DISCLAIMER: sadly I do not own twilight or any of the charters. :(

(just for the record vampires can cry in my stories)

rated t for mild language

Preference Alice's POV

For some reason Edward never let me baby set Nessie, possibly because I would spoil her? Or maybe because he finds me outrageously annoying? Who knows?

Chapter 1 once again, Alice's POV

"Oh Edward, pleeeeeeease?" I begged for the 15th time today. "Alice, no." he said again. I pouted "But Rose gets to watch her!" I whined. Edward and Bella wanted to do something special for their anniversary, and of Corse Nessie couldn't come, but, once again, they were leaving her with Rose appose to me. I t was starting to get old. I had never got to watch her before. But my efforts were wasted.. I went upstairs and sat in the window seat in my room and curled up into a ball and started crying in my knees. "What the hell was,he going to do, anyway? didnt he know rose was in africa? He wouldnt leave her with emmett would he? What felt like an eternity later I heard Jasper coming up the stairs seconds later his arm was around me "Alie, what's wrong?" he asked in his beautiful southern accent. I looked up "it's stupid." I said as he wiped a tear away "darlin'," he said looking down at me "If it's you, it's not stupid.

(A/N sorry it was a short chapter, it's a first try, let me know if you like it!)