A/N: So, new story, new couple. I've written before but under a different pen name, so this isn't my first ride around the block. It is though, the first Jori story for me. Most of this story is already written so updates will not be a problem. :) That is the best part right? I think so.

So here it is.

Disclaimer (Of course): I do not own Victorious. Such a shame really.

RR :)

What's in a Secret?

Chapter 1

Everybody is Someone Else's Secret

Secrets can be difficult to keep. But when they're your own, you would do anything to do just that. Maybe its a small, childlike one, or an embarrassing one. It might be about school or you lied about something. Maybe its the reason why you give yourself permission to be so mean and heartless; so you can keep away the pain you feel. It might be a secret for the mere fact that you never want to think about it, so you never speak of it.

Either way, secrets can destroy relationships, reputations. They can keep people at bay, or one particular girl you can't trust yourself with because you might slip up, give yourself permission to do the one thing you know should never happen but deeply desire. Or even worse, tell her your secret, your past and let her in. If she ever found out any of this, it would be the end of that perfect facade of Ice Queen that you worked so hard to set up for yourself and letting people in is unacceptable. The soft, vulnerable side of Jade West would finally be revealed.

Have you ever wondered why Jade is so cold hearted in the first place?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Another ordinary day for the students of Hollywood Arts was upon them. The only things that were important were their 'big' teenage problems. Too dramatic and over the top, even for a preforming arts high school. Only some students had actual problems.

"Stupid locker." Tori mumbled to herself. The damn thing wouldn't open. Jammed again. It was holding her up. She shooed her friends to class minutes ago, afraid she would make them late. After trying the combination for the thousandth time, she gave up. She would just have to make Robbie share his math book with her, she thought while starting her trek to class.

Just then, something happened that she would have never guessed would happen. "Oh my god... You're Mika West...the lead singer of The State Of. I love your band! What's it like to tour? Have you met any celebrities? What are you even doing here?" Tori shot question after question to the singer. She saw someone famous... in L.A. Surprise, surprise. And in true Tori fashion, acted like a tween girl meeting N'SYNC.

"Whoa. Slow down. I just walked in the door." Mika, tall, curvy, green eyes, auburn hair and a badass style to boot including a lip ring that hung from the right side of her bottom lip, chuckled while attempting to calm the younger girl. "To answer your questions, it's great touring, yes I have and I'm an alumni here. What's your name, or should I just go ahead and call you Tigger?" She asked smugly. The overly excited Tori reminded Mika of the orange, jumping tiger from those children's book about a bear named Pooh.

"I'm sorry, I'm Tori." She answered embarrassed. "I'm just really excited." She just couldn't act normal.

"That may be an understatement." Her quick wit was definitely her strong suit. "Maybe you could help me out. I'm looking for someone." Right then, the bell rang for first period and the students running late, like Tori, were off like wild steer. "Well, never mind. I guess I'll see you around Tori." And with a charming smirk and quick wave of the hand that held more than enough vibrant colored bracelets, she made her way down the brightly decorated hall.

"Bye!" Tori practically yelled down toward the rock star with a stupid grin on her face. But as she walked off to class, Tori couldn't get this feeling that she knew the musician from somewhere else besides the band she played in. Mika's long, wavy-curly locks and green eyes reminded her of someone. But whom? Her tall, lean-but-curvy frame couldn't jog her memory either. 'And that smirk. I swear I've seen it from somewhere.' Tori thought, baffled. Let the mystery begin.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jade woke up late, once again. Why couldn't the alarm clock actually work and alert her to get the hell up? She picked up the piece of plastic and tossed it against the multi patterned wall, forcing the batteries to pop out its back. By this rate, she could probably get to school by third period if she hurried. Screw it. 'I'll just get there for lunch,' she thought as she dragged herself out of bed. She threw the dark colored sheets aside twisted around the bed post and sauntered off toward the bathroom, not even bothering to make the bed.

With the house empty, as usual, she didn't have to worry about her parents wondering why she wasn't at school yet or her pesky little brother bothering her. No one really cared these days. With everyday that pasted since Sinjin's ridiculous game show sent her relationship into the final step of inevitable doom, Jade's anger perpetually grew into a fury no one wanted to get in the way of. It wasn't even from the actual breakup. Losing Beck as her one consistent anything in her life was the fuel that fed the fire raging inside. People always leave.

