True loneliness

What happens when Russia has this Illness that has started to take whole control and his weakness are doing no help getting to stop from killing, hurting and turning his back to his friends making him run away until this wolf, this she-wolf comes in his life, no longer does he listen to this hunting voice, can this she-wolf help and get Russia on his feet again? And this she-wolf has her own secret, what could it be?

Authoress notes: Okay in this Russia will be OOC, since the story about him being control another force most his life and that. And this may be a RussiaXOc but it could be anyone if you put it in the review. Okay I know many other stories I done are failed but I'm hoping this is better and my character isn't Mary-sue. Well thank you for looking into this and I hope you more thing: I do not own Hetalia, none of the characters, or the songs quotes. All I own is my OC's.

Chapter 1: Game: start...

"Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again"-Linkin Park- Breaking The Habit

Russia had been cruel to start with, however that was the course of loneliness, being in that huge white snow, damp and cold, but no company made him that , quite impossible to make a fire and crazy, weird sisters. Neither dad nor mum were ever there, his sisters did their own thing or one would bother him, but there wasn't real company in his childhood. He likes the sunflower because it remained him of the sun, the sun he never really saw in his dark world, black and white, no hope and slowly he heard things, voices. Voices that brought company to his so lonely life, deep dark hunting voices at the start he would cry and would cover his ears, with a "LEAVE ME ALONE!"He'll yell, but no one was around to check on him, to see him. His world was dark, deep and full of the supernatural.

Maybe that why he never made mockery of England magic or seeing things. He cursed, he heard voices, so what could he do to make mockery of the man?, there no point because he partly knew the feeling. But however Russia had it bad, he abused the Baltic's because of the pain, because these voices enjoy it and took over.

There Russia stood in front of that old mirror, staring thought the cracks, and looked at himself; a rare frowned upon his face, his empty purple iris and his ever grey white hair. His coat on the hanger on the door, his brown gown covers himself, a bandage around his head since the accident; he stared at the mirror longer. The room absences from the light, the curtains block it so but the window open to bring in the cold winter night. His bed a mess, the bed sheets across the bedroom floor, the pillow ripped to pieces with the feathers inside covering the place, the desk side knock on the side out of the pain. "Please leave me alone "He whispers grabbing his head, tried of the voices mockery. His door locks from the outside.

"But we want to play Ivan, we want to play "the voice whispered, he cried "No, no go away, you had your fun..NOW GO AWAY!"He cried, this is all he knew this room, he never been outside, or see it. How? Because this whole time been a lie, it was the voices, rarely did he see, talk as he truly was like. He hugged himself, he feared himself, a blocks of books across the room, he read them all, each and single one making him want to see the world. To get away. To leave this horrid empty cruel life.

"Ivan, we want to play, play with those people, they so fun, so fun!"They sang to him, circling him, hurting him, crushing him. "TORIS!"He cried, he hugged himself, "Help please, anyone-"he was cut off as he fell to the ground with a thud. "He must not know, yes he must not know of you" It hissed angrily, there could be feet heard running across the hallway, trying to reach the door. "Please don't, please leave me be" The real Russia whispered as he felt that pain, the voice return and his world return dark.

The world was gone, leaving his grip, his heart ripped, torn and ever so painful inside as it tries to follow it own voice however it cannot stop listening to other voice orders. Russia cry, shouted and scream in his brain, left and trapped inside. "Please stop hurting them, stop it, please, please "He cried banging on the ground floor "Please "He pleaded, his eyes red shot, he felt the hit, the gun and the voices. "PLEASE!"Someone save me...


Snow fell like rocks, the storms push anything back away in it rage. The land was impossible to see; all there was white, grey and white. There was no light, just pure darkness, the only light was from the ever falling snow, however it was dangerous to wonder thought it. You had to be ever strong and brave to adventure though it, to push though with one thing on mind, it would take weeks, moths to get through it.

Yet a creature of nature dare to wonder it hunting life of snow, it walked, keep pushing. It never gave up. A blur in the snow, a shadow that pushed on with a mission on mind. This creature, left her pack behind, left her family, her life to find this persons calls, this someone that called for her. She didn't stop, gritting her purely white teeth, her white fur her only warmth though it all, her blues eyes sparkled with hope and bravery and wisdom that she had keep since the start of her travels alone.

PLEASE! Someone save me...

Her ears moved to find where it came from and pushed onwards, "I'll find you, child" She said in wolf. This she-wolf had been travelling for a year now, to find this person that called for her all her whole life since she was born. Her paws ached from travelling though the storm, but she couldn't always stop, she had to save this person. Tiredly she looks for a place to stop and rest at however she couldn't find nor see anything that wasn't snow. She slump down to rest for a bit, to catch her breath, she swallow a bit snow for water even if it cold that was all she had to live on for now until the storm calmed down. She stood up and walked on again.

The fight to keep going, to keep moving. A tree was up ahead, broken and torn down from the storm. She smiled and ran as fast she could though the snow. "Shelter!" she shouted in happiness. She soon arrived and settled under but couldn't help seeing a young man sleeping under that tree. The person rubbed his green eyes, "Bloody hell, I'm must be seeing things "he said staring at the wolf that sat under the tree tried next to him. She smiled understanding his words, "I'm real human" She replied simply in their tongue, as though it natural. The man eyes widen "Did-Did you just talk?"He asked amazed. The wolf smiled "If I did not talk, then what am I doing?"She asked. He stares in awe, "you're talking, love" He replied moving a bit of blonde hair out of his eyes.

She sighed, she fell on her side, and the man noticed the tiredness from fighting the storm. He picked up a blanket out of his bag and put it upon the now sleeping she-wolf. He noticed a silver collar around the wolf neck, seeing a name upon it in bold. "Christina, My name is Arthur "he whispered.

Authoress notes: I hope you enjoyed, if you want me to carry on please review, please fav and follow. Thank you for looking at this, and if you have any questions then put them on the review and they're be replied to on the next chapter! and if there any silly mistakes or spelling miss please point them out please and don't just say 'there are some spelling mistakes..blah blah', please at lest say 'in paragraph five and six there are some spelling mistakes', you understand? yes? good. thank you!