I know I should be finishing off my other stories, but this idea came into my head just before falling asleep like a week ago. And I absolutely love this ship, so I had to write it down. If you have read my other Hetalia fic (Arthur Rabbit's younger brother), you can probably tell that I have a thing for green eyes. Oh and anyone who's reading that school system doesn't work the same as in England, tutor rooms are Home rooms and Year 10 is when you're 14/15. Any other years mentioned, well, you should be able to do the maths. Anyway here we go.

Disclaimer – I do not, nor will I ever, own Hetalia. This is purely for fun and non profitable.

Warning – Shonen-ai (PolandxLithuania) and strong language, don't like, don't read. Thank you.

This isn't Love

Feliks isn't your average 19 year old. He wasn't exactly you're average teenage boy. In all honesty, he's more like your average girl. He's a cross-dresser you see, but I think he takes it a bit too seriously. He'd wear dresses and skirts and heals and crop tops and anything else known as girls wear. I've even found bra's in his drawer. He's been mistaken as being a girl many a times, though, to him, it wasn't a mistake at all. I think he has a bit of gender confusion. I think he really does think he's a girl. Once he was telling me how he and some girl in our class were similar. He said "she and I are, like, so alike. We both are totally mysterious girls and stuff" It kind of took me by surprise how he referred to himself as a girl. I didn't know whether to tell him he was a boy or not, but I didn't. Even so, there was no denying it; he did make a cute girl. He definitely would make a cute girl! Feliks's kind of a dick sometimes; he'd get annoyed easily and get a bit bitchy too. He doesn't really listen to me often; he'd brush off anything I had to say, no matter how serious it was. He's stubborn and proud, acting like some high king or, erm, queen? He's also the jealous type. Any mention of any girl from me and he'd start pouting. I don't get why though. He acts like he cares for me, but at the same time hurts me emotionally and physically. All these characteristics make him Feliks though, the very same Feliks I know and, er… like?

The day I met him was a memorable day. The day I became his fried was a really important day for me. It was a month into the new school year of year 10. I had just transferred there from my home country, Lithuania. Before here, I use to live with my dad in Lithuania. Recently he and I had got into a little fight and, well, I left him. I decided to go live with my mum and younger sister. My dad and I had never truly been on good terms before. He was a bit of an alcoholic and got into all sorts of trouble with the police. He never told me why though. This was really the main reason my mum had left him. When my mum had left him she took my sister, Daina. My dad insisted on keeping me, since mum had Daina. Truthfully I would have much rather have gone with mum and it was obvious she didn't want to leave me with the likes of him. She protested saying things like "I won't ever allow my son to stay with someone as shameful as you". I remember so clearly what happened next. I watched from the banisters, watching them like a tiger watching its prey. I was 13 then and Daina was 5. Daina slept through the shouts and screams and the occasional breaking glass, but I couldn't, I watched it all. I watched my alcoholic father go into the kitchen. I watched him open the knife drawer. I watched him stab my mother. I watched it all, everything. But that's not important right now. Back to the story.

I was transferred to Class 10D. It was quite a peaceful class actually. The students there were friendly, with the odd one or two. I instantly made friends with an Estonian boy and a Latvian boy. The Estonian went by the name Eduard and the Latvian, Raivis. They were really nice and helped me find my way in the new school. I was ever so thankful; this school was much, MUCH bigger than the one I went to in Latvia, and I often got lost. The school was very multicultural. In our class there was an American, a Canadian, an Estonian, a Latvian, a Lithuanian (me), a Belarusian and a Chinese. The rest, of course, where pretty much English. But that was just our tutor room. The rest of the classes were sets. I hated those classes. I usually ended up sitting in the middle of some rowdy popular group. Eduard and Raivis were in the highest sets for most of the lessons were as I was always in group two, other than in maths and science, then I'd join them in set one. I was surprised by how many people had made it to set two. Most of them didn't look nor act smart enough to be in the lowest group. But the lesson I hated most was P.E. Physical education, the education of being physical and such. I, unlike most of the people in my class, was a lanky little thing. I was far to skinny. I sucked at anything including strength. I was okay at sports, but HRE, Health Related Exercise, I was the worst. Whether it is sit ups or push ups, I sucked. Heck, I can't even do girly push ups. But then, most of the girls in our class couldn't do them either. But what I hated most about this lesson was Ivan! Ivan Braginski was a Russian student who constantly picked on me. He had a small group around wherever he went, including the Belarusian, Natalia Alfroskaya, and a Ukrainian girl too. They'd often point out my flaws, and there were a lot, and get others to join in too. I usually tried to come to the changing rooms a lot earlier than the rest of the class, so I could get changed quicker and miss Ivan, since he did most of the tormenting in the changing rooms.

