I don't own Pride and Prejudice or anything affiliated with Jane Austen.

Summery: what if Elizabeth and Jane were Gardiner's instead of Bennet's what if they met Bingley and Darcy when they came to Hertfordshire with their parents to visit their Aunt and Uncle Bennet would anything be different? Jane and Elizabeth Gardiner are headed to Hertfordshire with their parents. Their they'll meet the men of their dreams but will they get a happy every after with a medaling aunt and low social standing?

"Mama do we really have to go," Elizabeth slumped In her seat, her parents had just informed her and her elder sister that they were headed to Longbourn to visit their Aunt and Uncle Bennet and well Elizabeth loved her Uncle Edmund to distraction she couldn't stand her Aunt Fanny or her three insipid daughters. Mary Catherine and Lydia seemed to be a plight on her life sometimes.

"Now Lizzie, I know you don't like them but we haven't seen them in forever and your Aunt keeps writing for a visit," her mother tried to sooth her youngest daughter.

"Your right I'm sorry," Elizabeth sighed siting up straight in her chair, "When do we leave?"

"In the morning dear, why don't you go start packing while I have cook start dinner?"

"Ok mama, is Jane in her room?"

"Yes she's packing I told her well you were at the Park." Elizabeth nodded and headed up the stairs but her mother's voice stopped her. "Just think Lizzie my dear you can see your friend Charlotte while we're their didn't she mention something about being courted by someone in her last letter?"

Elizabeth's blue eyes sparkled as she turned to look at her mother, "Yes she did say that I believe it's a nephew or cousin or some relation of Uncle Bennet the person the estate is entailed to on his death, I'm actually a bit anxious to meet this man." With this she turned on her heel and headed up the stairs to pack her bags for a long stay in Hertfordshire. Her father of course would only stay a few days as he couldn't be away from London and business for that long but her mother Sister and her would stay for an extended period.

She was folded her spencer and placing it into her bag when she heard her sister's voice, "do you need some help Lizzie," she turned around to see her ethereal sister standing in her doorway.

"No Jane I'm fine thanks I only have a few more things to pack, is it time for dinner?"

"yes, Mother sent me to get you," Elizabeth smiled and linked her arm with her sisters before heading down the stairs and into their dining room. She sat down in her usual seat and looked around she was lucky to be blessed with the family she was even if she did have a vexing Aunt and Uncle to contend with.

Fitzwilliam Darcy sat in the swaying carriage on his way to Hertfordshire his best friend Charles Bingley had just rented property their and had asked Darcy to come with him on an extended holiday as Darcy hadn't been away in a long time since the disaster r that was Ramsgate he figured it was as good of time as any to get away. He watched the landscape pass him by and he turned to his campaign as he waved to Charles who was riding along beside them.

"So Georgiana how do you feel about the trip,"

"Georgiana looked up from her needlepoint and smiled at her brother casting a quick look over at her companion Mrs. Annsley who was reading her book intently. "I'm excited I love London but sometimes it can get tedious especially as I'm not officially out in society yet." Darcy smiled at his sister happy to see her opening up after everything that happened with Wickham two years previously.

"Well I don't know what types of activity's you'll find in this town Charles described to me but you'll get plenty of fresh clean air," she gave him an indulgent smile as she went back to her needlework. Darcy pulled a book out and read for the rest of the journey he turned his head to look at Bingley's new residence as the carriage came to a halt. The place looked alright now he just wondered what the people would be like.

Mr. Bennet was trying to read in vain much to his contention his wife wouldn't leave him in peace. "Mr. Bennet, you have to go you just must he has five thousand a year and he's single think of our daughters," she pleaded with him.

"Mrs. Bennet I'm not going and that's final," he looked down at his book he knew very well that none of his daughters were ready for marriage and none of them would be suitable for someone of Mr. Bingley's status his wife just didn't seem to realize this.

"Fine Mr. Bennt when you die I guess me and the girls will just starve," she slammed out of the room thinking of a way to get introduced to Mr. Bingley. For a moment forgetting that her two very eligible nieces were on their way to stay.

A/N ok this is my first P & P story so please be kind I wanted to twist and turn the story. Thus Jane and Lizzie having different parents. Darcy bringing Georgiana Caroline not being in the picture at the moment how will these changes effect the story. Review the more reviews I get the more motivated I am to update and you'll get the answers you're looking for.