… I have no words to describe the amount of writer's block I have been given in the past few months.

And therefore I believe that I have to apologize for that, as life has been throwing obstacles left and right with no end in sight. Thankfully, this is thee break that I've been hoping for, so now I'm finishing "A Kaiju in a school for monsters". Yes this is the last chapter for this story as I simply am using this to set the mood and the future story that I have in stored for you guys.

No I have not stopped looking for free comics online, but I still need your guys help in looking. Plz PM me or review with a suggestion and I will most certainly go and check it out. Unfortunately, for those of you who have already suggested websites were it might be stored, I have checked and sadly I cannot even look at those comics as some random "this comic is licensed" or "this comic is no longer available" is really aggravating, but thank you for those of you who helped me so far.

And so here is the final chapter of season 1. And yes there will be a season 2.

Oh and by the way, yeah now that I think about it it was a bit cliché,(you know who you are) ill try not to pull that type of stuff anymore.


I completely forgot to add in Ruby! I watched the scene of Kuyous battle on youtube. (Sadlly the anime isn't as long as the manga) and saw this one wizard chick do some serious damage with Yukari and I cant believe that I left Ruby out of this ENTIRE STORY!

… I'm not sure exactly how to fix this at all, please if you guys would pitch me a couple ideas for the next story for Ruby's sake ok? Plz?

(=) (=) (=) (=)

Jason blasted a PSC Officer with a quick blast of his Atomic breath, sending him flying past two more PSC guards. The officer slammed into the door with the force of a car crash, causing the door to send splinters flying into the next hallway. Mizore then froze the feet of one of the guards and slashed at him with her ice blades, while Kurumu slashed at the guards face.

Moka slammed her fist into the belly of the other guard, making him double over. She quickly slammed his face into the tile floor, cracking it on impact.

Once the last of the guards had been disposed of, the group made their way through the halls and stairways of the school until they reached the roof, expecting Kuyou to be there as that's where Jason thought a Tyrant would want to look over his domain from.

He wasn't wrong.

Kuyou stood there overlooking the school as it began to desend into chaos. The student's rebellion was slowly being crushed as his officers seize, killed or captured any student that dare go against his will. He laughed as he had already deciphered that Jason, Moka, Kurumu, and the others had arrived for a final showdown. "So you decided to come here and have you? There are more peaceful ways to die you know." he said, turning only his face to them to glare at Jason with his left eye.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, you fox. But I'm not so easy to kill. If you haven't figured that out yet you need a freaking wake-up punch to the face." Jason retorted.

"Perhaps it will take more time to kill you," he seethed "But as for your friends, their noting but leaves in the wind to me."

"Kuyou," stated Gin "Stand down, you can't win."

Kuyou burst into evil laughter at that, cackling as fire began to swirl around his hands. "You are nothing but worms to me. WORMS! And do you know what happens to worms?"

"Well yeah, they eat organic trash like dead animals, foods, and plants and decompose them till they become highly nutritious dirt for other plants to grow and prosper." Jason said, a smile spread across his face.

"Your American humor will not save you from your fate, mutant." Said Kuyou sadistically. "Only delay the inevitable."

"Fat chance!"

"ENOUGH! YOU WILL ALL BURN BEFORE ME!" Kuyou spread his hands as the fire encompassed his entire form.

"Get ready!" Jason called out to the others.

"Way ahead of you Jason!" replied Mizore, who began shaping the frost and ice around her hands into icicle spears.

"Let's put the hurt on this jerk!" said Kumuru, who bared her claws as she prepared to attack.

"Yeah!" shouted Yukari, already prepping her first spell.

Gin howled with glee, the werewolf obviously pumped.

Moka got into a fighting stance, ready for anything that this guy would pump out.

"Whats your plan, lizard?"

The smile dropped from Jasons face, "Uh….. I forgot."

The entire team sweat dropped at that. "Great job lizard." Said Moka.

Jason whirled to look at Moka, "Hey! It's not like I can think of something after fighting the Hydra!"


