Title: Dear Diary: Oops

Chapter Fourteen

Author: Rae

Pairing: 2x3x2, 1x4, 5xS

Category: Romance and Supernatural

Rating: R

Warning: AU!! Duo is a shapeshifter. Most of the info I used in the story is based on another books, by Dara Joy. Also language, and long times between updates

Disclaimers: I don't own them, and I never will. Nor do I own the dara joy book. I am just using the Gundam characters to help me with creative writing. I am also broke so PLEASE DON'T SUE ME!! Anime and college are sucking up all my money!

Feedback: [email protected], AOL IM: emp1438


Note: Due to the fact that my betaer has fallen off the face of the earth, I am posting this unbetaed!! Once my betaer is back I will update the fic.

Note: //Diary Entry//

*Sound effect*



Chapter 14

//Dear Diary,

//I am truly a glutton for punishment. Even though we are fighting for our lives in the middle of a war, I am, or was, happy. I truly did not know how the others would react. I think Quatre would be the most understanding and the others will definitely hate my guts. Heero will probably want me to keep away from Quatre so I don't harm him and Wufei will be his normal justice raving self. I know for a fact that any hope I had for Trowa is gone, even the hope for friendship.//

//I figure that I am no longer wanted here and I am preparing myself to leave. I will not make them tell me to leave; I will just do it so they do not have to feel guilty about how they feel, I know that I am the abnormal one. Both Heero and Wufei are looking for the secret of the transformation, but to be completely honest, I don't think that they will find any. A tiny part of me doesn't want them to find anything so I don't have to go, but I will. The time will come, and I will leave in either form, without looking back to be alone once more.//

As the pilots were separating, Duo sent them a quick message, {If you need me I will be out side somewhere.} The softly spoken words were uttered to them in a breathy voice, and Duo quickly fled out side faster than anyone could say anything.

The pilots went their own ways; Heero to his laptop, Wufei also went to his laptop to use his data disk of legends, Trowa to his room where he slammed his door, all the while Quatre sat in the living room watching everyone go. In a small voice he muttered, "Well, so much for unity and team spirit."

Quatre sat for a while to collect his thoughts on the situation, before he went to see what he could do to help Heero and Wufei, and to get their thoughts on the situation. As it turns out Wufei brought his laptop into Heero and Duo's bedroom and was using Duo's desk.

When Quatre entered the room both boys turned to see who had entered, and at Quatre's raised eyebrow Heero responded, "It seemed logical to work in the same room, so we can easily share any information that we have found."

"Ahh," Quatre acknowledged. He edged over to Heero and his laptop, wanting to be close to him after the experience earlier today, but not wanting to annoy or disturb Heero while he was working. He ended up standing next to the desk, with his back up against the wall. When Heero noticed that Quatre stood next to the desk and no closer he reach his arm out and drew Quatre closer to him so he stood next to Heero. Quatre looked surprised at the quick motion, but when saw Heero's innocent little smile, Quatre rested against the drawers of the desk and smiled back at Heero.

After a while Quatre worked up enough courage to ask about what was on his mind, "What do you think about Duo?"

Heero responding quickly, "We already knew that Cat was a familiar, and as long as this abnormality doesn't effect his abilities to pilot, it has no effect on us. It is not our place to judge Duo."

"How can you talk about this, like you are not involved? Heero, Duo is your partner; you sleep in the same room as him!" Quatre exclaimed.

"This does not change who Duo is," was the quite response of Wufei, "I think it explains a lot about Duo's personality, I had wondered why he does some of the things he does."

"What do you mean?" Quatre inquired with his interest peeked.

"One of the things I have noticed about Duo is that he never likes to be alone. I mean he goes, in my opinion, to annoy Heero and have Heero threaten him, just he doesn't feel alone. I also always wondered why Duo is always touching and being touched, either in a friendly or in a violent way. I think the fact that he is part cat explains that. Furthermore all the pranks that Duo pulls are just his way of playing with us and getting attention. I think he just needs an outlet for the real him to show through." Wufei answered before turning back around in his chair to get back to work on the current situation.

"I guess your right." Quatre admitted, "I never thought about it like that. Duo would not be Duo if he didn't do those things. I am not sure what to think about him hearing some of our thoughts. It's kind of an invasion of privacy."

