Disclaimer: No ownership of Pokémon or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Summary: A spell from a mysterious book sends Fluttershy to the Pokémon World but that's not the only problem. Rated for mild violence.
Shipping: PonyShyShipper

Fluttershy, the Pokémon Whisperer

Chapter 1: A Little Booking Problem

A black book. What was a black hard cover book doing in the grass in the middle of a forest? There was no title. Three little ponies were approaching the spot. One was a yellow pony with a ribbon in it's reddish mane. The second was a white horned pony with a violet mane which had pink streaks. The last was an orange pony with wings and a fuchsia mane. The white pony had fishing poles in it's backpack. "Are you sure fishing will help us find our cutie marks, Sweetie Belle?" the yellow one wondered with a little girl's voice. Cutie Marks?

"Well, a couple of ponies, none of whose names I should mention, told me that sometimes we need to relax and patient," Sweetie Belle suggested. "Fishing is a great way to understand patience." Not a bad idea. The other two knew who one of the unnamed ponies Sweetie Belle mentioned.

"Sweetie Belle, what can't your big sister do?" the winged pony questioned. "I mean, besides flying." The three little fillies chuckled at the winged one's comment.

"Oh, Scootaloo!" the yellow one laughed. The laughing for her lasted another second when they came upon the book that laid in the middle of their path. "Guys, look!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stopped as they saw their fellow filly hold up. "Take a gander at that!" The three saw the black book on the grass, surrounding the hard cover.

"What's a book doing on the ground all alone?" Scootaloo asked. Did she think the book had legs and walked all the way to this spot? That would be weird. The yellow pony approached the cover, taking whiffs to make sure it was okay to handle, something Sweetie Belle began to fear.

"Don't open the book, Apple Bloom!" she warned. Apple Bloom wondered what the deal was that Sweetie Belle told her to keep the lid shut, literally about the book in question.

"I agree with Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo backed. "It could be someone's diary that shouldn't be viewed by anyone." It made some sense but if it was a diary, why would it need a hard cover? Paperback would be more appropriate.

"We can't just leave it in the middle of the forest," Apple Bloom argued. "Who knows when Rainbow Dash will forget the rain once and this book's ruined." Say what? That's when Apple Bloom had an idea. "I know! We can take it to Twilight Sparkle! She's got a whole library of books that she knows. Maybe this was one she loaned and didn't get back!" Twilight Sparkle? Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had the notion that Apple Bloom was onto something.

"Yeah, it's worth a shot!" Sweetie Belle acknowledged before her horn began to shimmer. Then the book which floated into her bag. "So much for a day of fishing but this could be important." The three ponies trotted back to a village which was full of different ponies galloping around like...well, we'll eventually stumble to them. The trio arrived at one of the larger tree houses in the village where Apple Bloom knocked on the door. What opened it wasn't a pony. Nope, it was a purple tiny dragon with a green underbelly. It was a tad stunned to view visitors to here.

"Oh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" he gulped. Crusaders? "How can I help you three?" Scootaloo voiced up for the other two.

"We found a book in the forest nearby," she explained. Sweetie Belle got her horn and the book to glow as she "handed" the book to the dragon. "We were wondering if this was one of Twilight Sparkle's books." The dragon looked at the title-less book, unsure about opening it.

"I can't...really say that this is missing from our library. It is interesting to find a book out somewhere where it didn't really belong." No title on the cover, no title on the binding...the only way would be to look in it. "None of you bothered to peek inside?" The fillies shook their heads in denial.

"It could be some pony's diary, Spike," Apple Bloom guessed. Spike had doubts that it was a diary.

"The books pretty big for a diary. It might be a new spell book Twilight ordered." A spell book? The voice coming in would want to beg to differ.

"Why would I need a new spell book, Spike?" spoke a purple horned pony with a dark violet mane fitted with a couple pink streaks. She also had prints of sparkles around her tail. Sparkles? As in Twilight Sparkle?

"H-Hey, Twilight!" Twilight saw the book in Spike's hand, becoming rather suspicious about the contents.

"What's that?" Spike shuttered for an answer but Apple Bloom spoke up about it.

"We found that in the forest when we were going fishing," she clarified. "We wondered if this was one of yours missing from here." Twilight peered at the enormous collection of books on the shelves. There was a shelf that was bare but highly doubted this was one of those books.

"The only books I'm missing are the ones I loaned to Rainbow Dash. I'm sure she's close to finishing that series." Spike placed the book in question on a mantle where Twilight began to observe it. Using her horn, she read some of the contents inside. "I should have guessed. This is a spell book. But the spells are rather advanced." While the identification of the book was safe, there was trouble about where it was located.

"But why would a spell book be in the middle of the forest where we would find it?" Scootaloo pointed out. That's one question that not even Twilight had an immediate answer to.

"I wish I knew. But I can tell you that there are some spells I wanna try out from this book." The notion that Twilight saw spells to experience made Spike rather uneasy.

"Are you sure you wanna do it in here?" he stuttered. "What if the spells go awry?" Twilight wasn't too worried.

"Relax, Spike. I'll find a good spot to practice these spells." That's when two winged ponies stepped into the house. One was a blue pony with a rainbow mane and a rainbow lightning bolt by her tail. The other was a bleach yellow pony with a bright pink mane which hung over one side of her head and butterflies by her tail.

"Did somebody call for a safe area for magic?" the blue pony neighed. The rest turned to see the airborne ponies. Scootaloo got excited to see her favorite pony.