Jason only turned his head just in time to see a blast of pure fire slam into him, and send him flying into the far side of the building; a crater was left where Jason was originally standing due to the explosion.

"Jason!" shout Yukari, fearful for him.

"Eyes up!" shouted Moka.

The fire around Kuyou had cleared, and where Kuyou's human form once stood, now his true form stood there, his four tails spinning around as he glared at his opponents.

"THIS IS TOO EASY!" Kuyou bellowed as his tails spun even faster and a dozen fire balls were suddenly launched at the team.

They immediately scattered to avoid the fire balls, the fireballs exploding on impact of the floor. Mizore regained her balance after dodging that powerful attack, and launched a flurry of icicle knives at Kuyou, who simply melted them through manipulating heat.

"IS THAT THE BEST THAT YOU CAN DO?" he bellowed as he unleashed another fire blast at Mizore.

No being able to dodge in time, she quickly erected an ice shield to protect herself, the result was a fiery explosion as the two opposites connected with each other, Mizore was knocked out and sent high into the air, only to be caught by Jason.

Jason set her down carefully in a spot away from where the others were now in full combat, "She exhausted all her power to protect herself." The human/saurian snarled.

"Is she ok?" asked a desperate Kumuru.

"As long as she doesn't take another hit like that, yeah." Replied Jason.

Yukari cast out spell after spell after spell while Moka and Gin both used their speed and strength to attack Kuyou. Unfortunately, they were only limited to physical attacks and Kuyou was not giving them the chance to get up close.

"Shit, I can't get close to him!" stated Moka.

Kuyou spun his tails wildly, a ring of fire began to form.

"SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE MY FLAME WHEEL!" roared Kuyou as he flung the ring like a frisbee straight at Moka at high speeds.

Moka jumped up just in time as the Flame Wheel passed under her and continued spiraling off into the distance.

Gin saw this as a potential opening and ran straight for the Yoko, intent on slicing open his throat. Kuyou saw him coming and with a flick of his tails, slammed Gin back into the stone railing on the roof, a streak of black fur was burnt across his chest. He clutched at his chest as he groaned in agony at the burn.

Kumuru decided to try her luchk, and swooped down from the air, claws outstretched and ready the put bloody furrows into his hide. "KYAAAAAAAAA!" she yelled, but Kuyou quickly batted her away with a flick of his tails.


"Oh really, then come and get us you big excuse for a torch!" taunted Jason.

Kuyou growled, and launched another Flame Wheel straight at Jason. Light danced across Jason's spines, and he released the enormous build up of energy as he released his Atomic Beam.

The beam slammed into the Flame Wheel and the two attacks pushed furiously against each other, neither gaining any ground on the other.

Jason then put more power into his attack and sliced through the Flame wheel, and landed the first strike on Kuyou. The ray slammed into his true form head on.

Being a creature of magic and fire, Kuyou was not affected by the radioactive properties nor the fire of Jason's attack.

But what DID hurt, was the actual force implied by the beam striking Kuyou straight in the face.


"Not so tough are you now eh?" taunted Jason.


"Early bird gets the worm." Stated Jason confidently.

"That didn't make any sense," retorted Moka.


Kuyou cried out as his form began to change. He became more human like, but still retained his four tails and his destructive power. "You're lucky, not many people ever survive to see my ultimate form. And for you, itll be the first and last time you EVER see it!" he declared to the group below.

Jason took a step back, for all of his strength and courage, he wasn't expecting Kuyou to pull out a different form.

The others also felt the same way, Gin more than others. He had seen what had happened to the original Newspaper club and the way they had been slaughtered before his very eyes, and his greatest fear was now becoming a reality.

Moka took this opportunity to try and attack, but Kuyou was way ahead of her as he launched a burst of flame straight at her, to fast for her to dodge.

"MOKA!" called out Jason.

Shit. The flame was now to close for her to have any hope. She closed her eyes and braced for the attack.

Instead something knocked her out of the way, she hit the floor with a thud, her muscles tired from fatigue she struggled to get up. When she looked around for what had saved her from a burning death, she saw the charred body of Tsukune Aono.

