The months that passed were as uneventful as ever. Larry got his job back, of course, and life was back to normal. No giant battles occurred, and no evil character rose up to take control of the museum again. Life was so back to normal, in fact, that Larry got very suspicious when Dr. McPhee asked him to go to his office one day. Larry went without complaint and was very surprised when, once he sat down, the museum director's face split into a wide grin.

"It seems, Mr. Daley, that Disney World has expressed… well, you see they want to…" he groaned as Larry waited patiently. "They want to add a few members to our museum, Mr. Daley. It seems that some of the characters in storage were taking up a bit too much space at the time being and they want to see if we can find some… temporary room at our museum for them until they can find space."

"So…" Larry said slowly, trying to hold onto his excitement. He'd grown very fond of each of the characters and wouldn't be disappointed with whoever Disney decided to send. "We're going to have a History of Film exhibit?"

"No… we're going to be having a History of Disney Film, Mr. Daley," he paused. "And some additional members."

Larry cocked his head. "Like who?"

The night was in full party mode as characters from both actual history and Disney films partied about. A game of volleyball was being played in a corner with Princess Leia in her slave bikini on one side, working hand in hand with her now- fiancée Han Solo and Robin Hood, and against Christopher Columbus with Indiana Jones and Marion.

There was some fist fighting going on between the cast of the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Civil War dummies over near the Neanderthal exhibit, and some of the older characters along with Pixar figures were talking it up with some of the statues. Pluto took some time to play around with Rexy, and the miniature figurines were taking notes from the cast of Toy Story and Hercules. The animals of Africa seemed very much at home with the Lion King animals.

"Hey, Larry!" Indiana called once one game ended. "C'mon and join us, will you?"

Larry shook his head. "Maybe tomorrow, fellas- I already promised the Neanderthals and magical water-throwing brooms over there that I'd join in on their soccer game tonight."

Indy shrugged. "Your loss, then!" he turned back to his game and served the ball over the net to Han, who received it with no problem.

Larry took a moment to look around at all of his friends, new and old, playing and having a good time. They deserved it after all they'd been through. He was very happy that he got to share in their happiness.

His final thought before siding on the side of the Neanderthals for soccer was that he hoped no crazy relative of anybody would try to steal the Tablet again.