Today I was running late to school. I had missed registration and was now marked absent. I had to go to the main reception to explain why I was late (I slept in, again). First period was P.E, so I ran to my locker to get my kit. Typically, there was a huge crowd and my locker just happened to be on the other side of school, no where near P.E. My locker was 909, 1 of the 1500 lockers in this school. I ran to my locker, hitting my jean's pockets to find my keys. When I got to my locker, I found a blond haired girl trying to get in. The first thing that came into my mind was 'wow, she has a flat chest'. I realised how perverted that sounded and so shook the thought out. I tapped her on the back. She turned, her blond hair swaying behind. Her green eyes stared into my blue eyes. She didn't look at all happy. She folded her arms, positioning her legs in an acute angle. She flicked her hair out of her face before saying "Like, what do you want?"

Her voice was quite deep for a girl.

"I, er, that's my locker" I said whilst taking my keys out. I placed it in the lock and it snapped open.

The blond turned pink and shook her head. "OMG! I'm, like, soooo sorry" She apologised.

Her voice was actually unnaturally deep for a girl. Was the blond in front of me actually a girl?

"I, like, totally got a new locker and I didn't no if my piece of paper with the locker number said 909 or 606" The blond informed me.

"That's okay" I assured the blond.

The blond smiled and ran off to her locker. No, to his locker! That was no girl. Sure he spoke like a valley girl and his posture was girl like and sure he was wearing a skirt and blouse, but that was no girl! Then I took note of reality and what time it was. I was late, really late!

I ran to the changing rooms, praying to god that Ivan was already changed and gone… he wasn't. He was changed but he hadn't left. I slowly made my way to the farthest corner of the room, right by the showers and far away from Ivan. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to me, so I took that opportunity to get changed quickly and leave before he notices. Just as I finished buttoning up my white T-Shirt, a large shadow fell on top of me. I looked up to see none other but Ivan in front of me. He was smiling in an innocent manner, which usually meant hell for me. I tried to get around him, but a blonde French boy was in my way.

"Oh, I thought you weren't coming in today" Ivan scoffed.

I didn't say anything; I just tried to get around, but failed.

"Aw, mon petit chien, don't try to run, you'll only get hurt. Non?" laughed the French boy, Francis Bonnefoy.

Francis often went along with Ivan's plans to torture me. Really, anyone would. Ivan wasn't someone you'd want to mess with. He was muscular, taller and scarier than usual boys our age.

"Hey" said a familiar voice.

The voice came from behind Ivan. Ivan turned to face the boy who called for him. I tried to look around to see who it was. But Ivan was too tall, I couldn't see. The voice was familiar though. I couldn't remember from where though.

"Like, it's totally not cool picking on people half your size"

Ha! It was the guy from the locker, the one I mistook for being a girl! He didn't sound English at all, so I guessed he was foreign. This school was full of us. I stared at my savoir, he was wearing his kit, but it wasn't the right kit. No! It was the right kit, but, well, it was the girls. He was wearing a black skort and a white t-shirt. His hair was tied back in a high pony tail too. Was he for real? He was a lot shorter than Ivan and, maybe, an inch shorter than Francis. Of all people, why did he have to come? Why couldn't it be someone who could actually take someone like Ivan? Those were my thoughts then.

Ivan and Francis stood there looking down at the gender confused boy. The blond just stood there, hands on hips, smirking. I stood behind the Russian and French boys, confused as always.

"Aah Feliks" Ivan said.

So his name is Feliks. Well, Feliks, do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?

"Well, what gives you the right to stop us?" Ivan asked with an innocent looking smile.

Feliks poked his cheek, looking up at the ceiling. Great, he has no idea what he's doing.

"I guess I don't" Shrugged the blond teen, "but, like, you could totally target someone not so weak"

Great, he was saving me by insulting me. Sure I wasn't the strongest and the bravest, but I wasn't weak… right?