"Tsukune!" she shouted, fear giving her strength, she got up and ran over to Tsukune's motionless form.

"No…" whispered Jason, fear already strangling his heart.

"Tsukune!"Cried out Kumuru, she tried to stand, but cried out in pain as her left wing shifted as she moved, showing that it was broken.

Moka and Yukari ran over to his lifeless body, fear now forcing Moka's heart into her stomach. She knelt over and tried to help him up, but he just slumped back into Moka's lap, motionless.

"No…" she whispered.

Tears had already began accumulating in Yukari's eyes, and she began to cry.

Jason turned back to Kuyou, "YOU BASTARD!" he bellowed.

"A human sacrificing his life for a monster is pure stupidity, and to show affection back is TREASON!" he cackled madly as anger began to surface. "HUMANS ARE WEAK MINDED CREATURES, THEY DON"T DESERVE A PLACE ON THIS WORLD!"

Anger swelled up in Jason's heart until his mind snapped, "I'LL KILL YOU!" he roared with rage and charged Kuyou, his footsteps thundering across the roof.

Kuyou grinned as he lifted his palm and released a blast of fire, encompassing Jason's entire body in a massive fireball.

Moka looked at Tsukune's lifeless form, and a thought immediately struck her.

"There's a chance," Yukari looked up from her crying and looked at Moka.

"That I might be able to save him." Moka steeled herself, it was the only way.


Moka paused a bit before answering. "I have to inject him… with my blood."

Yukari instantly remembered that a Vampires blood has amazing healing properties, so it should work in theory.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes… I have too…" she leaned over him and placed her mouth near his neck. "For him."

She sunk her teeth into his neck, pumping her blood into his bloodstream, hoping that it might be enough.

After a few moments she pulled away, and coughed. "Damn it, it's.. it may not be enough."

Fear began to swell back into her chest again as she began to worry that Tsukune may not make it.

Meanwhile Jason slammed his fist down where Kuyou was only moments before, only for him to unleash another fire attack on Jason.

"RAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!" he roared, he reached out and grabbed Kuyou by his arm. Kuyou's eyes widened as he suddenly felt the concrete slam into his face.

Jason was now slinging Kuyou like he was a towel, back and forth he slammed Kuyou into the concrete (Kinda like how Hulk greeted Loki in the Avengers movie (: ) until Kuyou managed to release a burst of energy and fire, stunning Jason only momentarily, enough time to give Kuyou time to get a breather.

"You will pay for this you worm!" Kuyou declared as he slammed his fist into Jason's stomach, sending flying.. right for Moka.

"Moka look out!"

Moka spotted Jason flying towards her, but she did not have enough time to react as the saurian slammed into her and they both hit the concrete railing.

"Gah!" moka cried out as she was sandwiched between a mutant saurian and the concrete railing. She felt her mouth bite down onto something and she instinctively injected her blood into it.

Jason quickly got up off of her and the pressure was relieved, she gasped for air as her lungs had room to move. But then a thought struck her…

Who or what did she inject? She opened her eyes and saw two puncture wounds…

In Jason's left shoulder.

The wound quickly sealed itself and Moka wondered what had she just accomplished.

"When I'm done with you, I'm going to rip you limp from-" Jason crumpled to the ground, coughing up green radioactive blood. Kuyou raised an eye brow, curious as his enemies just don't simply buckle over for no reason. Jason began to shake uncontrollably , he looked at his hand, covered in a mix of green and red blood.

"What the-" Jason suddenly began to cough violently and shake even more. A sudden pain lanced up his spines and he cried out in pain.

Moka looked on as the seeds of her accident took hold, eyes wild and wide in fear. Yukari clutched her wand as she looked as Jason suddenly began to writhe on the floor as if he was possessed.

Kumuru, gazed on as she cradled her broken wing, watching the events unfold and Gin was no different.

Jason gave an unearthly wail as the pain stretched to all parts of his body, his skin began to ripple and move, the snapping and cracks of his skeletal system restructuring itself. His back began to ripple as he writhed, and as he tried to get up, new spines speared through the original, ripping them out of his back.

