunately, but I'll be back within a couple of days" the man inform turn to his only child. This child looked nothing like the woman or the man. The small girl's hair was the same color as the desert sands hanging loosely to her waist. She had blue eyes that changed shades depending on her mood. Yet the strangest part was her creamy white skin. Never had anyone see a people with white skin. Everyone in Egypt had dark colored skin.

"Will I ever get to see the capital" the girl ponder as her mother grinned. "Why don't you take Emi with you" the man gave his wife a look of irritation while Emi's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Oh please papa. Can I please go. I'll be good and listen to everything you say. You won't even notice me. Please~~" the small girl pleaded looking up at her father with puppy dog eyes. The man sigh and nod causing the girl to dance happily around the room. "Thank you, thank you, thank you~~" the child sang as her parent chuckled at her enthusiasm. The girl stopped dancing when a small brown cloak was thrown over her head.

"You'll need this then" Akihiko said leaning against the door. Akihiko was a teen nomad who stay in our house as long as he pay or worked. Akihiko was like a brother to Emi. Akihiko had black hair that went a little pass has shoulders. He always wore it in a low ponytail. He had almond colored skin and chocolate colored eyes. Emi frowned but obeyed. She quickly put the cloak on over her white cotton dress and cream colored sandals. She throw up her hood and notice her father waiting outside by his horse.

Emi and her father rode across the desert for the entire day only stopping a few minutes to rest. Emi woke as the sun was rising. "Are we almost there?" she ask her father. "Yes, we'll be there soon," he replies as Emi smiled. "When we get there remember to keep your hood up" her father spoke in a warning tone causing Emi to once again frown.

"Papa why do people hate me when they see my skin?" Emi heard her father sigh before answering.

"People fear what they do not understand and people or things that are different from them" her father replied as Emi thought it over.

"Look Emi, there's the capital" Emi looked up to see the large city Thebes. Excitement brightened in her eyes once again. Emi stored her father's words for later.

It didn't take long for them to reach the palace. Emi couldn't get the busy bazaar out of her head. She had never seen so many people in one place.

"Emi wait in the garden while I talk to the Pharaoh" her father ordered showing her the garden. "I will come to get when I am done" he declared as Emi nod. She watched her father walk away before walking around the garden. The palace garden was beautiful. Emi found a small pond in the center of the palace garden and quickly stood at the edge. She was surprised to find that the water was crystal clear. She was amazed by this place and wished that she could ask someone how they got this place so beautiful but knew well that her constant questions would only annoy the person she was questioning. She suddenly remember the sang her mother taught a few days ago.

With your eyes wide and faces bright,

gaze at the path that winds before us

Hope again springs, eternal true

Reach for tomorrow with me

We've come too far to look back

There's a time and season, memories of a different life

Skies of blue so distant, hiding dreams long forgotten

Far off from this present, distant from reality,

when thoughts are left wandering, there's a truth

lost and found, and so

There's a season and time for dreams

Paths that have crossed and loves that were lost

When there's sorrow, a memory,

open your hands and reach out

Two hearts are stronger than one

Roaming time and season, winds of change challenge destiny

Skies of lands forgotten, tell me where and I'll follow

Far off from this present, distant from reality,

when thoughts are left wandering, there's a truth

lost and found, and so

With your eyes wide and faces bright,

gaze at the path that winds before us

Hope again springs, eternal true

Reach for tomorrow with me

We've come too far to turn back

La, La, La, La...

( Song: To Your Tomorrow, From the game Growlanser III)

Clapping was heard from behind her once she finished the song. Emi jumped and quickly turned to see a boy around her age standing a few feet behind her. "Were you listening to my singing" she ask surprised as the boy simply nod. " It was a very lovely song" he replied causing Emi to blush. "Thank you"

Emi and the boy talked about everything. "My mama taught me that song"

"Oh" was the boy's only reply. Emi notice the sadness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" she ask while the boy shook his head. Emi frown and the boy sighed.

"I was just thinking about my mom" the boy suddenly answered as Emi looked at the boy.

"But you look sad"

"My mom's no longer alive" he started frowning again. "You shouldn't be sad. She's not dead" Emi said making the boy confused.

"No one really dies. Her soul's with the gods" Emi explained giggling. "You're right, but I still miss her" he retorted picking up some flowers and weaved them together.

The boy suddenly change the subject. They begun asking things like what's you favorite color, food, and things to do. That was until he unexpectedly jumped up.

"Finished" he announced as Emi tilted her head. "Its one of the few things my mom taught me" he explained showing Emi the flower crown.

"Pretty" she breathed. She never seen anyone make a crown out of flowers. "May I?" he asked as Emi frowned and grabbed her hood.

"I don't think that's a good idea" she replied as the boy became confused.

"Why?" Emi wasn't sure how to respond. She decided to tell the truth.

"Because once you see me you will think me a freak and hate me" she looked into the boy's eyes and saw him smiling.

"I won't" Emi saw truth in his words and sighed.

"okay" after checking to making sure no one else was watching she slowly pulled down her hood.

The boy's mouth dropped and Emi flinched at his reaction. The boy smiled and put the crown Emi's head.

"Thank you" Emi spoke softly leaning forward and kissing the boy on the cheek.

"No problem" he replied blushing, placing a hand on his cheek where she kissed him. Emi sit beside the pond and the boy quickly followed.

"Since you gave me something I shall give you something in return" Emi said pulling something from her pocket. The boy lean forward to get a better look.

"It's a necklace" Emi informed handing one to the boy. "I have two. One is the sun while the other is the moon" Emi said smiling. "Thank you" he put on the necklace with a golden sun hanging off a brown string. Emi smiled and put on her necklace. A silver crescent moon dangling off a brown string.

"They're one of a kind. So, when I leave we might not see each other for along time. We'll be older, and might look different. With these we'll know it's us" Emi explained.

"Okay, but do you really have to go?" he asked a bit sad. "I'm not sure I'll be coming back" Emi replied equally sadden.

"Don't worry, I promise to find you, and then we can be together" he said smiling causing Emi to blush. This boy really didn't mind that Emi was different.

"I promise to wait no matter how long it takes" Emi replied happily.

"Emi, we're leaving now" Emi's father yells from the entrance of the palace garden. "I have to go" she announced sad again. He stands up and kisses her on the forehead.

"I promise" he whispers softly. Emi quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye" Emi said as she run to her father. As she got closer Emi's eyes widen at the hatred burning in her father's eyes.

"Papa" Emi asked softly as he grabs her wrist with one hand and puts her hood back up with the other hand.

"We're leaving" he repeats pulling her roughly away.

"Papa" she whimpers as her father jerks her forward. "Be silent" he growls as they start heading home.

Well that's it for chapter one. Hope you all liked it XD