Title: Dear Diary: Oops

Chapter One

Author: Rae

Pairing: 2x3x2, 1x4, 5xS

Category: Romance and Supernatural

Rating: R

Warning: AU!! Duo is a shapeshifter. Most of the info I used in the story is based on another books, by Dara Joy. Also language, and long times between updates

Disclaimers: I don't own them, and I never will. Nor do I own the dara joy book. I am just using the Gundam characters to help me with creative writing. I am also broke so PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!! Anime and college are sucking up all my money!

Feedback: [email protected], AOL IM: emp1438

Note: //Diary Entry//
*Sound effect*

Dear Diary: Oops
Part One

//Dear Diary:

//You will never believe what happened today. Y'see, the day started off pretty normal with a death threat from "the World's Perfect Solider."//

"Duo!!! When I get my hands on you . . . OMEA O KOROSU!!" Heero yelled in his search for the braided baka.

"What did he do this time?" Trowa asked, as he looking up from his Scrabble game he was currently playing with Quatre and Wufei.

"Tell me where he is or die!" Heero threatened as he leveled the barrel of his gun at Trowa's head.

Trowa just sat there waiting for an answer to his question, totally ignoring the gun that was aimed at his head. Not another word was spoken between the two bishounen, but communication was taking place. Quatre and Wufei watched as the two pilots communicated through their vocal eyes. Both Wufei and Quatre wished they could understand the silent language.

Heero was the first to relent in the silent war. "This!" was all Heero said, turning around and pulling down his spandex shorts.

Gasps filled the room as they saw what Duo had done to Heero. On Heero's right bum cheek was a tattoo of Wing Zero, lying on its left side with its head elevated on its hand. That wasn't the worst part. Wing Zero had its head thrown back on its left hand, and its right hand was "stroking" the groin area. Basically the Wing Zero was masturbating on Heero's bum.

//Okay so I admit I went a little too far with the tattoo, but it is just so much fun to play with Hee-chan. His face was so funny when he realized what his gundam was doing.//

The trio busted out laughing at the tattoo. Quatre was the first one to come out with the jokes, "I always wondered what the gundams did in the hanger all by themselves."

Quatre continued to giggle as Wufei commented, "That will teach you two lessons Heero. 1.) Never sleep while Maxwell is awake and 2.) Never Ever sleep naked!!!" Wufei chuckled at his own joke, till he sobered and asked, "Is that permanent?"

Heero's eyes flashed with surprise, he hadn't even thought about that possibility. Imitating Relena, Heero screamed, "DUUUUUOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Turning on Trowa, Heero snarled, "Where is he?"

Eyes sparkling with mirth Trowa replied, "How would I know? I am not that boy's keeper!"

"You might not be his keeper, but you have set yourself up as his protector," Heero snarled again at Trowa, "I will ask just once more. Where. Is. Duo?"

Trowa shrugged and spoke softly, "I don't know. Look outside. That is normally where he hides when you want to kill him."

//You know me, 'I run and hide,' and I do that so well. Y'see no one knows of my private grotto, so that was where I was hiding from Hee-chan. This was where my day went totally out of wack. . .//

"Coward, show yourself and face my justice!" Heero hollered as he stood in the grove of trees near Duo's grotto.

"Wu-kun? Is that you?" Duo yelled back, but unfortunately for Heero, Duo's question echoed off the rock walls of the grotto, distorting the location of the sound.

//Y'see I love playing games. All sorts, it doesn't matter what type. I normally play the games to win, but that doesn't matter when I play with Hee-chan.//

//Hee-chan is the only one who will play with me. Quatre just forgives anything I do to him. Wufei will rant for hours about the injustice of the act I committed. Trowa just doesn't do any thing. He looks at me like I have grown a second head and just walks away. So that leaves only Hee-chan to play with.//

"Duo, show yourself and take your punishment like a man! What are you, a scaredy cat?"

//Heero would have never guessed how close to the truth he was, but I am not a scaredy cat.//

//That comment pissed me off so royally that in my own twisted mind, I began thinking that no one could or ever want to love the true me. They (all the other gundam pilots) would probably kill me if they knew the real me.//

//I grabbed my cross and thought about the happier times, when the world and the colonies were at peace, and where people loved me for who I was. They understood my nature, and most of all . . . understood me.//

//I wasn't paying attention to where my thoughts were going until I noticed I was glowing a silvery blue color.//

//'Shit!' I thought, 'cause I knew that this could only lead to one thing. When the gold sparks started shooting though I new I was in trouble . . . //

When the glowing stopped, Duo was no longer there. In his place was a large solid black cat with violet eyes. The cat was the size of a panther, and his fur was blacker than soot.

//Oops, I did it again! Man oh man, this is not good! I can't believe I changed forms.//

//Dammit, I can't seem to remember how to change back. Oh well, I guess I will have to make the best out of this situation.//

//Let the games begin!!!//