"Rainbow Dash!" she cheered. The blue pony, Rainbow Dash, chuckled at the Crusader that she looked up to. Who's the other?

"Rainbow, what are you and Fluttershy doing here?" Twilight asked. Rainbow turned to Fluttershy as her answer.

"I was helping her on some overhead maneuvers in case I bust my wings like before," she tried to reason. "I mean, she has bigger concern for the animals surrounding Ponyville than I do." Planning ahead for emergencies...nothing wrong with that. She also had taken stock of the new book. "Why am I not surprised that you have a new book you're reading? More proof that you're an egghead." Twilight sneered at Rainbow with an unsettling smile. Oh, boy! "Hey, I know that look! Don't gimme that!"

"Oh, yeah? I recall a certain Pegasus pony who tried to sneak back into the hospital to read Daring Do and caused a lot of ruckus because of it." The cocky winged filly was now rather sheepish and the Crusaders were neighing in laughter. That's embarrassing.

"At least it kept you from boredom, right?" Fluttershy got in her two bits. A disturbed glare from Rainbow was a sign for her to can it.

"I could use less of that!" she scowled. Twilight stopped her giggles long enough for her to detail the issue.

"Actually, I was wanting to try some new magic but room's key for safety purposes," she motioned. Rainbow remembered saying something about a safe area just a moment ago.

"Oh, yeah! We could use the race track! So much room that a screw up will be minor!" That's reassuring. Twilight pondered if this was a good idea to perform a stunt where anything could go wrong. At least nothing would be in the way.

"That does sound like an ideal spot to practice some of these new spells." She agreed to it. Spike had hopes for some of the new magic.

"Yeah, and maybe there's a spell which could make me irresistible to Rarity!" he chirped. Twilight was about to tell him to get real but Sweetie Belle delivered that to him.

"What makes you think you're worthy of my big sister?" she snapped. "Huh?" Sweetie Belle's Rarity's sister?

"Well...I-" The evil eye from Sweetie Belle forced Spike to shut his snout. Satisfied, Sweetie Belle joined the others in journeying to an oval race track on the outskirts of the village. Spike also came, much to Sweetie Belle's chagrin. Twilight was in front of everyone, trying to remember what the book told her to do.

"Every pony, I need complete silence from the gallery," she warned. "It's the first time trying it so I need full concentration." The crusaders, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Spike, despite not being a pony per say, remained quiet. Twilight focused, her horn glowing like Sweetie Belle earlier. A beam of purple shot out of Twilight's horn and enveloped a circular shape. The circle then began warping with swirls of color. The gallery couldn't hold their excitement and chided their amazement.

"I may not be a scientist but I think Twilight created a portal," Apple Bloom believed. Twilight saw the so-called portal, surprised by her own success.

"Wow!" she awed. "First time I opened a portal. I wonder where it leads to." No one would get a chance because the portal shrunk and vanished in a pop. Still. That was an impressive first effort. Apple Bloom got more interested in seeing what was on the other side.

"Try again, Twilight!" she eagerly pleaded. How could Twilight say no to that? Easy, since no one knew what dangers waited on the other side.

"Okay!" Twilight set herself up for another chance, hoping that the portal would remain opened for all to discover. The horn was aglow. Everyone was hushed...almost. Oh no!

"What's every pony doing watching Twilight?" spoke a pink pony with a curly pink mane and balloons for prints by her hide. The voice forced Twilight to spin at the crowd.

"Pinkie Pie!" she shouted, forgetting the glowing horn which fired another beam. Incoming! The beam was heading toward Fluttershy who wasn't moving fast enough. This was going to hurt. The beam hit Fluttershy...KABANG! A huge blast. A mushroom cloud rose above the track. Was everyone okay? In Fluttershy's case, her ordeal was more than just surviving the blast.

(Fluttershy's View)

"You think it's safe to move her?"

"I'm still wondering how she passed the gates undetected." Voices... I'm- I'm hearing voices...

"It's been awhile since we had human contact." I...need to-

"We checked her out but couldn't find anything, not even identification!" I need to open...open my eyes.

"Hold on, she's coming around!" I lifted my eyelids up and...what? What are these creatures? Walking sunflowers, pods with weeds like crowns, bouncing seeds...whatever happened to the bunnies, the birds, the squirrels?

"Where-" I hiccuped. I couldn't get my hooves down to lift my body up. One flower came over and put a leaf on me to settle down.

"Take it easy!" it spoke. This was the first time I heard a flower talk to me, let alone tell me to relax. "We're all wondering how a human like you got beyond the gates." H-Human? Wait a second, I'm a Pegasus pony, not a human!

"Hold on...I'm a pony!" A few of the living plants glared at one another, not believing me for a second. I am a pony!

"Could it be that she was a Ponyta?" the seed questioned. That's when a green pod with a yellow flower full of water hopped on over.

"You may disagree with all of us," it warned. "But we are being honest. Take a look!" I saw my mane, still as pink as ever. Then I saw...that's me? What happened to my face? I didn't see a snout on me but a face of a human girl. That's not suppose to be me. I checked my hooves, only they were human hands. I also found myself wearing a yellow dress, the same as the fur on my body...which wasn't there. It was skin. I...I was...human?


(A/N: Since I'm nearly done with NarutoBleachMon Tensei, I'm going to temporarily postpone RE4 until that's done.)