A/N: This is my first ever attempt at anything like this so please R&R and let me know what you think :) I know not a lot about my OC comes out in this chapter but it's just to get into the swing of things. Enjoy!

Chapter one - News

Light footsteps echoed against the stonework of the halls but they were loud enough to stir my slumber. I shifted my body, rustling the straw mattress that I rested upon and my eyes flickered leaving me in a dazed state. I brushed loose strands of my dark hair away from my face before squinting at my dimly lit room. No sunlight shone through the window at the far side of my room and I emitted a strained groan. Who was stalking the castle at this time of night?

I tried to ignore the sound as best as I could but the noise seemed to become irrefutably louder each time I drifted away into sleep. I had even attempted to cover my ears with the palms of my hands but it proved to be too uncomfortable and so I kicked my legs as a child throwing a tantrum would. Frustrated, I stretched, whining slightly, and slowly brought myself to a seated position. At the same moment, the footsteps stopped on the other side of my door and shortly after, a tentative knock followed.

I ran my fingers tenderly through my hair, brushing it out once more, as was my habit, "Who is it?" I murmured almost inaudibly but in the stillness of the night my timid voice would have shattered silence. I rubbed my eyes and raised my eyebrows as if trying to keep them open as I waited for a reply.

"Me." Was the only response I received. The voice was abrupt but with a hint of weariness, but there was only one person it could be. My eyes found themselves rolling and the upper half of my body fell backwards once more. With an arm slung over my eyes, I muttered: "Come in."

The door creaked open and there he stood. Adorned in white robes with a hood that covered all but the bottom half of his face to reveal his scarred lip. I had taken notice of his lack of weaponry which I found strange as it was his custom to keep them with him at all times. His head dipped in greeting and I peeked out from underneath my arm before returning the gesture and motioning towards a chair, offering him to sit. He briefly looked over to where I had directed him to before walking slowly to the chair and lay his hand roughly on the wood as if examining it before coming to the decision to sit.

"I must say, I was not expecting company, Altaïr." I gave him a soft smile but Altaïr simply let out a brief sigh as he began to sit down on the wooden chair.

"Al Mualim wishes for me to travel to Solomon's Temple to secure an artefact of great importance." He stated plainly. There was nothing in his voice to suggest anxiety or malice and so I furrowed my eyebrows in an attempt to make sense of the situation. It frustrated me that Altaïr would be so cyptic so early in the morning but I knew that asking him to shed light on what exactly he was trying to tell me was not the path to take even when it was light outside. I questioned him as I rubbed my eyes again, indicating to him that I was tired but with the combination of being himself and also a man, he did not pick up on my mannerisms, or simply chose to ignore them, and so I continued asking him if he felt afraid or anything else along those lines, but Altaïr was a stoic man and not to mention stubborn. He was also my mentor and dear friend, one who I cared deeply for. Altaïr had managed to convince Al Mualim to let me, a woman, join the Brotherhood because of my gifts in combat. Since then, I have been trying to better myself in any way to become a more useful asset to the assassins. Despite my his unusual faith in me, I still felt that I had a long way to go until I was of even half of the standard of my superiors even if, for argument sake, Altaïr was only a few years my senior.

He seemed to have taken notice of my facial expression, that of confusion and concern, "You need not worry about me." He continued before easing into the explanation as to why he was leaving. I paid little attention as I was trying to think of other ways to drop hints to Altaïr that I was exhausted and needed to sleep, that was until he mentioned who he would be journeying with.

"Why Malik? You could have taken me instead," I said bitterly and suddenly sat up once more. I had finally awoken, "But no, you chose him and Kadar." I personally had nothing against the brothers, they were members of the order that I could call friends, especially Kadar, but I was angry with Altaïr for not considering me first.

"Allow me to explain," He urged with his finger and thumb pinching at the bridge of his nose. His patience was running thin, that much was clear simply by his change of tone and posture as his shoulders had hunched forwards and his eyebrows furrowed together signifying his weariness with the subject already, "This artefact, Al Mualim has told me nothing of it, only that the Templars must not obtain it. I chose to have Malik and Kadar accompany me because you are still inexperienced," I was hurt by this but I would not let anything reveal my emotions to him. I would become more experienced if Altaïr had decided to give me a chance to prove myself but instead he keeps me locked in the Masyaf stronghold to learn from others who are available at the time rather than allow me to be an apprentice outside these walls. The bigger world is no place for an inexperienced woman, it seems.

"Not only this, but I have no time to waste. Al Mualim has stressed the importance of time and therefore I cannot aid and protect you at all times." I had noticed a change in Altaïr since he received his Master Assassin rank, he had become more defensive of himself and somewhat arrogant. I knew that I could care for my own wellbeing but I also knew better than to speak out against my mentor, furthermore, I tended not to be a reckless individual but I found it difficult not to stifle my scoff.

We spoke briefly of the new assassin recruits that a few of the elders had been vigorously training. Altaïr made no attempt in refraining from reminding me of my time as a novice. Through half lidded eyes, my dark orbs glared at his golden ones until our battle of stares became less entertaining and I allowed myself to fall back into a comfortable position before pulling the covers over my body. It was difficult not to reminisce with him after his sly comment which, admittedly, made me smirk as I remembered. I was the novice to have Altaïr as my mentor and he made my training just as harsh as any other new member of the Order. I was Altaïr's suggestion and therefore Al Mualim made sure that I would also act as the assassin's burden to bare.

Until he finally realised that I was too tired to try and force my way into the mission to the Temple, he rose from his seat and made his way to the door. I did not quite remember falling back asleep, nor did I recall Altaïr leaving my room but only a few words whether they were said or thought imprinted themselves into my mind. As simple as they were, something about them felt eerie, displaced even.

"Safety and peace, Altaïr."