"It isn't really much different than your ability to feel people's emotions. I mean you don't choose to feel those things, and if you feel something from somebody that is personal, you keep it to your self." Heero answered, before continuing "Plus were you thinking something last night that you didn't want some one to hear?"

At coughing began on the other side of the room from Wufei. Quatre giggling replied, "Obliviously Wufei was." Quatre giggling continued for a few minutes while Heero watched him with his small smile that seems to be making more of an appearance lately. When He had calmed from the giggles, Quatre replied, "Come to think of it last night I was thinking about how we need Duo back and how much I wanted to be you."

"Duo planned the whole thing this morning." Heero replied as he typed.

"What do you mean?" Quatre asked highly interested.

Heero began as he continued to hack on the computer. "If Duo knew that you liked me, he would do everything in his power to give me a chance, to discover my true emotions, not what I have been told to feel. Before today I feelings for you but I wasn't sure what they were, not that Duo knew to my knowledge, I didn't know if it was a different form of friendship, or pure lust or something totally different. But one thing that Duo has told me numerous times is that he wants me to be happy and allow myself to feel, and that I don't always have to be perfect. So if he had the opportunity to play matchmaker he would. I think that the fact that he was a cat made it seem more like an accident rather than the plan it truly was."

"That is the longest I have heard you talk without it being a mission discussion." Wufei replied with a sarcastic smirk.

Heero blushed and ducked, he had forgotten that Wufei was in the room. Quatre bumped Heero's shoulder with his hip to get Heero to look at him. When Heero looked up, he saw Quatre beaming at him, and Quatre leaned down quickly to give Heero a quick kiss before returning to his original position. To get back on topic Quatre said, "You are right that sounds like Duo, and the one thing that Duo doesn't do is lie, he has become the king of evading a question. But he made that comment about leaving, what should we do about that? Do you think that is what he wants?"

Heero responded, "I admit, half the time it seems like we hate each other, but Duo and I are friends. He was my first friend, so I seem to understand him a bit. When we first had met I hacked into his past to find out more about him, cause at the time he was a total enigma. It isn't my place to retell his past but I know for a fact that he would not chose to be alone if his life depended on it. We already stated that he needs to be around people, so I think this decision of his is more for us than for him self."

"Why do you say that?" Quatre asked.

"Well think about how everyone reacted to the news. Trowa looked at Duo with disgust, you Quatre, seemed to understand to an extent, but still was uneasy with the news." Quatre made a objecting noise, but Wufei continued directly to Quatre, "How long did you sit on that couch trying to discover how you felt about learning that a friend of your can turn into a cat? I bet many emotions flooded your body and that you are still coming to terms with the circumstances. Heero and I didn't react to news any better. We really didn't respond at all. We all feel a bit betrayed. I mean this is something that affects whole team."

"We just need to give him time as well as taking some time for our selves. We need to fully understand how we feel about this and how it will change the dynamics of our group. Once we get the human Duo back I think we all need to talk and then make the decision of weither or not we want him to leave. But if we were to make the decision know it will be unfair to everyone, but I would say that Duo should stay with us for numerous reasons." Heero stated while he continue to type away at his computer.

"Like what?" Wufei asked curiously.

"Well first, we could keep an eye on him and keep him out of trouble. Second, we know what he is and he could truly be himself with out worrying. Third, he is a pilot and should be with us. G isn't a complete fool so if he thinks that Duo is competent even though he is a familiar, we should believe in him. Fourth, I do not believe in abandoning friends. Fifth, he is the joy and the glue of this group. I mean if not for Duo, we all could not live in the same house together, we would all end up killing each other."

Once Heero listed his reasons for Duo to stay, silence desended upon the room, while they all contemplated what was said. After a while Quatre broke the silence again by asking, "Do either of you know what has pissed off Trowa?" Quatre asked the two Asians.

"Clueless." Heero replied.

"Who knows, it seems like just being in the same room with Duo pisses Trowa off." Wufei replied as the clicking noises of the computers rose. "Maybe you should go ask him. You seem to be the only one that he talks to about what goes on in his head."