"Another day at attempting to stay, cool and calm." Jade muttered to the empty air as she walked back into her darker than usual bedroom to get dressed. The sun was forever blocked out by the black drapes that hung lazily from the curtain rod to cover the window. After her long, scolding hot shower, she could still feel the fire burning in her heart. You could feel the ferocious energy she possessed, that waited for the wrong person to say something that would unleash her frustrations. The calm before the storm is a warning; stay away. But another feeling was dueling her anger.

A feeling she knew all too well. Her parents didn't care, they hardly tolerated her. Beck was gone, only a glimmer of hope that they could stay friends remained, but that was dashing quickly. Then there was... 'I won't think about that. I'm tired of crying over that.' In her mind, it was done and over with. She would never go back to that day. The pain was too much. Worse than anything she went through dating Beck, even her breakup.

Hey! Where are you? She received a text message from Cat, the closest person she had to a best friend or at least a pet.

I'll see you at lunch. With a roll of her green-blue eyes, Jade responded wondering why anyone really cared where she was. She was definitely not the nicest person to be around, especially now. But Cat didn't really know any better.

Kay kay :) With Cat done bugging her, Jade finished up getting ready with one long final look in her full length mirror. The insomnia she suffered from lately showed in her tired eyes. Her frown drooped slightly lower than usual. Her makeup covered as much as it could, but not her emotions or warn out look. She was exhausted from all the emotional turmoil. Her all-black outfit really reflected the storm that raged inside. For the third week straight, black was her only friend. Out into the big bad world she went, bringing with her the dark cloud she possessed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lunch couldn't come any quicker for Tori. It was bothering her that she couldn't get her damn locker open. It was a battle she would win sooner or later. When she got there, the hallway was abandoned due to the fact that everyone was enjoying there lunch break by actually eating lunch. She walked to her lit up locker and put in the combination, pulled at the lever, but no luck once again. With a dramatic grunt, she slid down her locker to the ground and put her head down in frustration.

"Need a hand with that?" The voice sounded familiar. Tori looked to catch green eyes looking at her that she remembered from earlier. She took in the girl wearing black skinny jeans and simple black boots. It was Mika again.

"Oh yeah. Hi again. My locker keeps acting up and won't open and I need the books inside..." Tori rambled on with a huff and puff, that signature scowl on her face.

"Allow me." Tori stood up and gave Mika the space she needed to work on the stubborn locker. With a flick of her wrist, Mika entered the combination and shouldered the door. "There you go." Mika smiled triumphantly as the locker door swung open.

"How? How did you know to do that?" Bewildered, Tori looked at Mika in amazement. The smirk on Mika's face was driving Tori crazy. She knew it from somewhere...

"This was my locker when I attended." Mika answered matter-of-factly. "See?" She pointed to a fairly large permanent marker writing on the inside of the locker, on its ceiling that said 'M.W.' "I like what you've done with it." Mika finished with a brilliant smile.

"Thanks. I always wondered about what that stood for. So you're a musician and like vandalizing school property. You sound like someone I know." Tori replied while thinking about a certain pale girl that plagued her thoughts. Where was she anyway?

"Yeah well, we're encouraged to decorate the outside. Why not the inside?" The two shared a chuckle before Mika continued. "But no, I-" She was interrupted by the person she was searching for.

"Mika..." Jade called out in disbelief. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. Her skin growing even paler than usual by the second. Mika turned around, a bit afraid to meet Jade's eyes. Tori turned as well.

"Hi Jade." The moment she waited five years for was finally here.

"You know Mika?" Tori asked Jade, completely oblivious to the connection between the two girls and their history.

"Yeah she does." Mika responded never breaking eye contact with Jade's wide green-blue eyes.

"She's my sister..."

I feel like I may be the queen of cliff hangers. There are plenty in the story. lol But at least updates will be frequent. :)

Please, please, please review! That is the next mission. Even if its just literally 'more.' I'm grateful. Everything and anything is wanted. Just be respectful of course. I'm open to everything. I have proof read this story more than any term paper I have ever written so hopefully that's not a problem.

Anyway, I hope you stick around for this ride. It's pretty good if I do say so myself. Hope you feel the same.