Ivan raised his eyebrows at Feliks. Then he turned towards Francis. "Well, we better go to P.E then"

Francis nodded and they both walked off. I was speechless. How the heck did a guy who wore skirts and dresses scare of a giant like Ivan? I gawked at my saviour, he seemed a lot more of a girl than before whilst beaming as the villains of this scene went off. In these moments, I felt like face-palming myself. Everyone in the changing rooms were looking at me, occasionally muttering things to their peers. I could feel my neck getting hotter than it already was. Damn it Toris, you complete failure. I stuck out as it was, being the only Lithuanian in the school and my crap P.E skills really didn't help!

Feliks turned to look at me. He smiled a weird smile. It wasn't exactly a friendly one, but it didn't exactly shout 'ha ha you tramp, can't even defend yourself'. It was kind of in the middle. Feliks stretched out his arm towards me. I took it and got up. I never really noticed it before, but his eyes were really green. They were a lot shinier than the yes I've seen before. It made me look even more pathetic. He was standing tall and proud and I was slouching, quiet and a total social outcast. To make matters worse, that was all everyone was talking about in the class. A rumour went round that I had provoked Ivan, and then when I was just about to get pummelled, Feliks felt sorry for me so he helped me out. That was not how it went at all. What I found most interesting was the fact that Feliks wasn't scared of Ivan. Mostly everyone in our year and below was terrified of the beast that was the Russian, but Feliks couldn't care less about appearances (not surprised) and so wasn't scared of Ivan. Feliks was also friends with Ivan's half sister from Ukraine, so Ivan didn't torment his life. Some people get all the luck.

A ghostly groan filled the air when our coach said two certain words, "Fitness Test". Great, a stupid test to make matters worse. Dammit. Our first task was to get into threes. I looked around, hoping to see a friendly face. In the distance I could see Alfred. He was American and I had recently made friends with him. I took a few steps towards him, but then stopped. Arthur, a blond English boy, was already with him and so was Matthew, a Canadian boy. Now that my only friend was already in a group, I was sure to end up the last one alone, as always. I decided to just sit back and guess who I might be put with. It was probably going to be in Ivan's group knowing my luck. Just as I was about to sit down on a bench, I felt a warm hand clutch my wrist. I turned on my heel to find sparkling green eyes staring deep into my blue ones. It was Feliks.

"So, like, you're all alone" he stated.

Way to state the obvious Feliks, good one.

"So, like, do you wanna totally come with me and Liz?" Feliks pointed at a girl with long wavy brown hair. She was in the same uniform as Feliks and was smiling at me, or was it Feliks? Most likely Feliks.

I nodded and awkwardly followed Feliks to her.

'Liz' smiled at me and said hello, I said hello back.

"Hey Liz, this is, like…" Feliks stopped. He tilted head slightly and put his finger to the corner of his mouth. "OMG, I, like, totally don't know your name!" he shouted.

I nodded and then said "Toris, Toris Lorinaitis"

'Liz' and Feliks stared at me.

"I, I know my names kid of weird…" my sentence was cut off by the girl.

"Oh no it's not" she said to me, "My name is Elizaveta Héderváry, but you can call me Liz"

"And like, I'm Feliks Łukasiewicz" The blonde happily said.

Huh, so I guess they weren't English.

The rest of P.E was actually quite fun. I did horribly on the test, getting one of the lowest scores, but, for once, I really didn't care. We had to do the bleep test (It's were you run from one side to the other before the beep goes off, I only did 8.7laps before collapsing) and then some other fitness related tasks like push ups and sit ups. I did really mad at mostly everything. The only thing I did remotely well at was the skipping, now is that something to be proud of? Feliks didn't seem to bother in most of them. When it came to the squats and push ups and sit ups and planking, he really didn't try. But, if it had to do with running, he didn't do that bad. On the bleep test, he got 14.4, and was one of the few left. Liz did really well though. She tried at everything, getting on of the highest in everything. She was the last girl running and was the fourth one running including the boys. She was really good!

