25 more things that we as students must not do.

1 We must not drink Polyjuice potion to make ourselves look like Dumbledore or any of the other professors.

2 We must not show Dumbledore the Mirror of Erised (Unless we want him to complain about not getting any Wool Socks for Christmas)

3 We must not set off Dungbombs in Filch's office (It makes him stink and because he will give you a bad headache)

4 We must not charm books to scream whenever Hermione opens them (because it makes her faint from shock)

5 We must not try to prank Fred or George (unless we wish to be the target of their pranks for a long time)

6 We must not puke in one of the Trophy's in the Trophy room (unless we wish to clean the room without magic)

7 We must not have an axe whenever Nearly headless Nick is nearby (It makes him hopeful that someone is finally going to cut his head right of so that he can join the headless hunt)

8 We must not step on any Beatles during our 4th year (It might be Rita Skeeta)

9 We must not sneak up on Professor Moody (He might turn us into a ferret)

10 We must not listen to Hagrid when he says follow the spiders (It's terrible for your personal well being)

11 We must not give Hagrid a dragon egg for his birthday, Christmas or Easter

12 We must not set off fireworks while 5th year students are doing there OWL tests

13 We must not convince 1st years to fly a mop of the astronomy tower

14 We must not tell 1st years that Snape is vampire

15 We must not tell 1st years that Professor Umbridge eats flies for lunch

16 We must never tickle a sleeping dragon (I wonder how that rule came to be)

17 We must not give Umbridge a bag of cough drops to cure her ailment

18 We must not give Umbridge a love potion to force her to fall in love with Snape (what a perfect couple they would make)

19 We must not forget to call the Minister of magic a bloody idiot

20 We must never follow rule number 19 (due to risk that it could cause towards your personal health)

21 We must not bring a Gun (metal wand) to Hogwarts

22 We must not bring any of the items that are on Mr Filch's Forbidden item list

23 We must not dye Dumbledore's hair purple no matter how well it would go with his robes

24 We must not charm Percy's head boy badge to say Big Head

25 We must never show old voldy a picture of his muggle father