Hi everyone! This is my first Fan Fiction in English. I usually write in French so… don't expect too much here.

I would like to thank my beta reader, SnipsSkywalker…. Without you I couldn't even consider writing something in English! And she is probably working on this story more than I am in order to fix my grammatical mess.

This Fiction is the translation of its French version (Négociations Agressives). The French version is complete (13 chapters) and I'm now working on translating it in English!

Hopefully the fact that I'm not an English speaker won't trouble you too much while reading. And I hope you will enjoy it!

Aggressive Negotiations

Synopsis: Anakin and Padmé never got married. They haven't seen each other in four years. When Chancellor Palpatine is kidnapped, Anakin and Obi-Wan discover he is the Sith Lord. Dooku and Palpatine are killed during the mission. The war is over, and Grievous is still alive but missing. That's when Anakin and Padmé meet each other again…

Chapter 1:

The sun rose slowly over Galactic City, bringing the entire town out of the darkness. In appearance, this morning looked like any other morning. Speeders flew rapidly between the buildings. Millions of beings crossed the lower levels to go to work and live their lives. But today was unlike any other day. Today was the first day of peace since the start of the Clone Wars. The news came late last night. The Chancellor was the Sith Lord and the Jedi discovered his dark deeds. They finally ended the war; a war that had no reason to be. Nobody knew the details of the recent events. The Holonet would broadcast a special report during the day.

Padmé was behind her desk, alone. Bail Organa had recently been elected Chancellor of the Republic and she had to prepare for an important meeting with him. The young senator totally approved his nomination. He had always been a faithful ally and a loyal politician. She was sure he would bring good things to the Republic. This institution was still weakened and needed someone strong to fix it.

The Holonet transmitter on Padmé's desk had been on all morning. She didn't want to miss the most important report the Holonet would ever broadcast.

"And that is how Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano ended four years of war. Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku have been defeated. General Grievous is still missing, but the Jedi are looking for him."

Padmé came out of her thoughts when she heard that. The reporter seemed happy and excited. Why wouldn't he be? It was of moment of joy for everyone. Sadly, it was also a moment of loneliness for Padmé. Anakin Skywalker. That name made her shiver. Four years ago he gave her his heart and she rejected him. She had been cold and cruel. Last time they saw each other, she gave him no explanation. Those memories broke Padmé's heart.

At that time, a terrible war had just begun. Anakin was important to the Republic. His position as a Jedi gave him great responsibilities. Padmé knew that they could not simply ignore that. The same thing was true about her. She was one of the most fervent opponents to Palpatine's politics. They senate needed her to maintain a certain balance.

"According to our rumors, Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi took care of Count Dooku alone, while Padawan Tano and Knight Skywalker defeated Chancellor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious"

Padmé closed her eyes and sighed. She had always followed Anakin's missions during the war. Every time the Holonet mentioned his name, she was there to listen. He always participated in dangerous missions on exotic planets at the other end of the Galaxy, and she needed to feel close to him. His work involved countless victims. Padmé knew it was very dangerous, and she couldn't stop worry about him.

"The Jedi Council has also told us that Skywalker has been granted mastery and his apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, has received the title of Jedi Knight."

Padmé felt a huge feeling of pride. She knew Anakin had dreamt of becoming a Jedi Master since he was a little boy. She wanted to tell him how happy she was for him. She wanted to congratulate him for all the great things he had accomplished. But she was alone and she had lost the right to hold him the day she broke his heart. Somehow, she couldn't stop herself from thinking that she deserved her loneliness.

In these moments of weakness, Padmé could only acknowledge the fact that she was still in love with him. She had hoped that this feeling would vanish with time, but her feelings remained the same.

How many nights had she worked until she was exhausted, just to occupy her time and stop thinking about Anakin? She was a strong and determined woman. Four years ago, she made a terrible decision, but she had thought it was the right one. She had chased her feelings and worked hard to end the war with diplomacy. Today, everything was over. And what did she have left? She had no one in her life.

C-3PO entered Senator Amidala's office, followed by the Chancellor. A big smile crossed his face. Bail Organa was truly satisfied. He had every reason to be. His happiness was endless and illuminated the room. For a moment, he gave peace to Padmé's mind too.

"It's finally over," he declared, as he sat in front of Padmé's desk. "I suppose you have received my message concerning the modifications on the Constitution?"

"I finished reading it this morning," she answered with a smile on her face. "I approve your decision. Be sure that you'll always have my support."

Chancellor Organa slowly nodded, still smiling. He was still not able to believe that the war ended so quickly. Of course, there was still so much to do! Grievous was still alive and they would have to find him and hopefully arrest him. So many systems were still in trouble. The Republic would have to negotiate peace around the Galaxy, but battles had ceased. He sighed with relief and decided it was time to talk about his proposition.

