Hi! This is a new fanfic with Inoue and Ichigo as the main characters; I was inspired by this other fanfic I read which I can't remember the name of... BUT it was good enough that it inspired me. Ichigo=hawt celeb, Inoue=average girl. I don't know if this story seems promising, but only your reviews will show me that ! So please, read and review beautiful readers!

She somehow always fell for guys that wore black. Black always made someone look more mysterious, and this man in front of her perhaps didn't even need the aid of the black, leather jacket he had on-the mystery aspect radiated off of him as if it was perfume. A rather alluring, lustful perfume. In her mind, many images were starting to form and she quickly shook her head to prevent them form continuing. Self control, Inoue! Self control!

Yet, he was making it very difficult for her to maintain control. The way he moved his hand and remained with an expressionless face all the while he taught a guy with red hair a lesson or two about how to play pool was so sexy. Quickly observing the scene, Orihime realized all the girls were looking in the same direction she had just glanced at a few seconds ago. That man could certainly grab one's attention. And he knows it…I wonder who he is.

It was bad enough that the paparazzi followed him everywhere, now everyone at the bar recognized him and just stared. He found it very disturbing, but he played the ignorant one and forgot about it. But it kept nagging him how everyone - mostly all the women - had decided to stop their silly conversations to just gape at him. He felt like he should just take off his shirt and run around naked to give them a reason to stare. Cool, it Ichigo. You don't want another interview for another one of your stupidities.

The pool game had lost its spark and now his best friend was just silently playing along. He understood very well Ichigo's discomfort. He had had his own share of moments, but perhaps never to this degree. Here everyone just bluntly stared at Ichigo and deliberately changed the atmosphere of the bar to that of a silently eerie one-it felt like that moment right before the shark appears to eat your hand off. Scary shit, man.

"Renji," said Ichigo. Whether he cared if people heard him was not his problem, he just needed to call out to someone. "Renji, I'm leaving. I can't stand it anymore."

"I thought it would work, man," replied Renji, the hurt obvious in his voice; it had been his idea to take him out to such a place. "I didn't know it would get this bad."

"No, man, this is nowhere near close to what happens in other places. I'll catch you some other time," said Ichigo as he picked up his cellphone and keys from the pool table. "By the way, you owe me lunch-I won."

"You b-" started Renji, when suddenly a yelp was heard. Well, it definitely sounded like a yelp because it was like a cross between a cat and a baby.

A woman with auburn hair laid sprawled on the floor, flat on her face. Apparently she had been trying to get a closer look at the man that was currently the center of attention, but she had not realized that she was tilting a little bit too far. As she was trying to regain her shredded pride, Ichigo made haste to use the distraction to make his escapade. He was certain he would have had a mob of women behind him if he had simply planned to waltz out of there-thank goodness for that back door. At that last thought, he also decided to thank the girl who had, without knowing, created an opportunity for him that he had so desperately needed. If he ever saw her again, he would thank her, that is of course if he ever saw her again.

The shade of red on her face couldn't have been matched by the darkest blood running through anyone's veins. She still couldn't even believe it either; she had fallen flat on her face trying to get a better look at the celebrity, Ichigo. I am such a klutz and in front of all these people! The embarrassment wouldn't have been so profound had there only been a couple of people there to witness to her recklessness, but because the bar had been packed today, Orihime just wished the the ground would eat her whole

Read and review, please, that's the only way I'll know if I should continue on with this story :D
