A/N: OK, I've been a fan of TLBT since I was a baby (especially of Pterano *shot*) so I came up with this story a long-o time ago! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: How!

I sat on the couch one stormy day watching "Land Before the Time: Stone of Cold Fire" just to remember my childhood. A fond smile grew on my face when I heard Petrie defend his uncle from Cera's remarks. When I was a child, I always liked Petrie because he was so cute and funny and he could fly, something I always wished I could do. A sharp pang of longing hit my heart when I saw little Petrie fly in the air like a bat and I realized I still wanted to fly.

The sound of thunder cracking woke me from my daydream and I noticed the screen powered out at the part where Littlefoot sees the stone fall. Seriously, what the hell? I stood up angrily and swung a fist up to hit the screen but instead of glass shattering my hand went through like I punched through water.

I went to pull my fist out but tripped over my feet and fell through. The wind was rushing and I knew I was really falling. Since I was afraid of heights—more like falling from a long distance—I closed my eyes and prayed to die quickly. Thoughts rushed through my head of my sister, my parents, and my brother. Would I ever see them again? More importantly, would I ever see daylight again? Probably not. Suddenly, I hit the ground and blacked out on impact.

Was I dead? Was this heaven? No, heaven wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. I heard children's voices all around and they sounded so…familiar somehow.

"Is she dead?" asked a little musical voice that sounded like Ducky's. "She hasn't moved, nope, nope, nope."

My sore eyes opened and I saw multiple forms of Littlefoot and his friends. I blinked a few times to clear my vision and saw just the five standing over me. When I lifted my hand, I noticed it was a claw connected to leathery-thin pink wings and I frantically felt at my body. Instead of my clothes, I had a curvy-like furry pink body and short legs with claws for feet. My nose was now a yellow beak and my beautiful hair was gone. In a flurry, I stood and tried to run but my wings held me down. I screamed but instead a loud, inhuman screech escaped my beak so I covered it and looked around frantically.

"You okay?" asked Petrie in his small, cute voice as he flew to sit on my shoulder. "You look scared."

"How is this possible?" I whispered, looking at my body. "How am I a pteranodon?"

"Spike," said Ducky to her mute companion, "I don't think she's well."

Maybe I can fly, I thought, spreading my wings to take off.

I took a deep inhale, hopped up, and began flapping my wings but failed ultimately because I fell out of the sky and landed on my tailbone. If I wasn't in pain before, I was now. My head ached and my back was sore due to landing on it. Through half-lidded eyes, I saw Littlefoot and his friends flock around me.

"Are you okay?" asked Littlefoot as he and Cera heaved me to my feet. "You're acting like you've never flown before."

I haven't, I was thinking but aloud I said, "Well, it's kinda difficult for me."

"Me can teach you," piped up Petrie, looking considerably pleased. "You fly in no time. My Petrie, who you?"

I racked my brain for a fake name I could go by and suddenly it came to me. "Tara," I said. "My name is Tara, nice to meet you all."

"Hello, Tara," said Littlefoot, "I'm Littlefoot, this is Ducky, Spike, and Cera."

The three gave their respective hellos and I smiled in response but one thought crossed my mind: Where am I going to sleep? There's not exactly a Holiday's Inn here.

Petrie's voice woke me from my thoughts. "You ready to learn flying? Follow Petrie." He took off in the sky and I followed suit—well, tried to.

We sat perched on the top of a mountain that overlooked the Great Valley. The sun shone brightly and the sky was clear of clouds with a nice breeze that rippled through my wings. It felt nice, exhilarating, so I spread my wings like Petrie showed me and leapt off the edge but no matter how hard I flapped I just kept falling.

"Tara!" shouted Petrie when we both realized I was losing altitude.

I tried to fly but I ended up colliding into another Pteranodon's body, sending us both to the ground. Since I was the size and height of Petrie's mother, I weighed the other flyer down. When we landed to the ground, I ended up spread-eagled across his chest and we both groaned out of pain. How much pain could I take before I broke all the bones in my body?

"Ow," I groaned, pushing myself off of the person who was under me.

I recognized that face anywhere; it was Pterano, Petrie's somewhat dramatic uncle. He didn't look so fearsome now since I sent him into a world of hurt. I gave an embarrassed laugh and smiled sheepishly. If I were human, I would have blushed beyond belief. I was so humiliating yet relieving that I landed on him because he probably would forgive for my sucky flying.

"Sorry," I groaned, rolling onto my back.

"No problem, my dear," he said in a strained tone, sitting up to look at me. "I am Pterano, and you are…"

"Tara," answered Petrie's little voice as he hovered down to us. "You okay? Me got worried you hurt yourself. Uncle Pterano!" He flew over to his uncle Pterano and hugged him on the beak.

"Hello, Petrie," he said, touching Petrie on the wings tenderly. "I've missed you so much."

I smiled at the display of affection, thinking how cute it was to see a family reunion. Pterano must have truly changed during his five-year exile trip because he looked less severe and dangerous than he did in the movie. He smiled without malice and hugged Petrie with tenderness. His eyes were gentle and genuine as he gazed his nephew before looking at me.

"You meet Tara, Uncle Pterano?" asked Petrie, pointing at me.

"We…ran into each other," answered Pterano, smiling at me ironically. "Hello, my dear."

"Hi," I replied sheepishly. "Sorry if I landed on you. I was trying to fly."

"No offense but you're horrible at it," he said teasingly, stroking Petrie on the head.

"I know," I said unblushingly. "Petrie was teaching me but…" I trailed off, allowing Pterano to fill the blanks.

"I'll teach you, my dear," announced Pterano, wings out in a dramatic fashion. "I'd be honored to."

I smiled, thinking, What could possibly go wrong?

Turned out, I was allowed to stay in Petrie's nest after Pterano and the younger flyer negotiated it with the mother. She was rather surprised of my appearance but very welcoming indeed. That night, I just couldn't sleep because my mind kept wandering and the moon was bright on the nesting spot. Finally, I sat up and sat on the cliff that the nest overlooked but noticed Pterano sitting on a nearby rock, staring up at the moon like I was. His expression was one of peace and wonder as he stared. He must have been aware of my presence because he turned and gave me a smile.

"Couldn't sleep either?" he guessed accurately as I moved to sit down next to him.

"Kinda," I whispered so I wouldn't wake Petrie and his family. "Why are you out here?"

He hesitated before giving me a look and then answered. "I guess I was thinking of the past actions I have done. I don't blame my sister for not trusting me. I don't even trust me." He let out a humorless chuckle. "You probably think I'm ridiculous but…"

"No," I interrupted, "you're not ridiculous…and even if you didn't trust yourself I will always be there to remind you who you really are: Petrie's kind and loving uncle."

He gave me a weary smile and said, "Thanks for easing my mind, Tara. That's just what I needed." He rested a clawed hand on my shoulder and gave me an awkward hug.

"You're welcome, Pterano," I said kindly, letting out a yawn that seemed to stretch my whole beak.

"You should go up to bed," said Pterano, gesturing me to go back to the nest. "You're going to need energy for flying tomorrow."

"Right," I said, yawning as I started up to the nest again. "Night, Pterano, see you in the morning."

"Good night, Tara," he said genuinely with a gentle smile on his face. "Sleep well."

I nodded and rested myself next to Petrie's little body, drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face. This was a new friendship between me and Pterano which suited me just fine. Good night, Pterano. Have sweet dreams.

A/N: First chapter to a new era! I hope you TLBT lovers enjoy this, especially you Pterano lovers! Please read and review!