
It was a bright spring morning. The sun was high in the early morning sky and the soft sound of birds chirping resonated through the space. Suddenly the calm air was pierced with the shrill sound of an alarm going off. It was overwhelming and completely overpowered the quiet chirps of the birds.

Monica Geller stirred in her sleep; she had heard the alarm go off, and she knew that if she did not wake up, she would be late for work, again. Reluctantly, she attempted to remove the duvet and get up. As she did, a bitter draught came in through the open window. She opened her eyes with a start, and let out a sigh of helplessness. This was not the best start to the morning.

She rubbed her eyes, and brushed the hair away from her face. As she did, her gaze rested upon the peaceful form next to her. The light bouncing of his auburn hair made it look like liquid gold. His eyes were closed, but Monica could imagine what they were like underneath- a mellow blue, just like sapphires. His chest heaved slowly as he inhaled and exhaled the cool air, completely unaware that someone was looking at him, deep in thought. Monica smiled slightly as she thought of Chandler and the good times which they had shared together. To her, he was her Prince Charming, her soulmate, and her best friend. She tucked a lock of hair behind his ear as she thought how she had never expected to come across someone who was so perfect for her. Someone who really understood her and made her feel special. As she twirled the delicate engagement ring on her finger, she thought about how long she had known Chandler. Never once, in the time that they had known each other, did she expect that he would be there one day to comfort her, when no one else was. Never once did she think that she would one day, wake up next to him in a foreign country. Never once did she think that this would be the man she would eventually marry. She smiled as she stroked the bright sapphires on her engagement ring, thinking about him before they were together. She thought about how quippy he used to be, and how he still was. She thought about how afraid he was to be in a serious relationship with anyone, and how much he had grown up, and changed once they were going out. She thought about how well they used to get along, even when they were not going out. They really were meant to be together, this was one fact which she knew for sure. No matter what life threw at them, she reassured herself that they would get through it, because they loved each other very, very much, and that was all that mattered.

"Mon, aren't you late for work?" mumbled Chandler, his eyes still closed shut.

"What?" said Monica, she had been day dreaming for so long, that she had lost track of the time.

"I better go now," she said, getting off the bed.

"I'll see you in the evening," said Chandler, still with his eyes closed.

"Yeah, see you then," said Monica as she moved across the room.

"Mon," said Chandler again, this time, his was looking directly at Monica, "I love you".

"I love you too Chandler," said Monica, as she reached down to give him a quick peck. She turned around and went out of the room. He always made her smile, whenever, wherever- a feat unmatched by anyone else.

At that moment, she knew that he really was her lobster.