In our threes, one had to watch, one had to write and the other did the task and then we'd swap. Sitting on the bench with either Feliks or Liz was quite nice actually. I found out a bit about them. For instance, Liz was Hungarian and Feliks was Polish. They both have been best friends since they were little and both of them acted as the opposite sex. Honestly, Liz was the boy of the two and Feliks the girl. The two seemed pretty close. According to Feliks, Liz had a way with men. She's been out with a lot of people, including and Austrian, a German and a Romanian, which, according to her, was the biggest mistake of her life. I asked Feliks if there was anything going on between them. He laughed and said that they were only friends, emphasising on 'only'.

When P.E had ended, we made our way to the changing rooms. Ivan and Francis were no where to be seen. After P.E was History. Liz was in a higher set, so she didn't bother wait for us. Feliks had art, but he waited for me anyway. Art was in a different block to History, so Feliks only walked a third of the way with me. I was dreading History. I really didn't like the lesson. Alfred didn't do History at the same time as me, if he did, we'd be in the same class. I had no friends in the class and, to make matters worse, Francis was in that class. He sat next to the Seychellois next to me. When he wasn't flirting with her, he'd take the time to trouble me. I found it hard to concentrate in the lesson as it was, so having him near me was hell. I tried to ignore him, but when I did, he'd start throwing things. The Seychellois often got annoyed with him and often told him to "get a life" and "Grow up". He'd pout like some stupid dog every time. That annoyed me even more.

"Damn it you French toad" snarled the Seychellois, "You fucking idiot, that took me forever!"

The girl pointed at the huge red paint blob on her world map. In class we were supposed to be creating something to do with the world and writing historical facts about it. Francis had a tub of red paint and thought it'd be funny if he flicked some at me, except he completely forgot about the girl in between us and ended up ruining her project. Francis apologised, did he really think a simple "I'm sorry" was going to fix a six weak project? No, no was the answer. In her rage, the Seychellois tipped her orangeade all over the French boy's work.

The class fell silent and I moved up a seat so nothing would happen to my work. Our teacher, Mrs Smith, sent the two out of the classroom for disrupting the class and they were put on report.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. Maths, English and Science were the last three lessons. The lessons were like any other. We covered things that were likely to be on our GCSE's and focused mainly on that. The teachers gave us lectures about how important it was to pass and how it might influence our lives. Break and lunch were pretty much like any other day too. Eduard, Raivis and I usually sat in the library after we ate and just talked. Before I knew it, it was tutor again. Just 10 more minutes before I got to go home, 10 more minutes and then freedom! The register was taken and the bell went. I got my stuff and headed out the door. I didn't live any where near Eduard and Raivis, so I usually walked home alone. As I was heading out the gates I saw Feliks and Liz. I contemplated whether I should join them or not, but decided not too since I only saw them in P.E and we weren't really friends. I walked along the crowded path, head down, not looking were I was going.

"Hey it's, like, urm..." said a familiar Polish voice, "Toris, isn't it?"

I looked up to see bright green eyes looking at me. Another set of green eyes were looking at me too. It was, unmistakably, Liz and Feliks. I wasn't looking were I was going and accidently walked straight into them. I smiled at them, hoping they were going the same way as me.

"Like you walk this way too? Cool!" Feliks laughed.

I nodded and told them where I lived. I found out that Feliks and Liz lived in the estate next to mine and I ended up walking the rest of the way with them. They were really nice and I found out even more about them. Feliks was and still is, a cross dresser. He told me that, on his sixth birthday he dressed up as a girl to trick his aunt. He enjoyed wearing pretending to be a girl and liked wearing skirts and dresses, so he stuck to it. At first his parents were a bit concerned, but then let it go and told him to be himself. Where as Liz thought she was a boy when she was younger, then, at a certain age, she realised she was actually a girl. She kept her boyish ways and ended up labelled a tomboy.

I enjoyed having them as company and really enjoyed walking home with them for the next couple of weeks. But then one day when I was leaving my tutor group, I was grabbed and hauled of to an abandoned French class. It was a Friday and I was happily walking out of my class when suddenly Natalia grabbed me. I was the last in the class and so no one saw me. The Belarusian was accompanied with a certain French and Russian.

"Well we haven't seen each other for a very long time mon petit chien, non?" Francis laughed wickedly.

I looked up to see the three smirking at me. I was stupefied that they got me. My body suddenly forgot how to run and how to get away. Ivan laughed sadistically before swinging his clenched fist at my face. Dammit.

Well that's it for my first chapter, please review, it would be appreciated. Thankyou:)