Chapter Eight

She could get use to this, Mimi thought, stretching out against the cushions, the inside of the limousine was the height of luxury compared to what she was accustomed to. Smiling, she thought of where she was going and a giddy anticipation filled her.

Over the pass two weeks as she stayed in his room recovering from the flu he'd stayed to keep her company, assuring her he'd had nothing better to do. In that time they'd talked about every conceivable thing; from childhoods, to politics, to favorite foods, and one memorable time where she'd discovered he was ticklish when she'd teasingly poked him in the side and he had literally jumped off the bed.

Looking out through the tinted window, she gazed across the top of the many evergreens to the lake that lay like a sapphire jewel nestled in the hand of a granite giant. How perfect it would be to experience such a sight with the one you love. That had become her secret fantasy, blossoming tentatively over the time her and Yamato had spent together, becoming a precious flower, it's roots entrapping her heart, it's petals bringing color and life to her world which was otherwise gray and dismal.

The car turned and paused, looking straight all she could see was sky; the her stomach gave a little leap as they began to descend the other side. Pulling onto a gravel drive, Mimi saw Yamato come bounding out from inside the house to open the door for her, eager as a boy impatient to show off something he was inordinately proud of.

Looking up at him, seeing that smile as he held his hand out to her, her stomach once again gave a fluttery leap that vibrated through her entire being. Returning his smile nervously, she placed her hand in his and let him help her from the car.

As she stood, her body came into brushing contact with his and their eyes locked. She felt as though she could see eternity in their depths.

Her tongue flicked out to we her dry lips and she watched in fascination as his pupils seemed to contract. Something in her stomach clenched in response and she broke eye contact to look at her shoes, suddenly feeling shy without knowing why.

"I'm glad you came." He whispered, his war breath feathering the hair at her temples.

"You didn't give me much of a choice." She mumbled, remembering the limousine and it's politely unrelenting driver.

"No" he laughed softly, "I didn't."

Changing the subject, he said "Come, see my house." And with her hand still trapped in his, she followed him in.


He couldn't breathe.

Watching her, seeing the light in her eyes, the glow that seemed to radiate from her very core to illuminate what had only been a number of organized walls he was proud of. Now though… it was a home.

She belonged here, he felt that in his heart. Seeing her next to the stone fireplace, in the kitchen, the den, the porch,… the master bedroom, he had felt a tug at his heart, stealing his breath and making his world seem to spin slowly on it's axis.

He'd been entertaining such thoughts since before he'd really gotten to know her, and frankly… he was terrified.

At the moment she was gazing out the floor-to-ceiling windows with a dreamy look in her eyes, as if what she was seeing was unbelievably beautiful. Looking down at his hands, he realized they were trembling and quickly clasped them behind his back.


Hand in hand, flowers dancing gently around their ankles, they walked slowly, lingering over a mutual feeling of perfection. The sun was riding low over the surrounding pine trees, the day beginning to draw to a close, and darkness beginning to descend.

With a packed lunch and a folded sheet respectively, they selected a spot along the slowly winding creak. Sitting together, they gazed contentedly across the meadow.

Slipping off her slip-on shoes, Mimi slid her feet into the icy water, feeling them ache as they numbed. The day, like the week before it, had been unseasonably warm, which, with the recent rain, had fooled the flowers into blossoming early. The next frost would kill them all, but for the moment it felt as if mother nature had created a paradise, however temporary, just for them. She liked the feeling.

Yamato leaned close into her and, sliding a hand under both her legs, smoothly removed her feet from the water, then he gently began to massage some warmth back into her frozen limbs. Her eyelids drooped at the sensation and she barely resisted the urge to purr.

Looking into his face their eyes locked again, but this time when her stomach tightened, she didn't look away. Silently, his hands move to her ankles, then up her calves, to her knees, resting there at the edge of her jean skirt for a moment before skimming over the top and down her thighs to her hips where they stopped.

Watching each other, he lifted her and positioned her where she was straddling his thighs, the curve of her bottom fitting into his lap, his knees supporting her back. Behind him, she locked her ankles.

Still not speaking, not needing to; he kissed her. A brief kiss, nothing more than a brush of lips, but her eyes drifted closed as her blood seemed to erupt into millions of fluttering butterflies. He kissed his way to her neck and she tilted her head back for better access, his hands still at her hips, his thumbs moving sensuously against the exposed skin of her midriff.

"Marry me."

The whisper came straight out of her most cherished fantasy, and at first, that's what she thought it was. Until she felt him pull back, felt his gaze on her face and slowly opened her eyes. Lightheaded and quivery, she focused on him and was amazed to see a mixed look of hopeful uncertainty that she knew and felt a burst of such pure happiness that tears welled in her eyes.

"I love you." He ran the back on one index finger down the side of her face, watching her eyes, gauging her response. "Marry me… please." he said nothing else, waiting for her response.

She felt stunned. Certainly she'd hoped for… dreamed for… even prayed for this moment; but to have it actually happen, and to be happening now when she'd least expected it… The tears spilled over her eyes, her emotions so strong she could no longer hold them back, nor did she want to. Her hands, which had been resting flat against his chest, twined around his neck and pulled his head almost violently down where she kissed him, taking the initiative for the first time in their relationship. When they parted, it was only for lack of breath.

"Yes." she answered, her breathing still irregular. After a moment which it seemed he didn't quite comprehend, he made to leap to his feet in joy, but lost in balance and fell backwards, letting out a "whoop" as he hit the ground, then rolled so that she was pinned beneath him.

"I'll make you the happiest woman on earth… the universe! You'll have everything you'll ever need, anything you want!"

"All I need is you." She said, and it was the truth. "I love you."

It was all true.

The End


author's note: I'm sorry it has taken so long to bring this particular story to a close, there has been many times that I thought of merely scrapping the whole thing (as I've confided in a certain friend THANK YOU CHERRY!). But I continued to write in the face of losing whole chapters at least 3 times Before They Were Posted! You all (the readers) are very special and so I thank you for your reviews and support, or just for reading. I hope you are happy with the ending. If you aren't of course, I'm sure you'll tell me J but I make no promises.


Ssj hotaru