Author's notes: Hey guys thank you so much for all the reviews! I'm truly humbled, so please continue with those reviews but meanwhile enjoy!

Putting those rough few days behind, Steve concentrated solely on his new found feelings for Kono. He's been quite spontaneous toward Kono, buying her flowers and making her breakfast in bed. Kono found this to be quite pleasant because none of her boyfriends ever treated her this well and paid her that much attention.

"Morning handsome." Kono greeted gently as Steve woke up.

"Stop staring Kono." Steve chuckled; he could see out of the corner of his eyes that Kono's staring at him lovingly.

"I'm not staring you dufus, I'm gazing."

"It's creepy." Steve said, face to face with Kono and smirking.

"No, it's romantic." Kono said as Steve rolled on top of her and kissed her several times. At this moment, he wanted to hold onto her and never let go.

"You know… we could be late to work by a few hours…" Steve said seductively, hinting.

"That would drive Danny insane though." Kono said, chuckling at the thought of Danny losing his mind.

"Mhmm… who cares." Steve said.


"Erghhh what did I tell you." Kono sighed and got up to put on some clothes, Steve stared at her bare back and marvelled on how amazing her body looked, even if it's from the back.

"Yea McGarrett... okay I'll be right there. Great we got a body, are you wearing my shirt?" Steve said tediously before pulling up some pants and noticing what Kono was wearing.

"Yea Danny was giving me crap about you all day yesterday, so I'm gonna piss him off." Kono winked before tucking in Steve's enormous shirt into her jeans.

"How is it that a woman still manages to look that stunning in one of my shirts?" Steve said smiling, pulling Kono close.

"Nuh-uh none of that kissy stuff mister control yourself we have to go to work." Kono chuckled, wriggling out of Steve's grip and going downstairs to start on breakfast. Steve stared longingly after Kono, how he ever got that woman he'll never know.

"Eww here come the lovebirds." Danny said distastefully as Kono and Steve arrived at the crime scene.

"Like my outfit today Danny?" Kono said, showing off Steve's shirt while Steve smirked to himself.

"EWW what are you guys? Please just the thought of you two… erghhh."

"Okay okay guys let's just get started." Steve interrupted.

"Now that's karma bitch." Kono whispered menacingly into Danny's ear, much to his annoyance.

Once again this case involved Kono having to go undercover, which Steve didn't like one bit. She was dressed up big time in a tight fitting short dress that clung to her every curve and walked in 6 inch black heels which even Lori had to admit she looked amazing in.

"Wo-w, Kono honey I risk getting my teeth knocked out by Steven over here but I gotta say: you need to dress like that more often." Danny said as he wolf whistled, receiving a big glare from Steve.

"I'm just gonna pass on that comment but thanks, let's get this over and done with." Kono took a deep breath and entered the club. Upon entering, all eyes were on her, nearly of all of the guys were eyeing her up and down. Kono smiled teasingly at them before heading over to the bar.

"Heeeey." Kono says seductively to the bartender, who relished the attention.

"Yea sorry but uh, I'm gonna have to ID you." The bartender said, moving closer to Kono. Danny could almost feel the tension radiating from Steve's body.

"Yea no worries." Kono smiled and pulled out her Five-0 badge as the bartender backed off a little.

"Yea I thought so, step back a little. Now tell me, I'm looking for a sleaze ball around 30 years of age, have you seen this guy?" Kono said, holding out a photo, the bartender examined it and nodded his head slowly.

"Yea you must be talking about Garrett. Yea, he's a real ladies man but he brings the business to this club."

"Is he here right now?"

"Yea he's around the corner in the VIP section." The bartender gestured.

"Okay Kono enter the VIP section; make sure you get eyes on Garrett." Steve instructed, in a hurry to get this over and done with. Kono walked into the VIP room with the help of the bartender and eyed the room cautiously until she landed her eyes on a guy that fitted the description of Garrett. She strutted her stuff over to where Garrett was and she definitely caught his attention. Their suspect was eye goggling Kono in a extremely sleazy manner and none of the guys were liking it one bit, especially Steve. He gripped onto Danny's seat so hard his knuckles were white.

"Okay breath in, breath out Steven." Danny said sarcastically.

"Want a drink miss?" Garrett sat down next to Kono.

"I'd rather die of HIV but thank you." Kono said with a cold voice. Ahh the play hard to get tactic, Danny thought.

"No I insist, hey dry vodka for the lady." He told the bartender.

"No I insist, please go hit on someone else." Kono said, but accepting the drink.

"Come on you don't even know me." Garrett said amused.

"Judging from that little show over here, I don't want to know you." Kono said, pointing to where Garrett was surrounded by women five minutes ago.

"There's more to me than you think sweet heart, come on get to know me, I'll tell you anything you want." Garrett said easily, lying back in ease. This guy may be a sleazy pervert, but he's good at what he does.

"Fine. What do you do for a living?" Kono said, crossing her arms. The plan was working.

"I'm the boss at a modelling agency."

"Is that why you're such a dick?" Kono said, slightly smiling and flirty.

"Hey I take good care of my girls okay? Maybe… you wanna join my agency, you have quite a nice body and you could make a lot of money in the industry."

"Thanks for the offer but I don't need any money."

"Well you know… with a body like that… of course you don't need any money." Garrett said seductively, sliding his hands down Kono's body. Steve noticed his wandering hand and was done with this.

"Okay we're done with this; we'll just bring him in." Steve said firmly.

"But we haven't even got any inform-"

"Daniel that's my girlfriend there okay? I can do whatever the hell I want, Kono we're coming in." Steve said, and when Kono nodded slightly they went in.

"FIVE-0 EVERYONE STOP WHAT THEY'RE DOING." Steve shouted as many confused party animals screamed and ran.

"What the hell?" Garrett had a peep outside and realised that Kono was an undercover cop and she was coming for him so he ran through the back door and took off like a bolt of lightning.

"Suspect's escaping through the back door." Kono said as she chased him straight away.

"KONO DO NOT PURSUIT ON YOUR OWN! DO NOT PURSUIT." Steve shouted as he ran into the VIP section but found them to be nowhere in sight.

"You've got to be kidding me." Steve muttered as he bolted out the back door where he saw a boot disappearing around the corner.

"GARRETT STOP FIVE-0." Kono shouted as Garrett approach a black SUV and appeared to be taking out something from his jacket, a gun. Kono reached for the Kel-Tec that was concealed within her dress but it was too late.


Steve ran around the corner and didn't even hesitate to shoot him and then ran to Kono like there was no tomorrow.

"Come on Kono… stay with me please, come on sweet heart…" Steve said, desperately to keep her heart beating but it wasn't working very well, Kono was losing consciousness by the second.

"Steve… If I don-n-n't make it…" Kono coughed out.

"No don't you dare say that Kono, you're gonna make it, you have to make it, for me." Steve said with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Steve I-I-I… lov-v-v…" Kono managed to stammer out that much before she lost consciousness. Steve could hear the EMT's arriving any minute but he had a sinking feeling. A fear that he was gonna lose a part of him that he's never gonna get back, a part of him so big that if he lost it, things couldn't be normal again. That part was the Hawaiian rookie, and Steve could already feel her slipping away.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? Good amount of romance? I'm not really good at writing action scenes so bare with me, but it's all about Kono's survival next chapter.

As usual, Read and Review!