Warnings: Language, abuse, violence, sexual situations and (possible) character death.

AN: Hello :) This story is for my friend Hannah. (Francey-pants98) I told her I'd write her a story and she asked for an AmeBel. This has taken me way too long and I'm so sorry!

As of 03/24/16, this story has been re-written to work out plot holes and fix errors! Yay!

The walls, covered with my own blood.

His smile, this makes him so happy.

My heart, cracked and broken from him.

This live, I know I deserve it all.

Natalia frowned as she put the pen down. This was the fourth depressing poem she'd written this week. Oh well. It was better than staring at the wall. There was a knock at the door and her eldest sibling, Katya, walked inside.

Natalia has lived with her two older siblings, 24 year old Katya, and 21 year old Ivan. She, being the youngest at 15, felt that it was her fault their life was like this. After all, it was her whore mother who had stolen their father away from the family.

Once Katya turned 18, all parental responsibilities were turned onto her. Natalia's parents took off, leaving the three with the bare minimum to survive. Despite being so young, Katya was a natural caregiver, and despite all their problems, Natalia couldn't help but respect her for it.

Katya spoke with a small smile on her lips, "Dinner will be ready soon."

Once Katya left, probably to alert Ivan that dinner was ready, Natalia crawled out of her chair and made her way to the kitchen. Katya joined soon after and began pouring three bowls of vegetable soup.

They waited in silence for their brother to join them. When he finally came downstairs, the girls stiffened. "I made soup for us."

Ivan smiled, "It smells great, thank you." The tall man took a seat at the table at took a large swig of a clear liquid. Vodka.

Natalia looked at her older siblings. 'Is this kind of family normal? Is it supposed to be like this?' No parents, just a motherly older sister. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her mom and dad.

Slowly, the youngest brought the spoon to her lips. Katya was a great cook. Even if they didn't always have the freshest ingredients, she always managed to cook something good. "The soup's good." Natalia said apathetically.

Even Ivan nodded in approval after he eaten a few spoonfuls.

Katya smiled at her brother's approval and ate her own serving. Once they were done, Ivan stood up and left without saying a word, and Natalia put the empty bowls in the sink. Once the two had cleaned up, they sat in silence for a few minutes.

Natalia broke the silence first, "Thanks for dinner. I'm going up to my room now."

Katya waved as Natalia ran upstairs to her room and closed the door behind her.

Why was she cursed to live in this house? With these people?

Katya didn't feel like an older sister; she was more like a mom to her. The two never spoke more than small talk, and in all honesty, Natalia didn't doubt that her sister hated her.

Ivan… He was a different story. Natalia had loved her brother since she was a kid. She used to follow him around and copy him. She wanted to be just like her big bro.

Everything went downhill once her parents left. Her siblings grew cold towards her, and it was clear that their problems were all Natalia's fault.

She felt so stupid.

It was all her fault and she knew it.

Sometimes she wished shed never been born. Her brother and sister would still be happy if her mother hadn't shown up and destroyed everything. Katya and Ivan would have a normal life with normal parents.

She sighed, deciding that sleep might ease her thoughts. She crawled into bed after changing into her pajamas. Much to her dismay, her thoughts kept her up for a while before she fell into a deep slumber.

"Kolkolkol…" A chant came from Natalia's doorway. The girl didn't hear it at first. "…Kolkolkol."

Her eyes shot open. It was going to be one of those nights.

Ivan quietly opened the door and snaked in. "Natalia," he whispered, "this is because of you."

His hands, resting tightly on my neck.

It's my fault; I believe it too.

His chants, they send shivers down my spine.

My scars, the ones on the inside are hard to heal.

It's over, my heart beat fades away.

AN: Katya is short for Yekaterina because I hate typing the full name.

The three of them all have different moms. So they're half siblings.(I'm not sure if I made that clear.)

Hope you enjoyed! Later chapters will be longer, promise!