Jason gave an unearthly screech as the new spines made their permanent spot on his back, his skin became more rugged, almost rocky, his mouth became more crocodilian and his teeth became more pronounced in areas. His pupils faded to leave only white orbs.

He gave one last screech of agony and collapsed.

No one moved, not even Kuyou, as he was slightly unnerved from the convulsions of Jason's body. The battlefield was quiet as if the whole world held its breath in wait to see what happened.

"Jason?" said Kumuru, worried what had happened.

Kuyou walked up to the motionless form of Jason, and stopped only inches away from his head. Kuyou grinned as he kicked the head and it lolled to the side.

He cackled with laughter, "THE MIGHTY KING OF MONSTERS HAS FALLEN!"

Moka felt her heart sink, had she actually killed Jason?

But as Kuyou began to step over Jason's body, he felt his foot catch on something. He looked over to see a green scaly hand grip it tightly.

His eyes widened, he tried to shake of the hand, but it wouldn't move at all, not even shake. He was then flung across the field and slammed into the concrete railing, he hit it with such force that he broke the railing, and was now struggling to get up.

Jason's body suddenly moved. It began to pick itself up, his spines suddenly lit up, but this time, there was no blue. Instead, now it was a fiery orange.

Jason glared at Kuyou, a burning fire in his eyes. Kuyou felt the slightest bit of fear enter his body.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR- mfhh" Jason had slammed his fist into Kuyou's gut, doubling him over. Jason then picked him up by his collar bone and brought him inches away from his own.

Jason stared into Kuyou's eyes, and for the first time, Kuyou felt his fear rising with each passing second, "Get away from me! GET AWAY FROM ME!" he struggled to make Jason release him, but he didn't even budge.

Jason stared straight into his eyes, and finally he reared back his head and released a prehistoric roar unlike any other.

Jason then spun around and chucked him, straight towards Moka.


Moka, to weak to move, could only watch as Kuyou's body came straight at her. She closed her eyes and felt herself get picked up and brought to safety. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tsukune, holding her bridal style.

"Tsukune. Good to …see your still alive." She said.

"Are you ok Moka?" he asked.

"Of course… silly." She flicked him on the nose playfully.

He hesitated for a moment, and then smiled back at Moka who also returned the smile, until she fell into unconsioussness.

"Moka?" asked Tsukune frightened.

"She'll be fine Tsukune."

He looked up to see Yukari there in front of him, behind her was Kumuru helping a hurt Mizore, and Gin who was grinning from ear to ear.

"What happened to Jason?"

Right on cue, the mutant saurian barreled past them, grabbing Kuyou as he did so and leaping off onto the other building, chucking Kuyou's body like a rag doll across the school into the forest.

As Jason landed on the building he roared to the sky and released the building atomic energies forming in his gut and released a fiery orange beam of flame and power, aimed straight at Kuyou.

All that Tsukune could hear was the screams of pain and the resounding explosions that rocked the air.

The area around were Kuyou once was now nothing more than a burning crater.

Triumphant in his victory, Jason roared into the sky, letting the whole school know his power and supremacy.

Tsukune looked out at him, and smiled. They had done it.

They had won and stayed alive doing so. He turned to the others, "Hey lets get Moka to the nurse."

Gin nodded, Yukari cheered, and Mizore sighed.

Kumuru was the only one that was un responsive as she looked at Jason, and thought with concern about the future.

(=) (=) (=) (=)

And thats it everyone, the first season is complete. Yes there will be a second season, but I need to update my other stories first and get working on fanfiction again.

I told you guys I would never forget this story.

And as for Jason, yes he went from Godzilla 90's to Godzilla 2000, now as for the reason why? Im not spilling the beans yet but go back and pay attention to Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, the Heisei version, and pay attention to what they have to say when they talk about Godzilla and ANEB.

Its not exact, but the basis is around those lines.

Well, until next time guys, and please keep informing me of where I can find Rosario+Vampire comics online for free, see you guys later.