"I still find it hard to believe. The war is over. But I feel there is still much to do."

"Your nomination is the first step to recovery."

Bail Organa didn't know how Padmé felt at that moment. The Republic needed to recover, but her soul needed it even more. Of course, she was happy. But she had much on her mind. Her broken heart didn't allow her to celebrate properly.

"I have to admit I wasn't expecting so much of the Jedi. Their feats exceed all of my hopes. Especially concerning General Skywalker. Nothing would have been possible without him."

Padmé closed her eyes briefly and tried to regain her calm. In the near future, she would hear his name. A lot. She needed to get used to it. She had rejected him. This situation was her fault and now she had to live with it.

"I was delighted to learn of his recent exploits. He is an old friend and I can only rejoice for his success."

"At least that gives sense to the horrible sacrifice I made four years ago," she consoled herself silently.

"There is something I'd like to ask you," Chancellor Organa said. He seemed strangely nervous. Padmé looked at him in surprise.

"What is it?"

"My election as Chancellor of the Republic gives me the privilege to choose a Vice-Chancellor to second me in my office. I would like you to be that person."

Padmé was speechless. She wasn't expecting such a proposition today! When tempting, it was also a scary challenge.

"Would you accept my offer?"

Bail Organa's voice was full of hope. He had always admired Padmé and her courage. Working with her was always a pleasure and he was sure that she would be a huge help in fixing the Republic and all of its systems.

"I don't know what to say. I always served the Naboo, but I never had such an ambition."

"Do I have to understand that the offer doesn't interest you?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I am just surprised. It's such an honor."

Padmé couldn't deny that the proposition was interesting. She had always served her planet faithfully. Today, the Republic was very fragile and needed people to fortify it. She knew she would be useful to negotiating peace across the Galaxy.

"I would be honored to serve you and the Republic. Helping people in need has always been my priority."

"Excellent decision," he answered, and stood up. His smile was bright and he was obviously very satisfied. The new Chancellor shook her colleague's hand with pride. She seemed happy, but something was on her mind. Padmé was only half listening to him.

"Of course, I want to collaborate with the Jedi," he said with a very serious tone. That declaration captured Padmé's attention again. "They fought for the Republic during the war. They had military titles even if they are not supposed to be warriors. People used to trust them but that faith has been shaken. I think that working together to reestablish peace will allow us to show what the foundation of the Republic should be."

"Sure," she answered. But her voice was not convincing.

Padmé had not worked with Jedi since the beginning of the war. Collaborating with them meant risking seeing Anakin again. She was nervous and couldn't hide it. How she hated not to be able to control her feelings! What was she supposed to say to him after all these years? Telling him she regretted her behavior was definitely not an option. All the scenarios that Padmé could imagine seemed stupid. After what she did to Anakin, seeking pardon was not adequate. Apologizing would never be enough. No one in the Galaxy could forgive what she did to him.

However, Padmé was famous for her calm, and the mask she could wear while dealing with politics. She also had an infinite respect for the Jedi Order. And it wasn't because she was in love with one of them. If she had to work with them (even with one in particular), she would do it. Padmé always did her duty.

"Tonight, the senate will reunite for an extraordinary session. I count on your presence."

"I promised you my support. I won't miss that session."

"Good. Let's hurry then. We have a busy day ahead of us and there is still much to do."

"Much to do?" she asked. She was surprised. Her schedule was almost clear today.

"Of course! The three heroes of the war are coming back to Coruscant. There is a meeting in less than an hour at the senate building. As the new Chancellor I have to be there to welcome them!"

Padmé's heart started to beat really fast. She was terrified but excited at the same time. Those two feelings made her feel confused. She hadn't seen Anakin in four years and they would be reunited in less than a standard hour. She hadn't thought she would see him again so soon. She felt she wasn't ready. But would she ever be ready to speak to him again?

"You're coming?"

"Yes, sure," she answered with a smile that wasn't really enthusiastic. "I'm right behind you."

They left the office and walked to the speeder hangar. During the ride, Padmé couldn't stop thinking about Anakin. She started to breathe slowly and tried to calm down, but quickly realized it was useless. How could she allow herself such weakness? After all, she was a famous politician. She had accomplished many things in her life and was one of the most affluent members of the senate. She loved Anakin and had stopped trying to deny that a long time ago. But those feelings would not destroy her ability to think properly and reduce her to a lovesick teenager. She had never been one.

Padmé decided that she would do what was best for everyone: keep the situation under control and think logically. She could face him and congratulate him for his achievements. She could be happy for him and keep her feelings to herself.

After all, they were old friends. And there was nothing wrong about being happy for a friend's success.